”For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary; For those who do not, none will ever suffice… If every 8 year old in the world is taught Astropsychology and meditation, we will eliminate ignorance and violence from the world within one generation.” Read the future – Watch the future!
Dear Readers;
I WANT TO WARMLY THANKS THE WISE SOULS WHO TOOK THE TIME TO ENDORSE MY MISSION – Show your support please! http://www.change.org/petitions/dr-turi-acknowledge-god-s-cosmic-identity
Remember I am not a psychic and I do not stare into a crystal ball, so assuming anything about Dr. Turi is wrong. I am using a modified software that allows me to “read the signs” plot the stars movement like NASA do, with the crucial difference that I own Cosmic Consciousness and realized a long time ago that those heavenly bodies are much more than dead rocks hanging above your heads for much more than the sake of beauty!
“God created the stars and the heavens above for interpretations, so you can lead a safer more productive lives…”
Then if you are or know anyone involved in the secret services you better inform and prepare them for my predictions involving the current”Scorpius and Arian Draconis” directly affecting them all until February 2014. Yes they are all the cosmic unconscious civil servants cursed and victimized by its deadly power classified as “pseudo-science” by NSA elites, the atheists, agnostics, educated skeptics and scientists born alike! But there is no way for any of them to escape the shocking news involving the cops or the obvious endless proof of my “visions” poring from CNN.
Ambush injures two LAPD officers
Such a brazen attack outside a police station is very unusual, he said. All of the LAPD’s 19 police stations increased their security as a precaution, he said.
Update – June 26, 2013 – AZ Police State? Amazing how the future and CNN always back me up! For $$, police have a ticket to write
Memo from 2012/2014 Universal Predictions: HOW MORE PRECISE CAN I BE?
Memo from prediction page 1: 4. A new internal secret financial police will “merge” internationally to better control its citizens business credit cards activities. Expect a full restructure of the police force, the secret service, the IRS and a serious increase in civil servant deaths or suicides. Secrets disturbing endeavours from the CIA and the FBI in Russia will come to the light. Putin: NSA leaker is here
Ambush injures two LAPD officers
Police chief vows revenge after officer gunned down for no obvious reason
IRS Commissioner Steven Miller “fired”
Chicago Police Supt. Garry McCarthy says his department is taking seriously a purported directive from a Chicago street gang to kill members of law enforcement.
Russia orders expulsion of U.S. diplomat
READ MORE FROM 2012/2014 Universal Predictions: (Scroll all the way down)
Time for you to check on my latest predictions and I have two more days to add more SHOCKING news…
MEMO Posted by Dr. Turi on June 6, 2013 at 1:57pm in Cosmic Coders Only
JUNE 25/26/27
Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike
Cosmos News / Nuke / Weird news / Surprises / Explosions / Shocking / lightning / Unusual / Humanitarianism / Discovery / Science / Earthquakes (always above 6.0) / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / NASA / Aeronautics / Technology / UFO.

Stronger eruptions at two volcanoes – Volcanoes? Entrails Upset Spit Above?
NO volcanic eruptions do not occur everyday but ALWAYS in my windows of high probability! Will the cosmic unconscious scientific community ever wake up to the reality of supreme cosmic wisdom? Should your tax dollars going to my studies or be wasted on their? Read “ Scientists Lies – Tornadoes/volcanoes/quakes prediction is NOT advancing nor evolving!” When is the last time geologists gave you a very specific timing for volcanic activity? Never did, never will unless they master the Cosmic Code jurisdictions.
N. MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE Magnitude: 6.4 – Earthquake? * Earthquakes happen everyday but my window of probability ALWAYS enunciate quakes above 6.0 – Check undeniable proofs here!
Missing fashion boss’ plane found – Aeronautics?
The Jersey Shore is open, and blowing up! Explosions?
Woman cries tears of blood, baffles doctors – Science?
Inside Moscow airport’s ‘no man’s land’ – Aeronautics?
Snowden’s empty plane seat mocks media pack – Aeronautics?
Chinese astronauts return to Earth – Aeronautics? NASA?
The Middle East’s science revolution? – Science
Hernandez linked to 2012 double killings – Shocking?
George Noory and Dr. Turi on Gaiamtv.com/george – Television? Surprise?
NFL player charged with murder – Shocking?
Newly found planets may have life – Cosmos News?
No more chemo? It may happen – Technology
Egypt bracing for mass ‘Rebellion’ protests – Humanitarianism
Hollywood celebrates SCOTUS decision: Guess who’s getting hitched? – Humanitarianism
Stronger eruptions at two volcanoes
Hit-and-run charge for Chris Brown – Shocking?
77-year-old golfer to pose nude – Weird?
Scary home invasion caught on tape – Technology
Putin: NSA leaker is here – Surprise?
Ambush injures two LAPD officers – Shocking/Surprised?
Planes that make you say ‘wow’ — Aeronautics?
The skyjacking years – Aeronautics?
N. MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE Magnitude: 6.4 – Earthquake?
Wing walker, pilot die | – Aeronautics?
Indiana fertilizer plant explosion kills one person – Explosions?
Officer writing ticket stunned by attack – Shocking?
Canadian city evacuates 10,000 – Shocking?
Supermoon – What is a Supermoon? – Cosmos News?
Learn all about the mystical moon and the cosmic code secrets with Dr. Turi become a VIP
If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!
Speak to me for a short while, call Dr. Turi at 602-265-7667 if you have any question about any of my services and all your doubts about my predictive gift will be eliminated immediately or better yet read the latest of what others satisfied clients said about my services!