“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi
“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus
“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others” ~ Dr. Turi
Update 1/7/24 – On Dec. 13, 2023, Mercury will go retrograde in the sign of Sagittarius all the way to Jan. 1, 2024.

For years I fought with Nasa’s scientists about the reality of Mercury retrograde screwing up very costly plans and messing up anything and everything involving aeronautics! Modern astrologers are not better about accurate timing knowing they are all missing the forest for the trees and should have studied astronomy instead and joined NASA’s mass of “educated Idiots!”
God did not create the moon for NASA or Elon Musk’s profitable financial business endeavors, yet greed, power, and wealth have and will always prevail at the expense of Mother Earth and humanity at large!
“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that you may live a safer more productive life!”
“We are living in times where boneheads rise, intelligence fall, educated idiots reign supreme and thrive while genius and real get unrecognized.” Dr. Turi
“According to “Weird or What”, Dr. Turi also predicted the 9/11attacks, the Columbia space shuttle disaster, and other major world events.
Memo from “Mercury Retrograde Do and Do Not!“ posted March 11, 2019. Regardless of Dr. Turi’s expectations posted on his website for the second time and his desperate attempts over the years to make NASA officials aware of dangerous SOS deadly windows, the Columbia was also launched during this window producing the death of all brave astronauts.
Many failed missions and expensive electronic equipment (Mars probe etc.) and our tax dollars have been wasted because of the scientist’s lack of knowledge of the stars.
As usual, NASA, which is not aware of the art and science of astrology and will waste their time and our tax money with failed missions due to bad weather and electronic malfunctions. In the name of ignorance a few years ago, in the Challenger explosion, seven astronauts lost their lives when NASA launched the shuttle under a “Supernova Window”.
The True $$$$$$$$$$pirit of NASA
Divine Astrology or Nostradamus 16th century unique methodology is intuitive, spiritually inclined, and accurate! This again depends on how much you can relate to my cosmic work and your experiences with me or if you are a client or a student of mine!
Mercury retrograde dates are set by a scientific approach to the exact timing of Mercury and planet’s movements or Astronomy!
The fact of the matter is 6 days following the end of Mercury retrograde of Jan 1st, 2024 an Alaska Airlines Boeing 737 MAX 9 made an emergency landing after the door came off in flight.
If you read this newsletter below carefully, I mentioned that Mercury will do all in its power to stop you from going places and it will negatively affect all moving parts (a door,) transportation, communications and induce terrible weather!
Rational people will immediately assume WINTER is the reason, and while they are partially right there is much more those “young rational immature souls” have to learn and assimilate… It’s not every winter that the US is experiencing “every winter weather threat imaginable!”
But as I always said, it is easier to teach mathematics to a donkey than to change the mind of a religiously poisoned person or an atheist, since both are unable to delegate the archetypal realm of supra-cosmic awareness…

And it seems I was right again but will this be enough to convince a rational UCI, a skeptic, or an “educated idiot” like Neil DeGrasse born scientist to upgrade to a more spiritual approach to life and open up to the ancient art and the Divine?
In the name of both the deceptive, abusive, well-organized supremely wealthy corporate scientific (NASA) and religious matrixes (Vatican) an indoctrinated and misinformed society live their lives without the critical knowledge of God’s cosmic design.
My SOS deadly window for January 2024 spoke the reality of my predictions if you took the time to read the collected dramatic, deadly news and watched the video.
Ultimately it is only if you become a VIP and read my warnings and our daily guidance and forecast for the entire year 2024 AHEAD of time, that you will escape such dramatic experiences, and waste time, money, and even your life!
How many sad people are “vacationing” in what are supposed to be warm areas in Florida, yet freezing their asses or waiting for the sun to shine again? But again I can dance on my head to attract their attention to save time, frustration and money ignorance is taking care of them!
Furthermore, if or when they end up 6 ft under for ignoring God’s cosmic design and my SOS deadly windows, it will be a bit too late!
If you are into astrology (or psychology) master Divine Astrology/Astropsychology and own the golden keys to what it means to be human without spending a fortune and waste 7 years in an accredited college or university! Owning a Doctorate or Ph.D. degree will not give you true wisdom and/or the truth!
Hippocrates II was a Greek physician of the Age of Pericles and is considered the most outstanding figure in the history of medicine.
“Dr. Turi, I have learned more about what it means to be human in your week-long crash course in Sedona than the 7 years I spent in an accredited college.” Dr. in Psychiatry student feedback.
If you are ready for me, I am ready for you and I can promess you I will change your life for the best! But before meeting with me on Zoom, please read the following!
Email teraniapromodir@gmail.com for more information
“For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary; For those who do not, none will ever suffice…” Dr. Turi.
Coast to Coast AM — the late-night paranormal show Punnett hosted on weekends — announced his death in a Friday social media post, saying he’d passed the day before after a “brief illness.”
Remember the words of the father of medicine below reader! “brief illness?” Using the medical aspect of Divine Astrology (Nostradamus’ 16th century methodology) I will explain much more than what the media and CTC am does not want you to know! And what I am about to divule may vex many people!
Mercury (the Lord of communication/radio) took Ian Punnett, Laura Lynch and Bobbie Jean Carter, to name a few, passed during my current SOS to the world deadly window and the key words used are obvious (FAMOUS DEATH!)
Update – Bobbie Jean Carter, Sister to Aaron and Nick Carter, Dead
She was born a Capricorn in New York on January 12 1982 with the dragon’s tail also in Capricorn. Incidentally, Punnett was born with the karmic same heavy affliction making depression and the use of legal or illegal drugs responsible for their early demise.
Sources close to the Carters tell PEOPLE the family believes Bobbie Jean died after going into cardiac arrest, though further details of what led up to her death remain unclear.
The 8th house of death for Capricorn is Leo, this sign rules the heart, and while the medical information is correct. What unclear and exposed is that; Capricorn is a very addictive, depressive sign ruled by Saturn “The Great Malefic!”
Memo: “A word of caution for Capricorn: Be aware of those wild acquaintances willing to help you climb the ladder of success and the traps of religious poisoning, and especially the use or abuse of alcohol and legal or illegal drugs, i.e. *Bobbie Jean Carter, Desmond Tutu, Art Bell, Muhammad Ali and Motorhead Ian Fraser “Lemmy” Kilmister. I do not expect “the norm” to relate to or accept my cosmic wisdom since God does not speak to fools!”
First, acknowledge that Mercury is currently retrograde and this planet rules the sign of Gemini (The Messenger of the Gods), and famous radio hosts like George Noory, Art Bell, Frank Morano and Mike Broomhead were all born under this witty sign!
If you are too sensitive and unable or unwilling to handle the cosmic truth, I own I am suggesting you stop reading right now!
Yan was born under the very addictive sign of Pisces with his dragon’s tail also in Pisces! This is an extremely difficult and addictive karmic position for the dragon’s tail to be!
His Mercury (the mind) is located also in his Pisces dragon’s tail making him prone to (swim downstream) and suffer serious, endless depressions. He sank into the quicksand of Neptune and the gifted “Soul Doctor/me) was not there to regenerate his depleted infected spirit.
Starting with Aries (the head), Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac and rules your feet and Ian could have regenerated his body, mind, and soul drastically by walking often barefoot by the water (or on the grass.)
He could also have benefitted dramatically from one of my “health talismans” but since I am also a Pisces (on his dragon’s tail) and, unlike George, he never invited me on his radio show on Coast to Coast am!
Had he met me he would still be alive today but God through his immaculate cosmic design decided otherwise!
Without cosmic consciousness in no way could Ian avoid depressions and the “reptilius effect” hijacking his body,mind and soul on a daily base. His depleted spirit was looking for a way out or suicide.
Pisces rules confinment, churches, temples, deserted islands, it is an extremely sensitive private, shy introverted sign, that needs peace and does not deal with chaos, overwork, fame and celebrity status well – Ie Bruce Willis! This sign regenerate by sleeping very long time and often uses sleeping pills.
I can assure you without any doubt that Ian used all sorts of drugs! The stress imposed by his demanding job required him to do so!
The use and/or abuse of chemicals led him to suffer a heart attack! Much like Matthew Perry – ‘God, you can do whatever you want to me. Just please make me famous’ HE DID!
If you look at Ian’s 6th house of health, it is located in the sign of Leo, and in the medical aspect of Divine Astrology, this sign rules the heart! Furthermore, Uranus (sudden release of energy) is in opposition to Mars, and doctors tried to revive him a few times without success.
In my endless drive to help my readers and supporters build more cosmic consciousness let me explain a bit more about the effects and karmic purpose imposed upon us all by Mercury retrograde. To start, let’s check on some of today’s news I collected for you induced by this tiny planet!
Do not expect your plans to go smoothly; Mercury will do all he can to stop you moving forward! But what is the purpose of so many problems imposed upon humans by God’s cosmic design? Much is explained in my YouTube video! But there is more…
* On Dec. 22, 1808, Beethoven’s triumphant Fifth Symphony debuts. Mercury rules sound, windpipes, and Symphony. *Trump recorded pressuring Michigan canvassers not to certify the 2020 vote. During its retrograde motion, people from the past and affairs of the past will re-surface.
And during a Plutonic SOS to the world’s deadly window, expect wake-up calls *Giuliani seeks bankruptcy after a $148 million judgment, and secrets involving money and sex will also make the news… *Vin Diesel accused of sexual battery *Over 170 of Jeffrey Epstein’s high-profile associates will be NAMED in court documents set to be unsealed in the first days of 2024.
Mercury does not stop at humans, its effect can be devastating to animals, birds, and mammals too. A whale is naturally equipped with an inborn GPS but when Mercury is retrograde, it confuses its “fleshy computer” by being led towards the beaches instead of the open ocean.
Our infantile scientific community is not yet aware nor even able to accept there could be much more for them to learn and gain from God’s cosmic design and all the planet’s subtle purposes.
So, what are the benefits of suffering so much stress because of this tiny planet and what is God trying to tell us?
SLOW DOWN, re-think your decisions, and re-evaluate your plans, there may be a better, safer, easier way to get from A to B. Mercury retrograde is also a formidable opportunity offered to auto-analyze oneself and look INSIDE yourself!
During this time more mental confusion is to be expected, rich or poor, famous or not Mercury will reach you! *Oscar-nominated actress tears up while talking about almost leaving career!
There are critical choices to make about relationships, your career, your finances, your future, your health, etc. And do not think for a second traditionally educated doctors can help you!
Hippocrates II was a Greek physician of the Age of Pericles and is considered the most outstanding figure in the history of medicine.
“Dr. Turi, I have learned more about what it means to be human in your week-long crash course in Sedona than the 7 years I spent in an accredited college.” Dr. in Psychiatry student feedback.
Mercury retrograde will force you to deal with life inwardly and may decide to stop you from moving forward completely until you seek critical help. Staying in a negative, stressful situation will ultimately cost you and damage your body, mind and soul in the long run. And attracting the nefarious reptilius group of ETs to feed on your insecurity and fears is certainly not a good idea!
Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies
Posted to the world on September 3, 2022
You may be religiously poisoned and fearful of Divine Astrology. Your UCI “Unique Celestial Identity” may be too earthy and turned you into a radical skeptic or agnostic that ridicule the idea of dealing with the future a cosmic God has in store for you.
All the while missing the great opportunity given to you by Mercury retrograde to bypass your fear and skepticism… As a rule, it is only when the student is ready that the gifted cosmic teacher will appear and it is only when you ask that you shall receive the rewards of your curiosity!
- Knowing where your Jupiter (luck) is located by house and sign and what your natal and hidden dragons (past lives) are predisposing you for will become a major contribution for your success in this lifetime.
- Knowing all about your true soul’s purpose, and the planets stimulating your second house of money and self-esteem is a must if you need to invest and build long lasting financial wealth.
- Knowing all about the Universal Law of the moon is not only a MUST but critical to make steady progress in life, because the moon is much more than a dead rock hanging above your head for the sake of beauty!
- If you are lonely and looking for love, knowing all about the seat of attraction between human beings and your Venus’s location by house and sign is a great thing! And the planet of love will lead you to your soul mate!
- If you are into natural healing or concerned with your health, do not fear! Knowing and using all the planets accordingly blessing your six house of health and work is a sure ticket to live a long life and regenerate at work.
- For good or for worse, you are set to attract certain signs of the Zodiac for specific karmic, often difficult purposes, and knowing all about your partner’s stars is the only way to make a relationship work harmoniously.
- The planet’s blessing your eleven house of groups, wishes, and friends must be acknowledged and used so all your goals can be reached. Respecting the perfect timing for socializing can only add more luck on your way.
- What is your mission in life? what God designed you for mentally and physically to achieve on earth? What is your best career choice that will bring you the respect and position you need? Let me tell you all about the specific universal laws ruling your chart and your life! These are the questions you must ask to succeed in a fate written in light for you.
- Most importantly, what planets are blessing your subconscious creative forces where magic becomes a reality? Do you know enough about your subconscious potential where God resides? Are you using those formidable forces accordingly and efficiently? Let me enlighten you on this amazing process!
- Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil, did you watch my movie on the Super-conscious? Did you read my best seller “Beyond The Secret?”
“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may lead a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus
If you are ready for me, I am ready for you and I can promess you I will change your life for the best! But before meeting with me on Zoom, please read the following!
“For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary; For those who do not, none will ever suffice…” Dr. Turi.
Let me know the reasons for signing my petition to raise cosmic consciousness!
If you have not yet, make sure to read “Are you working with the force and the Draconis or slaving for the reptilius?
First deal, you can get my “2023 Nostradamus personal and universal predictions for all signs“ for FREE once you become a VIP to the private Cosmic Code website, (minimum 3 months subscription – JOIN NOW!)
Once you join simply read the FULL NEWSLETTERS and watch the FULL VIDEOS then look for the section “Nostradamus Forecast for All Signs” and enjoy your personal forecast for 2023!
By becoming a VIP, you will get much more than what you bargain for with our various horoscopes and personal daily guidance and forecasts for all signs… Since I am stopping offering free newsletters to the public, you will also get all future SOS to the World Deadly Windows, not to forget thousands of unique pictures and videos as I will also share my new life and experiences with you as a boat Captain in Florida.
Second deal– $300 regularly $500) You may order any of my 3 Celestial Artwork designs to hang on your wall or, if you are a psychic, use any as an Astro-Tarot table. This artwork will also act as a very lucky talisman and will offer you and your family protection since they were created with the magic of Pluto in the sign of Aquarius. All you have to do is email teraniapromodir@gmail.com and she will take good care of you.
“You are much more than bones, flesh, nerves, and blood, you are the miraculous, immaculate conception of God’s cosmic design” Dr. Turi
Well, this type of endorsement from one of my students below should convince you to become a smart and curious “Super Human” and learn all about God’s cosmic design and Jesus’ initial cosmic Ministry!
“He Who Conquers the Stars Will Hold the Golden Keys to God’s Mysterious Universe And Change The World.”
Dr. Turi
Sharing Emails:
“Tim Horton” : All this, makes me realize the depth and study of astrology is more then just a topic… It is whole “subject of study”, that exceeds many of our current recognized or traditional academic disciplines.
Larry –I want to Thank Dr. Turi and Terania, for giving me the opportunity to understand what it means to be Human. If you only had one class to take in this lifetime, to understand why people do what they do, this is it. I will be forever Grateful and Blessed…
Hi Dr. Turi. It was so strange you popped up on something on Facebook to link to a YouTube and someone was laughing. I thought to myself how weird is this? I’m in Arizona and you pop up.
I just saw your wife can’t watch all your videos too much today but she’s exactly like I thought she would look very beautiful and OMG if that person who was laughing only knew how real you are. So, the man you predicted to be my husband and my forever husband finally I have him forever😊. If people only knew how real you are.
You even told my sisters Maggie and Margie about their future and it came true and I remember thinking why not me? When is my true love going to come why them first,😅 I’m guessing you have to suffer and go through hell before you get the best😊. I’m so blessed. We will be leaving to go back to North Carolina next year. Arizona is just not for us. I also own property that way. I mean just everything has come true from what you said in the past.
Blessings 😊
Again, I am so grateful and appreciative of everything you and DT have taught me. My financial problems in my life are gone now that I know and understand what was holding me back. DT’s initial reading and the classes I took afterward allowed me to really dive deep into my own natal chart and begin to understand more about myself than all the years I spent in therapy. Dr. Turi is a legitimate Soul Doctor and I hope to one day become one like him.
I recently bought my first ever new vehicle and I was trying to figure out a way to share my feelings about DT and his treasure trove of knowledge.
From my whole heart, thank you. For everything. I love both of you.
~ J. Douglas Prendergast
One of the best students I have ever taught! Powerful Cosmic chemistry present! Thank you, Doug, it was an honor to teach you!
Nostradamus’ Divine Astrology Course Now Available To The Public
Nostradamus Astro- Tarot Tables Now Available To The Public
Watch Dr. Turi Doing a Reading And the Tarot
“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus
As always if you have any questions, simply email teraniapromodir@gmail.com and she will take good care of you.
Hippocrates II was a Greek physician of the Age of Pericles and is considered the most outstanding figure in the history of medicine.
“Dr. Turi, I have learned more about what it means to be human in your week-long crash course in Sedona than the 7 years I spent in an accredited college.” Dr. in Psychiatry student feedback.

There are naturally very efficient ways to beat any disease, including cancer as I did use my “Natural Universal Blood Transfusion” but rejecting all that science has to offer is simply ridiculous and does not show much intelligence! Without my two oncologists taking care of me, I would be dead today! My latest live Zoom Astro-Tarot and Divine Astrology courses are now available to the public! I also taught all about Nostradamus’s medical aspect of Divine Astrology. Email teraniapromodir@gmail.com for information.
Nostradamus’s Live on Zoom Astro-Tarot Tuition
I taught 30 new students Divine Astrology and how to use the Tarot cards’ symbols using the basics of the traditional housing system. It’s all about Nostradamus’ natural healing and elaborated on my Universal Blood Transfusion which allowed me to beat cancer.
Remember God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty. He gave them for interpretation so that we may live a safer, healthier, and more productive life.
And gathering cosmic consciousness is not Witcraft but Supreme wisdom! Once again, my cosmic teachings are available online – Email teraniapromodir@gmail.com for information.

German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence Passions Rule
God Nowhere To Stop Fires
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn
Posted to the world on June 12, 2013
Maui wildfire the deadliest in the US over a century – WHAT REALLY HAPPENED IN HAWAII!
Update 08/17/23 –Maui wildfires areas include $1.3 billion in residential reconstruction values, according to a preliminary estimate
By looking at our beautiful and abundant planet Earth, ///////////////////////////////
It’s more than ever time to really pay good attention to his warnings//////////////////////////////////
When Dr. Turi says:” “Time has and will always be my utmost precise witness”, he’s right! He has written and shared accurate predictions way before they happened…
He wrote:” //////////////////////////////// makes sense to us…
All the chaos happening in our world,///////////////////////////////////////////
Dr. Turi wrote: “we must UNIFY ////////////////////////////////////////
Without a/////////////////////////////////////////////
We need to help Dr. Turi fulfill his mission, especially ////////////////////////////////
Dr. Turi even offers a lifesaving study to //////////////////////
Dr. Turi quotes often: “God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that you may live a safe and more productive life! Paracelsus”.
As Dr. Turi mentioned so many times//////////////////////////////////////
“Do not/////////////////////////////
There are NO accidents! Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil! The future is nothing else than the reincarnation of thought!” ///////////////////////////////////all animals, and all living things in existence…
Do not hesitate to call us at (602) 265 7667 or email Teraniapromodir@gmail.com for more information.
“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus
Free your spirit with a live Zoom consultation with Dr. Turi.
Taped comparison chart $ $410 or $210 for VIPs
Emergency Astro Tarot / psychic reading – $250 Via Zoom
Positive Cosmic Biorhythms Personal Reports $100 for VIPs
The Magical Power of Talismans $350 for VIPs
Astropsychology home course 1 (Beginner) and 2 (Advanced)
The Power of the Dragon
I Know All About You
@lisagonzalez7304 –Dr. Turi, I do remember when you predicted the hurricanes in Louisiana. What I did is when you were on Coast to Coast, I printed it out on a paper and put it on my board at work. I use to write the names of the hurricanes underneath them when they happen while there were on my board at work. My coworkers use to see them as I posted them and they were amazed when they saw the names of the hurricanes and the dates were spot on. Please keep us informed. I really to appreciate it. I wish you happiness and good health!