Frank Morano’ SOS to the world deadly window report for 11/12/22


dr. turi

“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom. ~ Paracelsus

White teacher was fired after he told the class he was a racist and believes his race is superior!

Be prepared, the new 2023 Aries/Mars (war/racism/fires) and Libra (The Law/Justice) dragon axis is “void of course” this means affairs involving war, race, emigration, and racism will explode during my 2023 SOS to the world deadly windows. And many will perish!

The legacy of Hitler’s vile spirit has and will come in full force in the months to come! Be ready and be prepared for what the future has in store for yourself and the world at large! 

Prepare for the new cosmic “Change of Guards” and when the new and improved 2023 “Nostradamus Personal and Universal dragon forecast for all signs” comes out on November 23rd, 2022. bookmark this page, and be the first to get it! 

Before investing in my cosmic wisdom, you may also join the Cosmic code private website and read all that happened to society and yourself in the last few years by reading the 2022 version for FREE!

Join today or Email if you need help. 

Pay attention to my warnings or pay the price, God does not speak to fools!


Dear reader,

If you read “Frank Morano’s SOS to the world deadly window report for 11/7/22″ and watch my YouTube video my visions transpired accurately! Yet it is only if you INVESTIGATE my cosmic work properly that you will realize why more and more smart people are joining the Cosmic Code private website! 

My windows depict earthquakes at or above 6.0 and various natural disasters

Window of November 12, 2022

10/11/22 – 7.3magnitude earthquake near Neiafu, Vava‘u, Tonga

Window of November 7, 2022

6.6 magnitude, South Pacific Ocean
7.0 magnitude, South Pacific Ocean

11/4/226.1 magnitude earthquake near Bahía de Kino, Sonora, Mexico
1 dead, and multiple were missing in Oklahoma after tornadoes hit 3 states/.

UNDENIABLE Earthquakes predictions 

You could have planned to take a trip to Florida and found yourself stuck in an airport or forced to cancel your plans! This is not only very costly but also very frustrating! 

Florida governor issues state of emergency for dozens of counties ahead of Hurricane Nicole
Homes are collapsing into the ocean in Florida. Here’s what’s behind the dangerous situation
 More than 300,000 customers were without power across Florida after Nicole makes landfall

MEMO – “While NASA is wasting billions with Mars missions, the NWS USGS and NOOA could only follow and report the deadly hurricane the best way they could! On August 31, 2022, BEFORE Ian FORMED into the Atlantic Ocean, using my SOS to the world deadly window and the power of the moon, as intended by God himself, I gave the exact date September 28, and warned my international reading audience through my quatrain of all the current anticipated deadly news!” And my YouTube video does not lie!

We are now getting closer to the second date given on Frank’s Morano radio show and I am warning more readers of the November 12 window!

Memo: Expect the beginning or ending of important parts of life and forced relocation due to natural disasters. This window will affect all human affairs, would it be personal or political… So be cautious and listen to all the people around you, watch the news, and others’ personal lives forced into noticeable change!

As always, you will have to come back to this newsletter as my visions unfold and read the collected news. I was asked to do the stars and fate of Donald Trump and the Governor of Florida Ron DeSantis and I did so in the video above.   Remember, please don’t kill the Messenger, I am not into politics, I am an Astrologer!

Delegating the stars demands a lot of research and work, I can only be to the point and objective with celebrities… 

Read all the details!



Full moon will turn an eerie red, during the total lunar eclipse… 

If you are a radio/TV, or podcast host contact Terania 

Join my YouTube channel so you don’t miss anything!

Knowledge is power, and ignorance is evil so be smart, be wise, be warned join the cosmic code read our daily guidance and various forecasts, and be extremely prudent during those deadly cosmic winds to avoid all sorts of costly, disturbing, and dangerous situations.

‘I predicted major world events after aliens abducted me and downloaded cosmic code’

Dr. Turi 5th kind UFO Contactee the supernatural, UFO Astrology, and my dated predictions for November 2022.

If you ever doubted my UFO predictive legacy, now is the time to make notes and pay attention to the dates given in Frank’s show!

November 7 and 22 – Serious dramatic deadly news, Russia, Police, famous deaths

November 12 – The beginning or ending of important parts of life forced relocation due to natural disasters.

November 28 SHOCKING news, earthquakes, explosions, technology, nukes, Japan.

Join my channel and don’t miss anything! 

A copy of astronomer Hipparchus’ map of the stars was discovered underneath the Syriac text of John Climacus’ “Ladder of Divine Ascent,” 

God’s cosmic design and Jesus’ Initial Cosmic Ministry will come to light as we move further into the Age of Truth or the New Age of Aquarius…

A copy of astronomer Hipparchus’ map of the stars was discovered underneath the Syriac text of John Climacus’ “Ladder of Divine Ascent,” a treatise written in around 600 CE, according to a news release from the Washington, DC-based Museum of the Bible.

Like NASA discovering a new planet or a new black hole every day, this is another deceptive Christian advertisement for Church Inc. on CNN!  Indeed the supremely wealthy, well-organized scientific and religious matrixes own and control all forms of communication.

Those misleading reptilius-infected corporations can afford $342,000 per 30 seconds of air time and pull the strings to be on all major news media!

Facts! Hipparchus was NOT an astronomer since astronomy did not exist then and it is a by-product of Divine Astrology, a much older science stolen, and manipulated by the politically oriented church of the past!  

 Hipparchus was a “Divine Astrologer” he was like Nostradamus and me, an “Astrophile” who understood God’s Cosmic Design and realized the critical teachings of Jesus’ initial cosmic Ministry (Ladder of Divine Ascent, or Divine Astrology!) 

Read the vexing facts!

Pastor Scolds Congregation For Not Buying Him A Luxury Movado Watch: ‘You Can Now Get A Movado Watch At Sam’s’

Sign my petition, and help the world assimilate God’s cosmic design! 

The future is nothing else than the reincarnation of thought… Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil! Dr. Turi

Read more about the NEW TALISMANS SUPER DEAL

To ensure order reception by customers, we will also provide insurance and also include receipts and custom numbers for tracking purposes.

As of today, 9/27/22; we have decided to offer our VIPs, clients, and patrons a new, and more powerful talismans design.

The front silver talismans will come with your personal Zodiacal sign (see samples below) and the full belt of the Zodiac is on the backside. Note chain is provided.

Aries – Size, on Terania’s hand


Make good use of the new deal!

Universal talismans cost $1000 with a Zoom live consultation but you can get it for $400.00 only if you become a VIP for 12 months minimum first…

Please contact Terania, for more information on various types of talismans and the one you need:

The reasons for the changes are:

Time: You will not have to wait weeks or months to receive your order, only a few days and no more than two weeks.

Too many people have been waiting for too long for something they invested in months ago.

Listening to the benevolent solar – Draco’s channeling; I came up with the answer, I needed.

Power: Instead of waiting for months, for the right cosmic auspices which could, in some cases even take years… I now use the location of your natal Dragon’s Head and charge your sign talisman during sunny days, on the waxing moon, and most importantly during one of your personal positive cosmic biorhythm days.

I will also locate the weakest area of your UCI (or Saturn the great malefic) to compensate with the revitalizing power of the talisman made for you.

Doing so not only saves lots of time but accentuates the power needed to make your talisman work its magic, almost immediately for you. 

Options: The new talisman is designed to affect all areas of your life; It can be worn around your neck, left in your bag, or in your pocket. It will protect you when you drive or fly! Unlike the old design, anyone can appreciate and even touch it. There is no cleaning, cleansing, or recharging involved ever.

Purposes: The new version depicts the full Zodiac wheel; making it Universal and perpetual since it carries in itself all the blessings and strengths of all the signs of the Zodiac. 

You do not need to send precious metals such as gold or silver or any precious stones anymore…

This new design owns the power of:

Venus – Taurus/Libra: (love/money/Arts) and will raise your magnetism and stimulate the attraction between human beings… Especially if the person you are attracted to likes it or touches it. It makes you more magnetic.

Mars – Aries: (Pioneer spirit) If you need courage, drive, energy, and the will to succeed, Mars will be leading you all the way to the top… Makes you very competitive.

Mercury – Gemini/Virgo: (writing/communication) The Messenger of the Gods will give you all the mental power you need to study, teach, communicate and adapt to anything life throws at you… This talisman will accentuate and protect or improve your health. Makes you also faster and more curious.

Sun – Leo: (life/ fame/gold/love/children) The creative life forces of the Sun will attract the benevolent – solar Draconis in your life; where nothing or no one can stop you from reaching all your wishes. This talisman will help produce healthy, successful children and stimulate better connections with kids and siblings… Makes you shine, invest in Gold. 

Neptune – Pisces: (Psychic power/creativity/arts/imagination) Neptune Lord of the Seas will speak its power through the forces of your subconscious where magic can and will change your life for the better. Neptune will lead you to more efficient medications and protect you against chemical poisoning/drugs. protect by the water… Makes you more psychic and accentuates good sleep and dreams.

Saturn – Capricorn:(politics/structure/career achievements) This rational Capricorn symbol will help you climb the mountain of success and give you the discipline you need to better your career and life in general… Particularly beneficial for political or investment endeavors… Make you driven to succeed and plan for it.

Uranus – Aquarius: (UFOs/originality/freedom/technology) Uranus’ futuristic energy can make the impossible a reality and will attract experiences you could never dream possible. Full protection when you fly anywhere… Makes you unique, and attracts friends and UFOs.

Pluto – Scorpio: (Death/rebirth/investigation/metaphysics) The extraordinary powers of Pluto can bring you back to life into a much more rewarding life. Sensuality and sexual affairs become a new reality… Makes you mysterious and powerful.

The scientific community is oblivious of the cosmic code jurisdictions and the power generated by a tailored talisman, something our clients and readers are uncovering with our cosmic teachings on the cosmic code private website. 


While our clients can order any talisman of their choice, after investigating their chart we always create the personal talisman that would work best for them.

Thus, if your natal UCI is loaded with Sagittarius (Half-man half-horse) your “Indian spirit,”  will be stimulated to work in your favor.

What does your sign say?

Go to and click on your astrological sign at the top of the page to read about your characteristics. 

Example: A Sagittarius talisman will bring luck in gaming, protection for your pets, or while traveling to foreign countries or in wild nature. This talisman could also lead you to foreign people’s wisdom and stimulate deep metaphysical views while stimulating also more practical scientific studies. 

Now, remember, we are not jewelry designers.

You are not after something attractive that only looks good, you are after the DIVINE or all the critical cosmic energy making up your UCI! 

You NEED a talisman if bad luck is something you can’t get rid of…  

This video will tell you more! WATCH!

Our talismans provide love, health, wealth, magnetism, Indian spirit guide, attract UFOs, and our Universal talismans are very powerful. 

You may also read “Beyond the secret” and drastically attract a much better future!  

You will not get real predictions, real warnings, or real cosmic teachings on UFOs on CTC am, Gaia, Contact in the Desert, or Ancient Aliens! I have also decided to keep track of my predictions for the children of the future who may be interested in earthquake predictions outside of conventional science.


My windows always induce earthquakes at or above 6.0 and volcanic eruptions!

Window of November 12, 2022

10/11/22 – 7.3magnitude earthquake near Neiafu, Vava‘u, Tonga

Window of November 7, 2022

6.6 magnitude, South Pacific Ocean
7.0 magnitude, South Pacific Ocean

11/4/226.1 magnitude earthquake near Bahía de Kino, Sonora, Mexico
1 dead, and multiple were missing in Oklahoma after tornadoes hit 3 states/.
11/4/22 – 6.1 magnitude earthquake near Bahía de Kino, Sonora, Mexico

Window of October 25, 2022

10/25/22 – 6.4 in DoloresCordilleraPhilippines
10/24/22 – 6.3 in South Sandwich Islands

My windows always predispose earthquakes at or above 6.0, yet unless you are a VIP you missed the 10/20/22 October 2022, SOS to the world deadly windows – Posted by Dr. Turi on October 1, 2022, at 9:41 am

Window of 20 
Oct 20/22 – 6.7 magnitude earthquake near Punta de Burica, Chiriquí, Panama

Window of Oct 16
Oct 15 /22 – 6.4 mag quake East New Britain, Papua New Guinea

Window of Oct 11
 Oct 10/22 – 6.2 in Central Mid Atlantic Ridge

Window of Sept 28 hurricane Ian prediction
9/28/22 – 6.0 in Reykjanes Ridge
9/29/22 – 6.5 in East Of South Sandwich Islands

9/24/22 – 6.1 magnitude earthquake near Ancud, Los Lagos, Chile
9/24/22 – 6.2 magnitude earthquake near Meulaboh, Aceh, Indonesia

Window of Sept 19

9/21/22 – 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Kamtsjatka, Russia
9/19/22 – 7.6 magnitude earthquake near Michoacán, Mexico
9/18/22 – 6.9 magnitude earthquake near Taitung City, Taiwan, Taiwan
9/17/22 – 6.5 magnitude earthquake near Taitung City, Taiwan, Taiwan

Window of sept 14

Volcanic Eruption Creates a New Island in the South Pacific

9/14/22 – 7.0 magnitude earthquake near Isangel, Tafea, Vanuatu
9/10/22 – 7.6 in KainantuEastern HighlandsPapua New Guinea
13/22 – 4.4 Santa Rose CA Earthquake Causes Minor Damage


Window of May 22, 2022

 5/26/22 M 6.2 – 38 km NE of Lospalos, Timor Leste
5/26/22  M 7.2 earthquake near Azángaro, Puno, Peru
5/23/22 – M 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Katsuura, Chiba, Japan
5/22/22 – M 6.3 – south of the Fiji Islands
5/21/22 – M6.1 near Bungahan, Calabarzon, Philippines
5/19/22 – M 6.9 – mag earthquake Macquarie Island region

Window of March 22, 2022

3/24/22: 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Port-Olry, Sanma, Vanuatu
3/22/22: 6.7 magnitude earthquake near Hualian, Taiwan, Taiwan

Window of January 16, 2022

1/16/22: 6.1 magnitude earthquake near Panguna, Bougainville, Papua New Guinea
 1/15/22: 6.6 magnitude earthquake near Labuan, Banten, Indonesia

Window of January 12, 2022

1/12/2022:6.6 magnitude earthquake near Unalaska, Alaska, United States
1/11/2022: 6.8 magnitude earthquake near Unalaska, Alaska, United States

Window of November 2021

11/14/21:6.3 magnitude earthquake near Bandar ‘Abbās, Hormozgan, Iran
11/14/21:6.0 magnitude earthquake near Bandar ‘Abbās, Hormozgan, Iran
11/11/21:6.0 magnitude earthquake near Nabire, Papua, Indonesia
11/11/21: 6.6 magnitude earthquake near Hirara, Okinawa, Japan
6.2 magnitude earthquake near Masachapa, Managua, Nicaragua

Window of September 11th, 2021!

9/8/21: 7.0 in GuerreroMexico
9/7/21: 6.0  Pangai, Ha‘apai, Tonga

Window of August 28th!


Window of August 13th!

 *8/15/21: 6.9 in the South Sandwich Islands
*8/14/21: 7.2 magnitude earthquake near Aquin, Sud, Haiti
*8/14/21: 6.9 magnitude earthquake, Alaska, United States
 *8/13/21: 8.1 magnitude earthquake in the South Sandwich Islands 
*8/13/21: 6.3 magnitude, South Sandwich Islands
*8/11/21: 7.1 magnitude earthquake Philippines 

The fact is; my July 13, SOS to the world deadly window produced a bunch of earthquakes well above 6.0, not a single Geologist could ever anticipate or predict! And my August 12, 2021, YouTube video and my newsletter can only confirm my predictions! Read the facts! 

Window of July 30th!

8/3/ 21: 6.1 magnitude earthquake near Port Blair, India Earthquakes?
7/30/21: 6.2 magnitude earthquake near Sullana, Piura, Peru
7/29/21: 6.1 magnitude earthquake near Sand Point, Alaska, United States
7/29/21:8.2 magnitude earthquake near Sand Point, Alaska, United States

Window of July 23rd!

 7/26/21: 6.2 magnitude earthquake near Luwuk, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
7/23/21: 6.7 magnitude earthquake near Hukay, Calabarzon, Philippines
7/22/21: 6.7 magnitude earthquake near Punta de Burica, Chiriquí, Panama
7/21/21: 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Lorengau, Manus, Papua New Guinea

There are NO accidents! Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil!

Order your 2022 Personal & Universal Cosmic Biorhythms Dates

“Let who ignore my warnings be cursed by the eternal rites of the cosmic code universal ceremonies for a cosmic God does not speak to fools.” Dr. Turi 


Sharing emails;

Sun, Sep 18, 9:25 PM
Hi Dr. Turi,
The main reason I am writing is this… when you and I were departing from our meeting, the one thing you told me was, “You have something wrong with your gut.  Go and get that checked out because you don’t want to get cancer.”
Well, at that point in time, I had no insurance and had blood in my stool.  I immediately purchased insurance on my own (I missed enrollment from work) and proceeded to have tests done.
My initial doctor’s visit came back normal with the exception of elevated PSA numbers.  So, with blood in my stool, she set an appointment to have a colonoscopy done.  That came back negative, and the blood was a direct result of hemorrhoids.   
Since my PSA levels were so high, she also set an appointment for me to have a prostate exam.  The urologist, after more bloodwork and a digital rectal exam, decided that we should do a biopsy on my prostate.  Long story short, on July 26th, my results came back.  11/12 biopsies came back positive for cancer.
I was given a 40% chance that cancer would be localized.  My doctor told me that it was going to be a long hard road.
When I returned from Grand Cayman (visiting my sister for her 50th birthday party), I had to get imaging done, and that was done with PSMA and a CT scan.  The next visit to my urologist was the result.  That was a VERY scary day.  He told me right from the start, “You’re the only person I have been able to give any good news to today.”
The CT scan and imaging showed the cancer was localized only to my prostate and had not spread.  Of all the bad news, this was the best news possible.
This past Thursday, I had the procedure “Robotic Prostatectomy” done and my prostate was removed.  I am in recovery from the surgery and will go back this coming Thursday to have my catheter removed and more tests are done.  I truly believe that I will have a full recovery.
The most important thing I would like to relay to you is this… I can’t thank you enough for saving my life!!!  Had it not been for you, I may have just ignored my symptoms and dealt with them.  100% of the trust I put in you produced encouragement, bravery, and the simple fact that “I’ve got to get this shit done.”
I owe you for saving my life.  I know for a fact that if we had not spoken, I would have chalked up the blood in my stool to a simple lack of proper diet and my cancer would have gone undiagnosed.
I honestly love you, thank you, and would give anything just to shake your hand and give you a very genuine hug.
If the truth is known, I stayed positive based solely on the conversation that you and I had.  
For your record, just in case you can look back to see when we spoke, I go by AL, but my legal full name is /////////// I was born on /////////////, and I believe it was 11:15 or 11:18 pm.  You said that you and I would talk again, and I look forward to that day.
When it comes to the email below, I can’t begin to tell you how much of a blessing Kristina has been.  Her undivided support and love through this whole ordeal has truly made me see things in a different light and we are stronger now than ever before.
I apologize for the lengthy email, but I needed to let you know that I love you and thank you for the simple thing that you have done… save my life.
All the love in the world to you Dr. Turi and warmest regards,
Indeed, Al was sent to me by his guardian angel to save his life… This tells you how critical it is to listen to your intuition and seek new horizons! You are in good hands, be curious, be smart, face your fears and let me FREE YOUR BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT! 

An excellent video and article on Putin Dr. Turi. Soon all the other so-called ASTROLOGERS on Coast to Coast am radio will steal your work as they always do. In the past few weeks, all the astrologers have suddenly been talking about the danger the Supreme Court justices are in. Of course, you are the one who first predicted that. But they keep stealing your work and pretending they thought of it. How sad! Pete 

Dr, Turi

Thank you so much for such an incredible, mind-blowing, insightful, one-of-a-kind experience. Your knowledge & wisdom is something I’ve never experienced and it was an honor to learn from you. I appreciate you and all you do. Thank you for sharing your gifts with the world. I am really looking forward to listening to our session. I ordered your book and will be receiving Beyond The Secret today. I also joined the VIP Cosmic Codes. So grateful to be connected.

Many blessings,

Dr. Turi

Your prediction about the Supreme Court justices is starting to come true. Check out what a Harvard professor told students.

Alejandra Caraballo @Esqueer_
The 6 justices who overturned Roe should never know peace again. It is our civic duty to accost them every time they are in public. They are pariahs. Since women don’t have their rights, these justices should never have a peaceful moment in public again.
Review from a special client, regarding my husband; Dr. Louis Turi’s work:
“Dr. Turi, a thousand thank you for doing my progressive reading follow-up as well as my husband’s reading, with the tarot reading at the end of the session…
A thousand thank you will never be enough to express how ONCE AGAIN I’m grateful beyond words for the precious guidelines you continue to give us…
It’s the very first time my husband had a reading with you… I have shared with him all the books you published, he watched with me your movies on Amazon, and some of your YouTube videos, including the incredible documentary “Superconscious: The Power within” which he enjoyed, but he still has some thoughts of his own (he’s a Virgo/Scorpio rising)…
I recommend greatly everyone to watch this wonderful documentary…My husband never had a reading before and doesn’t have much knowledge of Astrology…
During his reading, he did listen to you very attentively describing what was going on in his actual twelve houses…He was flabbergasted by the information you provided to him (past/present/future), and the vital recommendation you offered him…
The tarot lecture we had at the end was just amazing…Some predictions were given to us for the future, treasurable guidance that is wonderful to be aware of…
All that I can say is that after having a reading with you, it’s impossible to not have your spirit boosted! Your physical & mental energy are contagious…
I believe in an approaching New Golden Age where peace can reside; “we are all here to evolve and grow to the highest possible frequency we can reach and together we can build a network of awareness about world peace around the globe” and that is why your real predictions and teaching are seriously worth being looked at …
Cosmic consciousness is necessary now more than ever and there are not out their soul teachers like you, humble, genuine, dedicated, and passionate about reintroducing this “lost/hidden teaching of the richer depths of Astrology that the very Ancients held” once…
We have so much evidence at all levels in front of us every minute that goes by, to continue to ignore for some, Jesus’ Cosmic Ministry and God’s Cosmic design as you mention so often…
I’m very honored and blessed to have been guided in knowing you for many years, for your incredible work, your newsletters that is time-consuming and full of valuable information, your teaching, and the sharing of your experiences without forgetting your revealing predictions making us aware of our surroundings…
There is so much Divine Power in your quote: “the Future is nothing else than the reincarnation of our thoughts” …




About Dr. Turi

Dr. Turi is a proficient author and a captivating speaker, his profound Universal Wisdom astonishes everyone. He was recognized in the 2003 Marquis "Who's Who in America." Dr. Turi is the personal counselor of many celebrities, Ivana Trump, Peter Fonda, Gary Busey, Denis Haysbert, John Gray and many others. Dr. Turi is a favorite guest of George Noory on Coast-To-Coast AM radio and the BBC in London and appeared in numerous television programs worldwide.He speaks of the cosmic face and celestial tools of the creator and warn the world with undeniable well documented undeniable predictions. Clinical Hypnotherapist - Astropsychologist focused on providing individual and couples counseling services. Specializing in public speaking, teaching, metaphysics, natural healing, stress management, women’ issues and family mediation services. Interested in speaking engagements, radio, television, events and media outlets, academic work, advising corporations, the police force, colleges, universities and general public on mental health issues and spirituality outside of conventional beliefs and accepted disciplines.