Dr. Turi’s Famous 9-11 Prediction
Read also “FBI, CIA, NSA POLICE WHAT THE HECK? Time for your wake up call! VIDEO.” AND Where has she gone when will the FBI catch Hayat Boumeddiene?
Dr. Louis Turi est un Francais tres connu aux USA et tres reputer pour ses surprenante and precise predictions faite a la maniere de Nostradamus. Louis est ne a Pont St. Esprit, en Provence, et reside en Amerique depuis 1984. Note apres tant d’annee a l’etranger, J’ai oublier mon Francais et mon clavier est Americain… Oblier l’ hortographe SVP!
Louis a poste ses predictions d’ activitees terroriste quatre fois sur le site de Paris “Police Nationale” et a predicte l’attaque meurtriere a Paris sur deux radio Americaine. Le premier interview c’est fait le 12 Novembre 2014 radio show et le second le 21 Decembre 2014 radio show. Je predis d’autre acts meurtrier et je veux donner les prochaine dates a la television or sur un journal Parisien pour avertir mes concitoyens Francais. J’ai aussi predicte l’attaque de Septembre 11, 2001 a New York, hurricane Katrina, les deux tsunamis en Asie and les plus devastatif tremblement de terre dans le monde entier.
Et pour tout causes, les Americains affirme que je suis “La reincarnation de Nostradamus!” Ma precision est effrayante et pensant que j’avais des connections avec les terrorists, le FBI Americain m’ a visiter aujourd’hui, January 9, 2015 pour la seconde fois. Contacter moi a turitrue@gmail.com pour les preuve de toute mes predictions ou un interview. Merci a tous pour passer ce message tres importante aux authoritiees Francaise. Dr. Turi
Over the years, the police has grown drastically with weaponry but not in spirit… There are reasons for the cops and their public victims to invite a premature death! Astroforensics must be taught at the Police Academy. Dr. Turi
Dear Readers:
Yes, it happen again today, as expected two FBI agents knocked at our door this afternoon asking me all sorts of pertinent questions about me knowing all about the Paris terrorist attack a full month before it unfolded.
After knocking our door, they introduced themselves and showed me their FBI badges I then calmly and politely asked them to come inside our house and asked them to sit on my sofa. For their safety, in a few seconds they asserted their environment and saw my gun and my police badge on the table. They asked me if the gun was loaded, I say yes, it is but its locked in its safe position.
The tension was quite high because they did not know anything about me, who I was, where I am coming from or what I do. To them I could be another “sleeping cell” ready to fire my gun to escape justice.
They told me, following the “suspicious” email I sent to their Phoenix FBI office, they wanted to make sure I had no contact with any terrorist organization. They seemed perplexed and were wondering how on earth I was able to pinpoint those dates ahead of time and warn the world ahead of time. Logic dictate only someone who is connected with terrorism would have such information and know when a terrorist act will unfold!
Indeed, all cops have a lot to learn about my predictive talent and should investigate it fully! I was amazed with so much material directly getting into countless of FBI offices electronically, they did not know much much about my aims…
I explained to them that; I was actually using a modified Astrological software to do my researches and calculate the timing for terrorist events. I added that I was doing all sorts of predictions, including forecasting large earthquakes and natural disasters.
One of them immediately asked me what company produced it. I gave the name of John Halloran in Los Angeles (which I had to spell) who did the complex technological work requested for me to use astrology like Nostradamus would have done 500 years ago, without the use of a watch. They wrote every single thing I said on a notebook and asked what was my citizenship, requesting my ID and my resident status.
They also asked me to give all my social media addresses including my twitter account where my warnings for the next terrorist attack of January 7, 2015 appeared to accurate and suspicious. Knowing it happened on the exact day, any FBI agent would want to know more! Each time I was walking away to another room to get the requested documentation, I felt their uneasiness, I then asked them to join me in my office.
The inquisitive eyes landed on 2 more police badges, then asked me why I would own them. I responded I had guns not only in my house, but also in my truck! And as the owner of a concealed weapon license by law, I must present it first to any police officer with my driving license. They examined the concealed weapon license badge closely, then gave it back to me.
Again, trying to catch me in a lie, they asked me to show my weapon licence and I did. They knew for me to own such document mean I had to be very clean and this made them feel more comfortable with me. Terania was a bit petrified and like she did the first time, she stayed in our bedroom.
I knew, making such direct comments directly to the Phoenix FBI about terrorism and being dead on target would bring them to my house again. My aim was to make them realize I am “one of them” and very concerned each time a cop gets killed!
However, trying to explain in a very short time what took my life to discover, is always a challenge but I am a pro doing so. All I wanted them to do is to glance at my software and at the same time, get their DOB and give them a taste of Astropsychology – Astroforensics. And they did…
While I could elaborate more on this meeting, I must respect their privacy and keep much our this discussion private. I then directed them to the 12/20/2014 initial post “Officers.com Police shame and disgrace – 2015/2016 SOS POLICE WINDOWS” and tried to explain my methodology with my quatrain and keywords.
I told them I tried to reach a congregation of cops to give them potential dangerous time and the dates of future terrorist attacks, and instead of working with me “police officers.com” fired me after only five minutes delegating politely all the vitriolic poring at me.
HOW DO THEY FEEL NOW, knowing I was dead on when I told them those dates will see terrorism and police deaths? But how can not be resentful for those young uniformed, impatient, aggressive people?
Both FBI agents were listening to all I had to say, and I was surprised for the respect and patience they had with me. Incidentally the date of January 7/8/9 are not in this article, but were broadcasted on two radio shows a month ago. The same exact warnings were discussed with the hosts and my methodology below is always the same. All the information needed to confirm my claims are in the article “Terror in Paris” Dr. Turi’s astonishing TRIPLE HITS PREDICTION!“
Hidden secrets sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature, man’s religion bloody folly reign
Russia/ Famous Death / Dramatic News / Police /FBI / CIA / Mob / Secrets / Scandals / Wake Up Call / Terrorism / Finances / Sex / Serial Killers / Death News.
HELLO HELLO FBI will you wake up this time?
Update 1/14/2015 RIGHT ON THE DOT! 1/14/2015
Four at Secret Service lose jobs FBI? Secret Service cleans house after scandals – scandals?
Hidden secrets sex, money come to light
(Click -) FBI, CIA, NSA, US and French Secret Services, Are You Listening?
(Click -) January February 2015 SOS To The World Deadly Windows Police Warnings!
For a while I was the one doing the talking and those FBI agents were patiently listening. I pointed out from my website Dr. Turi on William Shatner’s TV Show telling them I HAD to prove my predictive abilities to the producers before doing the TV show. Only after checking my claims, William Shatner would endorse my gift as legit. Discovery Channel – Dr. Turi’s Predictions
Both agents were quite young, at least 25 to 35 years younger than me and they were quite perplexed. They still could not exactly figure out who I was and what I had in mind. They did not know if I was a crazy guy trying to impersonate a cop, a lunatic psychic or simply deranged. Little did they know I do not drink, ever smoke pot or take any medications… But as time went by, not only did I made them wonder about my expertise but gained their trust and released the tension.
Unlike the two previous FBI agents who visited me last year, those guys were different, they seemed smart and more curious…If they really were, who they said they were.
I explained the best way I could what Astropsychology / Astroforensics is all about and my aim to serve and save both the cops and the public lives…
I grasped a sealed envelop I wrote on January 6th to Sheriff Joe Arpaio asking him to pay attention to my next “SOS Police Windows” of January 24/25 and February 20/21 2015.
I told them this letter will be mailed to the Sheriff’s office during one of his positive “Cosmic Biorhythms” so it does not end up in his secretary hands and in the trash.
I had then, to explain in a few words what “Cosmic Biorhythms” meant, and while dealing with foreign spiritual matters, I could detect not only a deep interest but compassion for my passion and drive to save police officers’ lives. They hopefully soon realized I was as transparent and as honest as a diamond!
They warned me about my badges and how they could get me in trouble if misused, but they already knew, I am a bit too smart to impersonate a cop and reassured them this was not my intend.
I told them, Terania and I are doing a lot of traveling all over the country, and we stop quite often, in the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere, filling up my guzzler 32 gallons (122 liters) gas tank.
A hummer burns between 9 and 12 gallons of gas per mile, this mean we have to stop often, especially when traveling far distances.
I explained that wearing those police badges during the night is a serious deterrent for any drug addict criminals on the prowl, ready to kill anyone for their next fix! (Click -) “Purses Snatched While Victims Pump Gas” – ” Police: Victims kidnapped while pumping gas, robbed at gunpoint”
Update – 1/23/2015 (Click -) READ WHAT HAPPENED TO THIS WOMAN
Indeed Astropsychology is used for good reasons because no one will ever hurt my wife or I if can do something about it. While we try to travel under positive cosmic auspices, during a waxing moon and during our positive cosmic biorhythms, it is not always possible.
I also mentioned my hummer looks like a police car, with dark windows, police scanner, antennas and a police plate in the front.
They knew I was not infringing any laws wearing badges or having a black Hummer, looking like a police truck. (lol)
I told them I knew and befriended a retired police Captain in N.Y. and suggested them to call him directly if they did not believe me. They didn’t want to but I’m sure at this point they knew I was honest and real and did not doubt my words.
The discussion was quite interesting and educational for those young courageous sharp men, yet by respect, I must keep quite a lot of today’s hour long meeting; for my wife and I.
But the usual feeling of fear, subordination and power accompanying any FBI agent’ aura was gone only after a few minutes in my presence. I’m sure they knew they were dealing with a good and unusual old man, and as they left, I could feel both trust and respect in their warm handshakes.
I asked them to read my articles and pay specifically attention to the future dates of January 24/25 and February 20/21 2015.
Indeed I am the first “cosmic” cop on the planet, and all I am trying to do is to make the police administration (and the public) aware of a set of laws they are yet, unaware of. As it stand today, the cops are the first one ignoring those crucial laws, because no one taught them how to read the cosmic signs…
They are in the first line of fire, facing deadly criminals and death is near them everyday in their dangerous profession. This is the main reason to why I have been doing everything to draw their attention I need and in helping to bring them back home safe and sound everyday day.
Watching cops and innocent bystanders being killed and families being destroyed, all in the name of ignorance, religious convictions, spiritual / “educated” pride or skepticism; is not acceptable.
Instead of being fired by “policeofficers.com” idiots, I should have been given a chance to prove my claims right for December 7th 2015.
I was right then and I’ll be right again with the given dates of January 24/25 and February 20/21 2015. I will keep working and hopefully all cops will realize, they too, for their safety must oblige by God cosmic universal rules.
My convictions, confidence and tenacious dedication has never been enough, but today I got a bit closer to my goal… I explained to them both, my software would easily be inserted in the patrol car electronics and when trained how to use it, might be able to make the difference between a an extremely dangerous born killer or a harmless law obedient US citizen.
Furthermore this software will allow them to almost immediately calculate their own personal cosmic biorhythms and call on other cops reinforcement to delegate dangerous calls.
As I explained to them, not all calls are life threatening but they all become threatening under specific cosmic winds they must learn to recognize for their safety.
The cops of the future, will not only use extreme weaponry but also the extremely original cosmic teachings we own.
There is still a long way to go for the police to realize the potential of our work software, but with all the “noise” I create, I can only hope more of my educational, cosmic articles will be read and investigated instead of being trashed by the feeble minded skeptical idiots.
Armed with all my private information, all those two two FIB agents can do now is; to investigate me and realize I am as clean as a whistle!
Hopefully they will also get stimulated to use their natural investigative talents to be better detectives by reading and investigating more of my proposition and predictive work! And hopefully, in the future they will say, “Yes I met this weird man personally, and I did not know then, he was right all along!”
If you are one of those rare spiritual human beings in the ocean of life looking for my uplifting spiritual hook, and interested in learning more about the Cosmic Code, God Cosmic Divinity, Astroforensics, or Astropsychology, just ring the bell! We will open the door of a new world above for you to join our VIP’s in our Cyber Cosmic Code University!
All the answers to what it means to be human and so much more is awaiting you!
Dr. Turi
The Magical Power of Talismans!
Feed the earthy matrix or free your spirit with Dr. Turi
Dr. Turi Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Univer…

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