The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact, But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to science and humanity at large. The brain has more interconnections than there are stars and planets in the Milky Way because you are a child of the Universe! — Dr. Turi
“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to “educated dunces“
“The universe is a DARK PLACE I’m trying to make it brighter before I die.”Neil DeGrasse
“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity, I’m offering its secrets before I die.” Dr. Turi
Dear readers;
I have decided to keep offering my cosmic pearls of wisdom to the general public because my critical teachings help so many people to make sense of a life full of challenges and mysteries…
I did so since 1991 and got a formidable reward in terms of business with my endless Full Life Readings live Zoom consultations allowing for spiritual cleansing/regeneration so many of you are desperate for!
While at 72 (on February 26th) I am financially, mentally, and spiritually secure, my biggest dream is to offer such blessings to whoever wants to learn from me!
I want to be able to reach and teach all the parents and all the children of tomorrow! To do so I need to see my first Astropsychology school operational where ever it will be on this planet! Then and only then, I know I will have reached my goal to bring back God’s cosmic design and Jesus initial cosmic Ministry (Divine Astrology) and bring more stability, peace and wisdom to the world.
I am planning to finish my study as a boat Captain in Key West Florida in May 2022. Unless I get serious financial help concentrating on writing and teaching the public will be no more!
I intend to enjoy whatever time God is allowing me to experience in this life… If you live in Key West or reside in the keys, I need a place to stay for a few days. This will allow me to complete my training and then find a long-term rental since I do not know anyone there. If you can help me it would be greatly appreciated so please email turitrue@gmail.com and lets work out the price arrangement.
This being said, going against both the scientific and religious matrixes that have indoctrinated society for centuries through a very controlled educational system is a tough task! And this is also a great challenge of mine.
And all I hope for now is for you to commit to helping me fulfill my mission so I can relax more on the water in Florida! You are only investing in the future of humanity and doing so, bring yourself supreme wonderful karma for future reincarnations.
Support Dr. Turi Teens UCI Education Project – Cosmic Code Donations
Jury finds that Sarah Palin failed to prove her defamation case against the New York Times
Sarah Palin was born February 11, 1964, and sad enough her total lack of cosmic consciousness is what is destroying her life, her health, our precious democracy, and hurting Americans… She may be rich and famous but she does not know that the 2022 Scorpius Dragon is currently cursing her health and her 10th house (public image) of career!
How can such politicians decide the fate of others when they are themselves oblivious of what the stars have in store for their own future? Born with the tail of the Dragon in Capricorn (politics) like Hitler, she is not fit by the stars to own such a critical high political position and work to save our Democracy!
Due to her political career her stars can only shorten her life and bring problems to those who elected her! Gee I am 72 years old and 14 years older and look much younger and healthier! Agree?
I am a Libra Chasing the secrets of the brain and what it means to be human!
The real reasons why Dr. Sanjay Gupta changed his mind on weed
“The brain makes us who we are. It’s the control center that manages thoughts, emotions, and even our perception of time. But for many of us, the brain remains a mystery. This season, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, a practicing neurosurgeon, explains how this 3-pound organ impacts our physical and mental health. As Dr. Gupta demystifies the brain, you’ll learn tangible takeaways to help you sleep better, eat healthier, and live longer.”
Dear reader;
The beautiful picture of a wonderful dad and his daughters can only make your heart melt! Yet while being rich, famous, and well-read, neurosurgeon, writer, and Chief Medical Correspondent of CNN, Dr. Sanjay Gupta is non-cosmic conscious and part of the spiritually unevolved “Young Souls” forbidden by God himself access to the Divine! Yes appreciating the critical and wise words of the “Father of Medicine!” is not for all!
Now, don’t throw the water with the baby please, and assume I don’t like science! Nothing can be further from the truth! My finding as a pioneer of the human brain does not mean the marvelous, incredible scientific achievements should be denied or like Astrology, ridicule!
What I do not agree with, pertaining to our infantile scientific (and the police) community is; the persistent and total lack of curiosity that could critically bless society at large!
Dr. Sanjay Gupta Chasing the Secret of Life? Learning from a Soul Doctor!
But be sure like every one of us, including the Gupta family will, in time suffer misunderstandings, confusions, and quarrels regardless of how well-read their parents are!
Every one of Gupta’s children was born under different UCI, (stars/dragons/moon/rising/aspects, etc.) and knowing nothing of God’s cosmic magnificent cosmic design is a sure ticket for disaster in any family in the long run!
The “educated pride” of the millions of intellectual rational-born physicians like Gupta and scientists like Neil De Grasse are led by their five, rational, limited human senses and this is what brings fear of the ridicule and skepticism against the mother of all science… Astrology!
Even the famous quote of the father of medicine Hippocrates and geniuses like Jung, Plato, Einstein, and Tesla won’t help an “educated young Soul” born with an immature UCI “Unique Celestial Identity” bypass both the religious and/or scientific indoctrination!
“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives.” ~Albert Einstein
I penetrated the core and offer this rare cosmic wisdom to my students.
“We are born at a given moment, in a given place and, like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more. Astrology represents the sum of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity”. (Carl Gustav Jung)
…perhaps there is a pattern set up in the heavens for one who desires to see it, and having seen it, to find one in himself – Plato
“A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician” – Hippocrates (ca. 400 BC).
What makes a true Genius? The 2014 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine GPS? NONSENSE!
“A parody of the Nobel Prizes, the Ig Nobel Prizes are given each year in early October—around the time the recipients of the genuine Nobel Prizes are announced—for ten achievements that ******“first make people laugh, and then make them think.”
HELLO! HELLO! HELLO! HELLO here is one example!
Check my email exchange with USGS!
Note my windows of 12/27/21 will produce quakes at or above 6.0
12/27/21: 6.1 magnitude earthquake near Levuka, Eastern, Fiji
Commenting on the 2006 awards, Marc Abrahams, editor of Annals of Improbable Research, co-sponsor of the awards, said:
“The prizes are intended to celebrate the ******unusual, honor the imaginative****** – and spur people’s interest in science, medicine, and technology.“ All prizes are awarded for real achievements… And real achievements can only be measured, checked, investigated but… WHY THESE PEOPLE DON’T DO THIS WITH MY COSMIC WORK?
Because my cosmic work is well ahead of them all, that’s why!
“Cosmic Consciousness is the liberation of your soul and the start to its infinite journey back to God Cosmic Divinity.” Dr. Turi
Albert Einstein once said, “No problem can ever be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” If we are to put an end to the insanity that has a death grip on our collective sensibilities, then we all need to move to a higher level of consciousness before it is too late.”
All Truths evolve through 3 Stages of Consciousness:
First, they are Ridiculed,
Next, they are Violently Opposed, and
Then, they are Accepted as Self-Evident!
Free your spirit with a live Zoom consultation with Dr. Turi? Read all the details!
“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life. Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom – Astrology and religion are one! ~ Paracelsus
Support Dr. Turi Teens UCI Education Project – Cosmic Code Donations
Memo from my 2022 Nostradamus Forecast for all signs. Souls born in May, November, or with a Moon, rising, dragon head, or tail in Taurus or Scorpio are a target of this dragon! PAY ATTENTION knowledge is power ignorance is evil! Be smart, be wise, be warned find out where the Dragon will bless or hurt you in 2022!
Sign my petition, help the world assimilate God’s cosmic design!
Pay attention to my cosmic teachings and warnings on my YouTube video JOIN TODAY!
I can only wonder how many emails like the one below, our young doctors receive regularly!
Jan 30, 2022, at 9:06 PM Amandio da Silva <mand/////@gmail.com> wrote:
Good morning /evening Terania.
Thank you very much, Dr. Turi, for guiding me and advising me during our session on my chart and relocation follow-up… Once again, thank you beyond words for your incredible predictions, warnings, time-consuming and precious wisdom you’re offering and teaching all of us… ” I have been a VIP for many, many years…I’m not a Facebook poster but I make sure that people know about Dr.Turi’s work and his products, including videos/movies that can be watched exposing the truth on UFOs, books that are divinely written with a wealth of information and showing us the way; to regain the right Christ consciousness…You and Terania are trying to make this world a better and safer place within our impermanent life, thanks to your most accurate predictions, your words of inspiration, and all the healing knowledge you have been providing us with … Your cosmic biorhythm report is life-saving and great guidance… Because of your constant guidance and persistence in saving us and our beautiful and abundant planet in the most genuine way, you offer some hope and I’m humbly grateful and blessed for all you and Terania do…
With my best wishes always
JOIN THE COSMIC CODE and let us guide you all throughout the year!
Would you trust a boat Captain or an airline pilot not to check the weather before taking you on a long journey? This is what we do with our daily guidance and various forecasts, every single day of the year we prepare you for the future so you don’t get stuck in airports or die on the way!
Sign my petition, help the world assimilate God’s cosmic design!
But be patient, a new UFOs/ET movie is being produced as we speak and on its way, for the public to enjoy! Once it’s ready it will be posted on my YouTube channel.
MEMO –“Interesting email from my Webmaster Alan sent in 2010: You know Dr. Turi I realized something super interesting looking at your Alexa stats. A third of all your traffic comes from India. What’s that about? Maybe you need to make a trip to India? I tell you why I think that’s super interesting as well — India (as OF COURSE, you know) invented Vedic Astrology so the fact that they are heavily interested in your European style is a huge testament to your work. It’s like they’re saying that YOUR astrology is better than their own. It’s like if I had a new Cuisine/US Chef site that was visited mostly by France and Italy. That’s a huge compliment, my friend. Unless of course they’re stealing your work and retrofitting it into their Vedic style! You never know! Alan
Sharing email:
Google User – Wow, Dr. Turi you predicted rightly about 1/6/2021, Dr. Turi. Your astrological report was the only and most accurate of all the ones done by other professionals on Coast to Coast am!
Congratulations for predicting things before anyone else has. A new story just broke in the NY Times that Donald Trump and his son-in-law Jared Kushner were laundering money for the Russians.
It may not be so long before we see the Presidents tax returns! Trump’s kids are also in trouble as you have pointed out. When the Dragon changes signs into Scorpio, Ivanka Trump, a Scorpio, will face Karma!
You are a true prophet!
On July 9, on C2C they have a man who says he is an astrologer. William Stickevers predicted last September on Coast that Trump would be re-elected and Republicans would win the House and Senate! George never mentioned any of that! Stickevers could not hold a candle to the incredible Dr. TURI!
I cannot believe George has this FRAUD on his show! You always said the IRS would nail Trump. Now it is starting… Well Done!
I know people who know George and, like Trump, a two-faced Gemini… I listen once in a while to the podcast the day after a show on Coast. The astrologers and psychics that he has had on since January are a joke.
None of the predictions ever happen!
Without your knowledge and wisdom, the show is an absolute joke!
Another psychic said war was imminent. I no longer bother to listen to Coast, if I am up late at night; driving home from Connecticut (part-time truck driver).
Please continue to provide your loyal followers with your remarkable predictions and insights into world events. I am forever grateful to you for your advice over the years.
Your greatest witness will be history.
Live long and continue to prosper!
Be Safe and God Bless.
Susan – I subscribed to Coast to Coast and I have heard you on Coast to Coast in the past. I recently found you on YouTube and I subscribed to your YouTube channel now. I no longer will listen to coast-to-coast your information is more credible than coast-to-coast. I had a coast insider subscription which I am now canceling. I am so disappointed they didn’t bring you on more. I’m saving up money so I can get a reading from you. keep the faith there are many people out there that need to hear what you have to say.
Jennifer – Dr. Turi I just saw you on the Amazon Prime movie today & KNEW you were the REAL DEAL!! Used to listen & support Coast to Coast. They lost all my respect and they have no integrity!! What a scam they ran on you!! I will support you, Dr. Turi!! I know you speak wisdom & truth!! I see what happened to you & it’s disgusting! And I hear your SOS loud & clear! May God continue to bless you & may His light continue to shine on you & your divine astrology.
Dr. Turi
Sharing emails:
Jackie Rosa – Dr. Turi thank you so much for the mind-blowing, eerily accurate reading and amazing guidance today. It was absolutely worth every penny and more! I plan on the front the geographical really with you soon as my family and I will be relocating soon.
Joan Oishi – Dr. Turi, Yes! The readings are where you shine, I’m still delighted with the wonderful reading I had with you recently! You have a gift and no one can silence you!
jedi272727; We appreciate everything u tell us Turi As a Scorpio I have u to guide me to read my chart and wow u are the best investment Thanks Turi I send u love and light
Becky Lewis; I CHOOSE to be “Armed and Safer”. Thank You for the ASTONISHING READING on Zoom! I am TRULY READY to move forward and learn all that I must to be my BEST and HIGHEST SELF and be able to better aid and serve Humanity and Nature. Thank You Dr. Turi!! LOVE AND BLESSINGS to You and the Lovely.
Matt Spence; Thank you so much for the amazing reading Dr turi, you and Draco had confirmed a lot of things about myself that I needed to hear, definitely was needed so that I can move on to a brighter future ahead of me.
Melissa Smelser; Your Readings are just awesome Dr. Turi, WOW the information you gave me was just mind-blowing I have listened to my reading several times, and each time I hear something else I could not remember as you were talking. I want to learn more and I am still praying for your school. I would love to help teach children about the stars. People, you will be amazed and he is so much fun to talk with and it is the TRUTH he does not sugarcoat any. Great video Dr. T, I just love ya and these videos.
Free your spirit with a live Zoom consultation with Dr. Turi? Read all the details!
Please sign my petition
One thing is sure, investing in my cosmic wisdom is the first thing you need to do if you lost hopes for the future or if you are down because now there is only one way left, that is up! Remember there is no future in your past!
I have more answers than you have questions for me! And that is me to know and you to find out of course!
There are 10 planets, 10 signs, and 12 houses to investigate in-depth using the Great Prophet Divine Astrology methodology! This includes the ever so important dragon’s Head(your future) and your Dragon’s Tail (past lives) thus we have a lot to talk about and since I cover the 12 different departments of your life NOTHING about you, your past, and your future will be left uncovered!
All I am asking you is NOT to talk while channeling the *solar benevolent Draco, as I prepare you for the psychic very last part; of our live meeting on Zoom!
Reaching your subconscious using the Astro-Tarot symbolic powers is the goal, this is why you can’t interfere with your questions.
Doing the listening; allows me to fill your spirit, with all the spiritual food it needs…To face the tremendous difficulties we are in, with the pandemic or whatever challenges you are facing.
And since there is no time limit in the channeling, you can talk only when I am done.
Some clients were born with an extraordinary strong Mercury (Gemini/chatterboxes) and I have to discipline them, BEFORE we start the meeting!
During the reading, I will ask you a few questions to check on your subconscious responses, so be brief with your answers so you do not alter the channeling. You are paying me a lot of money for a vital spiritual service and I do not want you to listen to yourself when you replay the recorded reading later on!
Don’t expect me to tell you only good things about yourself, knowing your cosmic load “sins and virtues” is what will help you not only to regenerate but also correct negative behaviors.
My goal is to rebirth you from your washed into a powerful, wise, successful, magnetic eagle, and God gifted me to do just that for you…
Since the world is loaded with deceptive “Neptunians” astrologers, psychics, and prophets wanna-be, be sure to click on the link above! Anyone must ask for proof of predictions (see below) and most of all LISTEN TO YOUR INTUITION!
This little voice will never lie to you if you pay attention to it because it’s God’s inner voice leading you to the right soul to guide and teach you all about the Divine!
You will not get real predictions, real warnings, real cosmic teachings on UFOs’ on CTC am, Gaia, Contact in the Desert, or Ancient Aliens!
Window of January 25, 2022
My windows predispose to various natural disasters and earthquakes at or above 6.0
1/28/22: 6.1 magnitude earthquake near Punta de Burica, Chiriquí, Panama
1/28/22: 6.2 magnitude earthquake near Pangai, Ha‘apai, Tonga
1/22/22: 6.2 magnitude earthquake near Unalaska, Alaska, United States
1/22/22: 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Sarangani, Davao, Philippines
1/21/22: 6.3 magnitude earthquake near Saiki, Oita, Japan
Window of January 16, 2022
1/16/22: 6.1 magnitude earthquake near Panguna, Bougainville, Papua New Guinea
1/15/22: 6.6 magnitude earthquake near Labuan, Banten, Indonesia
Window of January 12, 2022
1/12/2022:6.6 magnitude earthquake near Unalaska, Alaska, United States
1/11/2022: 6.8 magnitude earthquake near Unalaska, Alaska, United States
Window of November 2021
11/14/21:6.3 magnitude earthquake near Bandar ‘Abbās, Hormozgan, Iran
11/14/21:6.0 magnitude earthquake near Bandar ‘Abbās, Hormozgan, Iran
11/11/21:6.0 magnitude earthquake near Nabire, Papua, Indonesia
11/11/21: 6.6 magnitude earthquake near Hirara, Okinawa, Japan
6.2 magnitude earthquake near Masachapa, Managua, Nicaragua
Window of September 11th!
9/8/21: 7.0 in Guerrero, Mexico
9/7/21: 6.0 Pangai, Ha‘apai, Tonga
Window of August 28th!
Window of August 20th!
8/23/21 6.1 Sakhalin, Russia
8/22/21 7.1 in South Sandwich Islands
8/21/21 6.8 in South Sandwich Islands
8/18/21 6.9 magnitude earthquake Sanma, Vanuatu
Window of August 13th!
*8/15/21: 6.9 in the South Sandwich Islands
*8/14/21: 7.2 magnitude earthquake near Aquin, Sud, Haiti
*8/14/21: 6.9 magnitude earthquake, Alaska, United States
*8/13/21: 8.1 magnitude earthquake in the South Sandwich Islands
*8/13/21: 6.3 magnitude, South Sandwich Islands
*8/11/21: 7.1 magnitude earthquake Philippines
The fact is; my July 13, SOS to the world deadly window produced a bunch of earthquakes well above 6.0, not a single Geologist could ever anticipate or predict! And my August 12, 2021, YouTube video and my newsletter can only confirm my predictions! Read the facts!
Window of July 30th!
8/3/ 21: 6.1 magnitude earthquake near Port Blair, India Earthquakes?
7/30/21: 6.2 magnitude earthquake near Sullana, Piura, Peru
7/29/21: 6.1 magnitude earthquake near Sand Point, Alaska, United States
7/29/21:8.2 magnitude earthquake near Sand Point, Alaska, United States
Window of July 23rd!
7/26/21: 6.2 magnitude earthquake near Luwuk, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
7/23/21: 6.7 magnitude earthquake near Hukay, Calabarzon, Philippines
7/22/21: 6.7 magnitude earthquake near Punta de Burica, Chiriquí, Panama
7/21/21: 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Lorengau, Manus, Papua New Guinea
Note this warning and window of July 30th were given to the public. Listen to Dr. Turi on Tracie Austin radio show 7/25/21
Dr. Turi on Dr. J’s radio show giving dates of earthquakes Enjoy the show!
Jim Karoll “Beating The Odds” Dr. Louis Turi.
Attention readers: 6 MN 44 seconds into the radio show with Jim I warn about large earthquakes and mentioned to be ready for “Sudden release of energy and EXPLOSIONS!”
Calm Deception To Strike!
8/26/20 – 6.1 magnitude earthquake near Kokopo, Papua New Guinea
8/21/20 – 6.9 magnitude, Katabu, Sulawesi Tenggara, Indonesia
8/18/20 – 6.6 magnitude earthquake near San Pedro, Bicol, Philippines
On “Beating The Odds” radio show, and this YouTube video, including this newsletter, both the Lebanese and the Baltimore deadly EXPLOSIONS (and some) were fully predicted!
Join my youtube channel don’t miss anything!
God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that you may live a safer more productive life! Paracelsus.
Nostradamus 2022 Universal and Personal Forecast
Don’t start the year without it! Be smart, be wise, be warned!
Order your 2022 Personal & Universal Cosmic Biorhythms Dates
Cyndi OdenI just discovered you last night on an interview and what a BEAUTIFUL SOUL you are! Thanks for sharing your wisdom. God bless you dear one.
SHIRLEY morales; Dr. Turi, your predictions are so accurate and on point. The reading I got from you is very worth it. There is no one like you Dr. Turi. People need to listen to you and follow your work.
pungr; You blow me away, Dr. Turi! There should be thousands of ‘like’s on this YouTube video. What the hell is wrong with everyone?! Thank you for being a way shower and a patient teller of the TRUTH!
Blessings to all
Dr. Turi
Dr. Turi’s Books and Products:
Cosmic Code VIP Membership – Pick your price and duration! Thank you.
Become a Patreon, show your support for our cosmic work! Thank you.
2019 Nostradamus Personal and Universal Predictions For All Signs
2021/2022 Nostradamus Personal and Universal Predictions For All Signs
Astro-Carto-Graphy Relocation Reading $210 or $150 for VIP’s
2020 Positive Cosmic Biorhythms Personal Reports $100 for VIP’s
The Magical Power of Talismans $350 for VIP’s – (E-mail: teraniapromodir@gmail.com for a SUPER DEAL!)
Astropsychology home course $1050 or ($525) for VIP’s
Dr. Turi’s readings:
Dr. Turi TOP service – Personal live Skype consultation $700 or $300 for VIP’s
Taped full life reading $310 or $210 for VIP’s
Taped comparison chart $410 or $210 for VIP’s
Taped progressive reading $250 or $200 for VIP’s
Question? Help? teraniapromodir@gmail.com (602) 265-7667