Predictions you need to know about Saturday’s rare ‘blue flower moon’

Stojan Stojanovski was near the Ohrid "St. Paul the Apostle" Airport to photograph the blue moon. "The moon was very bright," he said. He waited for planes to take off from the airport to get this long exposure shot.

What you need to know about Saturday’s rare ‘blue flower moon’

Dear readers;

God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so you may lead a safer more productive life! And not only for NASA or cosmic unconscious scientists to give you their rational view to the  “Soul of the Cosmos” 

Those “educated” Young Souls are forbidden access to the archetypal realm of supra-cosmic consciousness  and can not by pass the limitation of their five rational human senses. The Golden Keys to what it means to be human will never be accessible. To them the stars are mere rocks depraved of any spiritual values as imposed by God Cosmic Design speaking his will through the signs…

Scepter taken From May 2019 SOS to the world deadly window dates

Posted by Dr. Turi on April 27, 2019 at 2:02am in Cosmic Coders Only

May 18 (48 hrs centering the dates)

Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign


Russia / Famous Death / Dramatic Death News / Police news / Police brutality / FBI / CIA / Secret services / Secrets to light / Mob / Scandals /  Terrorism / Cyber attacks / Abduction / Finances / Super wealth / Sex / Porn / Prostitution / Life and death / Serial Killers / Undiluted truth / Nature and Man Made Wake up Call.  



About Dr. Turi

Dr. Turi is a proficient author and a captivating speaker, his profound Universal Wisdom astonishes everyone. He was recognized in the 2003 Marquis "Who's Who in America." Dr. Turi is the personal counselor of many celebrities, Ivana Trump, Peter Fonda, Gary Busey, Denis Haysbert, John Gray and many others. Dr. Turi is a favorite guest of George Noory on Coast-To-Coast AM radio and the BBC in London and appeared in numerous television programs worldwide.He speaks of the cosmic face and celestial tools of the creator and warn the world with undeniable well documented undeniable predictions. Clinical Hypnotherapist - Astropsychologist focused on providing individual and couples counseling services. Specializing in public speaking, teaching, metaphysics, natural healing, stress management, women’ issues and family mediation services. Interested in speaking engagements, radio, television, events and media outlets, academic work, advising corporations, the police force, colleges, universities and general public on mental health issues and spirituality outside of conventional beliefs and accepted disciplines.

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