“The universe and ETs are under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL or Rational sense to the world” Dr. Turi
UFOs”s Are Very Real – And So Is The Legacy! – What Did They Do To Me?
Dear Readers:
All the reasons and purposes behind the order to stop Draco and me from dealing with the public intensively have been clarified by the Galactic Federation Grand Cosmic Order to my VIPs. As you all know as of July 13, 2015 phase two started, this means Draco is not allowed anymore or answer any of your questions or make predictions publicly through me.
The reptilius have tainted “friends and foes” who were supporting and promoting my cosmic work and my career since 1995 – Google, Facebook, Wikipedia, LinkedIn, Satan’s Minions, and Dr. Turi …
The use of Draco’s FB page has been “cursed” and not operational anymore cutting thousands of people off from my cosmic teachings. I used it to post the proof of my predictions once they came to pass and offer short bulletins to the public until the reptilius killed it. Those nefarious entities challenged the Galactic Federation Grand Order forcing me to stop offering my critical messages to the general public! I guess only the chosen curious ones will be allowed to build cosmic consciousness and avoid what’s coming to this world…
Reptilius confine the human spirit into entertainment, addictions, religions, and scientific atheism convictions designed to nurture fears and doubts, steal your attention using technology then hijack your mind, blur your psychical awareness, and stop your spiritual interaction against them!
Are you one of the “chosen ones” willing to join the cosmic code for “cosmic preparation” and work with the benevolent Draconis group of ETs and help promote the fate of the world? Draco can only be channeled in the privacy of the Cosmic Code website leading and preparing a minority of humans for the transmutation, psychical interstellar transformation.
With Draco’s channeling and teachings, my predictive talents will be further expanded drastically making my prophecies and visions impossible to deny!
Only those who request full physical and psychological expansion will be instructed for a Draconis agenda involving the “salvation” of some experiments on Superhumans before “the end of time.”
The “end of time” started when the benevolent ET’s Draconis (The Gardeners of this world) reached a specific number of saved souls and would “fly them off planet earth on a large spaceship” when the time was right.
While this process will take place psychically first, no human body will ever leave earth without the Draconis ET’s intense psychical and physical preparation. For the time being, I can only use terms that make sense to the logical mind to avoid explaining matters that cannot currently be understood through rational thinking.
Meantime, I do not want the reader to lump me with the predicted “Apple White Rancho Santa Fe Mass suicide” awaiting a UFO in Rancho Santa Fe California. READ MORE ABOUT THIS PREDICTION IN THIS ARTICLE
“Flying off planet earth on a large spaceship” is for a lack of words more of a futuristic repetition of what took place with the Noah’s Ark biblical story, or the 10 commandments on Mount Sinai involving a UFO landing saving all forms of life from total destruction. This is Draconis ET’s agenda, and many people can never accept nor conceive of this cosmic phenomenon. UFOs – Roswell new Mexico Mind Boggling Secret Divulged!
This is all the Galactic Federation Grand Cosmic Order allowed me to divulge for now, and while this may sound “out of this world” or crazy to the subhuman, one must realize, my visions and predictions always unfold! Join us while you can to start the process.
The human experience cannot be infringed, changed, or molded by ETs, and the Draconis are programmed not to interfere with humanity’s upcoming self-destruction led by the reptilius!

Another NASA / CNN endless advertisement to lure you to support their privileged select lifestyle! With so much drama and trauma taking place on earth and with humanity those fortunes and research should also involve “The Soul of the Cosmos.”
Black holes are the porthole through which the reptilius are entering our dense physical world and have long been known by the Galactic Federation Grand Cosmic Order for “destroying” human brain matter, with scientists usually referring to them as “eating” gas and stars.
This reputation may be about to change if the scientific community evolves spiritually and reconnect with God’s Cosmic Divinity! You are a child of the universe and both a physical and spiritual entity controlled by those stars!
The earth is a vital piece of property used by all sorts of ETs for specific personal agendas, some good, some bad! The “burp” is a physical notification for the Draconis to watch out for more reptilius activity and to help avoid more drama on earth soon! They can only do so by destroying their ships which is most of the time perceived as a meteorite entering earth’s atmosphere –
God’s Cosmic Divinity must and will unfold as predicted in the bible and through the writings of many prophets.
If you want to be led into the future, master the cosmic code jurisdictions, discuss UFOs or anything under the stars, be informed and guided personally and universally, and be protected against psychical invasion, then as of today, you must join the Super-humans and earn your place. There is much more going on in the cosmos, the future of humanity’s welfare and ETs that can only be divulged to the “Chosen Ones” prospects.
Super-humans experiments Draconis Interstellar futuristic colonization agenda
I am Alien The Final Revelation
PAY ONLY $700 – SAVE $800 this includes a $700 taped VIP consultation
UFO, ET’s Contacts and the 12 MJ’s Draconis’ Mission
Order your talisman / VIP Skype consultation for $700 (save $800)
All my visions and warnings come from the use of my Astropsychology modified software I created combined with channeling both the great Prophet Nostradamus and as of May 2015 an ET entity named Draco.
BECOME A VIP Cosmic Coder!!!
Dr. Turi