William Shatner Discovery Channel and Dr. Turi’s Predictions


DID I MENTION to be ready for  COSMIC NEWS? in this TV show, Yes I did!

 A week prior to the taping of the show episode that took place in my house, in Phoenix, AZ on January 23rd2012 I received this request…

From: Katie///
Sent: Monday, January 16, 2012 10:23 AM
To: Dr. Turi
Subject: experiment

Hi Dr. Turi,

So we’re ready to plan our experiment. This is what we need from you:

  •  – A list of 5-6 predictions of worldly events that will occur on January 23rd
  • – Please email me a copy
  • – Please also print out a copy and store it in a sealed envelope. We will open it at our Jan 23rd filming.
  • – Please send them by tomorrow end of day.

Does that all make sense? Thx


Thirty minutes later I emailed the producer back with the following…

“Sure… Using Nostradamus 16th century methodology, these predictions will mature 48 hours centering the date of January 23rd, January 22nd, 23rd, 24th.”


Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike


Cosmos News / Nuke / Weird news / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / lightning / Humanitarianism / Discovery / Earthquakes / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics / Technology / UFO.

  • 1 – Expect news with earthquake above 6.0 and/or nukes (Japan/ring of fire) 
  • 2  – Expect nature devastating forces (volcano/tsunami or tornadoes) 
  • 3 – Expect scientific news from the cosmos and/or NASA 
  • 4 – Expect shocking news and very large explosions in the Middle East 
  • 5 – Expect shocking news with satellites, airlines or airplane crash 
  • 6 – Expect shocking news involving nukes

Key words are “shocking news, explosions, surprises” on these days

 Jan 22nd, 23rd, 24th

In the early hours of January 23rd the crew arrived at our residence and after the introduction they started the process of turning my house into a studio. 

Prior to dealing with my form of Astropsychology they were taping another modern astrologer and the producer was left very much unimpressed by the results. But talking to me  for a while, their perception of the old art and science seemed to change when dealing with the real thing…

They decided to tape the first segment in my living room and prepared the lighting  sound equipment while I was lighting up the fireplace. Terania was busy “decorating” the next taping spot which in the office making it more mystical with candles light and rearranging a few things around. She attended everyone and found a little corner in the kitchen where she started taking those pictures.


The taping started with the usual identity disclosure and a series of clever questions they had prepared for me and being so accustomed in front of the camera I managed to captivate the crew itself. After each segment, I could only enjoy the honest opinions of yet another great job done from the producer and the crew. 

From the living room to the office the the Universal Laws and the cosmic code truth kept flowing where my channeling came endlessly… I opened the sealed envelop on camera and started enunciating the predictions I was asked to announce to watching future audience. More predictions came to pass on the 24th a day after the crew left my house. All transpired on the exact given dates which I am going to expose to the readers.


January 22nd, 23rd, 24th


Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike


Cosmos News / Nuke / Weird news / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / lightning / Humanitarianism / Discovery / Earthquakes / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics / Technology / UFO.

 DT: Sure.. note these predictions will mature 48 hours centering the date of January 23rd


NOTE : While I gave the dates of  January 22nd, 23rd, 24th to the crew, my special edition book 2012 Moon Power had 2 more dates (19, 20, ) and do cover the sad aeronautical, helicopter crash that took the lives of 6 US marines. While my well documented, dated printed “visions” are more than obvious, I will elaborate after each of my “predictions” so the skeptical scientist or curious reader can get to the missing information. Again on the very dates of the happenings my book also get into the details, here are a couple of examples…


THU., FRI., SAT., SUN.,  MON. — JANUARY 19, 20, 21, 22, 23: (dates printed in 2012 Moon Power)

 RULERS — Jupiter (Middle East) Saturn (Politics):

1 – Events: Some militant groups from a faraway continent will disturb the peace and become dangerous.  Surprising destructive explosions are on the way.- Nigerian city on edge after bombings kill more than 150

2 – Environment: Uranus (shocking news). Stay clear of thunder and lightning; Uranus takes many lives without warning. Expect him to throw quake, a tornado or blow up a volcano soon.

 1 – Expect news with earthquake above 6.0 and/or nukes (Japan/ring of fire)


  • Jan -23rd 2012 – Scientists: Big Tokyo quake likely
  • Jan -23rd 2012 – SOUTH OF THE FIJI ISLANDS (MW 6.3)
  • Jan – 23rd 2012 – OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE  (MW 6.2)
  • Jan- 21nd 2012 – Region: OFFSHORE CHIAPAS, MEXICO (MW 6.3)
  • Jan- 22nd 2012 – SOUTH SANDWICH ISLAND REGION (MW 6.2)

Does the phrase of my quatrain “Calm Deception To Strike” or the keyword earthquakes” fit the event readers?  Much too obvious to ignore or miss yes? The fact is earthquakes do happen everyday but my predictions clearly mentioned above 6.0. Such a concentrated seismic activity producing 4 quakes above 6.0 is NOT usual and indeed very rare. You may take the time to check USGS page and be the judge of my claim. Note also that I emailed not only USGS and the Seismology Institute in Pasadena offering them unarguable proofs of my ability or the result of 40 years of my independent research. I also proposed them to learn from my “pseudo -science” all in vain. Read all the facts of many of my earthquakes predictions on national radio and television. AS PREDICTED! 6.6 quake hit Russia

But what really upset me I have a collection of big names in my “black list” that regularly receive my predictions. Now they will also read the same made public newsletter and I do not expect anything from all in high places, traditionally educated cowards and media personalities (apart from George Noory and a few other hosts of course.)

Of course using logic and to appear intelligent the geologists made the ridiculous statement that Tokyo is next in line but the fact is; even with billions of your tax dollars invested in making up sophisticated electronic equipment, they never did not will they tell you when or where the next big earthquake will take place. The fact is plain to see but today’ scientists can’t react to obvious factual repetitiousness or my ability to “predict” earthquakes accurately.

2 – Expect nature devastating forces (volcano/tsunami or tornadoes)


Double-punched by two Indian Ocean storms, the southern African nation of Mozambique on Tuesday struggled with the destruction of a portion of its main national highway, cut-off communications and a reported death toll of 18, according to the nation’s National Institute for Natural Disasters.

Does the phrase of my quatrain “Red Fire Wind To Dance” or the keyword “tornadoes” fit the event readers?  Once more I clearly mentioned and wrote my expectation for “tornadoes” on the 23rd many days earlier did any educated geologists working for NASA or the USGS remotely warned anyone? Rest assured they will not take such a chance because they do not know and their assumptive statements will always come after the facts! It is NOT everyday but extremely rarely that a Double-punched storms matures in the Indian Ocean and both birthed on the exact given window dates. 

Note also what was posted on 01/01/2010 in my prediction page:  “We are fast moving to an “AIR” dragon that will have the “weather man” wondering what the heck is going on and all the fire fighters on their toes. I see quite a lot of tornadoes; wind storms, sand storms, fire storms stopping traffic (check 2011 Moon power Supernova windows for most impact) and such a “wind” activity can only make the upcoming hurricane “season” a very busy one. Again do not expect the NWS or science at large to remotely understand the inner workings of the Cosmic Code or God’ sign plaguing the world in the year 2011 until August 2012. Read the latest Cosmic Code Newsletter sample here

3 Expect scientific news from the cosmos and/or NASA


A strong solar flare reaching M8.7 took place at 03:59 UTC monday m…

 Solar storm’s spectacular display


 Sunspot region 1402 produced a M8.7 flare on Jan. 23, peaking at 03:59 UT. A **proton event, linked to this flare, is currently in progress. A halo CME has been observed with the LASCO coronagraph on board SOHO. STEREO coronagraphic observations show a very widespread and fast CME (coronal mass ejection).  http://bit.ly/xhIqC3 This event is potentially geoeffective. 

Does the phrase of my quatrain .Stars Command Shock Science or the keywords “Cosmos News” fit this exceptional event? Remember my words readers, there are NO accidents, just cosmic circumstances that science and 99.09% of the world is not yet aware of…Indeed this is the utmost obvious omen (SIGN) directly sent to me by God to his unconscious “educated” children…

For such an obvious set of dates and unarguable predictions involving NASA directly to come to pass is a very serious message that it is time for the world to acknowledge Dr. Turi as a real prophet with a crucial mission for humanity! How can I write these words and be humble at the same time when my gift speaks for itself? Indeed insecure, envious well read souls, skeptics and atheists alike have no words to say to me or simply look ridiculous assuming anything to vent their frustrations…

The facts are there, the facts are undeniable and soon all will be exposed nationwide. What amazes me most is anyone can do what I do with the right education because I am NOT a psychic but a different type of scientist…With the difference that; unlike astrophysicists and astronomers alike, I do not see the stars or planets as mere rocks, depraved of any spiritual life hanging above our heads just for the sake of beauty. Becoming Cosmic Conscious is the next step for humanity readers.

4 Expect shocking news and very large explosions in the Middle East


Does the phrase of my quatrain Calm Deception To Strike or the keyword explosion fit the event readers? Quakes above 6.0 happens everyday yes?

And yes explosions killing over 160 people in the Middle East or in double in Ireland happens everyday yes?  

Wrong readers, only during specific cosmic auspices and yet while I am offering those windows all year round in my book for free to the police or any scientists to check on my claims NONE of the BIG people working for the government, FBI, CIA agents, educationists and media prominent talking heads making up my black list have either requested, endorsed, supported or even communicated once with me.

This is the true attitude of your political, religious and scientific leader’s tax payers and you wonder why God is on my side?  

James Randi One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge – President of Ignorance

“When a true genius appears in this world you may know him by this sign that the dunces are all in confederacy against him”


Since 1991, through my blog, I offered rigid “visions” to the world and tried all along to reach NASA, the police, the secret services  and the scientific community, nothing has worked so far!  I even took serious chances to attract the attention of the FBI but those youngsters could never relate to my cosmic work! 

FBI visited Dr. Turi again, following Paris Terrorists Attack Prediction

SOS- Phoenix AZ Police

I think myself as the first “Cosmic Cop”  helping the police to realize, because no one taught them “the cosmic code” jurisdictions, infringing or ignoring those cosmic laws imposes a serious penalty, even death!

While thousands of dedicated, courageous law enforcement officers read and appreciate my warnings, the police Administration is totally responsible for all the past and future calamities and those public servants early demises. 

Trusting traditional education, psychology, psychiatry and neuroscience “educated” guesses will not help a religious and / or indoctrinated society to build more cosmic consciousness leading to a healthier,  safer more productive life! 

“Dr. Turi, I have learned more about what it means to be human in your Sedona Astropsychology week long course than the 7 years I spent in an accredited medical school!” ///// Dr. in psychiatry” 

It will take time, but future “cosmic conscious cops” will learn to respect God’s cosmic Divinity speaking to them via the signs and avoid an untimely death! 

L’Oeil du Droit a la Force D’Airain

Image result for dr.turi


Meantime, one prediction I made on William Shatner’s TV show stand apart and has a direct connection with the cosmos and should indeed pick the interest of the Space Agency. Yet, 99.9% of NASA scientists would rather be caught dead than to consider Astrology  as a reputable science to predict earthquakes and various natural disasters and learn something from me! 

Kudos to you Dr. Turi!

I surf the Internet periodically for predictions on forthcoming events, specifically all relating to earthquake activities. You hit the 11/22/95 Egypt/Israel/Saudi Arabia 7.2 quake smack dab on the head, per your earlier prediction. Congratulations again!

E-mail < ////private @ccmail.jpl.nasa///> Keep up the good work.

Appreciatively, GTL///

But who’s to blame them knowing the Mother of all science has been reduced to a huge financial endeavor by greedy corporations to entertain people from all walks of life on Facebook? Check my page!

Astrology when practiced by real professionals like me, do offer science the undeniable proofs that it works and should be taken seriously and accepted as a solid reliable scientific discipline. As always, documenting and investigating  all communications between the TV’s and radio’ shows host (s) is a must for all my readers to acquire and assimilate the facts.

Dr. Turi Talking UFO’s and making predictions on Age of Truth  TV

The world can now hear me on national radio or see me through Age of Truth, the Discovery & History Channel exposing my predictive work nationally. Yet, with all the proofs in hand, society at large, NASA, the Law Enforcement Agency, USGS, the Secret services and the full range of its scientific community still ridicule my cosmic work! 

Instead of denying the obvious and my lifetime cosmic work (I’ll be 69 soon – 02/26/50) maybe they should honor the word science and investigate Nostradamus’ 16th century Divine Astrology methodology and from there, accept it as the mother of all art and sciences known to men. 

Google “astrology dr.turi” for more articles on the subject

Image result for a physician cannot call himself a doctor astrology hippocrates

Hippocrates II, was a Greek physician of the Age of Pericles, and is considered the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine.

Nostradamus 2019 Universal and Personal Forecast 

Millionaires do not use Astrology, billionaires do! J.P. Morgan


dr. turi


6 Expect shocking news involving nukes


(Many in the West would like to see Iran punished for its nuclear ambitions. 

Does the phrase of my quatrain Calm Deception To Strike or the keyword Nukes fit the events readers?  Note I made this “NUKE”  “Predictions with George Noory (full TV special from 2006)” I am the only one who spoke about NUKES in his show, the section in question starts at 24.40.  I also predicted a “world religious war” or the “Arab Spring” on the Art Bell radio program back in 1995 and this was before the US invaded Iraq and well before Osama Bin Laden became enemy #1 of the US!

5 Expect shocking news with satellites, airlines or airplane crash


7 Key words are “shocking news, explosions, surprises”  on these days – Jan 22nd, 23rd, 24th

 01/20/2012 –  Aeronautics?  Shocking?

Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) — Allied forces suffered a day of heavy losses in Afghanistan Friday after a helicopter crash killed six U.S. Marines and an attack killed four French soldiers, prompting Paris to consider an early troop withdrawal.

Does the phrase of my quatrain Calm Deception To Strike” or the keyword Aeronautics” fit the events readers?  May God bless the souls of those courageous US and French soldiers that died to assure peace in the world.  Do you think it is everyday that Turbulence injures 3 flight attendants or a copter crashes? What about the millions of other similar “incidents” reported to the FAA that never made it to CNN? What about your own surprises there days?

The scientific community read, use and  STEAL Dr. Turi’s COSMIC MOON WISDOM but the prediction  for AUGUST 2013 IS UNDENIABLE! and offered to the world on this TV show.


Check the UFO legacy predictions on my latest show from thirdphaseofmoon

Memo from my 2012 Moon Power: 

TUE., WED., THU., FRI.  — JANUARY 24, 25, 26, 27:

RULERS — Uranus (Explosions/shocking news) Neptune (Deception/religion):

Travel and Communication: Neptune and Uranus may decide to strand you somewhere with the police.  Wherever you go, keep an eye on your possessions; the crooks will be active. Enjoy life in many ways this weekend; go after your wishes but don’t drink and drive.  Uranus and Neptune are not great co-habitants and when alcohol and speed are mixed, it produces serious accidents.  Be cautious if you must drive a long way; take plenty of rest as Neptune’s energy could make you sleepy. Chew gum, it will keep you more alert.  Don’t let Neptune grasp your spirit and complain; use positive words and keep busy to avoid depression or guilty feelings from your past.

 Oral Roberts’ son faces DUI charge

The bible does not translate God’s will and the “experts” are not immunized to stupidity and the stars!

 Environment: Uranus (explosions) will be strong these days, thus expect bad surprises with nature’s devastating forces.  Crazy people and all the elements will be invited for a mad dance.  This energy will be quite detrimental and will disturb electronics and could produce aeronautic disasters.

JANUARY 19, 20, 21, 22, 23: (dates printed in 2012 Moon Power)


Cosmos News / Nuke / Weird news / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / lightning / Humanitarianism / Discovery / Earthquakes / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics / Technology / UFO.



Shocking: Obama makes fun of Republicans At Immigration Speech: 


Jan 24 – Apple’s $46B sales set tech record


Jan 24 – Google changes privacy policy


Jan 24 – Ready or not, here’s Facebook Timeline


Woman fights intruder with bedpost

Weird News

Jan 24 – Jan 22 –Dad watches as daughter, 10, is killed by crocodile

Shocking news?

Jan-21st 2012  Nude Iranian star ignites firestorm –

Shocking news?

Turbulence injures 3 flight attendants

Aeronautics ?

Jan 22 – Cyberwar between Israel, Iran underway?


Jan 22 – Tech whiz brings computers to Ghana


Jan 22 Malawian women attacked for pants

Weird news?

Jan 21 – Toddler found with mouse in mouth

Weird news?

Jan-21st – Mom with 2 uteruses gives birth

Weird news?

Jan-21st – Dad accused of locking child in cage

Weird news?

Jan-21st –  Magazine delivered 36 years later

Weird news?

U.S. ship helps sinking Iranian vessel


Well, I let you be the judge readers because my work speaks for itself and if they did not pick me, God did! If it was not for my Grandma and Mom’s interests in the moon and the stars while growing up, including my incredible solid UFO experiences chances are I would not be sought as the best in the field of predictive astrology today because…Incredible experiences, breed incredible people that have incredible wisdom to share…


Sharing more Emails:

From: ” Katherine///
Subject: RE: thank you!
Tue, 24 Jan 2012 15:31:57 -0500

Hello Dr. Turi!

I heard you were amazing yesterday! Quick question: when you consult “the stars” can you describe what you look at? Do you use books, charts, or do you just look to the sky? What did you do before you had that software, just look at a chart or to the stars?




DT – Indeed we had a blast…I use a software and  a new housing system I designed with the help of Halloran software in LA, similar to the one used by NASA that plot the movement of the stars and combine it with my astrological wisdom and intuition… Indeed before then I used to read charts or “ephemeris” but knew something was not right and changed modern astrology to Astropsychology. I will submit the world, you and Stephen a full report tomorrow with ALL the predictions and explanations for the editing department…You will love it.

Thanks again for the opportunity


 I am asking all my supporters to pass on this so very important newsletter to everyone looking for the truth and click on the banners above and below to enjoy more of my work and show me your support. Thank you in advance…

 “If you are not happy or something is missing in your life it is simply because you do not live your destiny as intended by God through the Cosmic Code”

Ask and you shall receive!

Lastly I am offering the public the chance to join the Cosmic Code and with it  the chance   to find God and Jesus’ initial Ministry to introduce humanity to “Our Father in the Heavens”

 Dr Turi Beyond 2012

Watch 2012 Mayan Cosmic Code Activation

Dr Turi on William Shatner’s “Weird of What” TV show

Dr. Turi On UFO Facts


Dr. Louis Turi : Predictions for November & December 2012!

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi


About Dr. Turi

Dr. Turi is a proficient author and a captivating speaker, his profound Universal Wisdom astonishes everyone. He was recognized in the 2003 Marquis "Who's Who in America." Dr. Turi is the personal counselor of many celebrities, Ivana Trump, Peter Fonda, Gary Busey, Denis Haysbert, John Gray and many others. Dr. Turi is a favorite guest of George Noory on Coast-To-Coast AM radio and the BBC in London and appeared in numerous television programs worldwide.He speaks of the cosmic face and celestial tools of the creator and warn the world with undeniable well documented undeniable predictions. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BX3TzPUt08 Clinical Hypnotherapist - Astropsychologist focused on providing individual and couples counseling services. Specializing in public speaking, teaching, metaphysics, natural healing, stress management, women’ issues and family mediation services. Interested in speaking engagements, radio, television, events and media outlets, academic work, advising corporations, the police force, colleges, universities and general public on mental health issues and spirituality outside of conventional beliefs and accepted disciplines.