“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” “If we use mystical arts for entertainment purposes only, without offering rational information on its dynamics, how can the average person possibly distinguish Divine Astrology and the Astro-Tarot from pseudoscience? ” Dr. Turi
“I think this is the start of things to come.“
“Look, you can never be 100% sure about links,” Branson said after anchor John Berman asked if he saw a correlation between the recent hurricanes and climate change. “But scientists have said the storms are going to get more and more and more intense and more and more often. We’ve had four storms within a month, all far greater than that have ever, ever, ever happened in history.” “Sadly,” he continued, “I think this is the start of things to come.“
Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson is an English business magnate, investor and philanthropist. He founded the Virgin Group, which controls more than 400 companies. Branson expressed his desire to become an entrepreneur at a young age. Wikipedia – Born: July 18, 1950 (age 67), Blackheath, London, United Kingdom
Dear readers;
Like me, Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson was born in 1950. He is rich and famous but like 99.99% of humans, he is also cosmic unconscious and unaware of the reptilius’ agenda! Chances are, he like much of the world today, would laugh at me just by mentioning UFO’s reality and the reptilius agenda!
Yes, in some ways, he is partly right! You could call the extraordinary, shocking (predicted) news an omen of things (nukes) to come and while “earth changes” are real, Mother Earth can never be destroyed by humans.
I can assure you, letting humans destroying earth is not part of the the nefarious reptilius or benevolent Draconis’ agenda! But you probably already heard this already! Cosmic Consciousness and all unconscious famous UFO’s “Talking Heads…
Like countless disappeared civilizations, burning in hell within the magma below your feet, you can never forget that: “Life itself is a constant process of endless changes” and its just a matter of time before our own civilization, self destructs even further and joins in on the eternal dance of evil!
Rest assured you won’t feel nothing down there. There is no death nor are there feelings in death. Call it karma or an endless “recycling process” imposed by a blind and deaf cosmic God, who communicates only with the “chosen ones.”
If I was able to predict today’s shocking news, a full year before CNN or FOX news mentioned them, logic dictates that; I can also predict when the nightmare will end!
Furthermore, if I can predict a super hurricane 2 weeks or a month before its formation in the ocean, you may want to pay more attention to my work and heed my warnings! “Be Ready for One of the Most Shocking Man Made and/or Natural Disasters to Curse Humanity!”
Our infantile science has only logical “educated” clues to why nature (and men) are going berserk lately. Yes I own the truth so many fearful fearful people could never accept!
It is okay to be skeptical and ridicule my work, at least until you do your own mental work and start investigating my well documented, dated and published predictions.
And by the way, those predictions do not start or finish with natural disasters only! Watch my next September 23rd SOS to the world window! Here is an hint! FBI visited Dr. Turi again, following Paris Terrorists Attack Prediction …
Religious people are so scared, and like the traditionally “educated” idiotic atheists, unable and unwilling to realize, in the vastness of the universe, ET’s presence is simply inevitable!
Amazing how rational mathematics do not apply with the “educated idiots!” Those people refute not only my claims about their agenda but also my undeniable predictions!
Meantime, like humans, some of those space entities are good and some are really bad!

Yes I did it again! 7.1 quake strikes Mexico
I can’t believe how difficult it is for anyone to associate my quatrain and OBVIOUS keywords ie. Earthquakes (always above 6.0) and the latest Mexico 7.1 quake! I also can’t believe how it is difficult for people and the scientific community to accept my predictive wisdom as real and reliable, even when it is repetitive. And some idiots will assure you large earthquakes happen in average every 3 or 4 days. (lol)
Meantime if you keep an eye on the SOS to the world deadly windows , I get them all! And its FREE! The scientific community’s “educated pride” will never be replaced by REAL scientific investigations of my cosmic work, because they know I am better than all of them combined!
The biggest earthquakes:
Hundreds of quakes transpired last few days and September 2, 2017 a 6.3 magnitude earthquake Indonesia – Dr. Turi does it again and again!
The question is; did they read and make a note of my visions? Read more about USGS, NASA, Pasadena CA seismology Institute and my unarguable earthquakes predictions.
“Be Ready for One of the Most Shocking Man Made and/or Natural Disasters to Curse Humanity!”
Posted by Dr. Turi on August 30, 2017 at 1:48am in Cosmic Coders Only
September 18 (48 hours centering the dates)
Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind Water To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike
Japan / Asia / Cosmic News / NASA / Space News / Nukes / Weird news / Freak / Space / Rocket / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / Stunning / Baffling / Incredible / Lightning / Unusual / Humanitarianism / Children / Unrest / Discovery / Science / Earthquakes (always above 6.0) / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / Airports / Aeronautics / Technology / Electricity /Television / UFO’s /Cosmic phenomenons.
The Popocatépetl volcano burst into life as the earthquake tore through the Mexican capital
7.1 quake strikes Mexico Quake?
Iran nuclear deal is an embarrassment, Trump tells UN Nukes?
Trump Vows to ‘Totally Destroy’ North Korea if It Threatens U.S. Nukes?
Don’t you find interesting that: “Indian in the machine” used my SOS to the world deadly window date of Sept 23rd posted below in his article?
“The Next Attack On The United States Exposed! September 23 Predictive Programming BULL!”
It is not the first time that infected, non cosmic conscious uses my dates to attract readers to their “work.” I had to deal with the same “losers” after giving very specific dates on Coast to Coast am radio show heard by millions.
Most of the time it was my clients, students and patients listening to the show and reading my predictions on various websites that noticed the originator’s name (Dr. Turi) was never mentioned!
Thus as of today I will STOP offering my warnings to the public, thus if you like my work directly in your mailbox, join us ITS FREE!
This is a DOUBLE HIT, first the large quake then the volcano eruption in Mexico, something I did many times over the years. I realize also that while thousands of readers read my work, I get no much support from people but plenty negative comments from the envious, brain dead subhumans.
“Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.
It takes a very intelligent Superhuman to deal with my cosmic work and those highly spiritual souls are very rare!
Are you ready for Hurricane Maria’s (and some) impact in the US? Read more!
“Be Ready for One of the Most Shocking Man Made and/or Natural Disasters to Curse Humanity!”
Posted by Dr. Turi on August 30, 2017 at 1:48am in Cosmic Coders Only
September //- 23 (48 hrs centering the dates)
Hidden secrets sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign
Russia / North Korea / Famous Death / Dramatic Death News / Police news / FBI / CIA / Secret services / Secrets to light / Mob / Scandals / Terrorism / Cyber attacks / Abduction / Finances / Super wealth / Sex / Porn / Prostitution / Life and death / Serial Killers / Undiluted truth / Nature and Man Made Wake up Call.
Unlike humans and science, the future has and will always be my utmost faithful witness… Dr. Turi
But you can’t blame all the petrified, “young souls” when they are the victims of a system who indoctrinated them via religion and/or science but many also allow themselves to be convinced. Nevertheless, the majority could never even learn from a 67 year old man who dealt physically since childhood with the benevolent group of ET’s, called the Draconis!
July 1987 – I am Alien The Final Revelation
This is hurting some oversensitive enlarged, insecure egos but what is ludicrous is; their ineptitude to analyze, realize and accept their idiosyncrasies are as big as the universe itself!
Furthermore, this impatient, greedy attitude is responsible more than anything else; for the excessive stupidity we find in the world. Just as such people have no patience to chew up real food, they do not take sufficient time to “chew up” real spiritual “cosmic” food.
“Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.” (Albert Einstein)
Many of those idiots cruises all popular networking websites and many of them are already and unconsciously slaving for the reptilius. Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Satan’s Minions and Dr. Turi
Those lost souls are fast to say I am using disasters, deaths and all the dramatic news to make money not realizing that my warnings are offered GRACIOUSLY or for FREE!
Those brain dead envious idiots have nothing to offer humanity or better yet, what did they give the world lately?
I can not be blamed for the news, or for their lack of curiosity, for their intellectual incompetence, enviousness, insecurity, skepticism, ego and idiocy! Thank goodness for those cretins who need us to eradicate their fears and ignorance, are the minority!
I am glad my latest articles brought an international interest to my predictive work and many more people have joined the cosmic code private website!
If you are negative, insecure, jealous, resentful, argumentative, addicted and egocentric, you are possessed by those entities who NEED your fears and your negativity to survive! Help yourself to fight the reptilius .
Those entities (the reptilius) are Satan’s cursed negative slaves manipulated physically and psychically by evil forces to produce and stir more fear, more troubles, more discord and death upon the rest of us!
If you want to read more about the reptilius (or anything else) just Google any word and add Dr. Turi! Example: “Gay Dr. Turi” “millennials Dr. Turi” “UFO’s Dr. Turi” “Trump Dr. Turi” “911 Dr. Turi” “terrorism Dr. Turi” “Predictions Dr. Turi” “FBI or “The police Dr. Turi.”
I gave my cosmic wisdom, predictions and even my books for FREE for years or since 1991 to be exact! Investigate my work first, assume later!
The reptilius are cosmic conscious, they know the stars effects upon nature and men, including all living things on planet earth. Those entities do manipulate humans psyche from the super-conscious or the great beyond. Note also the weather pattern can not be altered by human current technology (or HAARP!)
“Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking; science, conspiracy and religious deceptive imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents, nor circumstances, only cosmic consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”Dr. Turi
The reptilius impose a constant mental negative pattern of thought and actions through the use of technology, legal/illegal drugs, alcohol, gluttony, sexual debauchery, fearful religious teachings, aggressive sports, violent entertainments to create a negative pattern in the unconscious of the “infected” individual. All the while, humans are “machines of habits” and easily programmed to negativity!
While the reptilius manipulate the weather pattern using all negative cosmic winds at their advantage (or my SOS to the world deadly windows) their goal is to induce more chaos, more fear and more insecurity!
The reality is that humans are not smart enough to use those vibrant cosmic energy to live a safer and more productive life!”
We all know it is extremely difficult to stay positive (or neutral) for long, especially during or after a confrontation (ego battles.)
Thus, humans are unconscious and the “robots” of their natal, karmic UCI and easily invaded psychically, when experiencing a negative personal cosmic biorhythms . Think of any of your negative emotions as a red carpet invitation to the reptilius!
There is NO such a thing as good or bad luck per say, it is just a “cosmic timing” and a matter of time before you suffer or benefit from one of your personal lucky or unlucky cosmic winds!
But as I said many times before, humans are not curious nor smart enough to make a good use of my cosmic wisdom just yet! Asking an unconscious human being for a remuneration for a lifetime of rare and precious cosmic investment is taboo! I am a soul doctor and be sure, while I have taught “traditional doctors” many of them became our students!
The question remain, how many people read and shared my FREE Universal predictions sample for 2016/2017 yet? May I suggest you to click on this important link and take a minute to read through it? “Predictions for 2017 Nostradamus Personal and Universal Forecast.”
Furthermore, I wonder how many of my world wide reading audience invested in themselves, to find out what the stars will bring them PERSONALLY in 2017?
$5.00 shouldn’t be too much to pay for REAL predictions that can save your life. Or may be you would rather get the “for entertainment purpose only” Facebook many astrology/tarot well designed websites junk?
Those infected corporations live on advertisements alone and not by offering their readers legitimate predictions! And all uniformed gullible readers rush to read and get what they paid for or, NOTHING!
Invest $5.00 bucks in my work, then realize that all the shocking, disturbing, incredible news about unseen before hurricanes and large earthquakes you are watching today (and will be watching on TV) were FULLY predicted! Note also the book was published in July 2016. What about North Korea and nukes? Are you ready for the undiluted truth and most of all, can you handle it?
Click image above to purchase the 2017 Dragon Forecast Now Available for Download!!
I know EXACTLY when the stars will “turn normal” again. In fact I gave the date in my book (above) to when and where God did/will impose his cosmic will upon your life! Its easy to blaspheme and ridicule me when you never ever read any of my personal prediction for YOU!
Only an extreme minority of my readers will take the time to read the full content of my articles and less than 1% have the drive and the intelligence to investigate my cosmic work! Its easier to rely on religion or science and for the dunces, much easier to ridicule and assume… There are only two king of human though, the superhuman and the subhuman – Where do you stand?
As always I am offering my worldwide faithful reading audience my warnings with the next SOS to the world deadly window for September 23. We are asking those who have tested our cosmic wisdom, to share this article with others and help save more lives!
“Let who ignore my warnings be cursed by the eternal rites of the cosmic code ceremonies for a cosmic God does not speak to fools…” Dr. Turi.
Lastly if you like our work, show your support, JOIN the cosmic code… ITS FREE and get my articles, predictions and bulletins right in your mailbox!
You can always become a VIP when you are ready to deal with God’s cosmic divinity and learn about the cosmic code secrets reading our universal – daily personal guidance and other monthly forecasts!
“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life. Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom. ~ Paracelsus
The reptilius are winning the battle against humanity and no enough people supports or pays attention to a modern prophet! Galactic Federation Grand Cosmic Order
Questions? Help?
E-mail: teraniapromodir@gmail.com
- Dr. Turi TOP service – Personal live Skype consultation $700
- Taped full life reading $310
- Taped comparison chart $200
- Regular psychic reading $150 by phone only – Same as Full Life Reading.
- Taped progressive reading $210
- Lucky dragon window dates $125
- Astro-Carto-Graphy $210
- Lady Gaga Having Fibromyalgia is a serious sign of a reptilius infestation… Pray for her soul! September 17, 2017
- Space station gets a look at Hurricane Irma – “Be Ready for One of the Most Shocking Man Made and/or Natural Disasters to Curse Humanity!”September 8, 2017
- August / September 2017 daily guidance personal and universal predictions by Dr. Turi September 4, 2017
- Will North Korea Strike First? Be ready! North Korea vowed to launch a NUCLEAR attack on the USA! September 4, 2017
- Nukes Harvey Irma September 10th 2017 SOS to the world deadly window!September 3, 2017
- 6.3 magnitude earthquake Indonesia – Dr. Turi does it again and again!