July 7, 2019
Before anything let’s discuss the new deal I have for 5 lucky sailors! Are you ready to save $700? I am sure you would! As a rule “word of mouth” has and will always be my best form of advertisement, and from experience, the very people who have or will deal with Draco’s phenomenal channeling in my cabin will gladly speak about our meeting. Thus, after my UFO’s slide show and lecture presentation, I will be very busy doing natural healing sessions and consultations on the ship for a few days.
This is what I am offering 5 lucky people ready to join us in this amazing cruise! A face to face totally FREE Skype taped consultation and an Astro-Tarot valued at $700! This super deal will end August 14th 2019!
This is my top and most expansive service designed for famous and wealthy people who can afford such a high price. Since I am recuperating from a fall and a surgery at home, I have all the time in the world to take good care of you.
As a rule I have more answers than you have questions for me, thus you can not interfere with Draco’s channeling and must only answer some of my own questions. Since there is no time limit you will have all the time you need to speak once the reading is done. Check what is offered in this consultation and as soon as you registered with Adele by phone *760-230-5624, 9:00 to 4:00 Pacific time, Monday-Friday or through UFOcruise website contact teraniapromodir@gmail.com right away so she can schedule our meeting!
With such a line up of phenomenal speakers expect only the best! Remember it is only if you socialize that your wishes will come true… No friends, no social interaction and a lonely, boring life is to be expected! if you trust my cosmic wisdom, join us because this event WILL BE LOADED with very interesting surprises that will change many people’s lives!
While the management is offering the great option to save you more money pairing with a male or female roommate, they are also making sure you’ll be matched with the right person. There are people awaiting to know you right now and god knows where this new relationship will take you! To register for roommate matching, just fill out the form here.
Once again make sure to mention my name Dr. Turi to Adele and contact Terania right away!
Thank you all…
Remember my articles are always subject to regular updates involving the dramatic a deadly chain of news induced by the reptilius using the 2019 SOS to the world deadly windows to arm and kill humans! Come back often as I add all dramatic news in those articles and help me warn people by sharing them please. The current Cosmic Code newsletter is a follow up of those articles…
3- 07/10/19 SOS to the Christian world Miley Cyrus shows off her abs in skimpy black bikini
2- “California Exodus 8.0 MEGA earthquake prediction – USGS, CALTECH or Dr.Turi?”
1- “July 2nd Solar Eclipse SOS to the world predictions 07/10 – 07/17 and 07/30 – You’ve been warned!
“If we use mystical arts for entertainment purposes only, without offering solid proof of predictions or crucial information on its dynamics, how can the average person possibly distinguish the science of Divine Astrology from pseudoscience? ” Dr. Turi
Dear readers;
Remember this article is updated regularly with dramatic, deadly chain of news induced by the reptilius using their favorite SOS to the world deadly windows below to arm us! Come back often and share pls.
If I was right by giving the date of July 2nd on Dr. J radio show and spoke about upcoming large earthquakes in California and in Asia today” 6.9 magnitude earthquake near Ternate, Maluku Utara, Indonesia mentioning President Trump “moving to North Korea,” before the entire world knew about it and CA experiencing a 6.4 and a 7.1 and be RIGHT all along, may be you should pay more attention to my warnings below! And get some real good karma by sharing this article too!
Do you think for a second, it is right for “The True $$$$$$$$$$pirit of NASA” and greedy billionaires like Jeff Bizos to waste billions to commercialize the moon or mars for their own selfish financial purposes?
Do you think it is right, for a sport figure like Mike Trout to sign a $426,500,000 contract when Homelessness is at an all-time high in Los Angeles? and when Mother Earth is suffering serious climate changes and her oceans and wild life are showing serious signs of stress?
Don’t you think those greedy infected souls should invest those fortunes to plant billions of trees instead and reverse the effects of deforestation so Mother earth and humanity could breathe freely again?
But the infected sport, religious (mega churches shows,), media, scientific, (Mars missions) political and all entertainment abusive matrixes MUST keep you riveted, by watching and listening your TEL -E- Vision so you do not ask pertinent questions to those who rule and own your life!
Highlight: Jorge Masvidal’s Flying Knee Set UFC’s Fastest-Ever KO in 5 Seconds
The evil of fighting and destroying another human being for fame, wealth and ego is what the reptilius strive for and this video enunciate the veracity of evil reigning supreme on planet earth! How do you think the benevolent Draconis feel watching an aggressive born killer manipulated by an infected corporation (UFC) obliterate another human being in a split of a second?
What is the difference between what you see today on TV and the Roman gladiators killing each other for the Emperor? How low will humanity become before total self destruction imposed by the reptilius’ agenda become a reality?
Why is it so hard for people to apply more critical thinking, to become more curious about God’s cosmic design, to become more spiritual, more sensitive, more compassionate, more productive, more loving, more respectful, more responsible and help me further my cosmic wisdom, especially my critical warnings! That is still a mystery to me!
Sometimes, I wonder if at 69, if I should keep pushing forward helping humanity to fight ignorance, fear, indoctrination and the reptilius when I already know my work can only serve future generations… But the fact is, I am concerned for all those unborn children, which are at a serious risk to follow the same pitiful footsteps of their indoctrinated cosmic unconscious parents and left with no other answers!
“The heavens declare the glory of God; night unto night they pour forth speech; day unto day, as they display knowledge…” Part of Psalm 19 states:
And that’s all I need to keep furthering the children of the future drive to explore the unknown and perceive the facts outside of conventional accepted “educated” disciplines… Knowing humans are under the jurisdictions of God cosmic Design and fated to live through their inherited karmic UCI, some smart highly spiritual kids will, somehow land on my cosmic work (and very valuable radio shows) seeking the answers God has enslaved all of them to uncover!
“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they understand the voice of heaven.” – Matthew 13.13
Should I be punished or helped in my endless efforts to better humanity psychical welfare? HELP ME NOW show your support!
My latest article posted on BIN July 6, 2019 titled “Another 7.1 in California Dr.Turi Did it Again and Again and Again!” (2,594 views and counting!) and the You Tube video published July 2nd “Solar Eclipse SOS to the world predictions – You’ve been warned!“ (with 1,506 views so far) received quite a lot of attention! And so are other articles…
BIN – The Man Who Predicted 9/11 (6234 views and counting!)
BIN – California Deadliest Earthquake Exodus Prediction (20.344 views and counting!)
And I will take this opportunity to thanks all the very rare “Super humans” for joining us, yet my videos are nothing close to become viral (it will in time) but still, quite significant knowing I started posting regularly on my You Tube channel 4 months ago (Feb 23, 2019) with “David Icke’s tainted imagination Versus Dr. Turi’s facts about shape-shifting reptilians”
When I wrote this article I did not have the best technology and the sound was pitiful, but still, many people enjoyed my controversial cosmic work and hundreds of curious Truth Seekers joined my channel since then…
I want to also thank Michael Decon for an EXTRAORDINARY interview last night, this radio show is indeed one of the best I ever did so far just because the wit and well applied critical thinking of the host asking the right questions!
If you ever wondered about the reptilius and the Draconis agenda, the fate of the world, including Trump’s future and so much more, I can only very strongly recommend you to listen to this broadcast!
One thing sure, once you are done listening to this fabulous show your perception of my cosmic wisdom and predictions for the future will challenge your mind to the extreme!
Like I did in “Dr. J – Dr. Louis Turi on UFO’s, Abductions + Predictions of the near 06/20/19″ and all my previous radio shows, I offered Mike’s audience a set of dates warning all listeners of all my upcoming SOS to the world deadly windows! Those dates are: July 10 – July 17 – July 25 and July 30. Listen to the show above for all the details and what to expect during those dramatic days!
“Let who ignore my warnings be cursed by the eternal rites of the cosmic code universal ceremonies for a cosmic God does not speak nor engage fools…” Dr. Turi
Starting by July 10, 2019, I will offer all my wise readers all appropriate quatrain and obvious keywords all the way to the end of the month of July, thus please comeback often and most of all share my cosmic work and help me warn people and save precious lives!
July 2019 SOS to the world deadly window dates
Now, if I was right by giving the date of July 2nd on Dr. J radio show and spoke about upcoming large earthquakes in California, in Asia today” 6.9 magnitude earthquake near Ternate, Maluku Utara, Indonesia” President Trump “moving to North Korea,” before the entire world knew about it and CA experienced those high tremors and be RIGHT all along, may be you should pay more attention to my warnings! And get some real good karma by sharing this article too!
Posted by Dr. Turi on June 30, 2019 at 3: 47pm in Cosmic Coders Only
July 10/25 (48 hrs centering the date – Starting on the given date, the window will last all the way to the next one or July 17th!)
Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign
Russia / Famous Death / Dramatic Death News / Police news / Police brutality / FBI / CIA / Secret services / Secrets to light / Mob / Scandals / Terrorism / Cyber attacks / Abduction / Finances / Super wealth / Sex / Porn / Prostitution / Life and death / Serial Killers / Undiluted truth / Nature and Man Made Wake up Call.
July 25th 2019 SOS to the world US Iran war warning!
Man who stepped in to stop Disneyland brawl speaks out the reptilius at work
Miley Cyrus shows off her abs in skimpy black bikini Sex?
Miley Cyrus: I didn’t overdose on drugs “and I am a Lesbian!” She is a SCORPIO what do you expect?
Cop fired after $500 disappears from victim’s wallet Police news? Time for the police Academy to use Astroforensic before hiring any cop and check the human UCI!
New Orleans floods ahead of possible hurricane – Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign?
Rip Torn of ‘Men in Black’ and ‘The Larry Sanders Show’ dies Famous death?
Teen gets life in prison for beheading a classmate Dramatic death news?
Indian airline technician dies after getting trapped in plane door Dramatic death news?
‘Willy Wonka’ star taken off life support one year after stroke Dramatic news?
Papua tribal violence leaves more than 20 dead, mostly women and children Dramatic death news?
Wife of Chinese multimillionaire sues over fine for not living in $20M Vancouver mansion Super wealth?
Photos reveal the debauchery of Britain’s elites Owned by the reptilius – Sex drugs and alcohol!
Boxing program helps students stay on the right path- Created by corporate reptilius
Legalizing recreational marijuana tied to decline in teens using pot, reptilius infected study says!
SpaceX: Japan billionaire Yusaku Maezawa (Elon Musk) first tourist to fly to moon Super wealth?
Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light
Prosecutors: Epstein had trove of lewd photos of girls Sex?
This winter was catastrophic for honeybees Wake up call?
Trump tweet is likely UK ambassador’s fatal blow Wake up call?
NFL hopeful reaches for stun gun, attacks police officer Wake up call?
Man found after disappearing before rape trial 30 years ago Wake up call?
Serena Williams fined $10G for damaging court at Wimbledon Wake up call?
A mom was arrested after she left her child in a hot car as punishment for misbehaving Wake up call?
Police removed the child from the vehicle and found needles in the “reptilius infected” mother’s purse and in the vehicle, KUTV reported.
Famous death?
College football player found dead at 22 Famous death?
First black African set to go to space dies Famous death?
Cameron Boyce paid tribute to his heritage in last interview Famous death?
A marathoner accused of cheating after clocking a record time dies by suicide Famous death?
A man pretending to be a police officer was arrested after he pulled over a deputy Police?
An 11-story fall kills infant held by her grandfather aboard cruise ship Dramatic death news
Police say man cut teen’s throat because rap music made him feel unsafe Dramatic death news
College football player found dead at 22 Dramatic death news
US scientist who vanished in Greece after going for a run found dead in cave Dramatic death news
Woman died after falling on metal straw that went through her eye Dramatic death news
WATCH: Elephant whacks tourist in face Reptilius and technology!
Baby dies in fire as mothers are out clubbing Dramatic death news
Supervolcano fears: ‘Big One’ coming soon?
I gave you some dates in this articles and in my last 2 radio shows, pay attention!
Micheal Decon and Dr. Turi END OF DAYS 07/06/19
Dr. J – Dr. Louis Turi on UFO’s, Abductions + Predictions of the near 06/20/19
“I fell in love with the devil. Someone send me an angel,” Lavigne sings, adding “please save me from this hell…it’s killing me.”
More in the You Tube video below
Remember this article is updated regularly with an upcoming dramatic, deadly chain of news induced by the reptilius using their favorite SOS to the world deadly windows! Come back often and share pls.
Do not be fooled; the experts at USGS and CALTECH have absolutely NO clue to where or when the next deadly natural disaster will occur! And regardless of my undeniable accuracy and emails warnings, those “educated idiots” will never honor the essence of the word science and investigate my cosmic work! Indeed by the time the little needle moves, its much too late and everything star moving and falling around you!
In no way, will those ” educated experts” mingle with a cosmic conscious French Astrologer who, over the years did better than all of them combined and can prove it! My timing is impeccable and unarguable and why the scientific community is not digging into my work is simply mind boggling to me! This does not mean all the phenomenal technological advancement produced by science is wasted because it is not…
Since the vast majority of today’ scientists are unable or unwilling to honor the word science, with my guidance what about helping the scientific community to return to the divine and make a good use of my rediscovery of this magnificent subtle cosmic CORE and follow the deep reasoning of all the erudite men of the past?
Author says earthquakes are predictable, Dr. Turi did so since 1991!
So, the scientific community likes solid proofs? Here it is again and anything that has ever been posted on the Internet is there to stay forever and with a little search on “Deja New” anyone can trace these posts. Why are those scientists the least willing to honor the word science and investigate my work is astonishing to me!
Sample of Proof:
WWW -INTERNET – USGS – Message -ID: ///4Hv@goodnet/// -sender news////com (News Administrator) -Dr. Turi drturi////com>
Newsgroups – sci.geo,sci.geo.geology,ca.earthquakes,hkbu,geog.maps – WEEKLY USGS Quake Report 9/28 – 10/4/95 CA. Seismology Institute – in rticleDG1t4H.v @////com>
DATE- Oct 6th, 1995 drturi@goodnet.com says… “ POSTED (Oct, 6th. 1995)”
From Dr. Turi – “Dear Sirs: – On Oct. 8th and Oct. 9th a very unusual seismic activity will be noticeable and will produce many quakes above 6.1. More information is available pertaining to my method if requested. Respectfully- Dr. Turi”
Results – Full proofs of predictions:
1 – RE: Weekly USGS Quake Report Oct. 8th
2 – RE: Weekly USGS Quake Report Oct. 9th
Feedback from NASA STUDENT
Kudos to you Dr. Turi!
I surf the Internet periodically for predictions on forthcoming events, specifically all relating to earthquake activities. You hit the 11/22/95 Egypt/Israel/Saudi Arabia 7.2 quake smack dab on the head, per your earlier prediction. Congratulations again!
Appreciatively, G//
The same deplorable attitude apply for the hundreds of radio, TV and popular newspapers journalists cowards I contacted before and after the CA 6.4 and 7.1 quakes with the proof of my warnings… All in the name of skepticism, ignorance, fear of the ridicule and deplorable religious convictions, all those infected souls can only slave for the reptilius and will never take a chance nor accept my warnings as legit!
The sad reality all I am trying to do is; to educate them, offer them the opportunity to understand and use God’s immaculate cosmic design speaking his will through the signs and avoid being part of the statistics. All I got from those malignant lost souls is still; both ridicule and fear! And that is a sure promised karma for them all…
Let’s check the current news elaborated in the video below about “the beginning and ending of important phases of life!”
Admiral set to become Navy’s top officer retires over inappropriate professional relationship Ending?
GM becomes first major auto company in history to have a female CEO and a female CFO New beginning?
US World Cup win proves women should be paid the same as men, team says New beginning?
Highlight: Jorge Masvidal’s Flying Knee Set UFC’s Fastest-Ever KO in 5 Seconds New UFC record!
Disney Channel star Cameron Boyce dies at 20 after a seizure, family says Ending?
5 people found dead in Missouri apartment Ending?
A man is arrested in the death of Mouseketeer Dennis Day Ending?
Justin Amash: High-level GOP officials have thanked me for pro-impeachment stance Ending?
Marathoner accused of cheating found dead Ending?
Pro hockey players arrested for assault Ending?
Wrong-way car crash in Georgia kills 7 Ending?
Major bank to cut 18,000 jobs in massive restructuring plan Ending?
Florida man mauled to death by pit bull stray dogs on Fourth of July Ending?
Thousands of fish perish after fire at Jim Beam warehouse Ending?
Specialist breaks down what Ed Henry can expect after liver donation to his sister New beginning?
So to summarize, when and where will the next mega quake hit! Well ask the “experts” and get nothing tangible or pay attention to my impeccable timing! At least you get something from me and its free! Furthermore, what can you do to avoid dying in an earthquake, a tornado, a tsunami or an “accident” knowing there are NO accidents but subtle cosmic forces at work you are oblivious of…

Astro-Carto-Graphy Relocation Reading $210 or $150 for VIP’s
2019 Positive Cosmic Biorhythms Personal Reports $100 for VIP’s
The Magical Power of Talismans $350 for VIP’s
(E-mail: teraniapromodir@gmail.com for a SUPER DEAL!)
Astropsychology home course $1050 or ($525) for VIP’s
Taped full life reading $310 or $210 for VIP’s
Taped comparison chart $410 or $210 for VIP’s
Regular psychic reading $150 by phone only – Same as Full Life Reading for VIP’s
Taped progressive reading $210 for VIP’s DT’s latest radio shows…