“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi
“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth using his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus
Reader, make sure to join and share my FB page UFOs Astrology & Dr. Turi Predictions check my videos and my crazy life!
Dear Reader,
Before talking and doing the stars and fate of Tim Walz and exposing his character, strengths, and weaknesses, if you paid attention and read “August SOS to the world – Mercury Retrograde Predictions” carefully, once again my quatrain and obvious keywords depicted all the shocking collected news well ahead of time!
Those who refuse to learn, respect, understand, or ridicule God’s universal cosmic clock will be the first to learn the hard way that the stars are much more than dead rocks hanging above their heads for the sake of beauty!
There are NO accidents in life, there are only subtle cosmic circumstances imposed by the creator and you have the option to check my claims by joining the cosmic code private website!
Doing so you will be the first one to know when the new Ebook “2025 Nostradamus Personal and Universal Forecast For All Signs” will be published and read what 2025 will bring to you and the world at large!
Knowing ALL about the power of the dragon and all of those deadly windows ahead of time is a sure ticket to avoid the worst man and nature can throw at us and lead a safer, more productive life!
It is just a matter of time before one of your 2024 personal negative windows falls into a universal deadly window and you may never get a chance to reread my warnings! Use your 2024 personal positive windows instead because investing in my work is only rewarding to those who are curious and smart enough to realize the critical values of my UFO’s predictive legacy!
Why do I mostly point out negative news I have been asked! Because fear will make you pay more attention than good news… This is dues to the negative psychical trend imposed and maintained on planet earth by the malicious reptilius in need of your fears to survive in dark matter!
It is only when the student is ready that the real gifted teacher will appear!
August SOS Deadly Windows – Posted by Dr. Turi on July 28, 2024 at 2:38pm
August 10, 11, 12,13 – //,//,//,//
Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign
Russia / Famous Death / Dramatic Death News / Mass death / Police news / Police brutality / FBI / CIA / Secret services / Secrets to light / Mob / Scandals / Terrorism / Assassination / Cyber-attacks / Abduction / Finances / IRS / Super wealth / Sex / Porn / Prostitution / Life and death / Serial Killers / Undiluted truth /Dying/Rebirthing / Nature and Man-Made Wake up Call.
Memo – “Avoid large gatherings especially at night during any of my 2022 deadly Plutonic windows!” The reptilius are after the police, government officials, and children/teens! Policing will be so dangerous that many brave servants will quit and the number of cops getting killed or killing citizens will explode in the months to come. Infected criminals will get bolder and wilder committing crimes against the police and the public never experienced before!”
My windows always depict SERIOUS natural disasters and earthquakes at or above 6.0
6.5 magnitude earthquake near Dolinsk, Sakhalin, Russia
7.1 magnitude earthquake near Miyazaki, Japan
Russia orders tens of thousands of people to evacuate as Ukraine’s incursion into its territory
Zelensky says Russian forces started fire at Russian-controlled nuclear plant in southern Ukraine
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
More than 90 Palestinians killed in Israeli strike on school and mosque sheltering displaced people
Dramatic Death News
Brazilian plane crash outside São Paulo killed 61
Helicopter crashes onto roof of Australian hotel, killing pilot
People who have a very short memory do not pay enough attention to my YouTube video warnings or do not read! When I said in the video Mercury will do all in his power to stop everything that moves, it also means airplanes and helicopters! Especially during a Mercury retrograde and a Plutonic deadly window! Again, I can take the horses to the water, but this does not mean they will drink at the source of the true wisdom I own!
FBI/Secrets to light
Secret Service breaks into salon, duct-tapes cameras and uses bathroom during Harris fundraiser
Footage appears to show Israeli soldiers sexually assaulting a Palestinian detainee
Iraqi teen arrested after Taylor Swift terror attack plot thwarted
The Atlanta Olympics wouldn’t be possible after 2050. Here’s why
Back in 2013 in a TV show I did with George Noory, we had a long discussion about the end of the world, and George asked me this question, “Louis how long do we have on planet Earth?” I thought of the gravity of such a prediction for a second, but the truth has been and will always be my first choice and time my utmost faithful witness…
“I replied we have only 50 years left on earth…”
While my vision is gloomy and on its way with obvious climate changes and the future use of nukes on Earth and space, there is something else I did not divulge! Then, he and his audience were not ready for such advanced cosmic revelations. Click on any of the two links below to watch the preview located on the top far right of Gaia page! Those endorsements may or will be removed!
Yet not every human beings will perish, thanks to the benevolent Draconis saving the “Superhumans” and more in time will be divulged to our VIP’s – Join us and ask your questions if needed! Email teraniapromodir@gmail.com
” For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary; For those who do not, none will ever suffice…” Dr. Turi
Be warned! the upcoming Pisces (religion) is about to unleash a tremendous avalanche of news involving cosmic unconscious pious indoctrinated Christian people fearing hell. All media will explode with religious posts as the Age of Pisces (deception/abuse) is dying. Church Inc. must fight to survive as the Age of Aquarius (freedom, understanding, humanities, technology, future, UFOs) slowly takes over. They will spend BILLIONS in advertisements to grasp scared, insecure people, especially souls born Neptunian and confused teens who are psychically vulnerable and seek hopes and direction.
In the name of fear, ignorance and control, politically oriented churches of the past are responsible for the Dark Ages movement that killed millions of people all around the world, especially women!
Religions have and can only bring more troubles and death to humanity, since what we are witnessing currently with Israel and Hamass in the Middle East (a Pisces area) is nothing else than an endless political religious war!
Its going to get much worse before it get better!
Christian nationalists in the United States advocate “a fusion of identitarian Christian identity and cultural conservatism with American civic belonging.” It has been noted to bear overlap with Christian fundamentalism, white supremacy, the Seven Mountain Mandate movement, and dominionism.
Expect a full restructuring of the Middle East as the latest Israeli strike on a mosque and school in Gaza killed scores, sparking international outrage! If you read the quatrain below, it seems my visions for the Middle East, religions and the future of humanity can easily be perceived by smart and curious people…
Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth
Religions, Pisces deception Age die
Written by Dr. Turi 6/23/24
I give you plenty of time to realize why the dates of August 17, 18, 19, and 20th are critical, especially if you decide to travel or have fun in nature and know nothing of God’s cosmic design! And even if you are religious and rely on your prayers for safety, don’t count on it! While deadly and shocking news seems to be the norm, it is NOT!
It is only during those various cosmic winds posted each first day of the month in the cosmic code for our VIP’s that the worst and very unusual pieces of news including quakes at or above 6.0 will transpire.
6.1 magnitude earthquake near Hualian, Taiwan, Taiwan
And society at large and famous people will be touched directly! As always when those UNUSUAL, SHOCKING AND EXPLOSIVE news come to pass, I will put the full quatrain and keywords on top of this article to prove my claims to the skeptics. Disrupting news from Japan – Elon Musk and Taylor Swift will be touched directly.
Update: 8/12/24:
Elon Musk says denial-of-service attack delayed his interview with Trump
Being rich and famous does not mean being smart! At least when it comes to God’s cosmic design imposing delays, re-planning, confusion and stress! What is astonishing those famous people are totally ignorant of the power of their natal stars or Mercury retrograde screwing everything up in their lives, yet they want to control our destiny? Instead of taking picture with a bible, Trump and Musk should hire me to teach them a few things that could make a BIG difference in their careers and lives!
Trump posts on X for first time in nearly a year ahead of conversation with Elon Musk
No skeptics I do not talk to Trump or Musk in secret and learned about this special meeting ahead of time! But it seems my vision is already taking place! If you are wondering what the purpose of this meeting is all about, is it is very clear to me! Like all the billionaires, including Trump, super wealthy corporations do not like to pay taxes and enjoy the formidable tax cut they would get with the former president back in the White House! The meeting will hurt Musk and its platform in the long run! Did you make note of those dates August 17, 18, 19, and 20th and read my warnings?
Continued: So you will have to comeback often to check how real and knowledgeable I am and maybe realize my work deserves not only respect but sharing!
Using Nostradamus’ Divine Astrology 16th century methodology (Astropsychology) , the chart and video above depict Tim Walz’s natal UCI or (Unique Celestial Identity) with all the VP’s sins and virtues exposed!
Aries – Tim Walz was born a warrior and born to lead! There is a strong love of adventures, danger and competition/sports! He was drawn by his stars to join the national guards!
Aquarius- His moon in Aquarius makes him unique, impulsive but very friendly. Aquarius rules Asia (China) and depict why he took so many of his students to visit the country and got married there! Aquarius rule nukes and the moon the US security, homes and famillies. Be ready for serious nukes talks put it this way since I do not want to scare people with my visions.
Capricorn Dragon’s Tail – Hitler was born also born in April (the warrior) and had the same calculated Capricorn Dragon’s Tail! Read more about the “Power of the Dragon” over his life and actions!
If you want me to write more about Harris or Walz planets by house and sign make requests from my YouTube video
But if you do not take the time to read and check my claims, how can I help you build more cosmic consciousness? So many psychics and prophets want to be everywhere, thus if you land something tangible, dated, well documented, and factual as mine, as a responsible human, it is your duty to share it widely! Another prediction I made…
MEMO from “Melania Trump -Predictions for the First Lady!” published October 19, 2020.
“But once the negative tail of the Dragon in Scorpio enters her 7th house (partnerships) from her Sun sign of Taurus around January 2022, she will be forced to “exit” her marriage with Trump or become much less active in public with him. The future is not good for their marriage, it could also be because of an imposed divorce, marriage dissolution, heart attack sudden death or assassination“
One of my students copied and sent me this paragraph published in one of my Nostradamus dragon forecast many years ago.
“This Dragon is against President Trump’s health and service to the world but most importantly his children and close family. Trump’s minions and his children are a target of the reptilius and many are been fined and already rotting in prison. Trump or one of his children may become sick, mentally unstable/suicidal, or become the target of the CIA,or be assassinated by a lost infected soul.”
I can only hope to be wrong in another sad prediction I made about former President Trump published 7/21/24 in “Biden drops out of the race prediction & Kamala Harris Stars and Fate!”
The predictions for the future and UFO’s I have for humanity are not for the fainted heart and are only available for our VIP’s of the Cosmic Code private website!
“Show ne a reader, I’ll point out a winner!” Dr. Turi
Dr. Louis Turi in Phoenix, AZ // Thervo
I intend to do more lectures on the Superconscious creative forces and educate and heal people in many fine resorts in Florida. In the past, I lectured on this topic and hypnotized the attendance on countless cruise ships, in Casinos in Las Vegas, and in many hotels and spas around the world, if you can help or need my expertise email teraniapromodir@gmail.com for more information. Indeed knowledge is power, ignorance is evil!
Memo from Coast to Coast am October 16 2019 – In the second half, Dr. Louis Turi revealed how to harness the power of the subconscious mind, and explained how it shapes everything from world events to everyday personal motives and decisions. Turi believes that the subconscious is so powerful that it “gets your heart beating and stops an infection” and can even “alter the atomic structure of your body.” He said that the disciplines of psychology and psychiatry have yet to accept these concepts. Turi also described extraterrestrial races he’s been in contact with. He’s concluded that they affect human behavior both toward the positive and negative, depending on the source. The benevolent race, he continued, is known as the “Draconis,” and the evil or negative ones are the “Reptilians.” Turi stated that he’s been “contacted by the divine and it is speaking through me.”
He gave examples from his own life he’s made about the power of the subconscious. He recalled that when he was a child, he had a virulent infection in his ears, which only subsided after he left his parents’ home, where they raised their voices and fought constantly. He realized that his subconscious was telling him he didn’t want to hear them fighting, and he was only able to heal after he went to live with his grandmother “who never raised her voice. Turi also made predictions for this year and the next based on his study of astrology, saying that for the rest of 2019, political events and relationships will “go downhill,” and that there will be a “full restructure” of many groups and institutions in 2020. He also said that he is expecting “a lot of fire” and “a lot of wildlife to disappear.” This was weeks before the terrible Australian and California fires who killed millions of animals!
I was fired from this popular radio program for mentioning that Trump could be assassinated, he would not be re-elected and COVID would kill millions! Read more!
Another of my prediction came to pass…
Biden calls for major Supreme Court reforms, including term limits, at Civil Rights Act event
Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito Are “Subject to Corruption”: AOC
Clarence Thomas fails to disclose 3 more Harlan Crow trips, Senate records show
Justice Thomas raked in $4M in gifts, new report
Can Samuel Alito Survive Flag Controversy?
My quatrain below speaks volume on my undeniable accurate visions about the abusive, deceptive retructuring legal system or what’s going on with judges and the DOJ! Yet only those who bought 2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus dragon forecast were warned! Justice Thomas and Justice Alito karma is on the way!
Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies
Posted to the world on September 3, 2022
The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact; But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic Divinity and with it, a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.
— Dr. Turi
“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others” — Dr. Turi
Saudi Arabia says 1,301 died on Hajj this year
This absurdity of over 5000 man made religions indoctrination is mind boggling! When the new dragon enters Pisces in January 2025 a full restructure of all deceptive religions and the Vatican (death of the Pope) will take place. Much more predictions for the future will be published on the Cosmic Code private website. Join now email teraniapromodir@gmail.com
Water, sky, oceans, oil drench
Dark clouds cities man cry drown
Jesus’s cosmic spirit rebirth
Religions, Pisces deception Age die
Written by Dr. Turi /23/24
Join the cosmic code private website, read all in great details and be prepared for your future! Never separate yourself from God, we are all God’s and Goddesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religion is pure evil and created by the nefarious reptilius…
Remember reader, next September 2024 those newsletters and warnings will stop completely while my prices for consultations will rise significantly! I can only and strongly recommend you to join us and read the special announcement below if you need any of my services!
I did receive the Zoom recording, Dr. Turi thank you!
I do believe whole heartedly in your work and I am thankful to have had this once in a lifetime opportunity to meet with you!

We are living in times where boneheads rise, intelligence fall, educated idiots reign supreme and thrive while genius and real get unrecognized.” Dr.Turi
No parents nowadays (outside of religion and science) are teaching their children who God truly is, spiritual matters, metaphysics and pay attention to the stars, their dreams, and master the art of divination using Divine astrology.
Since you were made at the image of God, love yourself with all the might of God because you were born to create.. Remember God <positive> would/could not be without the devil <negative> for without opposite life would be impossible. Yesterday in your past, your fears, your cosmic ignorance and your religion, you were EVIL..
The new smarter, curious, educated you is Godlike and in your positivity you reflect the light of God’s cosmic wisdom.
Indeed the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought, keep them positive since there is no future and no God in the past…
Share with smart people and never separate yourself from God. We are all God’s and Goddesses in training on this dense physical world learning this fact! Religions are pure evil and 5000 plus were created by the nefarious reptilius…
In order to regenerate their spirit to survive, one day your children will ask and look for the answers they could never get from science or religion. The results are dreadful as thousands of lost young souls seek refuge in drugs or commit suicide… And this is the mission I was assigned as a UFO contactee to perform for all the children of the future.
At 74, time is running out for me since I want to spend the last few years, I have left running my “Lady of the Seas” charter and hopefully meet many of you in my boat in the Florida keys during the summer holiday season.
I am working two jobs full time, one as a OTR driver for FedEx and the other doing endless Astrological consultations during my days off. Check all my trips and videos from my Facebook page.
The idea is to save enough to invest in a bigger and safer yacht. But as I am getting closer to my goal after September 2024, making videos, writing newsletters and taking care of my endless chain of clients doing readings on Zoom will become impossible as the new business and the new website dedicated for this new business venture will take all our time.
Thus as of September 2024 my price for a Full Life Reading (regularly $350) will change to $500 and a live session on Zoom (regularly $700) will rise to $1000. My great webmaster Tom will make those changes on my website www.drturi.com before then.
Note also, future full newsletters will only be posted and available from the private Cosmic Code website and only new and older supporting VIP’s and new and older Patreon supporters will not be affected by the price changes.
Thus if I mean anything to you, it is in your best interest to become a VIP and still have access to all my services and enjoy our yearly forecasts and daily guidance and predictions. Join today!
As always if you have any questions simply email teraniapromodir@gmail.com and she will take good care of you.
You are getting so little with my newsletters my friend, Terania and I have so much more to offer you on the Cosmic Code private website!Become a VIP Membership is only $10 and you are showing your support for our cosmic work please. Thank you
The only good news I have for you, since I will never get any form of support from a religiously poisoned society is that! The New Age of Aquarius(UFO’s/technology/Astrology/the future of humanity/the stars) is slowly but surely taking over the deceptive Age of Pisces and will in time, make all religions obsolete!
Again, I am so grateful and appreciative of everything you and DT have taught me. My financial problems in my life are gone now that I know and understand what was holding me back. DT’s initial reading and the classes I took afterward allowed me to really dive deep into my own natal chart and begin to understand more about myself than all the years I spent in therapy. Dr. Turi is a legitimate Soul Doctor and I hope to one day become one like him.
I recently bought my first ever new vehicle and I was trying to figure out a way to share my feelings about DT and his treasure trove of knowledge.
From my whole heart, thank you. For everything. I love both of you.
~ J. Douglas Prendergast
One of the best students I have ever taught! Powerful Cosmic chemistry present! Thank you, Doug, it was an honor to teach you!
Every man has been made by God in order to acquire knowledge and contemplate but not all men where born with the same UCI/stars. Pythagoras was certainly born with a strong Saturn or CapricornSun, moon, rising or Dragon!
German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence Passions Rule
God Nowhere To Stop Fires
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn
Posted to the world on June 12, 2013
Clarence Thomas fails to disclose 3 more Harlan Crow trips, Senate records show
Justice Thomas raked in $4M in gifts, new report
Can Samuel Alito Survive Flag Controversy?
My quatrain below speaks volume on my undeniable accurate visions about the abusive, deceptive retructuring legal system or what’s going on with judges and the DOJ! Yet only those who bought 2021/2022/2023/2024 Nostradamus dragon forecast were warned! Justice Thomas and Justice Alito karma is on the way!
Scale of justice trembles
Armed villains seek blood
Red dominates rainbow
Power tears judges fight dies
Posted to the world on September 3, 2022
The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact; But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to humanity. God’s enslaved all his children to uncover his cosmic Divinity and with it, a life filled with health, love, respect, peace and harmony for all.
— Dr. Turi
You may be religiously poisoned and fearful of Divine Astrology. Your UCI “Unique Celestial Identity ” may be too earthy and turned you into a radical skeptic or agnostic that ridicule the idea of dealing with the future a cosmic God has in store for you.
All the while missing the great opportunity given to you by Mercury retrograde to bypass your fear and skepticism… As a rule, it is only when the student is ready that the gifted cosmic teacher will appear and it is only when you ask that you shall receive the rewards of your curiosity!
- Knowing where your Jupiter (luck) is located by house and sign and what your natal and hidden dragons (past lives) are predisposing you for will become a major contribution for your success in this lifetime.
- Knowing all about your true soul’s purpose, and the planets stimulating your second house of money and self-esteem is a must if you need to invest and build long lasting financial wealth.
- Knowing all about the Universal Law of the moon is not only a MUST but critical to make steady progress in life, because the moon is much more than a dead rock hanging above your head for the sake of beauty!
- If you are lonely and looking for love, knowing all about the seat of attraction between human beings and your Venus’s location by house and sign is a great thing! And the planet of love will lead you to your soul mate!
- If you are into natural healing or concerned with your health, do not fear! Knowing and using all the planets accordingly blessing your six house of health and work is a sure ticket to live a long life and regenerate at work.
- For good or for worse, you are set to attract certain signs of the Zodiac for specific karmic, often difficult purposes, and knowing all about your partner’s stars is the only way to make a relationship work harmoniously.
- The planet’s blessing your eleven house of groups, wishes, and friends must be acknowledged and used so all your goals can be reached. Respecting the perfect timing for socializing can only add more luck on your way.
- What is your mission in life? what God designed you for mentally and physically to achieve on earth? What is your best career choice that will bring you the respect and position you need? Let me tell you all about the specific universal laws ruling your chart and your life! These are the questions you must ask to succeed in a fate written in light for you.
- Most importantly, what planets are blessing your subconscious creative forces where magic becomes a reality? Do you know enough about your subconscious potential where God resides? Are you using those formidable forces accordingly and efficiently? Let me enlighten you on this amazing process!
- Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil, did you watch my movie on the Super-conscious? Did you read my best seller “Beyond The Secret?”
“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may lead a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus
If you are ready for me, I am ready for you and I can promess you I will change your life for the best! But before meeting with me on Zoom, please read the following!
If you did not yet, you MUST read “Dr. Turi FREE Astro-Tarot Daily Celestial Guidance And Predictions For All“ to benefit from my regular free guidance and prediction.
Taped comparison chart $ $410 or $210 for VIPs
Emergency Astro Tarot / psychic reading – $250 Via Zoom
Positive Cosmic Biorhythms Personal Reports $100 for VIPs
The Magical Power of Talismans $350 for VIPs
Astropsychology home course $1000 – 1 (Beginner) and 2 (Advanced)
The Power of the Dragon
I Know All About You