“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they understand the voice of heaven.”– Matthew 13.13
Just wanted to keep you guys updated a little bit hopefully what I’m going through will resonate with you guys. Been struggling a lot. Just feeling super disconnected and weird.. I always bounce back so I’m not worried just wanted to reach out and ask for your guys to pray for me. God is faithful and ur prayers really work thanks .. the most human season I’ve ever been in facing my stuff head on..
Update: March 26,2019
Dear readers;
Before elaborating on Justin Bieber and by the reality of the current SOS to the world deadly window imposing “SECRETS to light and wake up calls to some” let me share an email received by a VIP. In all my videos and articles I always offer links of the current SOS to the world deadly window and suggest my readers to keep an eye on the predicted current news.
March 2019 SOS to the world, deadly windows…
Posted by Dr. Turi on February 28, 2019 at 11:49am in Cosmic Coders Only
I reminded everyone of those deadly cosmic winds with this you tube video published yesterday
March 10th / 23rd (48 hrs centering the dates)
Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign
Russia / Famous Death / Dramatic Death News / Police news / Police brutality / FBI / CIA / Secret services / Secrets to light / Mob / Scandals / Terrorism / Cyber attacks / Abduction / Finances / Super wealth / Sex / Hate crime / Porn / Prostitution / Life and death / Serial Killers / Undiluted truth / Nature and Man Made Wake up Call.
This window is still operational check the piling up dramatic deadly news…
Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light Linda and David?
Once again the reality is, all UFO’s “Talking Heads,” including David Icke, David Wilcock and Linda Moulton Howe never saw a UFO’s close nor dealt or channel an ET named Draco! (see orbs below.)

Beyond the Secret is the golden key to the universe. Dr. Turi uncovers the human creative powers he experienced through the depths of his subconscious mind and its mystifying correlation to ”The Universal Code.” Man is unable to realize his celestial identity and revolutionizehis divinity. Beyond the Secret is a ticket to cosmic consciousness and the invaluable potential to unlock one”s resourcefulness. This book divulges an atypical wisdom about unforgiving universal laws, the understanding of which will bring about the ways to obtain your wishes.
Beyond the Secret is the fascinating autobiography of Dr. Louis Turi. It recounts his unusual life starting at birth in the Provence region of France, to his life in England and America. His experiences range from tragic to euphoric, mundane and miraculous, all of which have given him great compassion for his fellow humans. He explains metaphysical principles that apply to the different chapters of his life. There is much more in this life than the Law of Attraction. Other laws include metaphysical and cosmological aspects. It is an engaging read you will not be able to set down.
Let’s go back to Bieber now that I served the purpose of the stars and exposed more secrets to the public… The sad reality is your prayers will not work and will not save Justin because like 99.9% of the world’s population too many of you, including Justin Bieber, are not cosmic conscious and gave in to the deep fear feeding the reptilius! There is no way for this gifted young artist to avoid a total infestation and commit suicide without my help!
Yet what are his chances to land on me or ask for my help to cleanse his subconscious from the malicious reptilius sucking his life away each passing day?
This is a scepter taken from “Justin Bieber, famous people, children and the reptilius” first published February 11, 2013. Indeed I was well ahead of time in my vision for famous people without Draco’s channeling! This formidable “Draconis” benevolent ET entity entered my body, mind and soul June 12, 2012!
A Powerful Message To The World
I understand how scary or extraordinary my “revelations” are the reptilius, but those entities are very real and why people would rather ridicule, ignore or even mute and fire me from all social medias.
Learn more about the reptilius universal infestation and realize those ET’s are not the product of my imagination. I am a real UFO contactee and legitimacy is rare as I am also channeling my inner ET entity, Draco. And for the truth I represent and undeniable predictions I make, I am rejected by the UFO’s community for exposing popular conspiracy “Talking Heads” for opening the evil door of negativity and poison their oblivious followers’ spirit!
Who are the Draconis and the Reptilius?
When I tell you the reptilius are after famous people and your children you should pay attention to my warnings or you and them, may become part of the endless statistics!