SOS to the world deadly Plutonic window July 17!


DSC106[1]“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone”  Dr. Turi

“The universe is a DARK PLACE I’m trying to make it brighter before I die. ”Neil DeGrasse

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity, I’m offering its secrets before I die.” Dr. Turi

Dr. Turi on Tracie Austin radio show

 Sunday, July 25th; from 10-12 AM EST… 7-9 PST (AZ time).

All about predictions, Astrology, God, Jesus’s cosmic ministry, UFOs, ET’s agenda, and the future of humanity! Don’t miss it!

Dr. Turi on Dr. J’s radio show Enjoy the show!


Alireza Dadpoursaf
Dr. Turi has a very difficult way that he speaks and carries himself. A complete egotistical person. At first, I didn’t like or want to hear from him because of his personality. Honestly, it was me who had a bigger ego and issue, I needed to listen. A long time ago all masters used Astrology. I said all true masters used the horoscope or the stars. Call it a divine blueprint that you can get guidance from the stars. It seems it’s a lost art. Dr.Turi is right and very, very accurate!!! He is bringing back that lost art. Get a reading from him and you will see for yourself his AMAZING ACCURACY!!! Yes, he might sound a little bit or full of the ego the way he speaks but HE’S RIGHT ON DEAD ACCURATE, GIVE HIM HIS 🙌 RESPECT, HE DESERVES IT.
He is NOT, NOT for those that are not ready. In your face dead-on accuracy!!!! Be warned!!! Follow his youtube and see for yourself. He can be wrong about some things but I assure you very, very little is he wrong. More times his accuracy is scary accurate!!! His wife works with him to disseminate his work. They work hard and honestly they don’t get the support they deserve!!! I wish one day I can learn from this amazing master. He will only help to get the most out of you!! What I mean is that we all have something special that most wish to contribute to our fellow man but we might not know how to reach it, his guidance or blueprint will help to get the most out. You might have great legs like an athlete but the right coach can help you get the best or greatest potential from excelling in your game. His guidance from the divine stars is amazing!!! Reminds me of how in sync we as a society were in ancient times because of our unbelievable connection to stars, earth, planets, and humanity. We can regain that truth and unity once again with Dr. Turi help!!!! This video is just a small doorway…



July/ 17 / (Starting on the given date, will last all the way to the next window)

Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign.


Russia / Famous Death / Dramatic Death News / Mass death / Police news / Police brutality / FBI / CIA / Secret services / Secrets to light / Mob / Scandals / Terrorism / Assassination / Cyber-attacks / Abduction / Finances / IRS / Super wealth / Sex / Porn / Prostitution / Life and death / Serial Killers / Undiluted truth /Dying/Rebirthing / Nature and Man-Made Wake up Call. 

 Memo: Crazy infected people will become active, the police to be killed or kill innocent people. Reptilius infected souls will become very active, be very careful of what you say or do, or pay the consequences for the rest of your life!

Avoid large gatherings, be ready for terrorism, a wake-up call for some and many cosmic unconscious human beings will not survive those deadly cosmic winds!  The US Capitol invasion and George Floyd lost his life under those dramatic deadly stars. Help me save precious lives, share my warnings, please.” 


My window ALWAYS de[picty the high probability of earthquakes at or above 6.0

Today 7/17/21:6.1 magnitude earthquake near Punta de Burica, Chiriquí, Panama

Note also today 7/17/2021 Yellowstone earthquake swarm with 141 quakes, USGS says. The question remains will the scientific community cast aside their “educated pride” and realize that my impeccable timing can be proved scientifically because it is repetitive and accurate? The fact is I do much better than all those “educated idiots” combined together and endlessly prove my claims to them!  Read my email sent to USGS and the CA seismology Institute in Pasadena! 

Memo:  The reptilius are after the police, government officials, and children/teens! – Policing will because so very dangerous that many brave servants will quit and the number of cops getting killed or killing citizens will explode in the months to come. Infected criminals will get bolder and wilder committing crimes against the police and the public never experienced before!” “Havana Syndrome” What’s really going on?”

4 people were wounded in a shooting outside Nationals Park that sent players and fans scrambling

 “Law & Order: SVU’ guest actor indicted for murder of a man in ‘brazen afternoon shooting”
Destiny McClain fatally shot at Phoenix food truck
Arizona police investigate a deadly shooting rampage across three crime scenes
Danish cartoonist, whose depiction of Mohammed sparked outrage, has died

Dozens killed in flooding caused by rainfall ‘not seen in 100 years’ in Europe Dramatic death news?
At least 31 people killed after Mumbai hit with torrential rain
6-year-old girl killed and 5 adults injured in a shooting in Washington, DC
One dead, six wounded in downtown Portland, Oregon, shooting
60 people sickened in ‘chemical incident’ at Texas water park
Pilot dies in fall from hot air balloon, passengers carried across state line

Remember my warning in my YouTube video? STAY CLEAR, avoid large gatherings, crazy infected lost souls will try to kill innocent people! Since life doesn’t stop during those deadly cosmic winds, don’t do anything unusual, or be EXTREMELY cautious.  my UFO’s predictive legacy can not be ignored or ridicule any longer!             

Memo: “Policing will because so very dangerous that many brave servants will quit and the number of cops getting killed or killing citizens will explode in the months to come. Infected criminals will get bolder and wilder committing crimes against the police and the public never experienced before!” The reptilius are after the police, government officials, and children/teens! “Up to 30% of children infected will develop long-haul Covid, expert says.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Do you recall my endless warning about the shortage and poisoning of water on my YouTube channel? Do you recall my warning about Covid far from being over? Do you recall my prediction “We have only 50 years if…” on CTC am offered to George Noory 10 years ago? Instead of greedy billionaires amazing themselves and wasting time and vast fortunes on Mars why not concentrating on our only liveable, dying planet instead? 

SWAT commander dead, 4 wounded after standoff with gunman Reptilius
Arizona authorities arrest 40 men accused of child sex crimes Sex?
‘Hollywood Ripper’ serial killer sentenced to death Death news?
Biz Markie, ‘Just A Friend’ rapper, dead at 57 Famous death?
2 bodies found in the former Versace mansion in Miami Beach Death news?
Britney Spears: ‘I would like to charge my father with conservatorship abuse’ Secrets to light?
NFL star Richard Sherman arrested in domestic violence case Wake up call?

Dear readers;

If you took the time to readVirgin Galactic Deceptive Space Travel” my NEW BEGINNING window spoke of the formidable technological accomplishments of Mister Richard Branson touching the edge of space.

He flew 50 miles above the earth and that is very far from covering the  231.95 million miles needed to land a man on Mars!  Again, reader, no man will ever fly past the moon’s orbit, while a safer, more practical, and cheaper precise advanced technology is already there!  

If you read the latest dramatic news below, it seems the next SOS to the world deadly Plutonic window is already on!

Dramatic Death News?

Drug overdose deaths in 2020 hit highest number ever recorded, CDC data shows

Those dramatic numbers are nothing compared to 2021 as millions of depressed, degenerated lost souls end up slaving for the reptilius. This also depicts why my business is exploding with referrals and depleted souls in constant need of my uplifting, healing cosmic teachings, and guidance.  The logical mind will blame the pandemic, yet the general public does not know about the “reptilius effect!” 

Raw power challenges police deadly villains

Chaos spreads in South Africa as authorities struggle to contain looting, violence Mob?
San Francisco sees an increase in shootings, assaults Police?

Two dead in Wisconsin gas station shootings, shooter ‘viciously executed’ a man pumping gas

I am not sure how many of you read this sentence or my warnings endlessly coming your way in my newsletters! But, here it is again…

Memo: Policing will because so very dangerous that many brave servants will quit and the number of cops getting killed or killing citizens will explode in the months to come. Infected criminals will get bolder and wilder committing crimes against the police and the public never experienced before!” The reptilius are after the police, government officials, and children/teens!” Up to 30% of children infected will develop long-haul Covid, expert says.”

There are NO accidents, this oblivious unlucky soul was under one of her 2021 personal negative windows.
Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil!

For years now I have tried to make society aware of a group of nefarious ET’s who endlessly hijack the body, mind, and soul of politicians, the police, and teens or the weakest members of our society. 


Teen Charged With Terrorism Discussed Using Pipe Bomb At Phoenix Pride Parade

Neptunian born!  This religious kid has been infected “indoctrinated” since childhood and so was his entire decendency for centuries.  Sending this 14-year-old kid to jail to fix this problem is like using a bandaid to fix a Japanese Samurai who just committed hara-kiri! 

Since Neptune, the Lord of deception rules over ISIS, the Taliban, religions, drugs, and upon all places of confinements, churches, synagogues, temples, jails, prisons, etc., this “Slave of Allah786” can only become more infected in the process!

In case you did not know, 95% of convicts “find” God while incarcerated.  Looking at the location of his Dragon’s Tail (negative) in the sign of Sagittarius (codification of thoughts, books,  bible, Koran) it was very easy for the reptilius to manipulate this immature soul who “had a dream of being a martyr” and commit a horrible crime against what he perceives the “infidels.” 

Yet how many curious people will read my book on “The Power of the Dragon” that offers the keys to what it means to be human?

Disturbing video shows the Taliban executing 22 Afghan commandos

Back in October 2019,  I warned George Noory of fires and published my vision of “Years of fires and winds! Wildfires spread across almost 1M miles of drought-stricken US.Back in 1995 in my first ever appearance on Coast to Coast am with Art Bell I knew the evil of religion was, and still curse the world today!

Unless Divine Astrology or Jesus’ initial cosmic Ministry is re-established and taught in all our colleges and universities, an endless chain of religious poisoned lost souls will try killing others and themselves! Mass shootings and suicides will never stop and sad enough, will increase dramatically in the months to come… 

We Have 50 Years Left! –Read the endorsements!

I am in the process of writing the new 2022 Nostradamus forecast for all signs, and if you did not yet, I strongly recommend you invest in the 2021 ebook version. For everything, you have experienced so far with politics and world events since August 2009 when I first published it, was fully predicted!

Related image

Nostradamus 2021 Universal and Personal Forecast 
Don’t start the year without it! Be smart, be wise, be warned! 
Order your 2020 Personal & Universal Cosmic Biorhythms Dates

Free your spirit with a live Zoom consultation with Dr. Turi? Read all the details!

Please sign my petition


Please pass on my newsletters to the world and help bring true cosmic wisdom, to this world.

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi




About Dr. Turi

Dr. Turi is a proficient author and a captivating speaker, his profound Universal Wisdom astonishes everyone. He was recognized in the 2003 Marquis "Who's Who in America." Dr. Turi is the personal counselor of many celebrities, Ivana Trump, Peter Fonda, Gary Busey, Denis Haysbert, John Gray and many others. Dr. Turi is a favorite guest of George Noory on Coast-To-Coast AM radio and the BBC in London and appeared in numerous television programs worldwide.He speaks of the cosmic face and celestial tools of the creator and warn the world with undeniable well documented undeniable predictions. Clinical Hypnotherapist - Astropsychologist focused on providing individual and couples counseling services. Specializing in public speaking, teaching, metaphysics, natural healing, stress management, women’ issues and family mediation services. Interested in speaking engagements, radio, television, events and media outlets, academic work, advising corporations, the police force, colleges, universities and general public on mental health issues and spirituality outside of conventional beliefs and accepted disciplines.