“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus
“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others” ~ Dr. Turi
Sinéad O’Connor paid dearly for criticizing the Catholic church. History proved her right
Dear reader,
Once again if you read “SOS TO THE WORLD DEADLY WINDOW July 24/25/26/27 – You Have Been Warned! “ and watched my YouTube video my UFO’s predictive legacy spoke again as I prepared the world for a “Famous death” and earthquakes above 6.0. The fact is Sinead died of an overdose by commiting suicide induced by the “reptilius effect!”
“In recent years, O’Connor was open about her struggle with addiction and mental health, and detailed her experience in her 2021 memoir “Rememberings.”
Sinéad O’Connor, like me, had the courage to bluntly speak about the evil of religion when everyone else stayed safely silent to keep a clean name and their jobs. And if history proved her right at the end of her life, it will be the same for me in reference to my Astrological work and the reality of UFO’s.
In her honor, in the video above, I offered my world wide audience the secrets of her natal UCI “Unique Celestial Identity” reflecting her unusual famous life and dramatic fate.
Meantine, I am not sure how many of you recall my words printed in this article “Pluto in Aquarius?” published March 21st, 2023.
“All religions as we know them today will be forced to “die” and rebirth into a new enlightening restructure or a higher cosmic way to relate to God’s cosmic design and his stellar purposes upon humans on earth or Astrology! It is just a matter of time before UFO’s becomes part of our reality. Various ET’s agendas and the “reptilius effect” upon humans will take a bit longer to be also accepted as a reality.” Much more personal predictions are offered in my 2023 Nostradamus forecast for all signs!
Pope Francis Astrology UFO’S Centuries of Lies, deception and Manipulations
Saying and promoting the undiluted truth brought sad consequences in my lives since the majority of people have been conditioned/indoctrinated by the church for centuries. And many of them are also unable or unwilling to detach themselves from their personal political or religious views, all the while missing the reality and values of my cosmic work.
Over the years, I got fired from countless popular websites, radio and television shows for behaving exactly as O’Connor by standing strong and proud in my visions and beliefs!
The battle for the truth did not start nor will finish with O’Connor and I though, millions of people have done it for years but at the end, the powerful, well organized and weathy religious and scientific matrixes corporations always won and with it, countless lives and career were destroyed!
In fact, not long ego I was fired from Linkedin by religious infected souls and back on October 16 2019 from Coast to Coast am syndicated show by George and Tom because of politics.
But like Sinéad O’Connor, I will not quit because I know deep in my heart I speak the vexing truth so many over sensitive people can not handle! Little do they know that my cosmic wisdom, total dedication and my purposes are honorable and will benefit future spiritually advanced generations.
Sinéad O’Connor interview: ‘I would have liked to be a priest,’I deserve to be a priest. Music is a priesthood’ she told us in 2013.
She was was born an addictive, artistic Neptunian and because of her famous destructive lifestyle and for years, she got caught in the quicksand of this deceptive, creative planet with an endless coctail of legal and illegal drugs!
“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus
Free your spirit with a live Zoom consultation with Dr. Turi.
Nostradamus’s Astro-Tarot Tuition 8/18/23 at 6:00pm to 8/21/23 at 8:00pm
The new “Change of guards” took place on July 18, 2023!
The new Dragón’s Head (progress/imposed changes) entered the sign of Aries 07/18/23 a sign ruled by Mars (The Lord of War) (aggressivity/fights/fires.)
The Dragon’s Tail (negative/karma) moved from Scorpio (death/drama/rebirth) into the sign of Libra (the law/justice/emigration/ and some (Supreme Court of the United States judges are in serious troubles)
Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. … his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom – Paracelsus.
“Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil” find out more about your future, read “Nostradamus Personal and Universal Predictions For All Signs“
“Show me a reader, I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi
There is more power and information on the location of your dragons alone than the entire complexity of your chart! If you can not afford my Divine Astrology or Astro-Tarot courses, be curious my 600 page book “The Power of the Dragon” alone will change your life!
Some people browse TikTok and Instagram for recipes, memes and colorful takes on the news. Erin Coleman says her 14-year-old daughter uses these apps to search for videos about mental health diagnoses.
Over time, the teen started to self-identify with the creators, according to her mother, and became convinced she had the same diagnoses, including attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), depression, autism, mysophobia (an extreme fear of dirt and germs) and agoraphobia (a fear of leaving the house).
Memo from “Why aliens are more likely NOT to relate to AI over humans “
“Especially when the nefarious group of ET called the reptilius can easily hijack AI technology to produce discord, disruption, tragedies, wars and with it, the critical element only infected humans can produce (FEAR) something they desperately need to survive in Dark Matter. Those nasty entities are aiming for politicians of all walks of life, the police and especially children/teens!”
Traditionally educated, non cosmic conscious doctors, parents, the US department of education, the religious and scientific communities and all the people not sharing or stopping my messages are to blame for the progressive psychical damage cursing our children…
Hippocrates II was a Greek physician of the Age of Pericles and is considered the most outstanding figure in the history of medicine.
“Dr. Turi, I have learned more about what it means to be human in your week-long crash course in Sedona than the 7 years I spent in an accredited college.” Dr. in Psychiatry student feedback.
There is more than what traditionally accepted scientific disciplines can explain or offer but without your help the ONLY critical solution to fix this universal “reptilius effect” manifesto/infestation is either ridicule or unsupported!
Without your help and support, the prediction made many years ago on Coast to Coast am on George Noory radio program “We Have Only 50 Years Left” will come to pass!
I can only imagine what psychologists, psychriatrists, the police and FBI profilers would gain learning and using Astropsychology! Sad enough, this is a dense physical world where physics overrule the values of the spiritual gifts involving the human experience. The way I feel about education today can only be felt through the printed words of a genius!
“We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” Einstein
We are living in times where the wickedest all rise, intelligence fall, and the stupidest all thrive and genius and real get pushed aside.
But the FBI, the police, doctors and profilers from all walks of life can not be blamed for their lack of cosmic consciousness, the hard core system making up the indoctrinating religious and skeptical scientific matrixes are!
Since I am ahead of many in thoughts, I know the children of the future through AI (and the Draconis) will make a good use of my cosmic work and will in time, re-integrate the old science of Astrology into our colleges and universities to be accepted a solid and valuable disciplines.
The reptilius confine the human spirit into entertainment, addictions, religions, and scientific atheism convictions. All designed to nurture chaos fears and doubts and command your attention. Using AI they hijack the human mind, induce depression, destroy psychical awareness, and stop spiritual positivism against them!
Unless a good chunk of humans becomes aware of the “reptilius effect” and how to beat those nasty ET’s psychically, the prediction I made on Coast to Coast am with George Noory “We Have Only Fifty Years” will come to pass!
Are you one of the “chosen ones” willing to join the cosmic code for “cosmic preparation” and work with the benevolent Draconis.
Be cautious, Mars (The Lord of War) will be in charge of the world as of July 18, 2023 and if you are a newcomer to my work, remember those born in April or October, or those born with a Sun, Moon, rising, natal or hidden Dragon in the sign of Aries or Libra will be forced into a total re-structure of the houses affected. Be smart, be warned, be safe knowledge is power, ignorance is evil! Nostradamus’ 2023 Personal Universal Predictions
My YouTube video (join) above explain much more than the five limited rational senses of popular UFO’s speakers’ constrained perception. Once again, this does not mean UFO’s investigators have nothing to offer, but their repertoire of wisdom is limited to the physical, scientific, conspiratorial, imaginative or governmental manifesto.
Ronny; “Cracking into the UFO speaking circuit, is like being invited to join the Illuminati… It seems like people would rather hear former government employees and scientists, leaking government propaganda, rather than listen to people like Dr. Turi; who had real UFOs experiences.”
The dragon will also affect your dramatically. There is more power and information on the location of your dragons alone than the entire complexity of your chart! If you can not afford my Divine Astrology or Astro-Tarot courses, be curious my 600 page book “The Power of the Dragon” alone will change your life!
The card of the day for you was the Sun!
The only way for a prosperous psychic to build an ever growing clientele is “word of mouth”and most of all, using rare metaphysical tools designed for accuracy and to amplify the attention of your clients. The usual nice table cloth, with a display made of candle lights, angels, crystals, incense and your tarot cards alone will never suffice.
You must STAND APART in your UNIQUENESS which will reflect your magnetic aura to attract people.
I also learned that; regular, expensive advertisements in magazines, radio or even television do not always work. You must be in possession of something MAGIC, SPECIAL, UNIQUE your competition has not and you can get it from me! That is; first, supreme cosmic wisdom and second, one of our four tailored Nostradamus’ Astro-Tarot table designs.
www.drturi.com – www.cosmiccodedrturi.ning.com
If you are interested in our metaphysical tools and cosmic Astro-Tarot tuitions please call 602 265 7667 or email: teraniapromodir@gmail.
By looking at our beautiful and abundant planet Earth, we could consider that we are already in heaven but how exactly are we respecting this heaven?
It’s more than ever time to really pay good attention to his warnings and go beyond what we have been conditioned to believe is possible.
When Dr. Turi says:” “Time has and will always be my utmost precise witness”, he’s right! He has written and shared accurate predictions way before they happened…
He wrote:” My visions do not come from the typical, rational, limited 5 human senses, but from the archetypal realm of supra-cosmic consciousness.”
That is why it is in our best interests to read and reread his newsletters, and make especially notes of his future predictions (especially offered in his Universal & Personal Nostradamus Dragon Forecast for All signs) even if at the moment we read them, not much makes sense to us…
All the chaos happening in our world, the imbalance around us, Mother’s natural disasters throughout the planet, all the tragedies, Dr. Turi has foreseen and continues to foresee them and repetitively warns us so we can pay attention and stop being blinded by all the constant entertainment thrown at us to distract us from what is really going on all around us and from becoming cosmic conscious…
Dr. Turi wrote: “we must UNIFY and raise a universal cosmic awareness of those nefarious entities hijacking the mind, body and soul of so many oblivious human beings… Especially those who own a national stage and are allowed to poison the rest of a misinformed, indoctrinated, gullible, scared society!
Without a national stage and the majority of you fearing the ridicule and reprimands for sharing my cosmic work, you unconsciously become a very part of the reptilius’ agenda!” And again, it’s so very true…
We need to help Dr. Turi fulfill his mission, especially for the future generations… It’s very important to sign up to his newsletters, read his books, and watch his videos/movies…
Dr. Turi even offers a lifesaving study to better plan our daily life, be more productive, and be at the right place at the right time, called the Personal & Universal Cosmic Biorhythms Dates. I really pay attention to those dates…
Dr. Turi quotes often: “God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that you may live a safe and more productive life! Paracelsus”.
As Dr. Turi mentioned so many times:
“Do not propagate fears, insecurity, chaos, or the reptilius’ agenda. Do not lose faith in the future, God did not put us on earth to suffer a suffocating end!
There are NO accidents! Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil! The future is nothing else than the reincarnation of thought!” We need to remain positive and optimistic, and we must continue to believe in infinite love for all beings, all animals, and all living things in existence…
From C, a VIP of many years…
(I prefer not to mention my name)
Astro -Tarot Zoom Training (Final Class)
Aug 14 through 17, 2023 at 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Location: Via Zoom Universal
If you are interested in mastering Nostradamus’s Astro-Tarot please Email: teraniapromodir@gmail.
The difference between psychics and the value of their channeled information varies drastically.
A good psychic is blessed with the natural ability to access the subconscious but a truly gifted cosmic conscious psychic is much better equipped and able to tap into the Superconscious in time and space to deliver precise information and accurate predictions.
The difference between the two lies in building cosmic wisdom earned by mastering God’s celestial design or the ancient divinatory art of the great Seer’s Divine Astrology methodology.
To reach such a higher level of perception, one must diligently study to own the highest level of cosmic consciousness and with it, the critical difference between offering divine information instead of pure imagination…
The fastest way to become a rare and very precise Astrophile is to learn how to perform the Astro-Tarot as did Nostradamus 500 years ago!
The typical Tarot uses 78 cards but the Great Prophet used only the 22 major arcades or the 22 letters of the Hebrew Alphabet and placed 12 of them on his Astro -Tarot table following the rules of the 12 signs of the the Zodiac.
The housing system represents the 12 specific areas of the human experience and the deep wisdom imparted by both Astrology and the Tarot give the practitioner of those ancient arts formidable powers of Divination.
Each card, from the original Tarot de Marseille deck of Nostradamus, is pulled with the left hand (spiritual hand) and no minor arcades are used since they are only 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet making up all the major tarot cards.
This methodology is extraordinarily simple and very accurate and especially to intuitive people born psychics.
Whereas combining the main Astro-psychology (Divine Astrology) class and Nostradamus’s Astro – tarot, leaves nothing hidden about a person’s past, present or future, health, career and fate.
But knowing not a single human being UCI “Unique Celestial Identity” is the same, some gifted people would rather stay with the intuitional domain of my teachings and choose the Astro-Tarot over the more structural aspects of Divine Astrology.
The choice is yours to take the study you feel comfortable with but before making up your mind, let Terania and I check on your stars and offer you the critical information you need before making up your mind.
Simply call (602) 265 7667 for a mini reading and get more information on your nativity and inherited spiritual gifts.
If you are unable to attend the July 2023 live class via Zoom, all four – daily sessions will be recorded/converted and uploaded to the Cosmic Code private website for current and future prospective tarot students.
You must register first by emailing Teraniapromodir@
You can get a really good idea on how to practice the Astro-Tarot on my YouTube channel presentation with Terania. Something only a highly spiritual person owning an advanced UCI. can master.
A non-cosmic conscious psychic can easily fall for Neptune’s deceptive powers while the cosmic conscious educated Astrophile will use legitimate cosmic wisdom and offer real guidance and solid predictions to his trusting clients.
Most of any spiritualists, psychics, medium, and astrologer’s clientele comes from the “word of mouth” of satisfied clients thus becoming a cosmic-conscious Astrophile is a sure ticket to constant growth and a successful career.
All responsible psychics use tools and/or ancient disciplines and those who do not may be extraordinarily gifted at birth with a unique UCI i.e. Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and Madame Blavatsky who shares the same exact Pisces (natural psychic) karmic natal dragon.
A 600-page book titled “The Power of The Dragon” and 3 others, ” And God Created The Stars” “I Know All About You” and “Beyond The Secret” are part of the courses offered and is a must-read since there is more power in the location of the dragon’s head and tail alone than the entire complexity of your astrological chart.
The dragon’s tail also enunciates the past life residue of a person, his inherited gifts, and karma.
So far, I have designed 3 Astro-Tarot table samples and another called “Divinity” will also be available soon but much better-quality products will be shipped to you directly from the manufacturers or from us.
Each artwork has a name, Divinity, Ariel, Orion, and Galactica
Samples of two tarot tables in my office
Do not hesitate to call us at (602) 265 7667 or email Teraniapromodir@gmail.
“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus
Free your spirit with a live Zoom consultation with Dr. Turi.
Taped comparison chart $ $410 or $210 for VIPs
Emergency Astro Tarot / psychic reading – $250 Via Zoom
Positive Cosmic Biorhythms Personal Reports $100 for VIPs
The Magical Power of Talismans $350 for VIPs
Astropsychology home course 1 (Beginner) and 2 (Advanced)
The Power of the Dragon
I Know All About You