May 12, 2019
Published April 29, 2019: SOS TO THE WORLD, Terrorism, Death, Secrets, Russia, IRS, Drama MAY 17th, 2019
All my 2019 SOS to the world deadly windows involve earthquakes above 6.0!
6.1 magnitude earthquake near Miyazaki, Japan
The radio show below can only prove my claim if you are patient enough to listen to my dated predictions.
This class teaches people to act as first responders in a mass shooting
Dear readers;
My latest article titled “School Shootings will never stop! Unless…” gave the solid answers to why this deadly killing plague will never stop mostly because it is a deep, reptilius inserted psychical manifesto! Yet teaching how to save lives after the traumatic event is much like preparing yourself for the next earthquake knowing the scientific community is cosmic unconscious, unable and unwilling to try something new!
This is the definition of madness or pure stupidity, doing the same thing over and over again and expect different results! But this is ALL parents, teachers and students can do because no one taught them otherwise!
What Does The World Say About Dr. Turi?
Indeed you can not be a “young soul” a religious fanatic, an atheist or an idiot to delegate God Cosmic Design or benefit from my cosmic work! Meantime, I do not see myself (or my smart students) soon being allowed to talk about UFO’s, the reptilius, the Draconis or Astrology and provide those kids the vital spiritual regeneration needed to beat those nefarious entities.
Or help all colleges students to recognize the sins and virtues we all inherited at birth through our karmic UCI and apply the will to suppress and control their actions and emotions. Unless each of those students become cosmic conscious, not only will they be unable to detect “the born killers” but they will also be unable to auto analyze themselves accurately!
All brain “experts” and science is FAR from understanding and correcting this unstoppable manifesto because none of them has been trained to bypass the limitation of their five “educated” rational senses! And the resistance to GROW UP and seek the right answers to what it means to be human is simply mind boggling, in fact…
“Cruz’s killing spree is the deadliest high school shooting in United States history, surpassing the Columbine High School massacre that killed 13 in Colorado on April 20, 1999. How could this ever happen in this country? How could this happen in this state?” Scott said, adding that his “prayers are with everybody impacted.
The suspect in the Florida high school shooting that killed 17 has confessed, police said Thursday. Nikolas Cruz, 19, told police he was responsible for the shooting and added that he hid extra ammunition in his backpack and shot students in the hallways and on school grounds, Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel said.”
Yes I know, if you are a follower of my cosmic work, you will find me redundant but realize repetition is a must for the truth and reality to sink in! Cruz, like Lanza and all past and future “born killers” are victims of the US Department of Education, science and religion indoctrinating people from all walks of life to fear and ridicule the old science of Astrology!
Without knowing or understanding the inherited, karmic celestial program there is way to apply the will to control the pull of Pluto (The Lord of Hell) and all inborn impulses, “idiosyncrasies” often manipulated by the reptilius to create “demons!” All past and future “born killers” do not have or have had the opportunity to learn about their own divinity and succumbed to the pull of the stars…
Unless responsible parents and teachers alike WAKE UP and start supporting my lifetime cosmic work, school shootings will NEVER, EVER STOP! Once again, by refusing to allow my students and I to reach your children, all adults are creating those monsters and regardless how you feel about religion or science, you must realize inefficiency! Help me now while you can, invest in my cosmic wisdom for if you do not, your own child may be part of the next statistics!
Never forget, those “killers” once upon a time were innocent, vulnerable, trusting, loving children and easily salvaged through cosmic education. yet in the name of religious fear, ignorance or fear of the ridicule you let them down! Worse is to come to those kids because now they belong to the very system who created them and will be used as guinea pigs by all traditionally “educated idiots” to benefit the big pharma next line of nefarious mental health products!
While I have been fired from all major public networking popular websites for exposing the truth about the pharmaceutical corporations and various notable people “Tony Robbins, is fame wisdom?”
You should not expect less from me and be part of the solution by supporting and sharing my work! Especially when precious young lives are in jeopardy, you should not let fear, ego or insecurity dictate your conscience and HELP ME!
Once you read the following below, PLEASE share and invest in my cosmic wisdom!
Controversy over abortion laws
Alyssa Milano called for a sex strike to protest strict abortion laws. Women were not having it.
Alyssa is going the wrong way imposing a “sex strike” to fight religious fanatics pious souls. Instead EDUCATE (good luck) the opposition about God cosmic Divinity, Jesus’ initial cosmic Ministry and most importantly, the process of dying and birthing. But did Alyssa watch any of my videos? Chances are no and with the legalization of pot (and magic mushrooms) the reptilius have it all to maintain this dance of madness…
Telling a Christian, a Buddhist, a Muslim or any of the 875 different denominations that the reptilius created all religions in order to maintain fear, chaos and endless wars is a total waste of time, even with the facts right in their faces! Attack on Catholic church in Burkina Faso leaves six dead.
To seek a cure, Davis recruited a dream team of researchers – Among those who picked up the phone were two Nobel Laureates: Paul Berg, who won the chemistry prize in 1980, and Mario R. Capecchi, who won it in the “Physiology or Medicine” category in 2007.
But he did not pic Dr. Turi because he knows nothing of forensic & Medical Astrology… His son was born under the constellation of Libra and the full explanation for his son to contract the disease is in the video below!
The psychology and neuroscience of terrorism by Dr. Turi
Can Psychologists Learn More with Astroforensic? You bet! – Dr. Turi
Hippocrates II, was a Greek physician of the Age of Pericles, and is considered the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine.
Sylver King was born 9 January 1968 under the sign of Capricorn, cause of death is… More information in the video below! Forensic Astrology used! He died as expected during one of his 2019 PDD or Personal Dragon dates, but people and science are clueless about my cosmic ingenuity and telling people I own the “cosmic code secrets” is offending to insecure people who assume I am an egocentric!
Note England is a Capricorn country and currently the negative dragon’s tail curse this country, this add bad luck to Sylver King’s Capricorn sun sign… Knowing what I know I would have strongly recommend him NOT to fight in the UK unless his contract was signed under the proper protective cosmic code jurisdictions related to his natal UCI! But I am speaking Chines to those who do not have a strong cosmic awareness…
Nostradamus 2019 Universal and Personal Forecast
Don’t start the year without it! Be smart, be wise, be warned!
Order your 2019 Personal & Universal Cosmic Biorhythms Dates
Who are the Draconis and the Reptilius?
Infected Talking Heads Imagination about shape-shifting reptilians
Sign my Petition To Beat The Reptilius While We Can And Save Humanity
Once again be warned and share readers because… “God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so you may lead a safer more productive life!”
And not to amuse NASA’s scientists, or support the greedy business moon endeavor of Founder, Chairman, CEO and President of Amazon Jeff Bezos!
This upcoming Plutonic deadly window will be used by the reptilius to create serious troubles readers, read the do’s and do not during those days because many people will not make it! All you will say or do during those days will follow you for the rest of your life and serious wake up calls will be offered to humans from all walks of life!
“Let him who ignores my warning be cursed, according to the eternal rites and ceremonies for a cosmic God do not speak to fools.” Dr. Turi
Memo published April 29, 2019: SOS TO THE WORLD, Terrorism, Death, Secrets, Russia, IRS, Drama MAY 17th, 2019
Maria S. WeaverLove your work, Dr Louis Turi. I’ve been following your work since the early 2000s (2001/2002). Thank you for sharing with us. I remember when you married Terania Turi. You’re amazing.
“Extraordinary experiences breed extraordinary people that have extraordinary wisdom to share” Dr. Turi
Invitation to join us on amazing UFO Cruise in October 2019
I plotted the “unusual/shocking” Uranic winds of those future days and with such electrifying “New Age” group of people brought together under such futuristic cosmic winds inside and above the ship, I can only assure you an exceptional experience you will never forget!
Act today, doing so mean you will get the price break of $200 until October 9th in my personal cabin where I will take good care of your body, mind and soul!
While I am offering a very large discount on various services on that cruise, I added the option to chose between a 3 months FREE VIP subscription or my 2019 Nostradamus Personal and Universal Predictions to the next few people who will join me.
This deal apply to those who already signed up under my name, so please email right away with the special code “TURISTAR7.”
Once I acknowledged, you will receive your gift. Then IMPORTANT! print the email response with “TURISTAR7.” and present it to me on the ship so I can take good care of you privately! Pay attention to all the details provided below as your dated email will also be used for you to gain more discount.
I truly want to prove and share Draco’s truly remarkable healing powers and his magnificent channeling will astound you when facing me and my astro-tarot table. The teachings of the specific universal laws that apply to you personally including the predictions MUST be recorded! So be prepared before our meeting, charge your cellphone!
We will talk about natural health and other diseases that are coming from an emotional, painful “blockage” messing up the human atomic structure and open the door to many infectious organism. Cancer is primarily induced either genetically or through serious and continuous depressions. God spared my life so I can now help you to avoid contracting any diseases…
Reaching and making a good use of your own Super-conscious in time and space is extremely difficult, yet if you trust my expertise and my cosmic wisdom, the formidable results upon your future, your body, mind and soul will be remarkable.
If you suffer serious ailments, feel depressed or lost faith in your and the future, after the hypnotic light trance regression, you will be totally “cleansed” psychically and your etheric fluid will be perfectly re-aligned! You will then be ready for the healing physical part. I will bring my tools, and I will take care of you in the privacy of my cabin.
I wish I could truly emphasize or remotely explain the benefit and the power of Draco working through me but again, its me to know and you to find out! Note a full body healing cleansing price will be assigned depending on your needs and time spent working with you! See more info on how to proceed to reserve your spot below.
I am not sure if you recall the movie “Cocoon” but in all creative minds, stimulated by the benevolent Draconis, there is always a bit of truth, even if you can not realize or accept it just yet! I am a “Soul Doctor”a natural healer, the tips to hold on to youth happiness, creativity and vitality can not be shared publicly, only in the privacy of my magical world!
Remember my top Live Skype service cost $700 and you can have and enjoy Draco’s power and I for as long as needed in my cabin for only $200. The price will double as of October 9th and for the remaining of the cruise, thus I can only and strongly recommend you to book early and reserve your spot by emailing to confirm and pay for your spot for the special full body healing cleansing.
I may get very busy on the ship, thus only those who have reservation and paid for it will be taken care of first!
Once again, take the time to assimilate my cosmic work, read the current news in Special George Noory Dr. Turi Predictions on Coast To Coast am and from there, dig deeper into your own life and realize how the stars (or the reptilius) touched your personal life!
In our case, being cosmic conscious, nothing escape our “Eagle Eye” and all we can do is keep servicing you with supreme cosmic wisdom. Check my upcoming radio shows, mark your calendar or listen to older ones!
“Cosmic consciousness is the awareness of a cosmic God speaking his divinity through the signs and use it wisely to serve, warn and guide humanity. ” Dr. Turi.
Join me in Australia check out the website! 2020 tickets available now!
Join us at ANTIAGINGGETAWAYCRUISE.COM from March 14th- 21st 2020 where I will offer my own cosmic wisdom and unique tips to stay younger, correct (or improve) vision using Nostradamus’s natural mean and specific health/youth tips! I will elaborate in time about what I will offer on the ship and you should start by visiting their website and plan to join us in 2020.
If you are one of those rare spiritual human beings in the ocean of life looking for my uplifting spiritual hook, and interested in learning more about the Cosmic Code, God’s cosmic divinity, Astroforensics, or Astropsychology, just ring the bell! We will open the door of a new world above for you to join our VIP’s in our Cyber Cosmic Code University! All the answers to what it means to be human and so much more is awaiting you!
UFOs Health Wealth Love Talismans
Come and drink at the source of all wisdom
Cosmic Code VIP Membership $10
2019 Nostradamus Personal and Universal Predictions For All Signs –$10
Astro-Carto-Graphy Relocation Reading $210 or $150 for VIP’s
2019 Positive Cosmic Biorhythms Personal Reports $100 for VIP’s
The Magical Power of Talismans $350 for VIP’s
Astropsychology home course $1050 or ($525) for VIP’s
Dr. Turi TOP service – Personal live Skype consultation $700 or $350 for VIP’s
Taped full life reading $310 or $210 for VIP’s
Taped comparison chart $410 or $210 for VIP’s
Regular psychic reading $150 by phone only – Same as Full Life Reading for VIP’s
Taped progressive reading $210 $150 for VIP’s
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