Dr. Turi’s UFO’s predictive legacy is simply unuarguable and has been endlessly proven to the world through his well documented, dated, published cosmic work!
Alien Event, an Expo Conference OCT 17-20, 2024.
I hope you will join us in Las Vegas and enjoy all speaker’s wisdom including my presentation titled “Hypnotherapy with Dr. Turi” and it will take place on Sunday October 20th in the evening hours. In this world of troubles, wars and nuclear fear taping in the collective superconscious for hopes and personal success becomes also a major contribution to wish for peace on earth. With smooth, relaxing soft music Dr. Turi will put the audience in a light and safe trance to reach the power you were born to use. An experience you will enjoy and never forget…
Office (602)265-7667
Email teraniapromodir@gmail.com (Business/radio/TV/UFOs conferences/Book signing)
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You have one of the top 5% most viewed LinkedIn profiles. LinkedIn now has 740 million members with over 55 million registered companies. Thanks for playing a unique part in our community. But this isn’t just our achievement to celebrate — it’s also yours. I want to personally thank you for being part of our community. With sincere thanks,
Deep Nishar – LinkedIn Senior Vice President.
Discovery Channel – Proof of Dr. Turi’s Predictions
Ronny; “Cracking into the UFO speaking circuit, is like being invited to join the Illuminati… It seems like people would rather hear former government employees and scientists, leaking government propaganda, rather than listen to people like Dr. Turi; who had real UFOs experiences.”
Watch Alien Contactee (2020) Movie on Tubi
Watch “Alien Contactee” on Amazon Prime
Watch “Nostradamus’ Divine Astrology” on Amazon Prime
Read and Master the Amazing Power Of The Super-Conscious In Time And Space
Sign my petition, and help the world assimilate God’s cosmic design!
Dr. Turi was commissioned by the “Galactic Federation of Grand Cosmic Order,” to rekindle humanity’s Cosmic Consciousness by offering astonishing predictions and healing earthlings’ bodies, minds, and souls.
“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that you may lead a safer more productive life! Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom – Paracelsus
Psychics, Astrologers, Tarot Readers, Mediums and the Public
What Does The World and Students Say About Dr. Turi?
Are you looking for a trustworthy gifted teacher or a true Soul Doctor?
Hippocrates II was a Greek physician of the Age of Pericles and is considered the most outstanding figure in the history of medicine.
“Dr. Turi, I have learned more about what it means to be human in your week-long crash course in Sedona than the 7 years I spent in an accredited college.” Dr. in Psychiatry student feedback.
Do you host a podcast, TV, or radio show?
Are you looking for a captivating guest? Let me astonish your audience with mini readings, UFO’s agenda, the power of the superconscious creative forces, and universal predictions! Questions? Help? “If we only offer the products of Astrology, no matter how useful and inspiring they may be – without communicating its critical methods, how can the average person possibly distinguish Astrology from pseudoscience? ” Dr. Turi Contact teraniapromodir@gmail.com
Free your spirit with a live Zoom consultation with Dr. Turi.
Nostradamus’ Divine Astrology Course Now Available To The Public
Nostradamus Astro- Tarot Tables Now Available To The Public
Watch Dr. Turi Doing a Reading And the Tarot
“He Who Conquers the Stars Will Hold the Golden Keys to God’s Mysterious Universe And Change The World.”
Dr. Turi
Divine Astrology is an art, Dr. Turi is the Master!
Interesting email from my Webmaster Alan sent in 2010: You know Dr. Turi, I realized something super interesting looking at your Alexa stats. A third of all your traffic comes from India. What’s that about? Maybe you need to make a trip to India? I tell you why I think that’s super interesting as well — India (as OF COURSE, you know) invented Vedic Astrology so the fact that they are heavily interested in your European style is a huge testament to your work. It’s like they’re saying that YOUR astrology is better than their own. It’s as if I had a new Cuisine/US Chef site that was visited mostly by France and Italy. That’s a huge compliment, my friend. Unless of course they’re stealing your work and retrofitting it into their Vedic style! You never know!
My friend Gary Busey giving me a top-of-the-world endorsement
Is This Man Really The Most Powerful Psychic In History?
Dr. Turi’s Predictions for 2011/2012 (Correctly Predicted 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, Ian etc.)
What Does The World Say About Dr. Turi?
Prophecy & the Cosmic Code with Dr. Louis Turi
“Jesus Initial Cosmic Ministry”
Pope Francis Astrology UFO’S Centuries of lies!
Christianity Judaism Islam Astrology & The Dead Sea Scrolls
What will tomorrow bring?
Ask a real Prophet!
Nostradamus 2023/2024 Universal and Personal Forecast For All Signs
Order your 2023/2024 Personal & Universal Cosmic Biorhythms Dates
Dr. Turi Amazon Prime UFO movie rebuttals
Thank you so very much readers, for your great 5 stars ratings and wonderful supporting comments on Amazon Prime that surpassed my expectations! Please do not hesitate to rate again and post your reviews to IMDb too!
Find out why Dr. Turi was fired from CTC am and why, in fear of upsetting George Noory, the UFO community will not invite Dr. Turi to speak at any event anymore! Ask someone who knows about ET’s agenda, because you will not get the answers on CTC am, Ancient Aliens of Contact in the desert!
The deplorable attack on The US Capitol was fully predicted on January 2nd, 2021
Google User – Wow, Dr. Turi, you predicted rightly about 1/6/2021, Dr. Turi. Your astrological report was the only and most accurate of all the ones done by other professionals on Coast to Coast am!
Jennifer – Dr. Turi I just saw you on the Amazon Prime movie today & KNEW you were the REAL DEAL!! Used to listen & support Coast to Coast. They lost all my respect and they have no integrity!! What a scam they ran on you!! I will support you, Dr. Turi!! I know you speak wisdom & truth!! I see what happened to you & it’s disgusting! And I hear your SOS loud & clear! May God continue to bless you & may His light continue to shine on you & your divine astrology
Big Bear Bear Lake CA UFO Conference
Watch “I Want To Believe”
We Have 50 Years Left!
This popular video was removed by Coast to Coast am management.
Read the endorsements!
Here is the link, to the GAIA video:
Dr. Turi ” The Power of the Dragon.”
Beating The Odds, with Dr. Louis Turi.
All the way to 2012 when Draco entered and blessed my life!
Draco the benevolent Draconis working through me!
October 2019 I will prove to the world that UFO’s and ET’s are real…
I am Alien The Final Revelation
“For those who know me, my UFO’s predictive legacy and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary; For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 years old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.” Watch the future! Dr. Turi
Who are the Draconis and the Reptilius?
All popes were taught Astrology by the Vatican council
Astrology – Horoscope – Motivational Speaker – Psychic – Spiritual Healer – Marriage Counselor – Cancer Survivor – Author – Divine Cosmic Teacher – Lecturer
Mastering Nostradamus 16th century natural healing methodology
Astrology – Horoscope – Motivational Speaker – Psychic – Spiritual Healer – Marriage Counselor – Cancer Survivor – Author – Divine Cosmic Teacher – Lecturer
Dialogue with Draco the Draconis ET
Dr. Turi on Six Dark Days
Dr. Turi’s Cosmic Code Cyber University – JOIN TODAY!
The Most Accurate Psychic Since Nostradamus
The psychology and neuroscience of terrorism by Dr. Turi
Dr. Louis Turi’s Past Predictions
The Magical Power of Talismans
Watch 2012 Mayan Cosmic Code Activation
Dr. Louis Turi’s Predictions for 2011/2012 (Correctly Predicted 9/11, Hurricane Katrina and more)
2012/2014 Scorpius Draconis Predictions (public)
2014/2015 Arian Draconis Predictions (public)
2016 Neptunius Draconis Predictions (public)
Dedication To The Children Of The Future
Mastering Nostradamus Healing powers
The Dead Sea Scrolls Secrets Divulged
Hippocrates II, was a Greek physician of the Age of Pericles and is considered the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine.
“There is only a very thin hair between Divine information and pure imagination, where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy, and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents, nor circumstances, only subtle cosmic consequences at work the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.” Dr. Turi
Donate for the children of the future!
“He is wise who understands that the stars are luminaries created as signs. He who conquers the stars will hold the golden keys to God’s mysterious universe.” Nostradamus
If every 8 years old in the world is taught Astro-psychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.” Read the future – Watch the future! ~ Dalai Lama and Dr. Turi
Feed the religious or scientific matrixes or free your spirit with Dr. Turi