April 5th, 2019
The future has and always will be my utmost faithful witness” Dr. Turi
Memo: Do not miss Dr. Turi Eric Cooper www.s-4radio.com 11 PM PST Saturday April 6th, 2019 and join us for more cosmic exploration and information!
The President and his team are willing to fight the House Democratic request to the Supreme Court
Blooming flowers mid month of June icy *December
Cosmic God may spare humanity
Hitler’s famous infected spirit to die
World rejoice infected souls cry
Written by Dr. Turi 4/10/2018
Nature birth and die cold March easy September
Karma imposed upon vile soul
Light over passionate secret lust wins
One to fall from tower of deception
Written by Dr. Turi 4/5/2019
Both President Trump and Joe Biden detrimental words and actions can only translate into a well deserved and serious karma. While their achievements and position of power allows them to maintain control within the judicial system, its just a matter of time before the “predicted fall” takes place, especially when they assume they are untouchable!
My quatrains above will speak my UFO’s predictive legacy during one of my future SOS to the world deadly window resembling the current one experienced today! “Special George Noory Dr. Turi Predictions on Coast To Coast am.”
It is very easy for anyone to associate greed, power, lies, abuses and control with any conspiracy talking head but rest assured, none of those powerful figure “shape-shift” into a reptilian (*reptilius) and will sacrifice and eat children!
You own powerful fears and emotions dictated by the moon (nope, she is not hollow) are stimulated by those greedy, infected speakers who, like the reptilius could never survive without your support and your fears! Thus making up ridiculous conspiratorial stories is a sure indication that those famous speakers are slaving for the reptilius and supporting their detrimental agenda! Yet many famous UFO’ researchers do not know and this is tragic!
Much of the videos generated on my You Tube Channel addresses various topics, all you have to do is join and watch them at your leisure! I guarantee you will learn something in all of them…
William Milligan – I have a much better understanding of your perceptions since I just underwent a reading by you today. To say impressed doesn’t even come close to what I was expecting…The in depth astrological reading along with the Tarot cards and your timely explanations and uncanny accurateness have put a lot on my plate to digest. This has been what I’ve been searching for, and now understand like never before…Thank you and salud with a glass of red tonight.
Furthermore little do those high representatives of the the US Government know of the ever lasting, often detrimental effect of any of my 2019 Plutonic windows. Remember and never forget reader, “what ever you do or say during those nasty, deadly windows, will stay with you for the rest of your life.” It is often experienced as a very SERIOUS wake up call with very long lasting negative results!
How will the stars mold your destiny in 2019?
Universal & Personal 2019 Nostradamus Dragon Forecast For All Signs
There is no doubt in my mind, the prediction I made about Joe Biden, President Trump and the IRS will unfold in time… Remember my work is cosmic in nature and involve predictions, there is no political stimulation intended, I only respond to God Cosmic Divinity speaking his will trough the signs…
Scepter taken from “Donald Trump President?” “Trump, his close colleagues and his family will be brought to justice by the IRS, the FBI and due to its correlation with Russia… The tail of the Dragon (negative) in his 8th house of corporate money (secret financial deals) makes him GREEDY and power hungry! The Dragon will ruin him in time and he may pay the ultimate price in the process… His racist legacy will curse the world for years to come – Opinion: World stunned by explosion of hate”
It amazes me politicians and people from all walks of life goes about their daily business knowing nothing of an endless, positive or negative flux of cosmic winds shaping their lives! It is absolutely INSANE to ignore a red light or a stop sign at any cities intersections and all are taking incredible dangerous chances! Not only humans do suffer the dramatic results of my SOS to the world deadly windows, but animals like us are also subject of the cosmic code jurisdictions and the reptilius effect!
Humans and animals both respond to all 2019 SOS to the world deadly windows which are maliciously manipulated by the reptilius!
I can only recommend you to regularly check the collected dramatic news plaguing humanity and pay more attention to my warnings . You aptitude to learn and heed my warnings during those critical days will become a major contribution for you to avoid becoming part of the statistics and even experience a premature death!
While “viral” idiocy reign supreme on Facebook and on You Tube, my cosmic work is not getting the deserved attention it really need for me to warn people about, both the stars and the reptilius effects! This is why I will never stop asking you to be part of the real solution and help me promote cosmic education for all…
Please auto analyze yourself often when I present you with one of my 2019 SOS to the world deadly windows, see if you have been in any way, shape or form touched by my visions which are fully explained under the form of quatrains and obvious keywords!
Once again, take the time to assimilate m,y cosmic work, read the current news in Special George Noory Dr. Turi Predictions on Coast To Coast am and from there, dig deeper into your own life and realize how the stars (or the reptilius) touched your personal life!
In our case, being cosmic conscious, nothing escape our “Eagle Eye” and all we can do is keep servicing you with supreme cosmic wisdom. Check my upcoming radio shows, mark your calendar or listen to older ones ! Do not miss Dr. Turi Eric Cooper www.s-4radio.com 11 PM PST Saturday April 6th, 2019 and join us for more cosmic exploration and information!
Join me in Las Vegas April 19, 20, 21
AS you all know I suffered a bad fall a few months ago and while my hip and back are still messing me up badly, I will do all I can not to cancel my engagement like I did with the one in Los Angeles last month. I was much too much in pain to even stand for long, with the help of “forced” medications, I should be able to attend the one in Vegas.
I should be OK in a few weeks from today and I can only hope many of you will join me next October in my upcoming UFOcruise.com, so I can prove and share Draco’s truly remarkable healing powers! It is important to use critical thinking in any form of healing and while miracle do happen, I am not God!
No one has ever help anyone to grow a missing limb or missing theethes and sometimes surgery is the only option! In fact without two oncologists removing colon cancer from me, I would be dead today!
While I wish I knew what I know today, this terrible cancer experience could have been avoided because my natural healing secrets and Draco channeling are indeed real and preventive! And all start and finish in the depth of your subconscious and the super-conscious! Physical and spiritual degeneration goes with old age and no one can escape time! Yet at 69 I am very lucky to be still alive with all that I went trough in my life!
While all diseases are from a “blockage” that mess up the human atomic structure and open the door to many infectious organism, cancer is primarily induced either genetically or through serious and continuous depressions. God spared my life so I can now help you to avoid contracting any diseases…
Reaching and making a good use of your own Super-conscious in time and space is extremely difficult, yet if you trust my expertise and my cosmic wisdom, the formidable results upon your future, your body, mind and soul will be remarkable.
IF you suffer serious ailments, feel depressed or in need of solid direction, once you are totally “cleansed” psychically, following the light, induced trance your etheric fluid will be perfectly aligned! You will then be ready for the healing physical part. I will bring my tools, my table and I will take care of you in the privacy of my cabin. I wish I could truly emphasize or remotely explain the benefit and the power of Draco working through me but again, its me to know and you to find out!
I am not sure if you recall the movie “Cocoon” but in all creative minds, stimulated by the benevolent Draconis, there is always a bit of truth, even if you can not realize or accept it just yet! I am a “Soul Doctor”a natural healer, the tips to hold on to youth happiness, creativity and vitality can not be shared publicly, only in the privacy of my magical world!
Remember my top Live Skype service cost $700 and you can have and enjoy Draco’s power and I for as long as needed in my cabin for only $200. The price will double as of October 9th and for the remaining of the cruise, thus I can only and strongly recommend you to book early and reserve your spot by emailing me directly turitrue@gmail.com
Doing so you will be seated in the front row during my UFO’s slide presentation, my hypnotic healing regression workshop and get the price break of $200 until October 9th in my personal cabin where I will take good care of your body, mind and soul! Act now!
Invitation to join us on amazing UFO Cruise in October 2019
I plotted the “unusual/shocking” Uranic winds of those future days and with such electrifying “New Age” group of people brought together under such futuristic cosmic winds inside and above the ship, I can only assure you an exceptional experience you will never forget!

March 28th, 2019 Special George Noory Dr. Turi Predictions on Coast To Coast am
Become a VIP to the cosmic code private website, join us today, read our various REAL horoscopes, enjoy our personal daily guidance and forecasts, make a good use of my natural teachings, master the Universal Laws, share our experiences where ever we are and will be, enjoy all the pictures and learn from my videos and lastly, find out what 2019 has in store for you!
Cosmic Code VIP Membership $10
2019 Nostradamus Personal and Universal Predictions For All Signs –$10
Astro-Carto-Graphy Relocation Reading $210 or $150 for VIP’s
2019 Positive Cosmic Biorhythms Personal Reports $100 for VIP’s
The Magical Power of Talismans $350 for VIP’s
Astropsychology home course $1050 or ($525) for VIP’s
Dr. Turi TOP service – Personal live Skype consultation $700 or $350 for VIP’s
Taped full life reading $310 or $210 for VIP’s
Taped comparison chart $410 or $210 for VIP’s
Regular psychic reading $150 by phone only – Same as Full Life Reading for VIP’s
Taped progressive reading $210 for VIP’s
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