Nature To Strike Hard
New Horizons Following Tragedy
Much to Fall Nothing Made To Last
Tears Pain Death A new Life For Many
Beginning / Ending of Important Portion of Life / Forced Relocation / Destructive weather A new Planned and / or Unplanned Life For Many
Hundreds of thousands flee typhoon
CNN) — Hundreds of thousands of people were evacuated Saturday along China’s southeastern coast as Typhoon Soulik struck, where the storm was expected to bring strong winds and heavy rain.
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MOON POWER MEMO : Environment: The weather will turn very nasty in some states, and many will lose their lives and possessions. Thousands may be forced to relocate due to dramatic experiences with nature.
During the SOS window of July 
The ruins of the collapsed Panjiang Bridge, also called Qinglian Bridge, lie in a flooded river in the city of Jiangyou on July 9.
Death tolls climbs to 43 in China landslide
Note Asia longitude/latitude and time zone makes my July dates window accurate!
Not Guilty: George Zimmerman acquitted in the death of Trayvon Martin, jury finds.
Are you ready for my next July 16/17/18 SOS window? CHECK IT OUT and pass it on!
Remember someone without my permission put a YouTube video titled ” Cosmic Warnings to the World for July 2013 by Dr.Turi” without offering the general public any form of information or explanations about my predictive methodology. The author of this video made references to the bible when I use a modified software similar to that of NASA. IF YOU ARE A SUPPORTER OF MY WORK PLEASE GO THERE TO GIVE ME THE THUMB UP! Fight the evil of ignorance on my side…
Thus the cosmic unconscious mass expected the end of the world or a terrible disaster killing thousands on those dates. All I was warning about is the HIGH probability for large earthquakes above 6.0 and with it the PROBABILITY of a tsunami and as usual the large quakes happened…
My windows of probability for July 6/7/8 produced large earthquakes above 6.0 and with it the possibility of a tsunami. God thanks only the large earthquakes took place… and with it many of my predictions came to pass!
7.4 – 6.6 – 6.8 & 8.2 Earthquakes Predicted By Dr. Turi
Thus I am offering my two books for free so the curious readers can go back to July 6/7/8 and READ the exact words, quatrains and keywords used for this period.
My warnings are FREE my books are FREE but the sad reality is; the evil of ignorance will always show through the vicious vile envious young souls attacks born to extinguish the spirit of light, love, respect and true wisdom… Give and you shall receive
Cosmic Warnings To The World July 2013 by Dr. Turi on YouTube EXPLAINED
thanks for the books! came in really handy as i ran out or sorbent today!
.”Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.”
“When a true genius appears in this world you may know him by this sign that the dunces are all in confederacy against him”
Make a commitment to be happy and do not feed evil
Make a commitment to create anything big or small everyday
Make a commitment to share it with others