James Randi Versus Dr. Turi’s predictions nine years later!

May 10. 2012

” To those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary; for those who do not, none will ever suffice… A few things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, Astrology, UFO and the truth.”- Buddha & Dr. Turi Dr. Turi

 “Dr. Turi Cosmic Code Universal Predictions on Google

en:Image:RANDI.jpg (Original text : James Randi)
“It is very easy to ridicule Astrology when the gifted soul is muted or absent…” Dr. Turi  

Dear Readers:

Nine years later, James Randi and Company should be able to re-evaluate their position by checking the predictions I saved at the bottom of www.drturi.com  page!  Four years ago, someone from “International skeptics.com” on JREF Forum, started delegating the predictions I posted to the world for March 17, 2006.    I decided to clean up and update this old article today, December 12th, 2014 but the original newsletter is still on the Internet. 

I was also asking people then to…If you did not yet check my latest Utube video.

“What do you think The Reason Rally Bull! promoters, James Randi and a bunch of unconscious “educated” Talking Heads and skeptics alike would say or think if they were reading my latest unarguable prediction of “SEXISM” slowly taking over America air waves?”

DT rebuttal: First I must convince the skeptics and atheists to behave like normal intelligent curious  human beings and investigate the 23 set of predictions saved for that purpose on www.drturi.com.

KnowingThose Predictions were posted November 15, 2011 to the public” , blasted all over social media and posted on April 3rd, 2013 on “Dr. Turi on the reign of the Dragon in Scorpius Draconis,” the predictive work is simply undeniable because ALL my visions did actually made it to CNN.

To be accepted as a solid undeniable science,  Astrological consecutiveness and repetitiveness must apply and in my case, my well documented, dated, published predictions become as solid as rocks. In fact, I am today offering James Randi  and company the very option to “ridicule” me again by listening to my latest radio show where I again,  offered dates and predictions that have as today’s date, not yet unfolded!

While I have repetitively challenged James Randi and all skeptics under the Sun to prove me wrong since 1991, not a single atheist nor scientific organizations arranged the confrontation! Am I too real and too confident for this crowd of “educated” young souls and do they already fear the ridicule I can inflict upon their egocentric so sure public attitude?

While the world was awaiting the results of my predictions, I posted the bolted following asking James Randi and company to behave like normal inquisitive people… But did they? and if they did, I knew time could only be in my favor. As usual, in their dismissals, the vitriolics  started pouring again…

Memo from my prediction page: (Scroll down please)

 Universal Predictions from August 30th 2012 to February 19th 2014

 Scorpio Dragon’s Head Taurus Dragon’s Tail

Note: Those Predictions were posted November 15, 2011 to the public

2012/2014 universal predictions

Note: I will update this page regularly when my predictions come to pass

 2012 / 2014  US SEXUAL WAR/ FREEDOM


Occupy wall street?

Back in October – during our first week of shows – we noticed this strange trend: Naked and pregnant women occupy the cover of magazines a lot.

I even chose pictures that might be considered controversial enough to stimulate the large puritanical and Christian group offering a glimpse of the “signs” depicting God celestial will and the things to come on CNN. Who can, in his critical thinking deny today, I am “CNN before CNN?”

What do you think those young souls depraved of Cosmic Consciousness  have said, wrote  or what type of excuses they found in their ridiculous attempts to deny my predictive gift?

And you wonder why the organizers of the “Reason Rally” or any other atheist organizations never had me to prove them all wrong? Furthermore  James Randi, his crowd and top scientists are all parts of my not so “secret” email list and received ALL my newsletters for years! But I realized I was wasting my time and stopped what they could only perceive as SPAM…

Servicing Pathetic Atheist Mind for free

  James Randi Founder    
  D.J. Grothe President    
  Michael Blanford Director of Education    
  Banachek Challenge Administrator    
  Sadie Crabtree Communications Director

But exposing the undeniable facts that Astrology is a reliable science and educate those spiritually unevolved human beings on the “Soul of the Cosmos”  means also a certain death of the “Reason Rally” financial endeavors and the end of Mr. James Randi career! Now do you understand why they would rather ignore me?

The fact is; Mr. Randi has already lost is famous “James Randi One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge” with me, and if he did not yet, he would with time. And again, this is why he will find every possible excuses not to deal with me publicly!

Incidentally if you ever read the ridiculous set of rules involved in the “challenge,” even Jesus would fail predicting the end of this world, as we know it today within the next 50 years or so. That is if; this crowd of skeptics (and the God fearing Christians) do not wake up and fail to use the Supra-conscious creative forces positively!

But these people are also part of the long list of skeptics elites dedicated to breed a dangerous, cold scientific godless generation of atheists… The “monsters of the future” will then create their own REICH and bring the world back to experience, the deadly and cold spirit of Hitler.

Spirituals, psychics, astrologers, mediums, spiritualists, religious, creative and gifted souls like Dr. Turi,  will be perceived as inferiors people  by the sub-human cursed to never enter nor perceive the archetypal realm of supra-cosmic consciousness…

 Be sure they will never invite Dr. Turi nor even mention my name as to challenge them. Its a disgrace and this is why I am asking all my supporters to act in my behalf and post this newsletter to all the skeptic groups and organizations you may read or be part of.

I welcome any of those organizations to have me prove them wrong because Carl Sagan “scientific” endeavor to “test” Astrology reality conducted in April 1968 is a direct attempt by the scientific matrix to ridicule and destroy the old science.

Society for Psychical Research:  http://www.spr.ac.uk
Society for Psychical Research (USA Version):  
Institute of Noetic Science: http://www.noetic.org
Peer review Neurology magazine:  http://www.neurology.org/
American Academy of Neurology:  http://www.aan.com/

 Some of the most skeptical (I say cynical) people will come up with serious lies against my work and I trying to convince themselves by convincing you that; they are “educated” and know better than Einstein himself, Dr. Turi and all erudite men of antiquity. These are some of the most hardened skeptics unconscious young souls on the planet who will not even honor the word science by investigating or contact me!

“If we teach only the finding and products of Astrology, no matter how useful and inspiring they maybe – without communicating its critical methods, how can the average person possibly distinguish Astrology from pseudoscience? ” Dr. Turi

 With thousands of people signed up to those conference, if some of my supporters who attend had made a flyer with the link leading to this type of newsletter and stockpile it all over the conference room and the hotel for the unaware public to acknowledge, it might force them all and Mr. Randi to deal with me.

I was banned from all their public websites and they keep trying very hard to bury the facts that I am the real thing. In fact I have so much proofs of my work posted to the world, on radio and television, in my books, that it is simply impossible for them to ignore my predictive gift,  and I scare the hell out of them all with a well documented large earthquakes predictions.

But I am ready for an encore, all you have to do is to listen to the show or note the dates published in this cosmic code newsletter.

When I first posted “TOPLESS” ON THE RISE!”  a few weeks later or November 2011, I added some semi naked women, they were all laughing at me, hiding their ignorance and spiritual pride behind the word ridicule. Are they feeling the same way today so many years later when all my premonitions came to pass?

But since my first direct contact and emails exchanges with  Mr. Randi’ s “Communications Director” Sadie Crabtree they went into hiding and removed my very existence from their lives.

 Or it appears so…Knowing that Sadie, James Randi and all his supporters read and forward my work to them, they had ample time to suggest my name to the promoters or invite/challenge me in public at the  “Reason Rally” in Washington, D.C. on March 24! But this never happened because the real thing (Dr. Turi) is simply missing and the challenge has no true competitors.

Dr. Turi Versus James Randi 

My powerpoint show presentation on my endless chain of unarguable dated , printed, published predictions and  research on the Internet shows all the facts are frozen in time and space for ever. Do I really need to do so when my work is so obvious?

Currently millions of people read my work and witness my accuracy, this infuriate  the envious skeptical, atheist “Young Souls” including James Randi and company.

But  Dr. Turi much too  real and dangerous for their business or too competitive for them all. Yes the cosmic truths I own alienate me from those only interested in making money on your gullibility, your misinformation and your lack of perception.  Only those curious enough willing to honor the word science, those born smart and with integrity would have me to speak more about the reality of Astrology and God cosmic Divinity.

I was wondering then, how this skeptical crowd would react to my show Dr. Turi on William Shatner’s TV Show and I made sure to explain in great details the specific producer demands  to prove my predictions solid!  And I did so allowing the show to take place. Discovery Channel – Dr. Turi’s Predictions

 In  Predictions with George Noory produced in 2006, I warned the world of Iran aiming for nukes well before CNN ever mentioned it.  Back in 1995, on the Art Bell show, well before the 991 attack on the twin towers in N.Y. I warned the world of an impending “Religious War.” Who can today deny ISIS cutting the heads of their victims on national TV? Who can deny my  “Heil Hitler” 2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions” or my upcoming  “2015 Neptunius Draconis Predictions?”

And with such an incontestable  “resume” accumulated since 1991, are you still wondering why it is in the best interests of the scientific, religious matrixes and  James Randi “Reason Rally” to avoid me?

While my chances of an invitation to prove my claims are quite remote,  one can only hope to change the conference name to the “Spirited Rally” where the Cosmic Code, the Soul of the Cosmos and Astrology, the mother of all science secrets are discussed and taught to a more progressive, intelligent and curious attendance.

Indeed, James Randi has NO RIGHT to talk about spiritualism, astrology or real psychic power simply because he knows NOTHING of this phenomenon.  His dry, cold, infertile and underdeveloped, disruptive inborn atheist UCI offers NOTHING to humanity’s progressive psychical welfare. I offer solid cosmic investigations then the acknowledgement of a practical cosmic God that can further humanity future… Atheists have NOTHING to offer but dry criticism…

Imagine if the entire world was atheist? What chances for progress humanity would have when science freezes imagination, ridicule God’ cosmic spirit,  and finally end up destroying the world? Do you really think I am making this up? I am not, its already in the making if you look at Mother earth obvious and distressing signs…

Those who are the least knowledgeable of a specific topic like Astrology or the UFO phenomenon  attracts each others to debate and ridicule the gifted in their own sub-humanistic ignorance… all I can do is to reaffirm my position and my undeniable predictions readers, but where do I start when they are so many?

 SOS to the world for December 2014
Big solar storm heading toward Earth predicted by Dr. Turi a year earlier!
JetBlue’s engine ‘exploded’ PREDICTED by Dr. Turi! Will you die in a plane crash?
Challenging all Atheist organizations and media agnostics to deny my predictions!

In the absence of Cosmic Consciousness; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents just consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.”

Dr. Turi


More of the idiosyncratic views on the Divine produced by James Randi’s UCI or “Unique Celestial Identity”

James Randi One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge
James Randi Versus Dr. Turi – Have we lost God?

Again readers those who are completely destitute on the subject of metaphysics, psychic phenomenon, UFO, astrology are gathering at the The Reason Rally Bull! and will be lecturing endlessly on something so divinely deep reflecting the ignorance of a cosmic manifestation they can not comprehend nor can benefit the cursed logical mind!

Entering the spiritual domain of my work is not for the “debutants.”

In one second, after glancing upon James Randi UCI “Unique Celestial identity” I saw his entire psyche at his lifetime work – He is a Leo and like ALL Leo he nurtures a subconscious fear of death and diseases.

Thus he is prone to suffer, directly or indirectly a “psychic” accident that traumatized him and lead him to use his Dragon’s Head (luck/Growth) in curious Gemini (the talking head/writer/communicator/the challenger/critical thinking) to negate the essence of his natural inborn fears.  However I will use the science of Astroforensics to uncover his deep seated idiosyncrazy and expose his psyche and his fate to my VIP’s.

MAKE A NOTE!   Between 2015 and 2016 the Tail of the Dragon will resides in his 8th house of death, he will START DECAYING VERY FAST then called to face God…

Do not expect James to EVER tell you about his private “negative psychic experience” or suffering a traumatic death experience as a child, but knowing his UCI, and his like and dislike about “magic” at the autumn of his life he still has a lot of things to learn pertaining the the spirit!

Worse the manifesto could also be subconscious and the results of previous past lives…

His Dragon’s Tail (negative/past lives) resides in the sign of Sagittarius (the eternal student/bible/codification of thoughts) adding more “inner” fears coming from many of his religious pious past lives where he may have been destroyed a few times by strangulation and fire inflicted by the Spanish and French inquisitions.

His disdain directed at the psychics  symbolize his dealings with the  born Neptunian and NOT Dr. Turi. Even nowadays and since 1991 only a few Leo souls managed to battle their inner fears of the future and asked for my services.

One has to become an advanced Astropsychologist to appreciate the art found in my unique methodology to uncover the fate, idiosyncrasy and fate of anyone on the planet.

It is so amazing to see people neurotic tendencies at work while the subject himself is totally unconscious of the energies producing his fate, beliefs and fears. Indeed Astropsychology will save this world and will be widely used by the children of tomorrow, if we make it!

This is an email exchange between myself and Sadie Crabtree – Communications Director, James Randi Educational Foundation | www.randi.org


Sadie Crabtree is the Communications Director of the James Randi Educational Foundation. She has nearly a decade of experience helping labor unions, community organizations, and progressive nonprofits plan and win campaigns that change laws, change minds, and improve people’s lives. Her goal at the JREF is to share the skeptical movement’s investigative spirit with a broader audience than ever, and help the media expose the pseudo-scientific con-artists who profit by deceiving others.

Again, what is subconsciously motivating Sadie Crabtree to hate psychics could be her own religious convictions, investigating her natal UCI would also clarify much of her own inner fears and idiosyncrasy.

This is her answer following my predictions of Osama Bin Laden demise!

 Sadie Crabtree  “Are you kidding? That’s ridiculous. “Someone famous may meet a sad fate in the water or on the road?” First, that prediction is so vague it would apply to most accidental deaths. Second, bin Laden wasn’t in the water when he met his fate. He was shot in a building. Third I don’t see how you can call it a “sad” fate when so many people are cheering over it. In spite of an incredibly vague prediction it seems like you got this one pretty wrong anyway.”

 DT Rebuttal; Well if it was you who died Sadie I would call it a bad /SAD day alright!  And while America rejoiced, the Middle East and his family did not. I am sure your family would also feel sad if you were shot and died at home. Osama Bin Laden may have been religiously poisoned to the core but he was still a human being victimized by Neptune! The point is I gave the exact date of his demise many months before in my book and you forgot to read “This powerful threesome may take the life of an important political person.”

 I also think somewhere Osama Bin Laden was a BIG world wide “political figure” for the terrorists groups he directed  and the world at large was he not? My prediction is specific if you read  all the details,  not just the obvious or his body being thrown at sea as I wrote.

The fact is I wrote; “This powerful threesome may take the life of an important political person.” – “Someone famous may also meet a sad fate in the water!” and a very IN – famous person named Osama Bin Laden did meet HIS sad FATE in the ocean thrown out from the deck of the USS aircraft carrier Carl Vinson.

By the way how many times did you read on CNN about anyone famous or not being thrown in the ocean from a US NAVY ship? This is quite uncommon and not an accident, especially when the famous person was Osama Bin Laden.

I wonder what excuses would  Sadie Crabtree find to deny my 911 prediction posted on the Internet by non religious people that are not afraid of the truth.

Anyway let’s get more specific then, what do you have to say about the taped prediction of the reelection of President Clinton on national radio and my warning of a religious war in the Middle East? Indeed ISIS and the heads cutting on national TV did not happen in 1995 but they are quite repetitive today Mrs. Crabtree!

Well did you also forgot about the serious mess that took place in the Middle East well before 911 or Osama Bin Laden came into the picture?  Again check my Iran “Nukes” Predictions with George Noory produced in a  2006 television show?

This old newsletter was published May 3rd, 2011 but if any James Randi’ supporters and skeptic Mrs.Crabtree need more proofs of my undeniable predictions, they are tons to investigate and some were aired on the Discovery Channel.

Dr. Turi on William Shatner’s TV Show
Discovery Channel – Dr. Turi’s Predictions

 Unedited original – “With the new Dragon’s Head moving in the sign of Scorpio next August 2012, these people will get their wake up call and realize what can not be seen or yet accepted does not mean it is not real! I truly believe I already won the  millions dollars challenge, and I am expecting a check signed by in the mail soon – James Randi One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge – Dr. Turi Versus James Randi – 

May I remind you that you will have to be patient to really appreciate my gift or if you start digging into my work soon you will also be convinced. Please read the following and read the section Earthquake Predictions.”

Osama Bin Laden Buried at Sea?

Osama bin Laden’s burial reportedly took place from the deck of the USS aircraft carrier Carl Vinson, above.


“This powerful threesome may take the life of an important political person.” Someone famous may also meet a sad fate in the water!

“In spite of an incredibly vague prediction it seems like you got this one pretty wrong anyway.”

The fact remain Mrs. Crabtree, ask yourself, DID someone famous .i.e Osama Bin Laden, met with his sad fate in the water? Ask yourself, how many famous or Infamous political figures  you know were, since then,  thrown out from the deck of the USS aircraft carrier Carl Vinson into the ocean?  So much for being “incredibly vague…”


The End of the Age of Pisces/religion/deception and mental abuses has arrived! 


Famous Personalities: This powerful threesome may take the life of an important political person. Someone famous may also meet a sad fate in the water or on the road. Be aware and be prudent.

From: Dr. Turi <dr.turi@cox.net – This is an inquiry e-mail via http://www.randi.org/site/ – http://www..randi.org/site/index.php/1m-challenge.html

James Randi contest for a million dollars? He already lost  since 1995!

Listen to yet another UNARGUABLE prediction –

More dated, printed obvious proof Mr. James Randi and company? Why don’t you ever answer my emails and give me my million bucks?

Earthquake Predictions:

Earthquakes tend to occur when diurnal tidal forces are able to release the accumulated strain on a fault. Hard planetary aspects appear able to increase the strain on a fault. Perhaps the computer-aided Astrogeologists of the future will be able to do the kind of micro-mapping and analysis needed to predict which faults are most susceptible to increased strain. As for the timing, my technique to predict earthquakes seems to be more accurate than all the latest computerized electronic equipment combined together!

So the scientific community likes solid proofs? Here it is again and anything that has ever been posted on the Internet is there to stay forever and with a little search on “Deja New” anyone can trace these posts.

Sample of Proof:

WWW -INTERNET – USGS – Message -ID: ///4Hv@goodnet/// -sender news////com (News Administrator) -Dr. Turi drturi////com>

Newsgroups – sci.geo,sci.geo.geology,ca.earthquakes,hkbu,geog.maps – WEEKLY USGS Quake Report 9/28 – 10/4/95 CA. Seismology Institute – in rticleDG1t4H.v


DATE- Oct 6h, 1995 drturi@goodnet.com says… POSTED (Oct, 6th. 1995) –

From Dr. Turi – Dear Sirs: – On Oct. 8th and Oct. 9th a very unusual seismic activity will be noticeable and will produce many quakes above 6.1. More information is available pertaining to my method if requested.


Dr. Turi

Results – Full proofs of predictions:

RE: Weekly USGS Quake Report Oct. 8th – Oct. 8th a 7.0 EARTHQUAKE HIT SUMATRA (INDONESIAN ISLANDS)

RE: Weekly USGS Quake Report Oct. 9th – Oct. 9th a 7.6 EARTHQUAKE HIT MEXICO.


More Proof? 


Read Dr. Turi’s prediction made worldwide on Coast To Coast radio preparing the world for a BIG earthquake to happen WITHIN TWO DAYS!

Result; TWO DAYS after the show a 7.1 Powerful quake rattled Indonesia.



Kudos to you Dr. Turi!

I surf the Internet periodically for predictions on forthcoming events, specifically all relating to earthquake activities. You hit the 11/22/95 Egypt/Israel/Saudi Arabia 7.2 quake smack dab on the head, per your earlier prediction. Congratulations again!

E-mail < ////private @ccmail.jpl.nasa///> Keep up the good work.

Appreciatively, G//

More Proof:

From: /////@///om

To: Louis a Turi

Date: Fri, 24 Sept 1999 22:31:10 -0400 (EDT)

Subject: Re: Show

I gave you full credit on the show just after the massive Taiwan earthquake and the Turkey aftershock on Sept 20…. I got a lot of email from people who were watching the date prediction as well. This is marvelous my friend. The nice thing about it is how you understate these things and never gloat about them when you hit. I had another fine program with John Hogue last night. Be well, my friend.

Jeff Rense

“All I have asked for is a fair scientific investigation of my work for the sole purpose of promoting mans cosmic consciousness, saving time, money and the lives of many people.” 

Blessings to all.

Dr. Turi


May be she is busy investigating my past predictions? What do you think? Its been YEARS now and  no answer from Sadie, Randi or anyone else – May be you could email her asking to rekindle the conversation? sadie@randi.org

I need the 1000.000 reward to save the children of the future and build my Astropsychology schools…

Sharing Emails:

Hi darling Louis …

It is very surreal to see what Icke is doing. So sorry you are also taking an abusive brunt. What a turn of events in Life this has taken. He is such an angry bitter man that seems to have completely lost it. All I see is his anger attacking everyone? Where is the Peace in this? If there were two countries at war I would not want Icke as a mediator for he will start a third war!  If people just took a deep breath and stepped back the picture is extraordinarily clear. Will become even more clear when I come out. I see what no one else sees, yet.

Sending much love, Pamela

Hello Pamela:

I am also worried about his state of mind with the Dragon’s Tail currently in Gemini afflicting his intellect potential. TRust me more and more people are seeing this and it will get worse and obvious soon…



Hello Dr Turi

I trust that your well and very busy. I wanted to Thank you again for your work and dedication. I am wondering is this the year of death. I know that this 2012 energy is running fast, maybe too fast for some people. I just read that this skier in Switzerland crashed during World Cup skiing. It seems as if people are dropping like flies, especially celebrities and athletes. You hear about these strange accidents everyday now.

Look at Davey Jones, a vegetarian that exercised on a daily basis and was fit. Is this dragon going to get stronger as the years goes on?? The weather?? I hate to think what the summer is going to look like….with all this weather drama this year. Is it true…..Since I am a Dragon, will this really be a great year for me financially, since we are in the year of the Dragon. Thanks for all that you do. You and Terania are quite a team.

Best to you both. Have a great weekend.

Much love

Mary from San Jose CA

Hello Mary; I wish I had a simple answer for you but my predictions are quite obvious and will unfold…AS far as how much this Dragon will reach and change your life, all I can do is to remind you only a VIP reading will give you your personal predictions and information.



if you are a journalist, a radio or  host, I am open for interview where I can challenge James Randi or any other famous skeptic!   To anyone that needs ratings and a great show, this is to consider! Also a special thanks to George Noory and ALL the media people that already have (and still) offer me the opportunity to reach more people furthering my message to the world!

I want to take this opportunity to warmly thanks all the great people skeptical or not because we are all only human born to learn and grow. Once more thanks to ALL the  special people and those who have had me on their radio/TV shows as a regular guest and ask you to do all you can to become a silent or open element by promoting my work. You are ALL a GREAT and VITAL part of my fate and helping me in my mission to free humanity from fears and ignorance.

 Dr. Turi

Astropsychology, Clinical Hypnotherapy

“Your Future Is:  The Reincarnation Of Your Thoughts”


About Dr. Turi

Dr. Turi is a proficient author and a captivating speaker, his profound Universal Wisdom astonishes everyone. He was recognized in the 2003 Marquis "Who's Who in America." Dr. Turi is the personal counselor of many celebrities, Ivana Trump, Peter Fonda, Gary Busey, Denis Haysbert, John Gray and many others. Dr. Turi is a favorite guest of George Noory on Coast-To-Coast AM radio and the BBC in London and appeared in numerous television programs worldwide.He speaks of the cosmic face and celestial tools of the creator and warn the world with undeniable well documented undeniable predictions. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BX3TzPUt08 Clinical Hypnotherapist - Astropsychologist focused on providing individual and couples counseling services. Specializing in public speaking, teaching, metaphysics, natural healing, stress management, women’ issues and family mediation services. Interested in speaking engagements, radio, television, events and media outlets, academic work, advising corporations, the police force, colleges, universities and general public on mental health issues and spirituality outside of conventional beliefs and accepted disciplines.