We are not doomed, as mentioned in my video “God did not put us on earth the suffer a suffocating end” but countless cosmic unconscious psychics, astrologers, and prophets wanna be spilling their religious fear on national radio how can we avoid God’s wrath on heart?
My words of wisdom and warnings in my YouTube video MUST be taken very seriously to avoid the worse! Pay attention to your thoughts my friend and play your part in creating our common future!
The future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought… Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil! Dr. Turi
Following many “Close Encounters,” three of the Fifth Kind, Dr. Turi was led by benevolent ETs to uncover and teach the secrets of the cosmic code.
‘I predicted major world events after aliens abducted me and downloaded cosmic code’
I knew those cosmic winds were bad and if you read “SOS to the world deadly window Sept. 28 You Have Been Warned!” or watched this YouTube video, it is impossible for anyone to deny my UFO predictive legacy!
129 people were killed after a stampede at an Indonesian soccer match, hurricane Ian killed 67 people, and cost billions in damage!
Do you wonder now why I never did and never will go to any sports events?
The memo “Avoid large gatherings especially at night during any of my 2022 deadly Plutonic windows!”
Do you think my “SOS to the world deadly window of Sept. 28 – You Have Been Warned” is accurate?
Do you think my quatrain“Ugly face of death drama horror surface” matches the predicted news?”
If you watched my YouTube video and heard my warnings, it is impossible for anyone to deny my predictive UFO legacy! Are you ready for the next SOS to the world deadly window?
I did another interesting radio show with Mr. Grey, where we discussed my dilemma with both ETs and the skeptics.
Draco’s channeling was quite intense and (unlike cosmic unconscious prophets wanna be on CTC am)I made positive predictions for the world! I also for the first time divulged to the public the main reason why I decided to become a boat Captain and many of you may be quite surprised listening to my words…
Please share it with the people willing to accept the reality of UFOs and ETs.
I have decided to share ONE example of the many forecasts published monthly for our VIPs on the private Cosmic Code website with the public!
Yet, with respect to those who have invested in my cosmic wisdom (our smart VIPs), critical information will not be included in this article.
Note you may also join for FREE by signing up to get my newsletters directly in your mailbox!
Doing so will also allow you to read all about your own personal dragon forecast for the rest of 2022. You will also realize all the major news that transpired since January 2022 was fully predicted!
Meantime, it’s only if you read all about my visions that you will realize I speak the truth! Email teraniapromodir@gmail.com if you need help!
Well, it looks like “Captain / Dr. Turi” will have to wait a while before moving to Florida, because of the damage inflicted by Ian upon many states. A mixture of Mercury retrograde and my latest SOS window definitely stopped and dramatically changed the lives of millions of people including mine!
To the skeptics, it is important for you to realize my warnings were posted on August 1st, 2022 to my VIPs and that is exactly a month ago and well before Ian formed in the Atlantic Ocean!
Again, it is important for the deniers to accept the fact that hurricane Ian “touched down” at 3:15 pm on September 28. Do not expect such precision from the NWS, NOOA, or USGS who could only try to follow its path and report to the news!
Let’s say I was a full month ahead of the scientific community! And, do not forget that my windows also depict earthquakes at or above 6.0 and the results are also undeniable!
Window of Sept 28
9/28/22 – 6.0in Reykjanes Ridge
9/29/22 – 6.5 in East Of South Sandwich Islands
And it is for this very reason that I wrote “NASA’s DART “WASTEFUL” mission will slam into asteroid’s moon” telling you to invest in my cosmic work instead of wasting millions endlessly entertained by both the scientific and religious deceptive matrixes!
“While NASA is wasting millions, and the NWS and NOOA can only follow and report the deadly hurricane, on August 31, 2022, BEFORE IAN FORMED in the Atlantic Ocean, using my SOS to the world deadly window and the power of the moon, as intended by God himself. I gave the date of September 28, and warned my international reading audience through my quatrain of all the current anticipated deadly news!”
Those warnings were also repetitively offered to my followers on my Facebook,myLinkedIn pages, and also on Before its news website!
This is the result of the last full moon in Pisces (ruled by Neptune Lord of the Seas) which marked the full achievements and completion of my Master Captain license and the devastating results of yet another predicted Hurricane.
Again, it is important for the deniers to accept the fact that hurricane Ian’s “touch down” took place a 3:15 on September 28.
To those who do not know, years ago I also gave the exact date of Hurricane Katrina on Coast to Coast am (and some!)
From Coast to Coast website:10/16/2019 – Turi also made predictions for this year and the next based on his study of astrology, saying that for the rest of 2019,political events and relationships will “go downhill,”and that there will be a “full restructure” of many groups *Antifa/ *QAnon and institutions in 2021.*POLICE? *Supreme Court of the United States?He also said that he is expecting “a lot of fire and a lot of wildlife to disappear.”
I am sure my old friends George and Tom since they are on my mailing list, did acknowledge and realize how much their vast audience is missing by firing me!
I do understand how incredibly difficult it can be for some people to accept my connection with ETs yet, whether you like it or not, believe it or not, it’s all true!
Once Florida rebuilds, I’ll be on to my new side career in Florida, and tons of videos and photos will be shared with you all.
I will still do readings, as Terania also continues to run the show in the Phoenix office since I was born to guide and help people navigate tumultuous waters in both physical and spiritual worlds…
CAUTION – This older video is a must for you to watch and share and not for feeble-minded sensitive people! Unless you are willing to delegate the undiluted truth and avoid being too critical of my direct, honest approach to life, this radio show may be a bit too much for many people.
I understand many of you would rather read or hear ONLY positive things but I cannot be blamed for a non-cosmic conscious society; paying an endless heavy price for knowing nothing of God’s cosmic design and how he speaks to us via the stars.
My goal is to warn you ahead of time, so you do not become part of the heavy statistics, waste time and money, and plan ahead by becoming a VIP since the NWS, NOOA, and USGS will never budge or learn anything new from me!
Life does not stop during those deadly cosmic winds but being warned can and will make a HUGE difference in making up plans and decisions!
For our infantile scientific community, doing the same research over and over again and expecting a different result is insanity at best!
Undeniable earthquake predictions
I started my YouTube channel years ago with only 3201 subscribers and then after talking to our webmaster; Tom convinced him to spend more time on YouTube and invest in a professional microphone and a good quality camera. We are now at 10400 subscribers and we are still growing every day!
But with Mercury retrograde, those numbers may not reflect the exact number but we know it is much higher.
The Cosmic Code subscriptions are going well too with 10864 Cosmic Coders. Sad enough many VIPs are unable to handle the truth (or the vaccine) or cannot separate themselves from their political choice not realizing when I talk about Trump, Biden, or anyone else, it’s all about ASTROLOGY and not politics.
Some people are much too sensitive and would rather deal with someone less real than Dr. Turi and agree with their choices and beliefs. In my case, it is not about choice or beliefs, it’s all about the stars, the Divine, UFOs, and the truth I represent something many people are yet, unable to delegate or accept!
But slowly but surely those “Young Souls” will realize the value of the truth I represent through my cosmic wisdom and will come back. With time, many more will join us. Just remember VIPs, I cannot be blamed for the world’s chaotic situation if those who can help, cannot handle the truth, ignore or ridicule my critical cosmic teachings, the UFO’s reality, and refuse to share my cosmic wisdom!
“Let who ignore my warnings be cursed by the eternal rites of the cosmic code universal ceremonies, for a Universal God does not speak to fools” Dr. Turi
We’ve lost many mentally “weak/depressed” VIPs but my teachings are all about making you stronger, better, wiser, and become aware of the stars and the damage imposed by the reptilius. As long as I produce those videos, wiser, stronger truth seekers are regenerating at full speed through my cosmic work.
We can only keep educating curious souls, where our cosmic teachings and earthquake predictions or other natural disasters, are impossible to deny!
The last two SOS to the world’s deadly windows, “9/1/22 – SOS to the world deadly window Be Ready You Have Been Warned!”brought more facts about my predictions all the while reflecting my accuracy…
If you heard my radio shows or watched my YouTube videos, kept an eye on SOS to the world Plutonic deadly windows, read the quatrains, the keywords, and acknowledge all the deadly dramatic news – That took place, during those deadly cosmic winds, there is no denying the veracity of my warnings and my visions on the Capitol attack!
Yet again, it seems most people are getting these teachings, and hopefully with time and patience, many more will…
Life is an endless process of changes and when the cosmic winds are against you, there is nothing you can do but pay your karma, build faith, and wisdom, and apply your will.
Make sure to read last month’s newsletter too and keep in touch with all that we do! This website is designed to uncover cosmic code secrets and offers curious readers the option to use the stars productively and wisely throughout the entire year.
The police force and the hospital emergency rooms are also unusually active, during these times. The Moon’s subtle power is not understood by the scientific community and my work is often ridiculed for its true essence and divine purpose on earth.
Many years of tedious observations have shown me that she is undeniably affecting, the human psyche and our emotional response to life.
Astrology, Science, UFOs, and the Moon
Without opposing forces at work (positive/negative), there would be no reaction… Thus, no life is possible on both the spiritual and physical planes.
Our so-called “dead” satellite is very much alive, and vigilantly observing her whereabouts will make a man grow steadfastly into a safer and more productive life.
Not to forget; that all of these universal moon laws work in tandem; with your own personal cosmic biorhythms… For more information, check here:2022 / 2023 Positive Cosmic Biorhythms
Applied knowledge is power, ignorance is evil!
Plan in accordance with God’s cosmic design, and save precious time, money, and even your life! Terania and I will keep up and post the news under each specific window so you can build more cosmic consciousness watching and reading the news… Participate vips… You may also add your own news in the comment box below, to help others build more moon awareness.
~Blessings to all,
September 28, SOS windows! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
Window of Sept 28 hurricane Ian prediction
My windows always induce earthquakes at or above 6.0 and volcanic eruptions!
9/28/22 – 6.0 in Reykjanes Ridge
9/29/22 – 6.5 in East Of South Sandwich Islands
Window of Sept 24
9/24/22 – 6.1 magnitude earthquake near Ancud, Los Lagos, Chile
9/24/22 – 6.2 magnitude earthquake near Meulaboh, Aceh, Indonesia
Window of Sept 19
9/21/22 – 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Kamtsjatka, Russia
9/19/22 – 7.6 magnitude earthquake near Michoacán, Mexico
9/18/22 – 6.9 magnitude earthquake near Taitung City, Taiwan, Taiwan
9/17/22 – 6.5 magnitude earthquake near Taitung City, Taiwan, Taiwan
Window of sept 14
9/14/22 – 7.0 magnitude earthquake near Isangel, Tafea, Vanuatu
9/10/22 – 7.6 in Kainantu, Eastern Highlands, Papua New Guinea
9 13/22 – 4.4 Santa Rose CA Earthquake Causes Minor Damage
October // – // – Starting on the given date, will last all the way to the next window)
Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign
*Russia / Famous Death / *Dramatic Death News / Mass death / Police news / Police brutality / FBI / CIA / Secret services / Secrets to light / Mob / Scandals / Terrorism / Assassination / Cyber-attacks / Abduction / Finances / *IRS / Super wealth / Sex / Porn / Prostitution / Life and death / Serial Killers / Undiluted truth /Dying/Rebirthing / Nature and Man-Made Wake up Call.
Memo – “Avoid large gatherings especially at night during any of my 2022 deadly Plutonic windows!” The reptilius are after the police, government officials, and children/teens!Policing will be so dangerous that many brave servants will quit and the number of cops getting killed or killing citizens will explode in the months to come. Infected criminals will get bolder and wilder committing crimes against the police and the public never experienced before!”
“Let who ignore my warnings be cursed by the eternal rites of the cosmic code universal ceremonies for a cosmic God does not speak to fools.” Dr. Turi
Read what to do and not to do during a Plutonic window at the bottom of this page.
October // – // – Starting on the given date, will last all the way to the next window)
Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind Water to Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception to Strike
Japan / Asia / China / France / Italy / Gold / Cosmic – Space News / NASA / Nukes / Nuclear / Freak / Bizarre / Unusual weird behavior-news / Space / Rocket / Missile / Surprises / Unexpected / Explosions / Shocking video / Stunning / Baffling / Incredible / Strange deadly Behavior / Awakening / Bombshell / Mind Boggling / Crazy / Lightning / Electricity / Fire / Unusual / Unexpected / Humanitarianism / Children / Teens / Unrest / Fascinating / Genius / Discovery / Very old – Very new / Invention / Science / Discovery / *Earthquakes (always at or above 6.0 / Tsunami / Typhoon / Hurricane / Volcanoes/ Tornadoes / Airports / Airline / Aeronautics / Planes / Balloons / Helicopters / Drone / Technology / Hacking / Cyber-attack / Internet / Electricity / Electronics / Television / UFO’s / Cosmic phenomenon
October //- // (Starting on the given date, will last all the way to the next window)
Nature Men to Strike Hard
New Horizons Following Tragedy
Much to Fall Nothing Made to Last
Tears Pain Death A New Life for Many
America / New Beginning / Ending of important phases of life / War / Real Estate / Families Tragedies / Cancelation / End of life / Forced Relocation / Forced Actions / Man Destructive Actions / Deadly Weather / Natural Disaster / Deadly Emotions / A new Planned and/or Unplanned life For Many
I will as soon as I can generate the new 2023 Nostradamus personal and universal predictions for all signs!
This is why ALL our subscribers are automatically registered to receive our Newsletters and Videos and be the first to know about any deals!
If you are a newcomer, you must take the time to watch ALL my free movies from www.drturi.com.
Once again, the gift is real and trustworthy and this is why you became a cosmic coder VIP! Join today!
Delegating negativity, and terrible news, and helping clients to regenerate their spirit is not an easy task!
In fact, many people will do everything they can to keep talking to us and do understand once a reading is done, the biggest work is left for them to do their own homework, follow my guidance, and invest in some of the tools (books/course/other readings) to finalize their investment.
I found a new design and a new way; to make much more powerful silver talismans, as many more people are asking for them.
Do not put your talisman under the waning or full moon rays to avoid a reptilius infiltration.
Terania and I visited many powerful vortexes in AZ and we always collect rocks and minerals.
One of these will be added to your personal talisman and must be left OUTSIDE of your house for protection. It’s a really powerful feng shui magnetizing strong protective cosmic energies. You may ask questions if needed…
Read more about the NEW TALISMANS SUPER DEAL
To ensure order reception by customers, we will also provide insurance and also include receipts and custom numbers for tracking purposes.
Dear VIP’s,
As of today, 9/27/22; we have decided to offer our VIPs, clients, and patrons a new, and more powerful talismans design.
The front silver talismans will come with your personal Zodiacal sign (see samples below) and the full belt of the Zodiac is on the backside.
You are advised to purchase a silver chain (only after the new moon) if you decide to use it as a necklace.
Aries – Size, on Terania’s hand
Make good use of the new deal!
Universal talismans cost $1000 with a Zoom live consultation but you can get it for $400.00 only if you become a VIP for 12 months minimum first…
Please contact Terania, for more information; at: teraniapromodir@gmail.com
The reasons for the changes are:
Time: You will not have to wait weeks or months to receive your order, only a few days and no more than two weeks.
Too many people have been waiting for too long for something they invested in months ago.
Listening to the benevolent solar – Draco’s channeling; I came up with the answer, I needed.
Power: Instead of waiting for months, for the right cosmic auspices which could, in some cases even take years… I now use the location of your natal Dragon’s Head and charge your sign talisman during sunny days, on the waxing moon, and most importantly during one of your personal positive cosmic biorhythm’s days.
I will also locate the weakest area of your UCI (or Saturn the great malefic) to compensate with the revitalizing power of the talisman made for you.
Doing so not only saves lots of time but accentuates the power needed to make your talisman work its magic, almost immediately for you.
Options: The new talisman is designed to affect all areas of your life; It can be worn around your neck, left in your bag, or in your pocket. It will protect you when you drive or fly! Unlike the old design, anyone can appreciate and even touch it. There is no cleaning, cleansing, or recharging involved ever.
Purposes: The new version depicts the full Zodiac wheel; making it Universal and perpetual since it carries in itself all the blessings and strengths of all the signs of the Zodiac.
You do not need to send precious metals such as gold or silver or any precious stones anymore…
This new design owns the power of:
Venus – Taurus/Libra: (love/money/Arts) and will raise your magnetism and stimulate the attraction between human beings… Especially if the person you are attracted to likes it or touches it. It makes you more magnetic.
Mars – Aries: (Pioneer spirit) If you need courage, drive, energy, and the will to succeed, Mars will be leading you all the way to the top… Makes you very competitive.
Mercury – Gemini/Virgo: (writing/communication) The Messenger of the Gods will give you all the mental power you need to study, teach, communicate and adapt to anything life throws at you… This talisman will accentuate and protect or improve your health. Makes you also faster and more curious.
Sun – Leo: (life/ fame/gold/love/children) The creative life forces of the Sun will attract the benevolent – solar Draconis in your life; where nothing or no one can stop you from reaching all your wishes. This talisman will help produce healthy, successful children and stimulate better connections with kids and siblings… Makes you shine, invest in Gold.
Neptune – Pisces: (Psychic power/creativity/arts/imagination) Neptune Lord of the Seas will speak its power through the forces of your subconscious where magic can and will change your life for the better. Neptune will lead you to more efficient medications and protect you against chemical poisoning/drugs. protect by the water… Makes you more psychic and accentuates good sleep and dreams.
Saturn – Capricorn:(politics/structure/career achievements) This rational Capricorn symbol will help you climb the mountain of success and give you the discipline you need to better your career and life in general… Particularly beneficial for political or investment endeavors… Make you driven to succeed and plan for it.
Uranus – Aquarius: (UFOs/originality/freedom/technology) Uranus’ futuristic energy can make the impossible a reality and will attract experiences you could never dream possible. Full protection when you fly anywhere… Makes you unique, and attracts friends and UFOs.
Pluto – Scorpio: (Death/rebirth/investigation/metaphysics) The extraordinary powers of Pluto can bring you back to life into a much more rewarding life. Sensuality and sexual affairs become a new reality… Makes you mysterious and powerful.
The scientific community is oblivious of the cosmic code jurisdictions and the power generated by a tailored talisman, something our clients and readers are uncovering with our cosmic teachings on the cosmic code private website.
While our clients can order any talisman of their choice, after investigating their chart we always create the personal talisman that would work best for them.
Thus, if your natal UCI is loaded with Sagittarius (Half-man half-horse) your “Indian spirit,” will be stimulated to work in your favor.
What does your sign say?
Go to www.drturi.com and click on your astrological sign at the top of the page to read about your characteristics.
Example: A Sagittarius talisman will bring luck in gaming, protection for your pets, or while traveling to foreign countries or in wild nature. This talisman could also lead you to foreign people’s wisdom and stimulate deep metaphysical views while stimulating also more practical scientific studies.
Now, remember, we are not jewelry designers.
You are not after something attractive that only looks good, you are after the DIVINE or all the critical cosmic energy making up your UCI!
You NEED a talisman if bad luck is something you can’t get rid of…
This video will tell you more! WATCH!
Our talismans provide love, health, wealth, magnetism, Indian spirit guide, attract UFOs, and our Universal talismans are very powerful.
You may also read “Beyond the secret” and drastically attract a much better future!
Again, if you are a newcomer, you may go back months and read previous SOS to the world deadly windows; to check what happened to me.
If you have a FB page, you may join me thereas I keep thousands of my supporters (and my family) informed of all my experiences in the US!
Keep in mind to watch my new movie on the “Secrets of the Superconscious” where I explained in great detail the reasons why I do not look my age at all. You can go to www.drturi.com to watch it!
The Scorpius dragon is now upon Russia and curses Putin (and Will Smith’s second house of money and self-esteem.) Thus, if you watched the news both men born in October are in serious trouble!
Memo! “This dragon is aiming for all souls born in November and May or those who inherited a moon, a rising a natal or hidden dragon in both Scorpio and Taurus... The latest deadliest mass shooting was induced by the reptilius who hijacked the body, mind, and soul of Salvador Ramosand he was born inMAY!Thus you have another proof of my legitimate cosmic wisdom!
Sad enough, fortunes that could be used to promote cosmic consciousness and stop school shootings and untimely deaths; are wasted by the infected religious and scientific matrixes who have lost total connection with the Divine…
I sent warnings with the exact date of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine to dozens of government websites including the National security, FBI, President Biden, the NAVY/ARMY, and many well-known radios and TV hosts!
All for nothing, none of them ever answered me! (If you are new to the cosmic code – Putin’s brain is reptilius infected and the answer is in my video! ) Another example: Bruce Willis is battling aphasia. Dr. Sanjay Gupta can’t explain what that means!
And this is why I am changing my career; it’s unavoidable, because of the Divine forces and UFOs guiding me, and also, since 1991 when I started offering my warnings, no one in a position of power and wealth has invested in the human race’s spiritual welfare…
The will to continue, “wasting my time” for a moronic religious or atheist – traditionally “educated” society; is getting harder, each passing day…
This does not mean I will quit servicing those ready for my cosmic wisdom just yet but helping the world will not be my priority anymore!
Terania and many of our top students will carry the torch when I pass.
I want to spend the rest of my years having fun and living life around the water (during the season); since those who can help, won’t!
Yet nothing will change for our smart and curious, spiritual VIPs, Terania and I will never quit serving you; for many more years to come!
Keep watching my YouTube channelto catch up on anything important I may decide to publish to the world and share my cosmic wisdom with your loved ones.
What will you get if you order a live Zoom consultation with Dr. Turi?
Click the following link, to:
As always, the warnings generated on all my videos are clear, be careful of what you say or do ESPECIALLY during any Plutonic SOS windows for everything you say or do (good or bad) will follow you for the rest of your life!
To those of you who read my previous full articles or watched my YouTube videos, I clearly stated that; electing a President mean also suffering and experiencing his natal stars and fate!
And knowing Biden was born under the dramatic deadly sign of Scorpiothis “Dance of Evil” is just the beginning! Sad enough, my visions are unfolding regularly!
In the absence of Cosmic Consciousness; science, conspiracy, and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents just stellar consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.” ~ Dr. Turi.
America is dying and rebirthing in so many ways andthis country will lose a lot of children… Physically, emotionally, financially, and spiritually and your current judgment and political perception; will change with the new Scorpionic deadly/rebirthing dragon will also impose its karmic nature, upon the US and the world at large!
God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that you may live a safe more productive life!
Make sure, to share only my public newsletters, while anything else we generate on the private Cosmic Code website right here – Is not for the public but for our VIPs only!
Unfortunately, we had to fire a few repetitive offenders’ VIPs over the years for sharing our forecasts on various public forums and popular networking websites like Facebook, etc. DO NOT DO SO!
Please respect those who are paying us to get our critical guidance and daily forecasts or risk the same fate!
The quatrains and keywords depicting the current month’s deadly cosmic winds and explanations are at the bottom of this page.
My warnings through my various SOS to the world Plutonic windows, speak of the cosmic code jurisdictions and what to do, in order to avoid pain and suffering and even untimely death.
Paying attention to all our guidance and forecasts, particularly all universal SOS to the world’s deadly windows, can only prepare you for all that dramatic news and be much more cautious during those disturbing cosmic winds.
My Divine Astrology documentary; is still doing quite well and has been translated into French, Spanish, and Japanese and this can only bring more awareness of this phenomenon, to millions of the people of planet earth.
Regardless of many of my most dedicated supporters’ many requests, my movie “Alien Contactee” is still missing on Amazon Prime…
Do not quit, even if you already asked; please do it again…
It is only with your perseverance that this UFOs movie will be back online!
Meantime our webmaster, Tom; is making great progress on producing a much better version by adding the missing original pictures.
For now, I see this situation more as a blessing in disguise than anything else, and when the new video comes out, we will let you know.
Amazon Prime new documentary: Nostradamus’ Divine Astrology
“ALIEN CONTACTEE” was removed from Amazon
Thank you so very much readers, for your great 5 stars ratings and wonderful supporting comments on Amazon Prime that surpassed my expectations! Please do not hesitate to rate again and post your reviews to IMDb too!
From Coast to Coast website:10/16/2019 – Turi also made predictions for this year and the next based on his study of astrology, saying that for the rest of 2019,political events and relationships will “go downhill,”and that there will be a “full restructure” of many groups *Antifa/ *QAnon? and institutions in 2021.*POLICE? *Supreme Court of the United States? He also said that he is expecting“a lot of fire” and “a lot of wildlife to disappear.”
“If you are not happy, it is because you do not live your destiny!” ~Nostradamus
How many of you recall the following warning? “Yet, I am very worried about many Scorpius countries, especially Russia, “China – China’s military rise poses the greatest foreign policy challenge to the next US President and Iran knowing Trump removed thousands of soldiers from Germany. This could stimulate Putin to invade more European countries…
No one can or will escape the 2022 Scorpius Draconis axis and in time, when it is all said and done, we will all benefit and grow with those imposed cosmic changes… Once more thing, please make sure to mention our cosmic work to all your friends and your loved ones too, helping you build more cosmic consciousness is a serious contribution to your safety and benefit from our accurate daily guidance and predictions.
There are always super deals for our curious cosmic coders. Please e-mail: teraniapromodir@gmail.com for more information and remember to be patient Terania is always doing her best, to fulfill all orders…
And while we have been totally correct with all the SOS to the world deadly windows so far, not many people seem to realize the importance and true values of divine astrology! The idea is to be prepared with any of the 2022 SOS to the world’s deadly windows because life does not stop!
Just be more aware and more cautious during those destructive cosmic winds! Do not take chances, be aware of what you do, and talk about the people you meet during those nasty cosmic winds. Nothing wrong should happen to you if you are cautious but if any of the SOS to the world deadly windows happen after a full moon (during a waning moon period), especially under a Plutonic window and in tandem, with your own 2022 negative cosmic biorhythms, now you are taking a very serious chance.
But we cannot force anyone to invest in this service or if you move check your Astrocartography on Zoom with me and realize its critical values… All I can suggest our VIPs to do is to educate themselves about my latest Astrological discovery!
You can be either at the right time at the right place or at the wrong time at the wrong place and there are NO accidents1 email teraniapromodir@gmail.com if you need help with any of our services.
Remember my words in many of my previous videos Covid is far from over and “WILL GET MUCH WORSE” with children the police! But it will go away by May 2022! I also predicted a new “sexual virus” and I was, once again, right with the “Monkeypox | Poxvirus!
Applied knowledge is power, ignorance is evil, and if there is EVIL energy you must recognize and control it is indeed the nasty reptilius that operates from Pluto, the Dark planet.
Now, do not fall for a bunch of moronic educated astronomers who,
I would suggest the reader gather real information on Astrology via Astronomy! Read (Google) Neil DeGrasse Astronomy VS Dr. Turi’s Astrology
Once you acknowledge the planet Pluto’s inner dark life (where the reptilius resides) and its karmic influence upon humankind you will be ready to assimilate the DO and DON’T – Be particularly cautious with any and all my“ 2022 SOS to the world deadly windows.”
This long list of advice below can make the difference between life and death or/and a very costly dramatic experience you and your loved ones certainly do not need. Many people led by Pluto during the Capitol’s attack did not read my warnings and had no clue of the deadly effect of this dark planet that turned normal people into vicious emotional killers!
During those dangerous cosmic winds, countless oblivious infected minds can only act out their destructive UCI manipulated by the reptilius! More information is available in my UFO documentary and astrology documentary where I announced to the world back in September 2020 that Trump would lose the election and be ready for a “dance of evil!”
That comic unconscious radicalized Trump’s supporters are the victims of those nefarious entities and they are the ones who need my cosmic teachings the most so their pitiful, depressive, unhealthy lonely lives can change for the best.
Investigate Trump’s UCI and fate!
To those of you who followed my predictions on my YouTube channel since the January 6 invasion of the US Capitol, I predicted that “All the people, directly or indirectly involved with the “coup and lies” will not be able to escape the 2022 Scorpius Dragon and their karma!” This includes all the people who worked hard to stop the truth I represent like my good old “friends “George and Tom who fired me from Coast to Coast am!
“Crazy infected people will become active, the police to be killed or kill innocent people”
Memo: The reptilius is after the police, government officials, and children/teens!Policing will be so dangerous that many brave servants will quit and the number of cops getting killed or killing citizens will explode in the months to come. Infected criminals will get bolder and wilder committing crimes against the police and the public never experienced before!”
Memo from my 2022 Nostradamus Forecast for all signs. Souls born in May, November, or with a Moon, rising, dragon head, or tail in those signs are a target of this dragon! Schwarzenegger was born with a Dragon’s tail in Scorpio! PAY ATTENTION, knowledge is power, ignorance is evil!
READ THE DO’S AND DONT’S above during a DEADLY Plutonic window!
The DO’s:
Time for you to dig into deep secrets, Pluto loves bringing back dirt so you will meet the people or get the information you need.
Time for you to dwell with magic and do some Cabalistic ritual to cleanse your home and spirit from low entities… My husband’s Cabalistic Cleansing ritual is a good start…Do not ask for it unless you are a VIP.
Time for you to dig into your bank account and see any fraudulent activity.
Time for you to get rid of your current credit card and ask for another one ·
Stay clear from doing or saying anything wrong to the police, remember the Rodney King dilemma? ·
Stay clear from Sunday psychics, psychic accidents are very real. ·
Stay clear of haunted houses; bad entities could succeed in stealing your mind, body, and spirit.
Stay clear from prostitutes, STDs or AIDS is lurking around. ·
Time for you to visit your departed ones and ask them for guidance and protection. ·
Time for you to take serious notice of all your dreams or learn all about prophetic or imaginative dreams.
Time for you to dig into my long list of newsletters to find what you really need or the answer to a question you may have. ·
Time for you to think about your own mortality and write your will. ·
Time for you to investigate any form of legal or corporate endeavor. ·
Time for you to regenerate your spirit and learn more about witchcraft. ·
Time for you to look for the ghost’s manifestation. ·
Time for you to enjoy a horror movie or sex movie, yes nothing wrong with porn if you are French or if
you are normal… God had sex feel good, so we do it often. ·
Time for you to tell the truth to anyone but be cautious in doing so. ·
Time for you to deal with the police if the moon is waxing. ·
Time for you to join the Law Enforcement Agency if your UCI endorses such a dangerous job. ·
Time for you to clarify your situation in court if a cop did you wrong. ·
Time for you to visit or deal with an attorney to sue anyone who deserves karma. ·
Time for you to look where your spirit is in your life. ·
Time for you to wake up to religious poisoning. · Time for you to listen to your intuition about certain people.
Time for you to realize your strengths and your weaknesses or be reminded soon. ·
Time for you to do what you are the most scared of and win. ·
Time for you to realize you are in hell and fighting for survival. ·
Time for you to tap on the Plutonic forces to stop smoking or drinking. ·
Time for you to apply your will to do the impossible. ·
Time for you to listen to your intuition. ·
Time for you to learn the hard way why you went to jail and learn from your errors. ·
Time for you to cry your eyes out and feel sorry for yourself. ·
Time for you to realize you cannot hide any longer from the undiluted truth. ·
Time for you to die and be reborn into a much better, wiser person.
The DON’T: especially if the moon is waning or if you are under any of your personal negative cosmic biorhythms Dragon dates
Stay clear from large public gatherings, many religious lunatics died in stampedes. ·
Stay clear of suspicious people, your intuition won’t let you down. ·
Stay clear of an offer that sounds too good to be true.
Stay clear of fast money-making schemes, jail is next. ·
Stay clear from the low life, you could get hurt or killed for a dollar. ·
Stay clear from the gang’s activity or recruitment, your death is near. ·
Stay clear from doing or saying anything wrong to the police, remember the Rodney King dilemma? ·
Stay clear from Sunday psychics, psychic accidents are very real.
Stay clear of haunted houses; bad entities could succeed in stealing your mind, body, and spirit. ·
Stay clear of dark alleys and empty streets, chances are you have been followed and you are watched. ·
Stay clear from gambling with loud people Vegas or not, your sense of security is very wrong. ·
Stay clear from far away bathrooms and be very cautious of long dark corridors including elevators. ·
Stay clear from practicing witchcraft with uneducated people. ·
Stay clear of signing anything without a witness. ·
Stay clear of anything that is dark. ·
Stay clear of all animals, Pluto will turn them into killers. ·
Stay clear from trusting anyone asking for money. ·
Stay clear from using your heart it could cost your life. ·
Stay clear from the Full Moonlight wherever you are. ·
Stay clear from ingesting anything you do not trust ·
Stay clear from accepting a stranger’s drink, Pluto is inside. ·
Stay clear of wild lonely places. · Stay clear from trusting anyone during any Plutonic windows. ·
Stay clear from fighting with your loved ones.
Do not let your kids out without supervision. During one of my previous TV shows, in Tucson, I
mentioned the death of a kid by drowning trying to save his friend that fell into a canal in Phoenix.
Had the mother read my SOS to the world of deadly windows available to all our VIP’s and Patreon supporters’ Cosmic Code newsletter forecasts, perhaps she would have been aware of Pluto and been more vigilant.
Like millions of preventable deaths, she did not know enough and for the rest of her life, she will cry about her loss and never be the same mother ever again.
Do not be left behind, knowledge is power, and ignorance is evil… A real spiritual Master is a rare thing to join the world.
Upgrade Humanity Psychical Welfare raise Cosmic Consciousness;
Let us talk more about next month’s VIP and thank you again for your trust in our cosmic work!
DT and Terania
Only unevolved cosmic unconscious envious souls will deny my critical warnings and the reality of my well-documented, dated, and published visions…This is just the beginning of the predicted“dance of evil”imposed by the reptilius that will kill many more oblivious infected human beings who are already slaving for those entities…
Applied knowledge is power, ignorance is evil!
Terania and I will keep up and post the news under each specific window so you can build more cosmic consciousness watching and reading the news… Participate VIPs. You may also add your own news in the comment box below and Terania and I will check, to help others build more moon awareness…
Free your spirit with a live Zoom consultation with Dr. Turi?
You will not get real predictions, real warnings, or real cosmic teachings on UFOs on CTC am, Gaia, Contact in the Desert, or Ancient Aliens! I have also decided to keep track of my predictions for the children of the future who may be interested in earthquake predictions outside of conventional science.
Calm Deception to Strike
Window of May 22, 2022
5/26/22 M 6.2 – 38 km NE of Lospalos, Timor Leste
5/26/22 M 7.2 earthquake near Azángaro, Puno, Peru
5/23/22 – M 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Katsuura, Chiba, Japan
5/22/22 – M 6.3 – south of the Fiji Islands
5/21/22 – M6.1 near Bungahan, Calabarzon, Philippines
5/19/22 – M 6.9 – mag earthquake Macquarie Island region
Window of March 22, 2022
3/24/22: 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Port-Olry, Sanma, Vanuatu
3/22/22: 6.7 magnitude earthquake near Hualian, Taiwan, Taiwan
Window of February 22, 2022
Mg 6.2 West Sumatra, Indonesia
Mg 6.3 – Balleny Islands region
Window of January 25, 2022
1/28/22: 6.1 magnitude earthquake near Punta de Burica, Chiriquí, Panama
1/28/22: 6.2 magnitude earthquake near Pangai, Ha‘apai, Tonga
1/22/22: 6.2 magnitude earthquake near Unalaska, Alaska, United States
1/22/22: 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Sarangani, Davao, Philippines
1/21/22: 6.3 magnitude earthquake near Saiki, Oita, Japan
Window of January 16, 2022
1/16/22: 6.1 magnitude earthquake near Panguna, Bougainville, Papua New Guinea
1/15/22: 6.6 magnitude earthquake near Labuan, Banten, Indonesia
Window of January 12, 2022
1/12/2022:6.6 magnitude earthquake near Unalaska, Alaska, United States
1/11/2022: 6.8 magnitude earthquake near Unalaska, Alaska, United States
Window of November 2021
11/14/21:6.3 magnitude earthquake near Bandar ‘Abbās, Hormozgan, Iran
11/14/21:6.0 magnitude earthquake near Bandar ‘Abbās, Hormozgan, Iran
11/11/21:6.0 magnitude earthquake near Nabire, Papua, Indonesia
11/11/21: 6.6 magnitude earthquake near Hirara, Okinawa, Japan
6.2 magnitude earthquake near Masachapa, Managua, Nicaragua
Window of September 11th, 2021!
9/8/21: 7.0 in Guerrero, Mexico
9/7/21: 6.0 Pangai, Ha‘apai, Tonga
8/23/21 6.1 Sakhalin, Russia
8/22/21 7.1 in South Sandwich Islands
8/21/21 6.8 in South Sandwich Islands
8/18/21 6.9 magnitude earthquake Sanma, Vanuatu
*8/15/21: 6.9 in the South Sandwich Islands
*8/14/21: 7.2 magnitude earthquake near Aquin, Sud, Haiti
*8/14/21: 6.9 magnitude earthquake, Alaska, United States
*8/13/21: 8.1 magnitude earthquake in the South Sandwich Islands
*8/13/21: 6.3 magnitude, South Sandwich Islands
*8/11/21: 7.1 magnitude earthquake Philippines
The fact is; my July 13, SOS to the world deadly window produced a bunch of earthquakes well above 6.0, not a single Geologist could ever anticipate or predict! And my August 12, 2021, YouTube video and my newsletter can only confirm my predictions! Read the facts!
Window of July 30th!
8/3/ 21: 6.1 magnitude earthquake near Port Blair, India Earthquakes?
7/30/21: 6.2 magnitude earthquake near Sullana, Piura, Peru
7/29/21: 6.1 magnitude earthquake near Sand Point, Alaska, United States
7/29/21:8.2 magnitude earthquake near Sand Point, Alaska, United States
7/26/21: 6.2 magnitude earthquake near Luwuk, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
7/23/21: 6.7 magnitude earthquake near Hukay, Calabarzon, Philippines
7/22/21: 6.7 magnitude earthquake near Punta de Burica, Chiriquí, Panama
7/21/21: 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Lorengau, Manus, Papua New Guinea
Once again –
Terania and I will keep up and post the news, under each specific window so you can build more cosmic consciousness watching and reading the news…
Life does not stop during those deadly cosmic winds, my friend… Just be aware of those deadly windows and either plan outside or simply triple precautions and do not take chances…
Be safe and may God (and the benevolent Draconis) watch over you and those you care about.
Thank you again for your great support and patronage.