August 24, 2019
Dear readers;
While advanced technology can seriously help humanity in countless areas, (Draconis) the reptilius will make sure this technology is wrongly applied to destroy humanity *Alarm spreads as Russian floating Arctic-bound nuclear station is launched.
But how this artificial intelligence will curse your life at a personal level you may ask? Well, first your job, second the universal “transmutation” from humans to robots, fulfilling the reptilius agenda. Incidentally, those spiritless, soulless nefarious entities have; like the vast majority of rational “educated” scientists, agnostics, and atheists alike, lost the spirit of God.
Those “Young Souls” were born with an underdeveloped UCI and could never be bothered to explore the old science of Astrology, or even comprehend or accept God universal cosmic design.
The heavy use of robotics will also, slowly but surely force the human body to atrophy because hard labor will be a story of the past! Indeed humans are slowly turning into this group of ET’s who need their negative thoughts to survive in Dark matter and those dramatic physiological changes will become more obvious with time. Remember I am well ahead of time and my controversial celestial work is not always welcome…
Knowing my “revelations” could hinder the reptilius agenda, it clearly explain why those who subconsciously slave for them, not only managed to remove me from all popular public networking websites but also alter the mind of those who help me further my critical cosmic messages.
“If you make people think they’re thinking, they’ll love you; but if you really make them REALLY think, they’ll hate you.” Don Marquis
Memo from “California or Yellow Stone? Who will be first to suffer the reptilius wrath?”
Watch for the next SOS to the world deadly windows. Aug: 26th – Sept 2nd – Sept 10th – Sept 17th, Sept 23rd – Grab your pen, listen to the show and make notes of my warnings my friends.
Support my message please Click here to get your Facebook friends to tune in.
XZRS: Dr Louis Turi Rob McConnel show
The Modern Day Nostradamus and Channeler of the Entity Draco
Another UFO’s radio show you will enjoy!
Posted by Dr. Turi on July 30, 2019 at 3:17am in VIP universal – daily forecasts…
August 7/22 (Starting on the given date, will last all the way to the next window)
Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign
Russia / Famous Death / Dramatic Death News / Police news / Police brutality / FBI / CIA / Secret services / Secrets to light / Mob / Scandals / Terrorism / Cyber attacks / Abduction / Finances / Super wealth / Sex / Porn / Prostitution / Life and death / Serial Killers / Undiluted truth / Nature and Man Made Wake up Call.
My critics will be fast to deny the facts I represents by saying “Well Dr. Turi, per your prediction, there was NO earthquakes at or above 6.0 last week!”
Yet the upsurge of seismic activity is undeniable and increasing and as predicted irregular!
This Isn’t Normal: Kansas And Oklahoma Have Been Hit By 65 Earthquakes Within The Last 7 Day
Today 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Sola, Torba, Vanuatu
August 22, 2019 20:49 PM! 5.0 magnitude earthquake near China Lake Acres, California
6.0 magnitude earthquake Western Indian Antartic Ridge
6.0 magnitude earthquake near Lata, Temotu, Solomon Islands
5.9magnitude earthquake Saipan, Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands
5.8 magnitude earthquakeCabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur, Mexico
5.5 magnitude earthquake Doctor Belisario Domínguez (La Barra), Chiapas,Mexico
Keep up with my predictions read “Astronomers spot ‘unprecedented’
As always I collected more “deadly news” and those will be discussed in the video below!
Erika Zak, mom who inspired millions in her fight to get a liver, dies at 39 Famous death?
The cancer did not kill her but all the medications killed her liver!
I wish I could have reach her with my Universal Blood transfusion and save her life… The reason why I am alive today and beat cancer is because I refused chemotherapy and did not ingest all of my oncologists medications… All explained in yesterday video.
High school sweethearts die leaving their wedding
Singer died with $1M in uncashed check
2 women plead guilty in plot to commit terror attack in US
Teacher tells students if he were a school shooter, the body count would be 1,000
An 8-year-old girl was shot dead in St. Louis near a high school event
Black hole gobbles up neutron star, causing ripples in space and time
California police say K9 died in hot patrol car
‘How do you forget your baby’ in a hot car? mom says upon arrest, bodycam shows
Spacecraft with humanoid robot fails to dock
Draconis’ Mission Purposes
1 – Induce “accidents” Avoid the proliferation of conductive metal trash disturbing our transmissions, trans-universal ships and sensitive navigational systems.
2 – Stop humanoids wasting resources, destroying earth’s vital ozone layer with primal poisonous combustive propulsive technology.
3 – Goal: Concentration on stopping earth depleting ozone layer.
4 – Stop NASA waste
5 – Challenge religious, scientific, entertainment monopolizing matrixes stopping humanity developing cosmic consciousness / assimilating God cosmic Divinity.
Human host’s commissioned MJ12’s critical messages must be heeded to stop waste, revitalize humans, earth, time running out.
Mission ordered by the Majestic 12 (or MJ-12) – Code name of the chosen ones, a secret committee of cosmic conscious superhuman spiritual leaders, working with Draconis Extraterrestrial officials.
The group was formed by the Galactic Federation Grand Cosmic Order to facilitate, improve and maintain the human race physical and psychical welfare.
The concept originated with the 12 apostles spiritual legacy embedded in the 12 signs of the Zodiac to guide humanity to God cosmic Divinity. Majestic 12 agenda can only be perceived and accepted by those directly involved in the mission or the Chosen Ones. Draco.
Lack of perception by earthlings: Currently souls trapped in dense physical world. Unable to dwell with commissioned MJ12 cosmic messages, take directions! Changes impossible.
Solution: Universal Cosmic awareness
Solution: Universal Awareness
Solution: MJ12 commissioned Universal Cosmic Tuition
Sharing email: ////// and myself,
Dr. Turi, I burst into tears and was so so in shock that someone cared to even listen I did feel overwhelming embarrassed guilt at upsetting you and your wife and did not want to put my negative story or expect to take advantage of your compassion at all, but so touched you talked about my story and respected my privacy too.
I just wanted answers to why she left me and was I right. I do not want you working hard to save me and do not expect special treatment I feel bad please don’t put this in yourself at all no one can save me only me, I just need some love/ compassion.
I live in fear of that my oldest son who served in Afghanistan, he is a beautiful soul but so so affected he abuses me takes all I have uses guilt and attacked my younger son he’s out of control alcoholic and ptsd my younger son’s father abused my daughter from 6 years old we did not have a clue I was living with a pedophile, the guilt cripples me Her brothers have so much guilt they blame themselves they did not know either we are all broken and it’s still attacking us mostly me and my son /////, he threatened me but doesn’t see at all it’s like he’s taken over he comes terrified me I have severe ptsd trauma etc.
My son is Gay my Daughter was gay can I have much more trauma with my children it’s unbelievable. Oh Dr. Turi how do I have so much Karma if I’m so loving I could never ever hurt a fly I can’t bare any fighting abuse I’m terrified of most men raised voice loud noises I’m so sensitive if everything. So how have I been so terrible to have so much karma?
Everyday the door knocks the phone rings its trouble for me and people attacking me my children even their own fathers. I was married 13 years had 4 children then I had //// later in a 12 year relationship. Thank you for reading such a huge long email I truly appreciate Your devotion to us good souls./////
This exciting new series is designed to showcase gifted Spiritual Masters who can help you enhance your inborn powers, heal your body, mind and soul, enlighten you on what it means to be human and reach a higher level of cosmic consciousness ……….Want to know more?
Join MC Coast to Coast AM Producer Tom Danheiser, and Producer Lori Wagner for an unforgettable evening with UFO’s Contactee, Divine Astrologer, Futurist, Cosmic Consciousness Teacher, and Clinical Hypnotherapist Dr. Louis Turi (
God Cosmic Divinity and Universal Consciousness
- Learn to harness the creative forces of your subconscious and fulfill your destiny.
- Learn what your soul’s purpose is all about and uncover the values of your past-lives.
- Learn what your stars have in store for you personally in 2020.
- Learn how to respect specific Universal Laws based upon your Sun sign.
- Learn how to use the formidable power of your natal Divinity.
- Learn all about God cosmic design and Jesus’ immaculate cosmic Ministry.
- Learn all about certain groups of extraterrestrials and their particular agenda.
- Learn all about the essence of all the planets ET’s assembled together in our solar system.
An out of this world event that will stay with you for the rest of your life and completely change your perception of our universe and what it means to be human… Tickets: $40 – Reserve your spot now by emailing – Tel: 818-841-4037
Date & Time: Wednesday, September 25, 2019……………..7pm-9pm
Where: Unity Burbank Center for Spiritual Awareness – 637 S. Victory Blvd., Burbank, Ca 91502
********This event will fill up fast……. get your tickets now!********
Also warmly thanking my good old friends Alma/Atma (Guthrie) and William Roehling Director: San Diego “LEGIONS OF LIGHT” for having me as a keynote speaker on November 3rd 2019 for the San Diego UFO SOCIETY. Draco gave me the date for that special day because we are also planning to do an “Evening UFO’s Sky-watch” and I want to make sure all the people invited will experience the incredible and his mind boggling psychic power working through me. I will keep you posted and offer you more information to join us when the planning is finalized.
With such a line up of phenomenal speakers expect only the best! Remember it is only if you socialize that your wishes will come true… No social interaction can sometimes lead to a lonely, boring life! if you trust my cosmic wisdom, join us because this event WILL BE LOADED with very interesting surprises that will change many people’s lives!
While the management is offering the great option to save you more money pairing with a male or female roommate, they are also making sure you’ll be matched with the right person.
There are people awaiting to know you right now and god knows where this new relationship will take you! To register for roommate matching, just fill out the form here.
Once again make sure to mention my name Dr. Turi to Adele and contact right away!
Thank you all… DT

What is PDD and UDD Cosmic Biorhythms Dates?
Astro-Carto-Graphy Relocation Reading $210 or $150 for VIP’s
2019 Positive Cosmic Biorhythms Personal Reports $100 for VIP’s
The Magical Power of Talismans $350 for VIP’s
(E-mail: for a SUPER DEAL!)
Astropsychology home course $1050 or ($525) for VIP’s
Taped full life reading $310 or $210 for VIP’s
Taped comparison chart $410 or $210 for VIP’s
Regular psychic reading $150 by phone only – Same as Full Life Reading for VIP’s
Taped progressive reading $210 for VIP’s DT’s latest radio shows…