2/24/2022“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone” Dr. Turi
“The universe is a DARK PLACE I’m trying to make it brighter before I die.” Neil DeGrasse
“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity, I’m offering its secrets before I die.” Dr. Turi
Make good use of the 24 hours Special deal for my birthday! My way of saying thank you to you – email teraniapromodir@gmail.com for more information on my services! Good wishes accepted! Search for DrStars Sun on Facebook and become my friend!.
US intelligence agencies make understanding Vladimir Putin’s state of mind a top priority
Dr. Sanjay Gupta Chasing the Secret of Life? Learning from a Soul Doctor!
Putin’s brain is reptilius infected and the answer is in my video!
SOS to the world deadly window 02/22/22 Putin & RUSSIA Dance of Evil!
Russia and Putin’s fate – 2023 Russia DEAD and born again!
The video above speaks of Putin’s stars and fate upon Russia and the world where specific dates and more of my visions are shared. I can only ask my supporters to share my cosmic work and others to, at least sign my petition! Show me you care and reward my endless efforts o help you gather more cosmic consciousness. Thank you for that!
Be ready for some serious shocking, explosive news, cyber-attacks, natural disasters, large quakes, tsunamis, cosmic news on February 26/27/28. This window will touch you personally too, so pay attention to what happens with your family members, friends, etc, Check the quatrain and keywords to anticipate future news. Please share my work and be part of the solution to bring forth the “Age of Aquarius.”
February 26/27/28 Starting on the given date and will last all the way to the next window)
Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind Water to Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception to Strike
Japan / Asia / China / France / Italy / Gold / Cosmic – Space News / NASA / Space craft / Nukes / Nuclear / Weird news / Freak / Bizarre / Unusual / Space / Rocket / Missile / Surprises / Unexpected / Explosions / Shocking / Stunning / Baffling /Incredible / Strange Behavior/ Awakening / Bombshell / Mind Boggling / Crazy / Lightning / Electricity / Fire / Unusual / Unexpected / Humanitarianism / Children / Teens / Unrest / Fascinating / Genius / Discovery / Very old – Very new / Invention / Science / Discovery / *Earthquakes (always at or above 6.0 / Tsunami / Typhoon / Hurricane / Volcanoes/ Tornadoes / Airports / Airline / Aeronautics / Planes / Balloons / Helicopters / Drone / Technology / Hacking / Cyber attack / Internet / Electricity / Electronics / Television / UFO’s / Cosmic phenomenon
Window of February 28, 2022
Mg, 6.6 in Kermadec Islands, New Zealand
Come back often to check my visions unfold
Time to pray God my friends and hope the benevolent Draconis somehow will interfere with the forces of evil and Putin’s infected mind! Only those who invested in my 2021/2022 Nostradamus Universal and Personal dragon forecast for all signs were warned! https://www.drturi.com/product-category/ebooks/
All others can only assume or are unwilling or unable to deal with the undiluted truth I represent!
Explosion takes out government building. See the destruction around Ukraine
Spacecraft witnesses massive solar eruption/explosion
Massive explosions near Kyiv
40-mile-long Russian military convoy heading toward Kyiv Shocking?
Putin puts nuclear forces on alert
North Korea fires ‘possible ballistic missile,’ Japan says
Delta Air Lines deals Russia’s flagship airline major blow after invasion
Note my windows always enunciate the high possibility of earthquakes at or above 6.0
Window of February 22, 2022
Mg, 6.6 in Kermadec Islands, New Zealand
Mg 6.2 West Sumatra, Indonesia
Mg 6.3 – Balleny Islands region
April 8th, 2022, 8:pm Eastern Jeffery Pritchett Dr. Turi Church of Mabus Radio
SUPERCONSCIOUS: The Power Within – Many people have heard of “The Secret” but not as many know about a similar concept called the Superconscious. Dr. Louis Turi explains his theories and the stories from his book “Beyond The Secret” which is about this idea of the superconscious and our own power to control our reality with our thoughts. Similar to The Secret, the Superconscious is about how envisioning things we want in our lives can manifest these things, but also how much of the things we don’t want are we also creating ourselves by focusing our thoughts on the wrong subjects. Even if you are skeptical of the direct results, the ideas may be more real than you think. Please have a look at the film with an open mind and think about how these ideas may play a role in your own life or the lives of the ones you care about. Could we be making more of an effort to think about things in a positive way and avoid all the temptations to focus on negative things in life? This is a wonderful way to get introduced to the idea of being in control of your life by making an effort to be more aware of our own responsibility with the things we think and focus on. Get Beyond The Secret it is a great complement to the movie to reach your wishes faster!
The stars and fate of Vladimir Putin
The answer to what’s next for the world and for yourself for the next few months is already offered in my 2022 Nostradamus’ Personal and Universal Predictions for all signs published August 2021. Read the news before the news and be prepared!
On Feb 18, 2022, I decided to send direct warning emails to the Biden Administration, to the FBI, to the US government, to the National Dept of Defence, the National Security Administration, and dozen of CNN anchors! All at no avail! What is the point for me to offer real and accurate warnings for months before anyone on planet earth and offer the EXACT date of the invasion if those in power or those who could help me (Coast to Coast am/George and Tom) fire me for being real and accurate?
What is the point for me to offer real and accurate warnings if those who read them fear the ridicule or are selfish and never share any of my visions with others? Yet I will keep doing what I do best because I am a firm believer of karma when you unselfishly share your gift with the world!
The video above speaks of Putin’s stars and fate upon Russia and the world where specific dates and more of my visions are shared. I can only ask my supporters to share my cosmic work and others to, at least sign my petition!
Sign my petition, help the world assimilate God’s cosmic design!
Woman who livestreamed US Capitol attack sentenced to 45 days in jail Wake up call?
Memo: “To those of you who followed my predictions on my YouTube channel since the January 6 invasion of the US Capitol, I predicted that “All the people, directly or indirectly involved with the Trump “coup and lies” will not be able to escape the 2022 Scorpius Dragon and their karma!” This includes Trump and all the people from all walks of life who worked hard to stop the truth I represent like my old good “friends” George and Tom who fired me from Coast to Coast am!” for accurately predicting Trump would not be reelected and Covid19 would kill thousands of people!”
How many of you recall my warning? “The police will be killed or will kill innocent people?” Again how can anyone not rely on my predictions when they are well documented, dated, and published for the world to read?
What is the point for me to email the FBI and the police when none of them are paying attention and keep paying a HUGE price (endless legal battles with our tax dollars) for their ignorance?
How many cops read and assimilated “Police Requiem?” and shared it with other police officers? Don’t you think the Police Administration could learn something with my work and save the precious lives of our public servants in the process?
And what about the US Board of education and the general public? It seems the mental welfare of our children doesn’t mean much anymore since the suicidal explosion cursing them all can’t be stopped using traditional teachings!
Support Dr. Turi Children Teens UCI Education Project – Cosmic Code Donations
Yet I am still offering the best of the best of my gift because not all my readers are “swines” and deserve the SPECIAL DISCOUNT offered for my birthday on February 26, when I turn 72 on Saturday!
Jesus said to his disciples “go to the town and find the man with the WATER PITCHER, the sign of Aquarius to follow the sign of Pisces”…
Is it interesting to know, I was born February 26, 1950, in the constellation of Aquarius (The water bearer) with my Sun in the sign of Pisces.
The above biblical quote was emailed to me years ago by a devout Christian who raised his own cosmic consciousness through my cosmic work!
You have 24 hours to place your order and all you have to do is to email teraniapromodir@gmail.com and ask her about this deal and what consultation would be best for you!
Then let’s meet face to face on Zoom and be prepared for an experience that will stay with you for the rest of your life!
JOIN THE COSMIC CODE and let us guide you all throughout the year!
Would you trust a boat Captain or an airline pilot not to check the weather before taking you on a long journey? This is what we do with our daily guidance and various forecasts, every single day of the year we prepare you for the future so you don’t get stuck in airports or die on the way!
Sign my petition, help the world assimilate God’s cosmic design!
But be patient, a new UFOs/ET movie is being produced as we speak and on its way, for the public to enjoy! Once it’s ready it will be posted on my YouTube channel.
MEMO –“Interesting email from my Webmaster Alan sent in 2010: You know Dr. Turi I realized something super interesting looking at your Alexa stats. A third of all your traffic comes from India. What’s that about? Maybe you need to make a trip to India? I tell you why I think that’s super interesting as well — India (as OF COURSE, you know) invented Vedic Astrology so the fact that they are heavily interested in your European style is a huge testament to your work. It’s like they’re saying that YOUR astrology is better than their own. It’s like if I had a new Cuisine/US Chef site that was visited mostly by France and Italy. That’s a huge compliment, my friend. Unless of course they’re stealing your work and retrofitting it into their Vedic style! You never know! Alan
Sharing emails:
Good morning /evening Terania. It has been a long time since we chatted. Dr. Turi correctly predicted that I would have some issue with the head area. I have been having terrible headaches and the hospital has done some scans and they found some blood cloths which they say they need to operate on. I just need to find out if it is fine to operate within the next couple of days? Unfortunately, I need to find out pretty quick as they need to put my name down for surgery.b Kind regards
Thank you very much, Dr. Turi, for guiding me and advising me during our session on my chart and relocation follow-up… Once again, thank you beyond words for your incredible predictions, warnings, time-consuming and precious wisdom you’re offering and teaching all of us… ” I have been a VIP for many, many years…I’m not a Facebook poster but I make sure that people know about Dr.Turi’s work and his products, including videos/movies that can be watched exposing the truth on UFOs, books that are divinely written with a wealth of information and showing us the way; to regain the right Christ consciousness…You and Terania are trying to make this world a better and safer place within our impermanent life, thanks to your most accurate predictions, your words of inspiration, and all the healing knowledge you have been providing us with … Your cosmic biorhythm report is life-saving and great guidance… Because of your constant guidance and persistence in saving us and our beautiful and abundant planet in the most genuine way, you offer some hope and I’m humbly grateful and blessed for all you and Terania do…
With my best wishes always
Google User – Wow, Dr. Turi you predicted rightly about 1/6/2021, Dr. Turi. Your astrological report was the only and most accurate of all the ones done by other professionals on Coast to Coast am!
Congratulations for predicting things before anyone else has. A new story just broke in the NY Times that Donald Trump and his son-in-law Jared Kushner were laundering money for the Russians.
It may not be so long before we see the Presidents tax returns! Trump’s kids are also in trouble as you have pointed out. When the Dragon changes signs into Scorpio, Ivanka Trump, a Scorpio, will face Karma!
You are a true prophet!
On July 9, on C2C they have a man who says he is an astrologer. William Stickevers predicted last September on Coast that Trump would be re-elected and Republicans would win the House and Senate! George never mentioned any of that! Stickevers could not hold a candle to the incredible Dr. TURI!
I cannot believe George has this FRAUD on his show! You always said the IRS would nail Trump. Now it is starting… Well Done!
I know people who know George and, like Trump, a two-faced Gemini… I listen once in a while to the podcast the day after a show on Coast. The astrologers and psychics that he has had on since January are a joke.
None of the predictions ever happen!
Without your knowledge and wisdom, the show is an absolute joke!
Another psychic said war was imminent. I no longer bother to listen to Coast, if I am up late at night; driving home from Connecticut (part-time truck driver).
Please continue to provide your loyal followers with your remarkable predictions and insights into world events. I am forever grateful to you for your advice over the years.
Your greatest witness will be history.
Live long and continue to prosper!
Be Safe and God Bless.
Susan – I subscribed to Coast to Coast and I have heard you on Coast to Coast in the past. I recently found you on YouTube and I subscribed to your YouTube channel now. I no longer will listen to coast-to-coast your information is more credible than coast-to-coast. I had a coast insider subscription which I am now canceling. I am so disappointed they didn’t bring you on more. I’m saving up money so I can get a reading from you. keep the faith there are many people out there that need to hear what you have to say.
Jennifer – Dr. Turi I just saw you on the Amazon Prime movie today & KNEW you were the REAL DEAL!! Used to listen & support Coast to Coast. They lost all my respect and they have no integrity!! What a scam they ran on you!! I will support you, Dr. Turi!! I know you speak wisdom & truth!! I see what happened to you & it’s disgusting! And I hear your SOS loud & clear! May God continue to bless you & may His light continue to shine on you & your divine astrology.
Lisa Ryder