In a world where political leaders and society assign themselves, to religious archaic convictions and trust its infantile scientific community and its celebrities, only extreme stupidity can plague the rest of humanity. ~ Dr. Turi
Saving Christians from Christianity
(Terania is still working with Tracie, to set this up…) TV & Radio Show / Let’s Talk Paranormal KGRA Radio
😈 Body Modification 😈
Posted by Mauro Zilio on Friday, September 18, 2020
This is a true reflection of a human body, mind, and soul totally infected by the reptilius…
Infected Helaine says he loves being a primary school teacher.
He said last year, he was teaching kindergarten at the Docteur Morere Elementary School in Palaiseau, in a suburb of Paris, when the parents of a three-year-old child complained to educational authorities… They said their son, who was not taught by Helaine, had nightmares after seeing him.
Yes – Much like the priests raping and infecting the children, this is part of the “reptilius’ agenda!” And those evil entities are much more active at night, during various sleeping phases! You can not desensitize yourself, from the forces of darkness…
Former Florida SCOTUS chief justice warns Trump, poses ‘grave’ threat, to democracy?
German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence Passions Rule
God Nowhere To Stop Fires
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn
Posted to the world on June 12, 2013
Dear readers;
The debate of 9/29/20 will take place during Joe Biden’s positive cosmic biorhythms, which could prove to be quite interesting and progressive for him!
Incidentally, Biden’s Neptunian stars, are also supporting Trump’s 10th house of career and public standing!
I will elaborate in time, on his stars and fate!
Meantime, I never have seen such stars/UCI configurations, between two people before…Let alone Presidential candidates.
All I can tell you readers, is that my latest Astrological discovery works.
I hurt myself during one of my 2020 negative /positive cosmic biorhythms which forced me to end driving for FedEx, at least until I heal… More in the video above!
Before anything readers, back on December 29, 2015, and for years now I warned the entire world about a “Universal Reptilius Infestation” yet no one then paid attention to my critical warnings! I knew I would have to insist and help humanity to slowly but surely, acknowledge this sad reality.
If you look at the huge mess the US and the world is in nowadays and the endless chain of devastating natural and man-made news cursing us all, how can anyone not wonder “What the hell is going on, in the world today?”
More and more oblivious people are becoming infected as more and more chaos, fear and insecurity curse our planet! Indeed the reptilius’s agenda is working like a well-oiled unstoppable machine. And when the mental poisoning starts at the top with all our cosmic unconscious political leaders, the situation can only get much worse for society and we approach the 2020 elections…
And some politicians will not survive this reptilius mental infestation “Former Trump campaign manager hospitalized following reported suicide attempt!”
While my “ALIEN CONTACTEE” documentary offers critical facts to what’s going on, with those various groups of ET’s, helping or interfering with the human race… Humanity at large, is not yet ready for such mind-boggling revelations.
I can only hope my other Amazon Prime movie Nostradamus Divine Astrology provides the vast international audience the education needed to what God’s cosmic design and purpose is all about!
The reptilius will make sure to keep religiously poisoned politicians in power i.e Amy Coney Barrett to maintain misinformation, dogmas, idiocy, fear, and stop humans reaching a much higher level of cosmic awareness… In no way being so indoctrinated, would Amy would ever be able to dig into Divine Astrology to seek the understanding of her natal karmic UCI and the real answers to what it means to be human or ever accept all religions were created by the reptilius!
The video above delegates “The stars and fate” of President Trump’s Republican (REPtilius) conservative choice against the liberal Democrats group.
The chart of Amy Coney Barrett below will be used in the video!
Remember readers, NOT TO KILL THE MESSENGER!
I am not a Democrat nor a Republican.
I am an Astrologer and unlike the majority of my passionate, rational readers, I do not use my 5 logical limited human senses but the stars to dig deeper into any and all human affairs!
This being said, I am convinced many readers will not be able to bypass their destructive emotions and indoctrinated beliefs! And that’s OK because delegating the archetypal realm of supra-cosmic consciousness is forbidden to many and available only to a rare kind of supremely advanced super-human beings!
Another sad reminder of one of the many predictions published in August 2019 in my “2020 Nostradamus’ Forecast for all signs.”
I may sound redundant for some but newcomers do not know about the critical values of my predictive work! When I wrote “2020 will be a year of wind and fire,” the obvious results must be acknowledged!
2020 A year of wind and fire!
Fast-moving fires in California send tens of thousands of residents in wine country fleeing
Beachgoers scramble as tornado moves up popular US beach“
Bobcat Fire becomes one of the largest in LA County history, whips up ‘smokenado‘
The new and improved 2021 version will be soon available to the public and I can only strongly recommend you to get your copy when it becomes available and be prepared for what the stars have in store for you and the world at large next year!
If you took the time to read “Ruth Bader Ginsburg prediction – SOS to the world deadly window 9/19/20″ there is no denying all the dramatic deadly collected news by deciphering both the quatrain and obvious keywords I used to prepare you and warn you about the “reptilius effects!”
Girl, 5, stabbed to death; 49 others shot as violence rages on in Chicago Death News?
New Hampshire man directed wife to decapitate her lover after he killed him Dramatic Death News?
At least 30 arrested in Oregon during unrest over the weekend as governor calls for review Unrest?
Breonna Taylor Bodycam footage apparently shows Louisville officers violating policies Secrets to light?
‘Ring of Fire’: Twin earthquakes rock San Francisco Bay Area
Those “amazing” cosmic winds produced today’s shocking news with the president…
Tax bombshell reveals Trump’s image is a sham Shocking?
The New York Times’ report on Trump’s taxes leaves the President facing multiple questions about his morals, behavior and patriotism Taxes? IRS? Secrets to light?
Dr. Turi Amazon Prime UFO movie rebuttals!
Posted by Dr. Turi on September 1, 2020, at 7:26 pm in VIP universal – daily forecasts…
Knowing all about my SOS to the world deadly windows ahead of time and heed my warnings is priceless and Becoming a VIP has much more to offer you that you can ever hope for or even imagine and all I can do is to offer you the endless, often incredible possibilities of working in harmony with the cosmic code jurisdictions!
Because of the pandemic, countless people are getting depressed and many will end up taking their lives! Regenerating your spirit is CRITICAL and you must do so while you can and while you are mentally fit. Fighting the nefarious reptilius is not a joke!
Its very real and just a matter of time for some who are about to give up! If you liked my UFO’s movie, you will LOVE this book because I share many more incredible stories of my youth you may have a problem to believe! It is impossible for me to give you all I can or know in a one-hour movie and knowing all about the power you inherited at birth is a MUST!
Change your thoughts, let me free your spirit from the reptilius from fear and cosmic ignorance
Watch your thoughts; they become your words
Watch your words; they become your actions
Watch your actions; they become your habits
Watch your habits; they become your character
Watch your character for it will become your destiny
“Your Future Is Noting Else Than The Reincarnation Of Your Thoughts”.
What about knowing what and where your natal Dragon is located? Imagine how much you would know not only about yourself but others too! If you like psychology or Astrology Become a VIP and gain much more than what you could ever imagine as far as getting the golden keys to what it means to be human and all the secrets of the human mind outside of conventional, limited science!
“Dr. Turi, I have learned more about what it means to be human in your week-long Astropsychology crash course in Sedona than the 7 years I spent in an accredited college.” Dr. in Psychiatry student feedback.
In my 550 page book, “The Power of the Dragon” I gave all the tools needed for anyone who can read simple and plain English. All the famous and UN-famous people who made international news and history, like you, were born with a Dragon’s Head (positive/Draconis) and a Dragon’s Tail (negative/reptilius.)
Knowing your own Dragon’s position by house and signs will become a major contribution to the successes or failures in your lifetime.
From Coast to Coast website: 10/16/19 – Turi also made predictions for this year and the next based on his study of astrology, saying that for the rest of 2019, political events and relationships will “go downhill,” and that there will be a “full restructure” of many groups *Antifa? and institutions in 2020. *POLICE? *Supreme Court of the United States? He also said that he is expecting “a lot of fire” and “a lot of wildlife to disappear.”
9/18/20 – In New Mexico, Millions Of Birds Fell Dead From The Sky
12/31/19 – Half a billion animals perish in bushfires
Kangaroos fleeing fires went to a golf course for sanctuary. It turned into a killing field
07/07/20 – 365 Elephants Died in Botswana. The Cause Is a Mystery
Yet dear readers, unless you read my 2020 Nostradamus Dragon forecast published in August 2019 there will always be doubts about all my claims!
2020 A year of wind and fire!
A rare ‘firenado‘ is spotted near a blaze in California
Bobcat Fire becomes one of largest in LA County history, whips up ‘smokenado‘
Wildfires in California, Oregon and Washington
Wildfires and hurricanes: Double whammy in the US
Beachgoers scramble as tornado moves up popular US beach“
Tens of thousands of fires are pushing the Amazon to a tipping point
Deadly California wildfires scorch more than 1 million acres with no end in sight
It’s a devastating and historic fire season. Scientists say the climate crisis is to blame
Fast-moving fires in California send tens of thousands of residents in wine country fleeing
Dozens dead, thousands flee their homes, entire towns destroyed in wildfires across the West
Jim Karoll “Beating The Odds” Dr. Louis Turi.
Attention readers: 6 MN 44 seconds into the radio show with Jim I warn about large earthquakes and mentioned to be ready for “Sudden release of energy and EXPLOSIONS!”
Calm Deception To Strike!
8/26/20 – 6.1 magnitude earthquake near Kokopo, Papua New Guinea
8/21/20 – 6.9 magnitude, Katabu, Sulawesi Tenggara, Indonesia
8/18/20 – 6.6 magnitude earthquake near San Pedro, Bicol, Philippines
On “Beating The Odds” radio show, and this YouTube video, including this newsletter, both the Lebanese and the Baltimore deadly EXPLOSIONS (and some) was fully predicted!
Please sign my petition
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2020 Nostradamus Personal and Universal Predictions For All Signs
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Taped comparison chart $410 or $210 for VIP’s
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