“The future has and will always be my utmost reliable witness – There is only a very fine hair between divine cosmic information and pure imagination!” Dr. Turi
When will the BIG ONE hit California? Will it be Los Angeles, San Francisco or Yellow Stone? Be sure it will be during one of my future SOS to the world deadly windows! But it seems more appropriate to ask such this question to the scientific community “experts” yes? Yet they have no clue of when or where!
I am about to generate “California Earthquake Exodus“ or the next 12 months compiled dates of high probabilities for such disaster and if you kept an eye on all my previous quakes predictions may be you should pay more attention to my visions… I will keep you posted of my progress producing this eBook and I will also give you some critical tips on how to avoid being part of the humongous deadly statistics projected if you happen to live in earthquakes, volcanoes prone areas.
This is a continuation of “Coast To Coast Am FBI/CIA and SOS to the world Predictions” or an option offered to all my readers to assimilate how the stars, which are manipulated by the reptilius, affects the weather, natural disasters and all human affairs.
It is only through steady repetition that my students did slowly but surely build enough cosmic consciousness to learn, use and appreciate God cosmic design.
From CTC website: Based on “cosmic codes” and “divine astrology,” Dr. Turi shared predictions for specific dates in 2019: March 29th & April 27th– shocking news– sudden energy that could produce volcanoes, or earthquakes; April 12th– the beginning or ending of important phases of life; and April 20th— a “Plutonic window” of death and drama, be careful on those dates.
And another of my well documented terrorist attack (s) predictions was offered during my last appearance on Coast to Coast am on March 28th, 2019. The show definition on Coast to Coast am page is well elaborated and offer, towards the bottom, all my dated PREDICTIONS and keywords!
The various dates offered to George are there for you including my warnings for April 20th, not to forget the pictures (Orbs) of Draco the beneficial ET I channel for you regularly. And when I mentioned terrorist attacks, sad enough nearly 300 people died during this window and Notre Dame cathedral in Paris France went in flame due to another terrorist arson fire!
Some of my utmost accurate dated predictions and warnings about earthquakes, Notre Dame Paris fire and the Sri Lanka terrorist attacks are now sealed for ever on Dr. Turi page on Coast to Coast am website! And the show and all my visions spoke the facts of all my visions…
You have also a compilation of those earthquakes predictions collected in this very special Cosmic Code newsletter and of course, my You Tube videos confirming all my claims!
Read the full collected predictions offered March 28th, 2019 in the Special George Noory Dr. Turi Predictions on Coast To Coast am
Looking at today news, indeed those exceptional cosmic winds are now in effect! Remember, no one is immune to the “stars and the reptilius” effects, thus be ready for surprises coming your way! Pay attention to what you will experience these days and pay attention to what people say (or do like Chris Cuomo’s daughter) and you will soon detect how vulnerable you really are to any and all of the 2019 SOS to the world deadly shocking windows.
Ordering your PDD or ADD E-file internet service will allow you to plan outside of those dangerous “clouds” and save time, money and most importantly, your life!
2019 PDD and UDD Personal & Universal Deadly Windows Dates
Anything and everything can and will happen under any of my 2019 SOS to the world deadly windows and “cosmic events” and UFO’s (good and bad) are now very active! if you are into UFO’s and own a protective UFO’s talisman to keep the reptilius away expect ANYTHING to take place during this Uranic window!
UFOs Health Wealth Love Talismans
First the chosen quatrain and obvious keyword representing those uncommon, exceptional news…
Here is the current SOS to the world deadly window please share for me, help me warn people!
April 2019 SOS to the world deadly window
Posted by Dr. Turi on April 2, 2019 at 6:14pm in Cosmic Coders Only
April 27th (48 hours centering the dates)
Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind Water To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike
Japan / Asia / France / Cosmic News / NASA / Space News / Nukes / Weird news / Freak / Space / Rocket / Surprises / Unexpected / Explosions / Shocking / Stunning / Baffling / Incredible / Lightning / Electricity /Unusual / Humanitarianism / Children / Unrest / Discovery / Invention / Science / Earthquakes (always at or above 6.0) / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / Airports / Aeronautics / Technology / Electricity /Television / UFO’s /Cosmic phenomenons.
Using Nostradamus 16th century Divine Astrology methodology, various quatrains and keywords the reader should be able to discern the unusual, shocking, cosmic winds producing the current weird news… Be sure reader, it is not everyday that the news-media report such “abnormal” series of news explained in You Tube video below!
My You tube video channel is designed to educated you on the cosmic code jurisdiction and how God speak to his children via the signs… I will offer my feedback to how and why those type of news are plaguing humanity regularly (during my SOS to the world deadly windows) and warn you to what is ahead of us…
6.1 magnitude earthquake near Gutad, Central Luzon, Philippines
6.5 magnitude, 10 km depth Western Indian Antarctic Ridge
Entrails Upset Spit Above
(VAAC) Darwin warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 10000 ft (3000 m) altitude or flight level 100 and is moving at 5 kts in NE direction.
Student accepted into 115 colleges offered 3.7 million scholarship – Shocking?
“There is a BIG difference between education and intelligence!” Dr. Turi
Trump says he would beat Biden ‘easily’, takes swipe at former VP’s age Shocking?
Red Fire Wind Water To Dance
Cyclone Kenneth hits Mozambique
CAPE TOWN — Another tropical cyclone made landfall in Mozambique and other countries in East Africa on Thursday, just over a month since Cyclone Idai killed more than 1,000 people and displaced millions in the region.
horrific accident near Denver SHOCKING?
Chris Cuomo’s daughter crashes set Children – Shocking -Television?
Pilot who flew missions over Libya tells what it’s like to fly a B-2 stealth bomber technology/Aeronautics?
400-year-old Bible returned after $8M heist Very old/Very New?
Mystery tomb discovered in Egypt Discovery?
Princess Diana rejected original royal baby names, book claims, said ‘No thank you’
Get all the details in the video below!

This is probably one of the best two hours show I did so far, where the hosts “Merlin and Madeline” highly spiritual souls offered me a great platform through “Life in the Hologram” to reach thousands of people world wide and help them reach cosmic consciousness.
I can assure you will be pleasantly riveted to Draco’s phenomenal enlightening channeling for those two hours. Like did on CTC with George Noory, I also gave the date of April 20th and April 27th, and warned forlarge earthquakes, shocking news and a “sudden release of energy!” April 20th translated into explosions, earthquakes, Notre Dame Paris fire and a series of terrorist attacks killing hundreds of innocent people in Shri Lanka. Here is the link learn about the reptilius’ agenda explained in this mind boggling radio show!
More psychic readings are available for you in the You Tube video, enjoy…
Invitation to join us on amazing UFO Cruise in October 2019
I plotted the “unusual/shocking” Uranic winds of those future days and with such electrifying “New Age” group of people brought together under such futuristic cosmic winds inside and above the ship, I can only assure you an exceptional experience you will never forget!
Act today, doing so mean you will get the price break of $200 until October 9th in my personal cabin where I will take good care of your body, mind and soul!
I truly want to prove and share Draco’s truly remarkable healing powers and his magnificent channeling will astound you when facing me and my astro-tarot table. The teachings of the specific universal laws that apply to you personally including the predictions MUST be recorded! So be prepared before our meeting, charge your cellphone!
We will talk about natural health and other diseases that are coming from an emotional, painful “blockage” messing up the human atomic structure and open the door to many infectious organism. Cancer is primarily induced either genetically or through serious and continuous depressions. God spared my life so I can now help you to avoid contracting any diseases…
Reaching and making a good use of your own Super-conscious in time and space is extremely difficult, yet if you trust my expertise and my cosmic wisdom, the formidable results upon your future, your body, mind and soul will be remarkable.
If you suffer serious ailments, feel depressed or lost faith in your and the future, after the hypnotic light trance regression, you will be totally “cleansed” psychically and your etheric fluid will be perfectly re-aligned! You will then be ready for the healing physical part. I will bring my tools, and I will take care of you in the privacy of my cabin.
I wish I could truly emphasize or remotely explain the benefit and the power of Draco working through me but again, its me to know and you to find out! Note a full body healing cleansing price will be assigned depending on your needs and time spent working with you! See more info on how to proceed to reserve your spot below.
I am not sure if you recall the movie “Cocoon” but in all creative minds, stimulated by the benevolent Draconis, there is always a bit of truth, even if you can not realize or accept it just yet! I am a “Soul Doctor”a natural healer, the tips to hold on to youth happiness, creativity and vitality can not be shared publicly, only in the privacy of my magical world!
Remember my top Live Skype service cost $700 and you can have and enjoy Draco’s power and I for as long as needed in my cabin for only $200. The price will double as of October 9th and for the remaining of the cruise, thus I can only and strongly recommend you to book early and reserve your spot by emailing teraniapromodir@gmail.com to confirm and pay for your spot for the special full body healing cleansing.
I may get very busy on the ship, thus only those who have reservation and paid for it will be taken care of first!
Once again, take the time to assimilate my cosmic work, read the current news in Special George Noory Dr. Turi Predictions on Coast To Coast am and from there, dig deeper into your own life and realize how the stars (or the reptilius) touched your personal life!
In our case, being cosmic conscious, nothing escape our “Eagle Eye” and all we can do is keep servicing you with supreme cosmic wisdom. Check my upcoming radio shows, mark your calendar or listen to older ones!
Check out our new website! 2020 tickets available now!
I have been asked to join ANTIAGINGGETAWAYCRUISE.COM from March 14th- 21st 2020 where I will offer my own cosmic wisdom and unique tips to stay younger, correct (or improve) vision using Nostradamus’s natural mean and specific health/youth tips! I will elaborate in time about what I will offer on the ship and you should start by visiting their website and plan to join us in 2020.
If you are one of those rare spiritual human beings in the ocean of life looking for my uplifting spiritual hook, and interested in learning more about the Cosmic Code, God’s cosmic divinity, Astroforensics, or Astropsychology, just ring the bell! We will open the door of a new world above for you to join our VIP’s in our Cyber Cosmic Code University! All the answers to what it means to be human and so much more is awaiting you!
Cosmic Code VIP Membership $10
2019 Nostradamus Personal and Universal Predictions For All Signs –$10
Astro-Carto-Graphy Relocation Reading $210 or $150 for VIP’s
2019 Positive Cosmic Biorhythms Personal Reports $100 for VIP’s
The Magical Power of Talismans $350 for VIP’s
Astropsychology home course $1050 or ($525) for VIP’s
Dr. Turi TOP service – Personal live Skype consultation $700 or $350 for VIP’s
Taped full life reading $310 or $210 for VIP’s
Taped comparison chart $410 or $210 for VIP’s
Regular psychic reading $150 by phone only – Same as Full Life Reading for VIP’s
Taped progressive reading $210 $150 for VIP’s
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