Dear Readers:

If you are in Nashville Tennessee come and see Jim Karol and I at the world famous Gaylor Opryland Resort Friday, Sat, Sun and Monday February 16th – 19th.

Look for Jim Karol Production booth, we will be there taping for a Reality Show in Nashville and later on in Las Vegas on the strip. If you want to see us performing and ASTONISHING people in Nashville join us and have fun.

For those of you in Las Vegas I will send another newsletter with the new dates and location. Stay tuned!

I hope to see you there.

I am working 6 to 8 hours a day on my new book "The Rest Of The Secret" and you will be taught numerous Universal Laws interacting with "The Law Of Attraction".

Lastly join me in Hawaii or Sedona and understand that the biggest secret of all is the mystery of yourself and how you interact with both your subconscious creative forces and the Universal design.

Once you uncover your Divinity you will be able to use accordingly the "Law Of Attraction" and will not be deceived with unrealistic expectations.

You better invest more than 60 minutes watching a DVD if you have any chance to uncover a multitude of unforgiving Universal Laws and be practical in your search if you want concrete results with “The Secret.”

Anything else is as good as hoping to win the lottery! My new book will tell you much more in time but you could start by MASTERING the Universal Law of the Moon!

Be practical, get moon power and and see what I mean at the end of the year!

Blessings to all



Sharing emails

----- Original Message -----
From: crystal
Subject: Fwd: Rare Photo

Dr. Turi,

I thought you would like to see a photo that they call God's eye.
I have been always interested in your work.
I have been inspired by your devotion.


Sharing emails

----- Original Message -----
From: crystal
Subject: Fwd: Rare Photo


I thought you would like to see a photo that they call God's eye.
I have been always interested in your work.
I have been inspired by your devotion.

----- Original Message -----
Dear Dr. Turi:

I applaud you because you speak your truth as you see it. I have heard you on Coast to Coast and I value your insights. You are a teacher of enlightenment and God knows we need those select species.

Now, don't know if you'd be an easy person to live with as I denote you as a strong personality. But I do admire your work and your courage.

I am a Pisces born on February 28, 1952 and have had a very, very eventful life after one day sitting in a garden and praying, God, is this it???? After that, I found a very clairvoyant, very clear mentor who is able to "shift and download" energetic shifts and my life took off. Many, many tears later and I have survived, but whoever said God gives you no more than you can cope with was wrong. I think many, many people are doing their best to cope but because of the constant lies, confusion and half truths that are put forth by the dark forces this planet is one of "molasses consciousness". I do salute your work, Dr. Turi. Never, never stop.

Theresa Astara
Toronto Ontario, Canada

----- Original Message -----
From: Ken

Hello Dr Turi,

I'm a big fan of yours over in the UK and follow your prediction dates after first hearing of you on the Howard Hughes show "The Unexplained", I have just seen on Fox News that Anna Nicole Smith has died and just realized that your date given for the 9th Feb was about a famous death. I also want to thank you, I listened toward the end of last year to the new Howard Hughes show where you talked about being positive and removing negative thaughts, until then I was proned to being depressed but since your words I begain to train my thoughts on positive things, whenever a negative thought entered my mind I would think of a positive to counter it, since then I am alot happier person and am loving life.


----- Original Message -----
From: Joie

Hey hey Dr.T:
Im sure that you've heard by now that Anna Nicole died today after
collapsing at a Casino. Can you tell us a little about Anna and her stars.....


----- Original Message -----
From: D///

Hi Dr. Turi!

I agree with you. There is a collective mindset that is operative in dominant
culture that somehow, degrees and certificates make those that have obtained
them, above the foibles and follies of those that do not. I do not negate the
efforts of those that have worked hard to be highly educated; but I do not
automatically consider them to be the elite. As one of my Lakota elders so
succinctly said, "If education were the answer, then why is our world such a horror
with all those highly educated people in charge????"

Some of the most brilliant people I have ever known have been simple country
people in the mountains of Tennessee and the simple Lakota people on Pine
Ridge Reservation. In the Lakota traditions, the ikce wicasa (the common people)
are honored and revered for their knowledge, simplicity, integrity and honesty.
None of these extraordinary people I have had the honor to know have been

Thank you for your own extraordinary service and dedication.


----- Original Message -----
From: Ken

Hi Dr. Turi,

Wow! This one was quite a shocker! I've been waiting to find out what NASA
was going to surprise us with after listening to your January appearance on
CTC and there it was. The astronaut scandal was not even close to what I
was expecting. But, you called it right, yes you did. I'm always amazed at
the accuracy of your forecasts and it keeps me reading. You're amazing!

Nancy and I have made reservations for your workshop at the Prema Healing
spa on the 24th and are very excited to learn more from you. Thanks to
Moonpower 2007, the recent reading you did for me and your newsletter's, I
feel 1000% more informed about what lies around the corner than ever before
in my life. Thank you for your hard work and thank you for sharing so much.
Knowledge IS power.


----- Original Message -----
From: Liz

DT, I was perplexed when I remembered your prediction on NASA during the news of the fallen astronaut! Can't wait to see ya on Oprah! She must know about you by now, she's constantly on a spiritual journey.
BTW did you receive my order, yet?
love ya,

----- Original Message -----
From: Todd

HI Louis-

You are so right with your predictions.

Best Wishes,


----- Original Message -----
From: Celine

Hello Dr. T.

Good Luck, I hope they listen and open their minds.

----- Original Message -----
From: Celine

NASA, at a loss to explain what went wrong, said it would revamp its
psychological screening process in light of Nowak's arrest. The review will look at
how astronauts are screened for psychological problems and whether Nowak's
dealings with co-workers signaled complications.


----- Original Message -----
From: Jane

Hello Dr. Turi,

Mysterious lights over Phoenix! I hope they aren't visiting you again!

Anyway, I am one of your students taking the home study course.

Thanks and keep on making those amazing predictions. You are right on!

I believe!


The Criminal History of the Papacy (Part 2 of

Many of the popes of the 13th to 16th centuries continued the criminal,
bloodthirsty and debauched lifestyles of their corrupt predecessors and
reached new depths of depravity that the modern Church is keen to keep