Blood Moon Real Predictions By Dr. Turi

9/28/2015 – Posted July 31, 2015 at 11:01am in Cosmic Coders Only  

“Consciousness – is the awareness of being awake and aware of a divine cosmic  power  and make a good use of it” anything else is deceptive enlightenment! Pope Francis, Politicians, Psychics, modern Prophets, Religious leaders, Monks, Gurus, televangelists, priests, potheads  etc. are infected cosmic  unconscious  born Neptunians who can not heed nor read God’ signs… Dr. Turi

Posted 9/8/2015 – The Blood Moon impact will last 2 full weeks be prepared for dramatic war news (US/Germany/Japan/Russia/China/Middle East) 

Update – right on the given date of 9/30/2015!  Russia conducts first airstrike in Syria

The Blood Moon Prophecy is an apocalyptic belief promoted by reptilius infected Neptunian born Christian ministers John Hagee and Mark Biltz, which states that a tetrad (a series of four consecutive lunar eclipses—coinciding on Jewish holidays—with six full moons in between, and no intervening partial lunar eclipses) which began with the April 2014 lunar eclipse is a sign of the end times as described in the Bible in Acts 2:20 and Revelation 6:12. The tetrad ended with the September 2015 lunar eclipse on September 27–28.

“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they understand the voice of heaven.” – Matthew 13.13

Dear readers;

REMEMBER  September 2015  Daily Guidance and Predictions is a VIP article that was posted before out trip to France July 31, 2015 at 11:01am in Cosmic Coders Only  

After spending the day rafting the Salt River on the “Blood Moon” day, using one of my 2015 Personal Lucky Cosmic Biorhythms for safety, I decided to cook some fishes on my patio in honor of such an incredible astrological phenomenon…

We took some great pictures of our escapade and a couple of videos that will be soon shared with our VIP’s on the cosmic code website. 

The sky was very clear last night in Phoenix and Terania and I simply danced under the reddish moonlight… Well as mentioned in ““Unconfirmed and Ridiculous -2.5 Mile Wide Comet expected 09/15-28, 2015”  nothing dramatic took place on those days…

It never did and never will because those mentally poisoned “apocalyptic” promoters are non cosmic conscious lost souls themselves, and unlike Dr. Turi,  unable to make or offer society any proof of their predictions!  This makes those people not only a danger to a gullible, God fearing society but the “psychical” peons slaves of the reptilius deadly group of ET’s and their agenda.

But in  “Shemitah September 17th & 29th Blood Moon predictions”  I also warned my VIP’s and the public on Draco Facebook page of other days to come and offered my usual Nostradamus quatrain and keywords to the public!

“If we use astrology for entertainment purposes only … how can the average person possibly distinguish the science of Astrology from pseudoscience? ”  Dr. Turi

September 29/30

Hidden secrets sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign

Russia / Famous Death / Dramatic News / Police / FBI / CIA / Secrets / Scandals / Terrorism / Cyber attacks / Abduction / Finances / Super wealth / Sex / Serial Killers / wake up Call.


I can only hope the FBI will stay away from me  they may think I am a Russian spy and knew all about the predicted attack!  Secret services mediocre at best!

In the process I decided to share  September 2015  Daily Guidance and Predictions  with the public and offer the readers a chance to investigate one of the many forecasts Terania and I generate every 1st of the month, and throughout of the year on the cosmic code private website!…

September 1st, 2015


Dear VIP Readers;

As you all know Terania and I will be leaving the US for 2 weeks  on August 13th so be ready to travel and enjoy our experiences. We will be busy but we will do our best to keep you all updated to what we are doing every night. As soon as I come back I will have to deal with the pile of readings but I will try to find the time to generate the 2016 Nostradamus Dragon forecast for all signs before we move away from Phoenix AZ. 

Thank you again VIP’s.

Remember many more people join the cosmic code website each passing month and we have now 8141 people receiving direct mail from me. Many of those curious souls did not yet commit to all the goodies we offer and I hope will soon become cosmic coders and enjoy the best to what we offer our VIP’s. 

Note: If you ordered  your  12 months “Cosmic Biorhythms,” do not expect those cosmic winds to be obvious in your life right away. Some people expect solid and immediate life changes during those periods and because of the rest of the stars placement, some of those experiences are much more subtle while other will be very obvious.  

Note also to those trusting clients of mine, if you have ordered a personal talisman, (and there are a lot of orders) please be patient, I can only cast those cosmic winds in accordance to your own cosmic identity and ONLY when the stars are at their most powerful impact on your natal Dragon’s Head, will I be able to cast those cosmic energies at your advantage…

In conjunction with your “window dates,” make sure to heed all my SOS to the world warnings, especially those taking place after the Full Moon during 2015 Mercury retrograde periods – Supernova windows and during your 2015 Personal Cosmic biorhythms!   If anything good or bad will happen to you, it will be during those days and when all cosmic auspices  are aligned for or against you. 

One need to practice patience and observations to make a good use of this new service.  While those cosmic dates and wind ARE very obvious, If you do not see anything unusual during those windows, it is mostly because you are not yet trained to perceive nor yet realize the future impact of  those changes taking place during those dates. Indeed if you break a leg, or win the lottery be sure you will never forget those dates and chances are, you just learned the hard way to learn and respect the cosmic code jurisdictions.

But for Terania and I trained eyes, ALL our cosmic biorhythms, personal and universal  can never be unnoticed.   One must be patient, as it may takes months before you realize how crucial it is to be aware of those cosmic timings and how to use my new Astrological discovery.  

The 2014 /2015 Arian Draconis  devastative war like energy is still cursing each passing day with more fires, more emigration disputes, more deaths, more racism and more human stupidity suffering the stars!  

Only if, the entire world were to become totally cosmic conscious; then possibly peace, happiness and general security would reign on earth and this is why I am dedicated to educate the masses and battle the controlling news-media, religious and scientific educational matrixes through my Cyber Cosmic University. 

Read more about the Moon Universal Laws.  Doing so will assure you safety and promoting my work will always brings you good karma and good surprises… Indeed for any action (good or bad) you will collect a reaction, this is an unarguable karmic law and, in this case only if you try will you be able to test my claim.

If you did not do it yet, get more information on what the 2015 Dragon did impose  to you at a personal level and think of offering the new 2016 ebook version to your loved ones. The Dragon is as real as can be and starting the New Year with it is a serious contribution for your success of failure next year and this ebook is highly recommended for real guidance.  

The world of religion is changing fast and with more people passing security and entering the White House I hope my prediction of President Obama (and Pope Francis’ assassination) to never come to pass, but all we can do is pray and hope for their safety. 

The real option to have a true rewarding, exciting life is to develop more cosmic consciousness and heed God cosmic Divinity.  If you are a newcomer please get to know about my predictions and our work and by watching some of my YouTube videos posted on this page.

The price for the 2015 Nostradamus Personal Dragon Forecast is now $5.00. While the new ebook is improved with more long lasting planet impact and predictions, I made it available to all to test my claims –  order now!  

Tell your friends to join us in the Cosmic Code and work in harmony with the Universe and God’s celestial will. Because this is what will make the difference between being at the right time at the right place or even possibly being killed by yet another “Act of God!”

Yes knowledge is power, ignorance is evil and I am glad I can blow this vital cosmic fluid freely into your soul. Be smart, be wise, you are a child of the Universe and you need to learn how to hear, read and heed God’ signs…  The world still has a long way before the deceptive Pisces, religious, deceptive age is over. 

But Pisces will not go without a war and the  very LAST breath of this cosmic deceptive Age is unfolding…

Memo from   I am Alien, UFO are real posted 9/28/2015 

Successful mission completed for the Vatican and its President. The corporation’s financial affairs are secured… But nothing of Pope Francis legendary voyage around the world and his hopes to change or better the US and an infected humanity has been done!

Love alone has never, nor will ever change the world, cosmic education and all children acceptance of God cosmic Divinity will.

Pope Francis’ hopes are just wasted when 99% of the God fearing world population is unconscious, mentally infected by the reptilius and unable to acknowledge or use the superconscious creative forces productively. 

Once the 2016 Neptunius Riligius Dragon get stronger after November 15, 2015, the smarter reptilius will use those upcoming poisonous waves against humanity and induce more deception, more illusions, more water/ocean disasters, more fumes suffocating Mother Earth and a mass suicides the scientific community and world will wonder about…

Pope Francis and the world will then realize God does not talk nor listen to any elected man regardless of his status or accomplishments.

Pope Francis was elected by pious Neptunius born men dedicated to maintain the religious matrix and those unconscious God fearing human do not know anything about God cosmic Divinity, the ET’s agenda or even their own fate imparted by the cosmic code.

Those who can make the real difference speaking the undiluted truth are ignored, muted and ridicule in the name of the monopolizing religious, scientific and entertainment matrixes…

The penalty for ignoring and infringing God and his cosmic rules will drive the insane lost souls to generate more fears (or the vital psychical food the reptilius need to assure their survival!)

The future HAS and will always be my utmost faithful witness” Dr. Turi

How much do you know of those cosmic winds and how they will affect you and those you care? Pope Francis and science have NO answers for you… I do! 

The End of God and all religions?
Pope Francis, Religions and God Cosmic Divinity
Pope Dark Night of the Soul and the fate of the world
The Pope Embrace Of Evolution A One World Religion? Insanity at best!

 “If you are not happy or something is missing in your life it is simply because you do not live your destiny as intended by God through the Cosmic Code” ask and you shall receive!


This forecast will touch everyone, please pay also attention to the current Moon transits as they unfold.


Read  and make notes of the REGULAR Supernova Windows

Plan your trips away from those dates and if you must travel, be very careful. I traveled the world during those windows and, while I suffered frustrations, nothing really bad happened to me.  We always fly during  a waxing moon and on our good cosmic biorhythms.  Avoid 2015 Mercury retrograde periods – Supernova windows or purchase your plane tickets during a waxing moon or one of your positive Personal 2015 cosmic biorhythms. 

SEPTEMBER 2015 at a glance – Note this colorful calendar is not part of my “Divine Astrology” methodology work and used for rapid traditional dates/moon checking only.   The red dates should not be used as a part my SOS to the world 3 days windows (universal) or as your negative (personal) cosmic biorhythms days. 

The following is the current monthly modern astrology  calendar complete with universal astrological information, including planetary aspects, void of course Moon data, and Moon signs. Note: Time is Eastern Time (Daylight Savings Time is observed). Astropsychology is very different and use no time, only for rising readings or Astro-Carto-Graphy relocation charts involving precise longitude and latitude. We always use the time you provide us with but Divine Astrology methodology is much more objective and undeniably accurate forecasting natural disasters and personal events.    

 Welcome to Your Day – to – Day Guidance For September 2015 

Expect the news involving this Full Moon to take the colors of the past… 

Full Moon – August 29, 2015 in the religious sign of Pisces: The same cosmic winds that produced the 911 is coming back to haunt humanity!  

Update – There is no denying those cosmic winds producing / stimulating Pope Francis visit in the US –  Pope Francis Visits Ground Zero – But who able to perceive the predictive values of my work anticipating even a cosmic unconscious Pope Francis moves?

Expect the news involving this Full Moon to take the colors of the past… 

Important Note: Expect sad news from the Pope, the Middle East, oil and the elements. The same Neptunian energy produced the terrorist WTC destruction of September 11 in New York.  Two years prior to the attack, read what I wrote in Moon Power. This exact portion of Moon Power and its deadly message was posted on my site two weeks prior to the destruction of both towers and printed in Moon Power, well before the deadly terrorist attacks in New York. 

Pisces rules the Middle East, religion, drugs, alcohol, deception, the difficult abortion dilemma, the Pope, the church, oil, etc. This could also mean bad news for denominations where religious figures will “pass over.” Deception, illusion and secret affairs are on the agenda. This lunation marks a significant point involving the US and the Middle East conflict and will negatively affect the young generation.  Many souls will suffer this disturbing lunation.  Just be ready to provide as much help as needed and do not lose faith in the future. More devastating forces producing destructive weather and floods will make themselves known in the very near future. Expect a general feeling of hopelessness to plague the media and church authorities. Deceiving news will take place and affect many of us; some desperate souls will fall for Neptune’s suicidal tendencies, and some will end up in jail or mental institutions. This trend will be very difficult for some, but do not lose faith in yourself and trust the Universe; get all the help you can to fight Neptune’s depressing tendencies. Amuse yourself, keep busy and let go of the past.  Life must go on. Anticipate shocking news about volcanoes, earthquakes, tornadoes, etc. Expect anything surprising, even incredible to happen soon; see in action the real power of both Uranus ruling sudden releases of energy, and Saturn forcing the government to take drastic action.

TUE., WED.,THU., FRI., SAT. — SEPTEMBER: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5:

RULERS — Mars (Bloodthirsty/fires) Venus (Peace) and Mercury (Disagreements). 

Work, Career and Business: The worst of all these planets is to be expected, due to the pessimistic trend of the Full Moon. Do not fall for depression and self-defeating attitudes. The stars have a specific role to play and you are an actor on the big stage of life. Go with the trend; do not force issues, be patient for a few days. At work keep a low profile; your co-workers and your boss may not be aware of the work of the Moon on their own psyches, and could become “lunatic.” Keep busy on Wednesday and rearrange your desk or your paperwork. Use patience. 

Partnerships: If you want to save trouble in your relationship, now is the time to use full diplomacy and understanding. Don’t let the Waning Moon make you feel down or “moody.” If you experienced trouble with the one you care about, you could make up with a romantic dinner at home. With Pluto in Sagittarius, much of your thoughts will be spiritually oriented.  Use Venus as much as you can, to uplift any difficult situation. 

Family and friends: Disturbing situations involving friends or family members will come to the fore. Take the time to review all the reasons and find a way to make peace with the party involved. Mercury rules communication and will help you pass on your thoughts deeply and correctly. Provide a helping hand, but do not let disrespectful friends take the best of your spirit. Emotions will run high these days; keep a cool head. 

Love Affairs: Many will feel the desire to further romance at home. However, new love affairs started now, will need much work to survive. Many unsuited couples will also be forced out of their unhealthy relationships. Mars (the desire principle) may induce attractive foreigners into your life. Because of the Waning Moon, the general feeling will be geared towards destructive behavior, even violence. Many young souls will find themselves fighting with someone about an ideal love. They will be forced to realize the limits of their actions and Mars will destroy the old degrading relationship. You cannot build a new house on weak or unsuitable foundations, so the stars may decide to free you soon.  If you were born in October, a Gemini or a Sagittarius will drive you nuts. 

Travel and Communication: Mercury will pass on all sorts of news. Use his power to convey your ideas to those willing to listen. Work on improving your cosmic consciousness and do some “deep” reading, concerning life and death or metaphysics.  You should finish or a start a book, if you are into writing. Be aware on the road and take care of your wheels. 

Environment: Following the Full Moon, tornadoes, high winds, earthquakes, and aeronautical accidents due to bad weather are very high on the list. The earth is alive and she needs to stretch herself, now and then. Stay safe and be prudent on the road. 

Famous Personalities: A famous personality will see the end of his life. Many will miss the Great Spirit. Rumors from a powerful politician in the Middle East could vex the media soon. 

Events: As usual after the Full Moon, stay clear of the crazy crowd and listen to your intuition at all times. 

Shopping: Rent anything; do not buy anything new now. Take care of your car as she may decide to let you down at the wrong time and in the wrong place. Be cautious and be patient.

 Mercury is still in Libra: A trend loaded with communication related to peace, treaties, justice, partners, contracts, legal activity, marriage and divorce. Many thoughts will be geared towards finding a better working environment or a new business partner. Souls born now will be gifted with a natural ability for diplomacy and “savoir faire.” The opportunity to learn everything under the sun is offered to the soul.  Many of them will be born with aptitudes for judicial investigation and psychology.  Some will be attracted to the professions that offer artistic skills, such as interior designing. Fame and fortune will come to the writers and teachers. Artistic talents in harmony and mental health will lead these souls toward the balance they seek. This position makes for one of the most well balanced signs of the Zodiac. The soul must avoid being too diplomatic with others and may be suffering a lack of expression and direction. However, an opportunity to experience justice, real love and harmony is offered to the advanced souls. Note Mercury will turn retrograde on the 9th – Read more about it!

SUN., MON., TUE., WED., TRU., FRI. — SEPTEMBER 6, 7, 8, 9, 10:

RULERS: The Moon (End of life/moving) and the Sun (Hope/children). 

Work, Career and Business: The general mood will be depressing. You can expect a serious beginning or ending of important parts of your (and others’) life. Be ready for those upcoming progressive variations. Keep in mind that life is a constant process of change and even if you don’t realize it, the stars are working for your benefit. With Mercury (communication) in Scorpio (directness), avoid sarcasm with others. Be patient with everyone around the office. 

Partnerships: You will be forced to let go of negative people in your life and disturbing situations. You must take a chance on the new future with faith. Many will experience the closing of a destructive relationship and others may see the new beginning. Under these stars any new relationship is doomed to fail in the long run. Further the positive only and don’t fall for the Waning Moon. 

Family and Friends: The Sun rules love, romance and children, but we are still under a difficult trend, so this energy won’t bring you good news. The Sun gives life to children, but watch over them, especially close to the water. On a more positive note, he will put his undiscriminating light on many secrets. Friends will need spiritual support; give love and attention and build good karma for yourself.

 Love Affairs: Be ready for new starts in love matters and provide a solid shoulder for the victims suffering a broken heart. The right partner might not be the one you were with; use the newfound freedom to look (after the New Moon) for someone who really deserves your love. Under the Sun’s command, the lucky ones will find great happiness with true love relationships. A new arrival is to be expected by a young couple. If you are a Scorpio, a Cancer or a Taurus, this lunation could induce serious stress in your life. A Virgo friend has a good discernment for you; you must listen.

Travel and Communication: You may be asked to go home and see Mom. Be aware on the road; Do not trust any driver and be ready for sudden action. Under the same destructive stars in LIMA, Peru — A Peruvian air force plane carrying civilians fleeing El Niño-driven floods crashed into a canal that cuts through a shantytown in the northern city of Piura Sunday morning, killing at least 28 people. Surprises are on the way and the people from your past will come into the picture soon. Expect this type of news again and again – Death toll jumps in London commuter train crash – A shattering train collision near Paddington Station during rush hour Tuesday morning killed at least 26 people and injured scores. Police said more bodies were still trapped in the tangled wreckage of the crash, which happened in Ladbroke Grove in west London, about a mile (1.2 km) from the Notting Hill neighborhood. 

Environment: What was once built by man (cities/homes) or nature must be destroyed; what was once born must eventually die, and this is the grand cycle of life. Recycling is the key word in nature and not anything is really wasted. There is nothing one can do other than accept the ultimate changes imposed by God, and usually the future offers better. 

Famous personalities: Expect interesting but not necessarily positive surprises with the rich and famous. Be ready for the unexpected in their words and actions. Don’t take chances unless you know what you’re in for and be prudent. 

Events: Large quakes and nature forces may force thousands of victims to relocate to rebuild a new life. Terrible tragedies such the Kobe, Japan earthquake and many volcanic eruptions have happened under this configuration and thousands of people were forced out of their homes because of nature’s destructive forces. Expect news such as –VILLAHERMOSA, Mexico. The Mexican government declared a state of emergency Tuesday in four states where rampant flooding has caused seven rivers to overflow, killing at least 15 people and forcing the evacuation of more than 100,000. VILLAHERMOSA, Mexico. Swollen rivers and mudslides have killed at least 83 people throughout Mexico, officials said Thursday. – The rains that flooded 10 states in eastern and southern Mexico have driven more than 157,000 people from their home and several people got hurt as a quake rattled southwest Turkey. 

Shopping: Buy anything for children as long as it is not new. This is a great time to get rid of the extra stuff clogging the house or the garage, and a garage sale would not be a bad idea. Do not invest in silver, gold or expensive items. Anything to clean the house will do you well. 

New Moon — September 13, 2015 in the practical, health-oriented sign of Virgo: Much progress is ahead of you in terms of employment and foreign affairs. Mercury rules this critical sign, so the affairs of work and health will be on the rise. Expect an overwhelming feeling of perfection and an unusual worry about health and working on foreign grounds; do not let this lunation pressure you. This trend will play an important part in your health and working life and in some ways will affect your environment You may be forced to let go of a deteriorating work situation and forced into a new one. The emphasis is on the body (perfect health) and the mind (education) to perform efficiently in serving the world at large. All the changes you may be forced to experience are positive in nature, and will in the long run, further your deep desire for a better state of affairs. 

Lunation impact on all signs: 

Aries – A great ///////////////

Taurus – Your love /////////////

Gemini – You may/////////////

Cancer – A great////////////

Leo – Great news //////////

Virgo – The stars shine//////////////////

Libra – A secret ///////////////

Scorpio – A friend ////////////////

Sagittarius – Your career ////////////////

Capricorn – News from ////////////////

Aquarius – Some /////////////

Pisces – A chance //////////////

 September 11, 2015:  The anniversary of 9/11 and the memory of what took place on these days, will affect many people all over the world. All the memorable activities will take place on the day of the New Moon at the lowest time of the month and many unaware people will travel within the Waning Moon to be present, while many other souls will suffer this depressive new lunation. Just be ready to provide as much help as needed and do not lose faith in the future. Let’s hope the reptilius infected terrorist will keep quiet…

FRI., SAT., SUN., MON., TUE., WED. — SEPTEMBER 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16:

RULERS — The Sun (Teens) Mercury (Travel) and Venus (Feelings) 

Work, Career and Business: This New Moon will make your life much easier, embrace her upcoming white light blessings, and then take your opportunities.  Do not try to push your business until she lights up. Advertisements, important calls, traveling, and meetings will pay off, if you learn to wait for the green light. Use “Moon Power” wisely and respect the Universal Laws. Knowledge is power; have faith in your abilities. 

Partnerships: Mercury rules the mail, telephone and communications in general; expect disturbing calls before the new moon to reach you. Deal with it now and clean up the situation before the New Moon. A get-together after work could also be a great idea; Mercury will have everyone “gossiping.” 

Family and Friends: The very last days of the Waning Moon did sap your spiritual and physical energy. Help those in need to clean up their mess generated by karmic experiences. Let no one exhaust your spirit, and show no frustration to loved ones. Some of your friends need spiritual regeneration, even a helping hand; as usual do so, but realize your limits. Use Venus’ generosity and show your love to everyone. Avoid spending too much time on the telephone with a depressing person and mention the good Moon. 

Love Affairs: Don’t be too picky or demanding with those for whom you care; no one is perfect. However, use your head not your heart with someone who drinks too much, and realize your limits if you are in a deceiving relationship. With Venus around, the opportunity to find love will be given to you after the New Moon. If you were born in September, you may decide to work harder on your diet or your looks. A friend born in July has a few thoughts for you. You may also use Uranus in Aquarius to learn all about your partner with a comparison chart for the two of you. 

Travel and Communication: You may feel like traveling either physically or spiritually, make the most of an upcoming opportunity. Get your wheels in action; prepare for traveling under the protection of the New Moon. 

Environment: Recharge your batteries; a trip to the mountains is strongly recommended.  Both Mercury and Venus will make you appreciate the beauty of Mother Nature. Many environmentalists will make serious progress and get the attention they deserve. Sad news from the ocean or the Middle East may reach the media soon. 

Famous Personalities: A famous person will promote a new product pertaining to health. News of water management is also on the horizon. A notorious religious person could make depressing news soon. 

Events: Mother Nature may decide to disturb us with bad weather. Negative news may come from the ocean or the water. Be aware of abductors; this type of energy has swiftly taken many children and also a plane away from its initial course. 

Shopping: Do not poison your mind with imagination and fears of the apocalyptic end times. Use your own positive thinking, to avoid negativity entering your life or your body. Some may decide to join spiritual groups or invest in far away trips. Anything to clean can only be a good thing to buy now.  

Note: Even though it is a New Moon, Pluto is back and caution is a necessity. As always with the Lord of Hell in charge of this trend, better think twice before saying or acting on impulse. Expect secrets to be divulged, affairs of sex, and nature’s devastating forces to be at work. The police and blackguards will make the news. More than ever, use diplomacy, as whatever you do now will have very serious repercussions in your life. 

THU., FRI., SAT., SUN., MON. — SEPTEMBER 17, 18, 19, 20, 21:

RULERS —Pluto (Climax/Secrets) Venus (Love), and Jupiter (Doctrines) 

Work, Career and Business: You are now walking on a fine razor blade and it’s windy.  You know what I mean! You’d better use all the “savoir faire” you know. A serious wake-up call will come to many unaware skeptics of predictive Divine Astrology’s powers. The possibility to lose it all (and rebuild it) will be a serious matter for some karmic souls. You will be able to see exactly what’s wrong in your business life soon. The New Moon will help you make all the changes needed.  Have faith in yourself. 

Partnerships: Many ugly secrets may surface now. You could learn something sexual or financial about a partner. Keep his trust; do not divulge the secret. Money will play an important part of this trend; listen to your intuition in all you do. Venus will help tone down the stress induced by Pluto. 

Family and Friends: Be patient with all. Do not expect anyone you care about to be diplomatic to you during this trend, if Venus (diplomacy) is weak in his or her chart. Again, do not fall for Pluto’s destructive or sarcastic remarks; words of love will pay off in the long run. Be ready for some dramatic news from someone close to you. Whatever happens, be strong; life must go on. Pluto will work to your benefit. 

Love Affairs: Passion is in the air. Secret affairs involving sex and passion may be publicly divulged, forcing people to take stands to destroy and rebuild relationships. This might happen to you, too. In any case, use tons of diplomacy to save unwanted trouble in your love life. If you are a water sign such as Scorpio, Pisces or Cancer, this lunation will touch you directly. Leos must take it easy at home and avoid traumatic experiences involving the police force. 

Travel and Communication: Expect news pertaining to the police force and crooks.  Nature’s destructive forces will be obvious in some parts of the world. Be careful of what you do or say during this trend. Drive carefully, and stay clear of weird strangers and strange places. Again, if you learn about someone else’s secret, do not tell, you may be asking for trouble. Your intuition will be accurate; listen to the little voice within. 

Environment: Pluto belongs to the Divine family and has specific regenerative work to accomplish, and his impact on earth and its people is needed.  As Pluto destroys it all, he also gives the opportunity to rebuild stronger and better. Be ready for all sorts of dramatic news everywhere. Stay safe; don’t try the devil.  Many people will lose their precious lives. Expect such news COLLEGE STATION, Texas — Had Brandon Kallmeyer dozed off and let his truck slide onto the shoulder almost anywhere else, he might have simply awakened and steered back onto the highway. But police said Kallmeyer tragically veered off a straight, flat four-lane road at precisely the place where a group of college students had gathered en route to a fraternity party, leaving six dead.  GABORONE, Botswana (AP) — A disgruntled airline pilot today commandeered an Air Botswana plane at the country’s main airport, circled above and crashed it into two planes on the ground, in a suicide mission. More ACALAMA, Mexico — The danger of new erosion forced rescuers to abandon their search for victims of another landslide in southeastern Mexico that has left as many as 170 dead.

Famous Personalities: Some famous people will be called back to God. A famous person’s secrets will be made available to the media. Expect news such as Death of a legend: NBA great Wilt Chamberlain found dead at his home in LOS ANGELES — Wilt Chamberlain, a center so big, agile and dominant that he forced basketball to change its rules and the only player to score 100 points in an NBA game, died Tuesday at 63. Secrets comes to light under Pluto jurisdiction, such as October 12, 1999 MIAMI– O.J. Simpson called 911, saying he was trying to get help for a woman he said had been on a two-day cocaine binge with a former baseball player. Simpson, 52, placed the call Sunday night from the townhouse of his 26-year-old girlfriend, Christie Prody, in southwest Miami-Dade County. 

Events: Hopefully with the New Moon, lovely Venus and knowledgeable Jupiter, we can only hope they will stop Pluto from damaging us by way of dramatic happenings. With the Lord of Hades in Sagittarius (religion/foreigners) we can only expect drama in these areas. If you are a Police officer or a security guard be very careful during this trend.  The wildest crooks may be facing you soon. Don’t take any chances and stay alert. Often the police make dramatic news and kill people. Union Nigerian police kill 10. AJUBA, Nigeria (CNN) — Ten protesting strikers have been shot dead by police in Lagos, a top union official said. If you know someone involved with the police or dealing with death on a daily basis, offer him a copy of my book. He may well avoid serious trouble and perhaps save his life. 

Shopping: As Jupiter is with us; a visit to your local church for God’s guidance or your favorite psychic/astrologer will do you well. Anything bought now that can be used for metaphysics will bring unusual power to you. Alarms bought now will stop the crooks.

 TUE., WED., THU., FRI., SAT., SUN.  SEPTEMBER 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27:

RULERS — Saturn (Politicians) Uranus (Explosions) and Neptune (Suicide/religion).  

Work, Career and Business: This busy trio will be with us for the next few days and a few surprises will bring about progressive changes. Do not turn down an invitation, as a professional contact could bring people who will positively influence your career.  Expect a new beginning concerning your service to the world or your career. Work that you are doing leaves you unsatisfied and is a source of stress; you might be forced to change direction. Many souls are late starters in life and no one should feel depressed about it.  Resolve to find a new career that fits your natural talent. The lucky ones can expect a well-deserved promotion. Use Neptune’s intuitive power to find your way through the clouds. 

Partnerships: Stand strong against opposition; don’t let others pressure you into pursuing their opinion instead of your own. Meditate on the possibility of improving and understanding where your partnership is going. Did you make the right choices and can you live with them? If not, there won’t be a better time to deal with those questions; Uranus’ desire for change and freedom will help you to transform it all. With the Waxing Moon upon the world, nothing can really go wrong if you act scrupulously. 

Family and Friends: Make the most of this great trend. Some friends may invite you to a gathering or a party soon. Enjoy this opportunity and be ready for lovely surprises.  Uranus also makes the children very active and accident-prone. They will lean heavy on you; so be patient with their young demanding spirits. No one but yourself can bring about joy in your life; just participate with an open heart. Let the children enjoy Uranus’ world of miracles, maybe by going to Disneyland or the zoo. Keep your eyes on everything they do and everywhere they go. Saturn will make it hard to forget your responsibilities. You should enjoy your life while you can, as tomorrow is another day. 

Love Affairs: Expect interesting surprises during these days, many friends will bring some of your dearest wishes. With Uranus’ touch (surprises) try doing things you would usually not do and go to places you have never been. Love is around the corner for some willing to go out and get it. If you are a Taurus, a Capricorn or a Virgo may enter your life.  Leo, Sagittarius and Aries, your magnetism will be very high and you will also be in demand for love. 

Travel and Communication: Some lucky souls will travel far and fast or make great plans to visit the past soon. Uranus rules electronics, the future, astrology, psychic phenomena, and UFOs. If you want to see something unusual, talk about it and do it now!  Who knows, Uranus may decide to grant one of your important wishes. Keep an eye on your possessions and avoid drinking too much in public places. 

Environment: On a sad note, keep in mind that Uranus rules earthquakes and volcanoes.  He may also decide to disturb the weather or produce a violent explosion. Let’s hope the positive Moon will stop him from getting close to you and those you care about. A magnitude 7.0 earthquake rumbled under the Mojave Desert east of Los Angeles before dawn, derailing an Amtrak train passing nearby the epicenter. Irene heads for Carolinas after soaking Florida. North Carolina Gov. Jim Hunt, declared a state of emergency Saturday as Hurricane Irene threatened to let loose a new round of serious flooding in the already flood weary state. With Uranus around expect this type of news soon – Evacuations ordered as Ecuadorian volcano threatens. Clouds of gas and ashes rise from the Tungurahua volcano 120 kilometers (75 miles) south of Quito, Ecuador, on Sunday– The Ecuadorian government has ordered the evacuation of some 25,000 people from a popular tourist town as a nearby volcano continues to spew ash and appears on the verge of a major eruption. NUEVO LAREDO, Mexico (AP) — In what was Mexico’s second fatal fireworks accident in a month, an explosion in a candy store illegally selling fireworks, killed at least five people in the border city of Nuevo Laredo.

 Famous Personalities: Be ready as usual for strange types of news coming from some extroverted celebrities. Much will be done for children during this trend, but this type of energy can also be surprisingly dramatic. Uranus took the life of British singer Eric Clapton’s baby son in New York a few years ago. The unattended child fell to his death from a high building. Be aware, be prudent and watch the children closely.

Events: Under Uranus’ surprising power anything weird could happen. The news will be somehow original. Avoid playing in the rain; many people have lost their lives under Uranus’ lightning power. The government will make important decisions pertaining to the younger generation, computers, and education. 

Shopping: For this occasion, you may feel like spending time and money on your appearance; it’s a great time to shop for new wardrobe items or consult a beautician. This is the time to pay a visit to your future and your favorite “spiritual guide.” A sense of freedom and brotherhood will be felt all over.  

Full Moon in Aries — September 27, 2015:  Ruled by Mars, this trend will be tough for many as Mars is very strong these days and will bring about serious confrontations, explosions, fires and the possibility of war. Be ready for serious, even fatalistic news in the near future. With Neptune’s religious and deceiving tendency accompanying him in his dance, expect more disturbing developments with the Middle East. These will be negative, pertaining to oil spills, explosions and more terrorist activities in the near future. Be ready for devastating forces producing destructive weather and flooding in different parts of the world. Do not lose faith in the future, as we all must go on. The stars are a reflection of God and his divine plan for all of us and we must go through it.

 Lunation impact on all signs:

 Aries – The Full Moon in your sign means /////////////

Taurus – Do not let this Full Moon //////////////

Gemini – A friend will /////////////////////

Cancer – Career //////////////////////

Leo – Stress from ///////////////

Virgo – A legacy won’t //////////////////////

Libra – A secret will ///////////////////

Scorpio – Problems ///////////////

Sagittarius – Stress with////////////

Capricorn – Be aware of //////////////////

Aquarius – Slow down ////////////////

Pisces – Money matters //////////////////

MON., TUE., WED.,THU. — SEPTEMBER 28, 29, 30:

RULERS — Neptune (Belief/dreams), and Mars (War/aggression). 

Work, Career and Business: You still have a few days in front of you to push forward, but then be ready for the impact of the Full Moon. An important decision involving a business situation will have to be made. Wait patiently for the next New Moon (positive) to restructure or sign important documents. Don’t let Mars show his aggressive face to those close to you. Try to be nice to others. 

Partnerships: Just before the Full Moon, expect interesting news coming your way via your telephone or mailbox. It’s time to realize the truth about yourself, a situation or a person whom you trusted. Make the most of what is left of the Waxing Moon, get out of the gloom and do something interesting this weekend. The Dragon’s Tail will bring consternation and needed changes to you soon. 

Family and Friends: The family circle could be quite the dramatic place for a while. Again, do not let aggressive Mars and the Full Moon take over your words or your attitude. Keep emotions in control and be ready for secrets to surface. You can still have a good time, enjoy life and friends, but be aware of what you say or do. Do not lend money to anyone. 

Love Affairs: Mars and Neptune’s captivating personalities will stimulate sexual activity; your magnetism will improve dramatically. As always with Neptune, take precautions if you are sexually active. If you’re married, plan a romantic dinner with a great French wine and soft music. You have a few more days to enjoy what’s left of the good celestial energy; make the most of it.  If you are an air sign such as Aquarius, Libra or Gemini, you may feel a strong sense of independence and freedom enveloping you.  If you’re a Cancer, expect some stress in your relationships soon. You may be in for a long over-due change where you could experience real love. 

Travel and Communication: You may uncover a clandestine relationship or a secret about someone who travels a lot. You may be forced to look inside yourself and see your own strengths or weaknesses. Don’t take any chances on the road and avoid flying after the Full Moon. You’d better stay away from anything that moves, as this lunation will take many lives. Always plan your trips before the Full Moon and you will save yourself much unwanted trouble.  Use the power of Starguide and help those in trouble with life. 

Environment: In time of a Full Moon and with ruinous Mars around we can only expect nature’s destructive forces. Drama and demise are around the corner; protect your self at all times. Do a candle ritual if you feel down or if you want to protect someone you care for. Email me from and order a Cabalistic Candle Ritual for $15.00 and learn how to burn white, green, and blue candles for full protection the use your Guardian Angel protection. 

Famous Personalities: A serious wake-up call is in for some. More secrets, more drama, more doom is on the way for famous people. This upcoming Full Moon will be nasty for some well-known people. Germany will make some stressing news and a famous Army figure will be called close to God, having terminated his work on earth. 

Events: The powerful Dragon will steer the religious fanatics and many of them will get out of hand. Pray for the safety of your loved ones, as this lunation will be extremely difficult. Stay home and watch a good movie is my best advice; let the drama reach the unaware souls.  You will see and appreciate the power of predictions and the importance of letting others know about my work. Expect news such as preliminary radar data shows that an Egypt Air 767 jet made a rapid plunge before crashing into the Atlantic Ocean about 60 miles (96 kilometers) off the coast of Nantucket early Sunday morning. Also, in MEXICO CITY (CNN) — All 18 people aboard a Mexican DC-9 jetliner were killed Tuesday, when it crashed shortly after takeoff in a mountainous region of central Mexico. 

Shopping: Now is the time to buy pesticides and things of this nature. If you want to get rid of something, now is definitely the time. Make absolutely no investment in weapons, sharp tools, or anything that could explode. Let this nasty energy dissipate; stay safe. 

Note to all; If you ordered the new and improved “2016 Nostradamus Personal Dragon Forecast For All Signs” the price is $20 not $15 this year. This ebook will be available before the year is over and will be emailed to you by Terania   after adjusting your payment. 

dr. turi


  If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”

  Acknowledge God’s Cosmic Identity Free The Human Spirit 




About Dr. Turi

Dr. Turi is a proficient author and a captivating speaker, his profound Universal Wisdom astonishes everyone. He was recognized in the 2003 Marquis "Who's Who in America." Dr. Turi is the personal counselor of many celebrities, Ivana Trump, Peter Fonda, Gary Busey, Denis Haysbert, John Gray and many others. Dr. Turi is a favorite guest of George Noory on Coast-To-Coast AM radio and the BBC in London and appeared in numerous television programs worldwide.He speaks of the cosmic face and celestial tools of the creator and warn the world with undeniable well documented undeniable predictions. Clinical Hypnotherapist - Astropsychologist focused on providing individual and couples counseling services. Specializing in public speaking, teaching, metaphysics, natural healing, stress management, women’ issues and family mediation services. Interested in speaking engagements, radio, television, events and media outlets, academic work, advising corporations, the police force, colleges, universities and general public on mental health issues and spirituality outside of conventional beliefs and accepted disciplines.