July 14, 2019
The Reptilius uses technology to addict the human spirit into entertainments, sexual debauchery, porn, politics, sports, religions, science, atheism while nurturing hate, confusion, fears, chaos, discords, fights, suicides stealing your attention and altering your psychical awareness to stop your psychical interaction against them!
Micheal Decon and Dr. Turi END OF DAYS 07/06/19
Dr. J – Dr. Louis Turi on UFO’s, Abductions + Predictions of the near 06/20/19
Supernatural Substation on UPRN talk radio 06/14/19
Forbidden Knowledge News 05/14/19 – You Tube
*Dr. Turi Madeline Rudy Wizard KCOR radio 04/18/19
Dr. Turi Aquarian radio Sacred Matrix 04/11/19

Dear readers;
If I was right by giving the date of July 2nd on Dr. J radio show and spoke about upcoming very large earthquakes in California and all over the world including announcing President Trump “moving to North Korea,” well before the entire world knew about it and be RIGHT all along, may be you should pay more attention to all my warnings!
In fact, ALL of the latest above 6.0mg earthquakes dates were offered in those radio shows below! The question remain, will the scientific community honor the word science and start desiccating my work so we may be able to offer society locations?
Chances are they will not because their “egotistical academical educated pride” will not allow them to accept the fact that; I did and will always do better than them all combined and prove it to the public!
Micheal Decon and Dr. Turi END OF DAYS 07/06/19
Dr. J – Dr. Louis Turi on UFO’s, Abductions + Predictions of the near 06/20/19
Supernatural Substation on UPRN talk radio 06/14/19
Forbidden Knowledge News 05/14/19 – You Tube
*Dr. Turi Madeline Rudy Wizard KCOR radio 04/18/19
Dr. Turi Aquarian radio Sacred Matrix 04/11/19
Before elaborating on the biggest scam ever to curse humanity, let me point out a few facts! We are only three days away and already MERGING into the next SHOCKING, explosive window of July 17th which has already produced large earthquakes. And I am expecting many more devastating mind boggling news and calamities.
The dates of above normal seismic activity and all pertinent information are collected in my You Tube videos channel and in those articles below just in case you are a newcomer to my cosmic work!
4- Why storming Area 51 to ‘see aliens’ is not a good idea!
3- 07/10/19 SOS to the Christian world Miley Cyrus shows off her abs in skimpy black bikini
2- “California Exodus 8.0 MEGA earthquake prediction – USGS, CALTECH or Dr.Turi?”
1- “July 2nd Solar Eclipse SOS to the world predictions 07/10 – 07/17 and 07/30 – You’ve been warned!and I strongly advise all my wise, trusting followers to read it again and share so we can save precious lives.

If you want to know the secret of the universe Think energy, vibration & frequency ~ Nikola Tesla .

Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind Water To Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception To Strike
Japan / Asia / France / Italy / Cosmic News / NASA / Space News / Nukes / Weird news / Freak / Space / Rocket / Surprises / Unexpected / Explosions / Shocking / Stunning / Baffling / Incredible / Lightning / Electricity /Unusual / Humanitarianism / Children / Unrest /Discovery / Invention / Science / Earthquakes (always at or above 6.0) / Tsunami / Volcanoes / Tornadoes / Airports / Aeronautics / Technology / Electricity /Television / UFO’s /Cosmic phenomenons.
This window is now merging and active in various parts of the world because of their longitudinal and latitudinal locations! As always any and all my windows produce earthquakes at or above 6.0.
July 17th, 2019: “This Isn’t Normal: 20 Earthquakes Of Magnitude 3.0 Or Greater Have Hit California Within The Last 24 Hours…”
July 15: 6.2 magnitude earthquake near Kandrian, West New Britain, Papua New Guinea
July 14: 7.3 magnitude earthquake near Sofifi, Maluku Utara, Indonesia
July 14: 6.6 magnitude earthquake near Broome, Western Australia, Australia
July 25th 2019 SOS to the world US Iran war warning!
Priest’s son charged in murder of American biologist in Greece as grisly new details emerge
“The suspect reported that on July 2, 2019 … motivated by the intention to commit sexual assault, he hit her twice with his car to stop her,” Police Major Eleni Papathanasiou, a spokeswoman for the Crete Police, said.
Memo 1- “July 2nd Solar Eclipse SOS to the world predictions 07/10 – 07/17 and 07/30 – You’ve been warned! and I strongly advise all my wise, trusting followers to read it again and share so we can save precious lives.
This infected soul was in one of his 2019 negative cosmic biorthyms and his body, mind and soul was hijacked by the reptilius who led him to commit this sexual crime!
Order your 2019 Personal & Universal Cosmic Biorhythms Dates
Nostradamus 2019 Universal and Personal Forecast
Don’t start the year without it! Be smart, be wise, be warned!
Barr sides against civil rights officials in declining charges against NYPD officer in Garner case Shocking?
Abigail Disney ‘livid’ about what she saw
Man charged after police find more than 1,000 guns in his home
After 71 years of marriage, a husband and wife die on the same day
Man killed his girlfriend, shared photos of her dead body on gaming platform
A group of Oklahoma teens found a human leg with a shoe still attached
Missing camper found alive after 4-day search
College basketball player dies in drowning accident
Neil Armstrong spacesuit unveiled NASA/Space news?
North Korea threatens to walk back denuclearization commitments made to US Nukes?
This sketch by girl, 9, help cops nab porch pirates Children?
NBA star shows no mercy at kids basketball camp Children?
Mom says daughter’s protein-packed diet contributed to unexpected death Children?
Construction worker catches two children dropped from a burning building Children?
Missing 9-year-old girl, whose disappearance gripped China, found dead Children?
Pink responds to criticism over her kids running through Holocaust memorial Children?
Police release video of officer fatally shooting teen ‘in shooting stance’ Children?
Woman lived with her dead mom’s body for 3 years Shocking?
‘Invasion’ of land crabs at Florida home caught on video Shocking?
NYC lost power, and searched for its mayorElectricity?
India now produces world’s cheapest solar power Electricity?
Be sure this was a cyber attack on the US and the Russians are responsible! Be also sure your government will never tell you we are very vulnerable to such attacks…
Duchess Meghan meets Queen Bey at ‘The Lion King’ premiere Celebrities?
Boxing legend dies after being hit by a vehicle Celebrities?
He was castrated for being gay. Now he’s the face of UK’s £50 note Celebrities?
Charles Levin, Hollywood actor, found dead “suicide” Celebrities?
Stunning video captures moment lightning strikes boat Stunning/lightning?
If you already acknowledged this cosmic code newsletter I still and strongly recommend you to decipher my quatrain and keywords including all updates collected for you again. All upcoming crazy news will be there for you to acknowledge. Meantime the current merging plutonic SOS to the world deadly window also clearly mention “terrorism” and it is still active. It is with sadness that I can only confirm the reality of my visions and the loss of brave people…
Decorated Green Beret, 40, killed in Afghanistan remembered by commander
She moved to Somalia to tell positive stories, but ended up dead in a terrorist attack
Child suicide bomber kills at least 9, wounds more than a dozen at Afghanistan wedding Explosions
Off-duty police officer in critical condition after being shot multiple timesShocking?
Social media personality Ray Diaz is arrested for alleged sexual assaultShocking?
Singer facing $314 million lawsuit over paternity caseShocking news?
Reptilius infected?
Dog rescued after discovered buried alive on Hawaii beach Shocking?
Passengers ‘united’ against allegedly ‘crazy racist woman’ who delayed flight Aeronautics?
Trump tells progressive congresswomen to ‘go back’ to home countries Shocking?
Remember my articles are always subject to regular updates involving the dramatic a deadly chain of news induced by the reptilius using the 2019 SOS to the world deadly windows to arm and kill humans! Come back often as I add all dramatic news in those articles and help me warn people by sharing my work!
A cosmic God has enslaved all his children to uncover the golden keys to what it means to be human Dr. Turi
BACK TO UFO’s and area 51
Bill Nye’s explanation for strange UFO sightings UFO’s?
With UFO sightings by Navy pilots back in the news Nye says “it’s probably one part of the military not telling the other part of the military what they’re up to, for a good reason.”
As mentioned so many times before the recognized “experts” are usually those who are the least knowledgeable of the UFO’s phenomenon and this also apply for the majority of UFO’s researchers who never saw a UFO, let alone channeling an ET like I do! The proof of this fact was once again offered to you through my “visions,” yet misinformed people think erroneously that; because my unique, original contribution is not involving “scientific research” it is also not worth inviting me to speak at their events.
I am so saddened knowing I am one of the utmost legitimate UFO speakers on the planet (and prove it) yet I am not “scientific enough! I am still in shock and very sad to have been rejected by some UFO’s events promoters when I have so much to offer humanity…
Meantime the ONLY reason to why Bill Nye can never attract nor delegate the “incredible” like I do, is because his “educated” pride and lack of spiritually values induced by his unevolved rational, scientific karmic UCI!
Thus, fear of the ridicule scientists “egotistical educated pride” become a major contribution to deny the very essence of the world science and investigate or contemplate the obvious reality of UFO’s.
Read also “Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns Science Need Your Money To Survive! ” -” 78000 morons and counting! ” – “NASA Jupiter’s Trademark ‘Great Red Spot’ Is Shrinking and WHO CARES?” – “Antares operator used destruct system to blow up rocket & NASA IDIOCY and Halloween secrets!” – “HOT: NASA Expert Dr. Turi Warns Of Coming Event August 2013” – “Dr. Turi´s Plea to NASA 2005” – “Conspiracy against dr.turi’s work” (Video with unarguable predictions for October 2013 was removed! – “Blowing Up The Moon? NASA are You insane?” – “Dr. Louis Turi’s UFO and Alien Abduction Experiences.” “Your kids will NEVER live on Mars.” “CNN – 200,000 More Morons apply to live on Mars” “ One-Way Trip to Mars and the 78000 Signed Up Morons”
Who are the Draconis and the Reptilius?
And this is why wasting my time (and my life) looking for something I already know is very real is not only very dangerous but ridiculous. While it is inconceivable, let’s say those curious people manage to bypass this secret US base and see the remains of the ET’s bodies brought back from Roswell…
What’s next? Ask the government about their “secret” relationships with ET’s offering NASA scientists new technology to fly to Mars? Watch the video below for more pertinent answers my friends…
Meet Abby, the 22-year-old who wants to be the first astronaut on Mars Cosmic news?
This is an incredible expansive 8 mn 42 sec, very powerful, well designed extremely deceptive video message produced by the reptilius infected scientific matrix to lure more suicidal, non cosmic conscious gullible “young souls.”
Those gullible kids are molded, conditioned to delegate the rational world only where science is the newfound God. They are totally unaware of the “dry” psychical phenomenon in place where artificial intelligence and technology will turn them into future reptilius robotic slaves…
The women of NASA are looking to the lunar horizon NASA?
Once again the infected scientific community is totally unaware of the reptilius agenda forcing humans to invest tremendous fortune on ridiculous projects to captivate their emotions and imagination instead on focusing on developing more cosmic awareness on the spiritual values involving our local solar system and the “Soul of the cosmos” Jesus initial cosmic Ministry and God cosmic Divinity speaking his will through the signs (astrology.)
The reptilius use debauchery, sex, violence glorifying criminals through technology stimulating the infected entertainment matrix, (reality TV shows,) the religious matrix (organized religions/ISIS) the current dementic political matrix unprecedented fiasco (Trump tweets racist attacks at congresswomen) totally ignoring the utmost serious warnings “Is it too late to prevent climate change?”
Yet the sport matrix i still hypnotizing billions of people with a leather ball instead of focusing on the earth!
This is why, it well worth for all those greedy matrixes to offer their “elites” billions of dollars contracts because they have what it take to CAPTIVATE your undivided attention at all times! Those well paid, famous people are ALL infected by greed, fame and ego and that is the ultimate agenda of the reptilius speaking their will through their words! “U.S. soccer player sorry for f-word, not sorry for Trump comments …”
Most of them will be put in place of power by the reptilius, and easily reach notoriety while self destructing through sexual debauchees (risking AIDS) all along using or abusing legal or illegal drugs.
Thus if you thing David Icke’s conspiratorial teachings and perception of the “reptilians” is accurate, you may have to reconsider and accept not only the rich and powerful are cursed by those nasty ET’s but also all people from all walks of life!
Conspiracy theorist David Icke should NOT be banned from Australia. Sharing the truth!
The same apply for another growing matrix named the “LGBT” group. Caution: this is not an attack again gays and Lesbians, many of my clients, students and patients are part of the LGBT group and I love and respect them all. And sharing my cosmic work will educate those who can not understand their sexual attraction and stop animosity against them.
Very often vulnerable mothers use what they think is safe or a “non prescription” behind the counter drug ET VOILA! Those innocent, loving, gullible, vulnerable mothers are easy target to those entities, their mind, body and soul are prone to the current universal infestation!
All stimulated by the greedy pharmaceutical reptilius corporations, unconsciously supporting their deadly agenda.
Stimulated by the reptilius, the victimized LGTB group is set to grow rapidly and disproportionately world wide (much like suicide and drug addiction) because they can not reproduce a “normal” healthy human race.
Yet the most refined artistic and intelligent minds are part of this group of humans because science and society do not yet realize it is primarily a PSYCHICAL phenomenon/problem leading to the manipulation of the fetal reproductive genes!
With this in mind how can any responsible UFO’s organization allows me to offer you the SCIENTIFIC and spiritual information you deserve through my UFO’s educational slide presentation? And that’s exactly what makes me a unique UFO’s investigator!
I have been speaking about UFO’s since 1995 and was on Art Bell radio show well before all the new kids on the block! I have traveled all over the world sharing my incredible experiences, yet it seems legitimate UFO’s contactees like me are too controversial or not “technical” enough!
The good news is that; some of those conference promoters in Australia and Europe are much more curious than a “puritanical” religious scientific oriented young America and it is with pleasure that I am announcing I was invited to speak and lecture in Australia, in Egypt and the UK in 2020. I will keep you all posted because we have tons of people reading my work from all over the world, particularly England…
Thus, if you are one of those “elected” unafraid UFO’s truth promoters, continue inviting me speak at your event or have me as a captivating guest on your radio or TV show. Be part of the solution by exposing the undiluted truth I represent and what’s really going on with the reptilius agenda! Email teraniapromodir@gmail.com and let’s have a fascinating, mind boggling, truth revealing show!
Five lucky sailors – Are you ready to save $700?
I am sure you would! This is what I am offering the next 5 lucky people ready to join us in this amazing cruise!
A face to face totally FREE Skype taped consultation and an Astro-Tarot valued at $700!
This super deal will end August 14th 2019!
This is my top, most expensive service designed for famous and wealthy people who can afford such a high price. Since I am recuperating from a fall and a surgery at home, I have all the time in the world to take good care of you before then.
My price for a consultation on the ship is $200 per person.
As a rule I have more answers than you have questions for me, thus you can not interfere with Draco’s channeling and must only answer some of my own questions.
Since there is no time limit you will have all the time you need to speak once the reading is done. Check what is offered in this consultation and as soon as you registered with Adele by phone *760-230-5624, 9:00 to 4:00 Pacific time, Monday-Friday or through UFOcruise website contact teraniapromodir@gmail.com right away so she can schedule our meeting!
With such a line up of phenomenal speakers expect only the best!
Remember it is only if you socialize that your wishes will come true… No social interaction can sometimes lead to a lonely, boring life! if you trust my cosmic wisdom, join us because this event WILL BE LOADED with very interesting surprises that will change many people’s lives!
While the management is offering the great option to save you more money pairing with a male or female roommate, they are also making sure you’ll be matched with the right person.
There are people awaiting to know you right now and god knows where this new relationship will take you!
To register for roommate matching, just fill out the form here.
Once again make sure to mention my name Dr. Turi to Adele and contact Teraniapromodir@gmail.com right away!
Thank you all… DT

Astro-Carto-Graphy Relocation Reading $210 or $150 for VIP’s
2019 Positive Cosmic Biorhythms Personal Reports $100 for VIP’s
The Magical Power of Talismans $350 for VIP’s
(E-mail: teraniapromodir@gmail.com for a SUPER DEAL!)
Astropsychology home course $1050 or ($525) for VIP’s
Taped full life reading $310 or $210 for VIP’s
Taped comparison chart $410 or $210 for VIP’s
Regular psychic reading $150 by phone only – Same as Full Life Reading for VIP’s
Taped progressive reading $210 for VIP’s DT’s latest radio shows…
teraniapromodir@gmail.com 602 265 7667