9/1/22 – SOS to the world deadly window Be Ready You Have Been Warned!


DSC106[1]“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone.” Dr. Turi

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity; I’m offering its secrets before I die.” Dr. Turi

Hidden Secrets Revealed UFO’s Astrology Cruise With Dr. TuriAug 30, 2022, from from 3-4 PM PST

Dr. Turi, live with Broadcast Team Alpha Radio… 

Sep 2, 2022 from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm

Dr. Turi, back on air; with Paranormal Extraction Zoe Ztarr and Associates

I have decided to publish the next SOS to the world because those upcoming deadly cosmic winds will take a lot of lives and produce very dramatic deadly news… And if I can save only one life, it’s worth trying! Sad enough my worldwide reading audience is not showing the same dedication and concern and my critical warnings are not shared as they should! 

Remember unless you become a VIP you will only get the results of my visions! Becoming a VIP means you can read our various horoscopes and plan according to the stars!

Doing so will save money, time, and even your life by being extra cautious of the given dates or by entirely avoiding those dangerous windows!

“Let who ignore my warnings be cursed by the eternal rites of the cosmic code universal ceremonies for a cosmic God does not speak to fools.” Dr. Turi  


August 2022 SOS to the world, deadly windows – Posted by Dr. Turi on August 2, 2022, at 8:04pm


September 1–/–/– (Starting on the given date, will last all the way to the next window)

Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface 
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign 


*Russia / Famous Death / *Dramatic Death News / Mass death / Police news / Police brutality / FBI / CIA / Secret servicesSecrets to light / Mob / Scandals / Terrorism / Assassination / Cyber-attacks / Abduction / Finances / *IRS / Super wealth / Sex / Porn / Prostitution / Life and death / Serial Killers / Undiluted truth /Dying/Rebirthing / Nature and Man-Made Wake up Call. 

Memo – “Avoid large gatherings especially at night during any of my 2022 deadly Plutonic windows!”   The reptilius are after the police, government officials, and children/teens! Policing will be so dangerous that many brave servants will quit and the number of cops getting killed or killing innocent citizens will explode in the months to come. Infected criminals will get bolder and wilder committing crimes against the police and the public never experienced before!”


Read what to do and not to do during a Plutonic window to avoid the reptilius effect! this may save your life!

So please come back often as I add my vision and the news as they unfold and once again, own yourself good karma by sharing widely… Be part of the solution!


Today, right on my window of September 1st, the dramatic Presidential speech, deadly news from the police, Russia, and Trump’s predictions published on November 20, 2019, confirms my accuracy!

Will America Survive?

    The president’s critical speech took place during a Plutonic window! To the uninitiated and without special knowledge or experience with Divine Astrology, this is only normal political speech!
    Nothing can be further from the fact that Scorpio means life and death for the foundations of America at its core!
    I also generated a critical video during those extraordinary cosmic winds which will curse or bless the soul of the United State of America next November 2022/2024.
    Memo: “Anything that you say, do or hear during a Plutonic window will follow you for the rest of your life!”
    Your actions (or not) will have very deep karmic repercussions in the world and on the fate of America and all the American people!
    While my video offers undeniable proof of my visions you must make notes to the upcoming September 2022 SOS to the world windows, I generated for you in my newsletter, and most of all, pay serious attention to my warnings!
    Knowing Mars (The Lord of War) will be in charge as of August 2023 here is a quatrain you must remember and share.

Scale of justice tremble

Armed villains seek blood

Red dominates rainbow

Power tears judges fight dies 

“Let who ignore my warnings be cursed by the eternal rites of the cosmic code universal ceremonies for a cosmic God does not speak to fools.” Dr. Turi 
More elaborate predictions in my new 2023 Personal, Universal Nostradamus Dragon Predictions For All Signs once published. Join the cosmic code its free and you can read the 2021/2022 Personal, Universal Nostradamus Dragon Predictions For All Signs for FREE by emailing teraniapromodir@gmail.com 

Body camera video shows a Columbus, Ohio, cop fatally shooting an unarmed 20-year-old Black man
One student was killed and two injured following a stabbing at a North Carolina high school

Memo: Policing will be so dangerous that many brave servants will quit and the number of cops getting killed or killing innocent citizens will explode in the months to come.

“You could NEVER, ever change or refine Trump’s or anyone’s UCI or his character period! And be sure he will mess up over and over again until he HANGS HIMSELF!  Trump is his own worst enemy!”


World leaders mourn death of last Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev

Head of Russian oil giant Lukoil dies after falling from a hospital window, reports state media

Indeed, led by a KGB killer, Russia is a Scorpio country where death, drama, ruthlessness, secrets, and murder reign supreme!


Watch “Camden County deputy suspended after woman pulled from truck, hit in face during traffic stop” on YouTube

Those who serve and protect us need my cosmic wisdom the most to keep their jobs or return home safe yet those who are the least knowledgeable, blame the educational system (police/FBI/CIA)  and their “educated/religious” superiors!


Dr. Turi
KARMIC JUSTICE!   You predicted all of it. The fifth amendment is an admission of guilt!
FAMOUS DEATH in my obvious keywords used seems to apply to the latest anticipated dramatic news!
Charlbi was born with a dragon’s Tail (negative) in the sign of Leo (life!) Furthermore, she also inherited a very powerful stellium ( 6 planets) in the sign of depressive Capricorn ruled by Saturn (the Great Malefic) right in her subconscious 12th house.
As a rule, without cosmic consciousness and full awareness of the subconscious destructive forces at play, the soul has absolutely no chance to defeat or control the “reptilius effect” and will sink into a suicidal, depressive mode.
Sad enough all her physicians were also cosmic unconscious and prescribed drugs making her situation much worse. 
She suffered the same fate as Anne Heche by abusing legal and illegal drugs and many more rich, famous and cosmic unconscious celebrities will follow their path!
Sad enough, in the name of religion or skepticism, no one in a position of wealth or power is investing in my cosmic wisdom Thus not only celebrities, but you or your child may be next!

Free your spirit with a live Zoom consultation with Dr. Turi.Read all the details!


Ugly face of death drama horror surface?

Hollywood Walk of Fame Shut Down After Deadly Shooting
Ukrainian police discover more than 1,300 bodies in Kyiv

Dr. Turi;
Another tragedy! You warned people to avoid crowds.

Raw power challenges police deadly villains

At least 32 people dead following violent clashes between rival militias in Libyan capital of Tripoli
At least 14 police injured as supporters of Argentina’s vice president protest

At least 4 killed and 2 injured after shooter sets fire to building in Houston, police chief says

“This suspect, unfortunately, and very sadly, and very evilly, “REPTILIUS INFECTED” set fire to several residents,” Finner said. The suspect then “laid in wait for those residents to come out and fired upon them,” he said.
MEMO: “Infected criminals will get bolder and wilder committing crimes against the police and the public never experienced before!”
My SOS to the world deadly window is now operational, may I suggest you pay more attention to my predictions and share pls?

Watch 80-year-old store owner fend off armed robber

 When a reptilius-infected criminal meet with a Draconis-protected old man! 

We are getting close to the next SOS to the world deadly window, pay attention or pay the price! Be Ready I am expecting a mass shooting and very negative news from the police, FBI, CIA, and Russia! And a serious wake-up call for some karmic souls! You Have Been Warned! Learn more about the good and bad ETs cursing or helping humanity from www.drturi.com.  

“Time has and will always be my utmost faithful witness” Dr. Turi


Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity Expected for Depositions in Dominion’s $1.6 Billion Defamation Case

How many of you recall this prediction made on my YouTube channel so many times, also published on June 2nd, 2021? NO ONE ESCAPES KARMA OR DESTROYS THE TRUTH!

“No one, directly or indirectly involved with the US Capitol invasion will escape the 2022 Scorpius karma! This includes President Trump himself, his family, his supporting mignons, i.e. Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Alex Jones/Joe Rogan/Lindsey Graham/ Taylor Greene/ Coast to Coast am guests and hosts and many members of the former president’s reptilius infected aggressive base.”

Dr. Turi

This is my “Livret Militaire” or a service record, stating obligations in case of mobilization; in France. But for me, at 72; the war to fight ignorance in the world has been a long-life commitment and will never stop.

I was only 20 years old, wild, young, and with long hair (lol).

Why my dad sent me this document now is not an accident!

I never asked for it, he just emailed it to me a couple of days ago. 

I am not sure why I drew a warship on top of such an important document but it seems my psychic ability is real and was accentuated by a series of abductions, stirred by the benevolent group of ETs named, “The Draconis.” 

Yes, I became a boat captain 52 years later on August 7th, 2022!

Or is it an omen of things to come in 2023?

I am too busy currently to write the new 2023 Nostradamus personal and Universal Forecast for all signs but once it is done, order it and be prepared; as the red planet (blood) Mars “The Lord of War” will be used by the nefarious reptilius to soon curse the world!







First, followingActor Gary Busey faces sex offense! The man, the legend by Dr. Turi the good news!  Gary did not and will not get sued because “nothing sexual happened,” he told me!

The police took me to jail and I stayed there for 1 hour or so! We spoke at length and I told the police I would take a lie detector test to prove I did not do anything wrong! But the ladies in question refused and there is no case against me,” he added. ” It was like some dark clouds got over the sun and I do not worry at all!” he said…

It’s not the first time Gary got himself in trouble with the ladies and he was suggested to undergo some counseling, however for him to control his rogue stars (in words and actions) will never work.

But Gary is not the only one with the tail of the Dragon cursing his public life! Gary like Trump, “Grab them by the pussy… You can do anything when you are a celebrity.” Mike Tyson and Taylor Greene (to name a few) share the same unsophisticated “Bull in the China shop” rogue personalities!

Just because their natal UCI “Unique Celestial Identity” is very similar! And all were born in June with their own Pluto (power/sex) in the 3rd house (the mind!)  But unless you study my work you would have no clue of the similarities…

So; if you know someone that behaves like a “bull in the China shop” blame his/her natal UCI, or Unique Celestial Identity!

If you watched my latest SOS to the world deadly window President Trump/Russia/China FBI/CIA/Police and Pluto” my quatrain and obvious keywords depicted the type of dramatic, deadly news we experienced!

One, in particular, resembles the predicted death of Geroge Floyd “What really killed George Floyd” since it happened again during a  deadly Plutonic window, A disturbing video shows Dallas paramedic punching, kicking a homeless man! This type of news, much like school shootings, or the endless chain of suicide, will never stop!

If the secret services, the police Administration, the FBI, and the CIA were more curious, billions of tax dollars wasted in legal pursuits for the victims to seek justice would be saved!

Since 1995 I did all I could to help the police and guide many of them to return safely home but to no avail! Maybe it’s time for me to quit trying “give my pearls of cosmic wisdom to swine” and focus on my Captain career instead.

Please read Police Requiem and share it with anyone involved with Law Enforcement, you may save a life in the process!

All of those institutions are, as predicted, forced into a full and painful re-structure but I doubt very much they would take a chance in reading my yearly predictions! Even for FREE by emailing teraniapromodir@gmail.com 


From Coast to Coast website: 10/16/19 – Turi also made predictions for this year and the next based on his study of astrology, saying that for the rest of 2019, political events and relationships will “go downhill,” and that there will be a “full restructure” of many groups  *Antifa? Milita? White Supremacy? and institutions in 2020/2021 *POLICE/FBI/CIA? He also said that he is expecting “a lot of fire” and “a lot of wildlife to disappear.” He also said that he is expecting “a lot of fire” and “a lot of wildlife to disappear.”

While Scorpio is all about DYING and RE-BIRTHING, the secret services, the police, insurance companies, and the corporate world will undergo a full restructure and “die and rebirth” sometimes in a very dramatic way! 


Free your spirit with a live Zoom consultation with Dr. Turi.Read all the details!

Please sign my petition

Sharing emails:

Dr. Turi and Terania,
First off, THANK YOU so much for everything you do for humanity. Words are simply not enough so I hope you can feel the love and light that myself and others are sending to you.
Second, I apologize for getting this to you later rather than sooner. But it’s here! As DT said in my reading (and as he has said for the world as well) there are a lot of beginnings/endings happening. For me, it was a new job that was happening at the time of my reading. And I love it! It has also been keeping me very busy. Hence, my tardiness in writing this.
I suppose the real purpose of this and other testimonials is to maybe help people that are on the fence about Dr. Turi to give them a reason to consider his words and the gifts he has to offer. So, that’s how I will finish writing the remainder of the letter. My advice to anyone that’s still on that opinion fence: Give it go! – you already know what you have without him, so just say yes and give him a chance to show you how things can be with him.
So, a little about me: I’ve been following Dr. Turi on the radio for over 20 years. Yes, it took me that long to convince me he is the real deal and not a charlatan. Please, do yourself a favor and don’t wait as long as I did before you decide for yourself. My one regret in life is that I didn’t trust DT sooner!
As of this writing, 10 August 2022, many of DT’s visions have come to pass or are currently happening. The Russia/Putin war; monkeypox; gun violence and mass shootings; and verdicts of all those involved with the US Capitol insurrection. All of these events were recorded and documented years ago. They’re happening now. Skeptical still? Here’s another vision Dr. Turi has shared with the world: August 2023 Russia will no longer exist as we know it now. There will be the beginnings of a new democracy in Russia in just about a year’s time. Wait and see if you must – but don’t wait too long.
Like many of you, I have read the testimonials and some of the comments DT has made. Some of them may seem shocking, but the reality is it was just my ego getting in the way of truly understanding DT’s message. Instead of rehashing everything that’s already been hashed out I’ll just share this with you instead….
I was sexually abused in my childhood. I spent most of my teenage years and many of my adult years in therapy trying to overcome the trauma. It’s affected my interpersonal relationships with others and, as anyone can imagine, it has seriously affected my intimate relationships as well. While the therapy has been useful and helpful, the one thing that therapists could never answer was the “why”. But now I know why! It’s all in my chart, it was literally written in the stars. Perhaps if my parents had been cosmically conscious & cosmically conscience (yes, both versions of the word are applicable here) these traumatic events could have been avoided altogether?
I can’t change the past, but you can change your future. Learning how to become cosmically conscious will not only change your life but possibly the lives of those you love and care about as well. Dr. Turi has changed my life with just a single reading. He gave me healing that I didn’t even know I needed. (The truth shall set you free, anyone?) I’m not stopping with just the reading, it is just a first step for me. You’ll have to discover what you need to do for yourself.
Dr. Turi is a true gift to humanity. Please, don’t let another opportunity pass you by. Don’t live with the regret that you didn’t reach out to him sooner. What he does is more than just reading your chart. He can help change you for the better if you let him. I’m aware what I’ve said about DT could seem almost cult-like. It certainly isn’t. He doesn’t have followers whom he demands obedience from.
In fact, it’s just the opposite. He wants people to live their lives freely – truly liberated. He doesn’t want your obedience. Dr. Turi just wants you to discover there is so much more available to you if you can just learn the cosmic code.
Much love and light to all of you, as well as, Louis and Terania. And may we all help change this world for the better.
~ J.D. Prendergast
I agree with you regarding Dr. Turi’s gift to the world, I’ve known him for 30+ years and he is the real deal⭐️Terania is a partner that supports her husband and works very hard with him! Whoever is skeptical should book an appointment ASAP, while he is still sharing his remarkable gift 🙏
“Dr. Turi, a thousand thank you for doing my progressive reading follow-up as well as my husband’s reading, with the tarot reading at the end of the session…
A thousand thank you will never be enough to express how ONCE AGAIN I’m grateful beyond words for the precious guidance you continue to give us…
It’s the very first time my husband had a reading with you… I have shared with him all the books you published, he watched with me your movies on Amazon, and some of your Youtube videos, including the incredible documentary “Superconscious: the Power within” which he enjoyed, but he still has some thoughts of his own(he’s a Virgo/Scorpio rising )…
I recommend greatly everyone to watch this wonderful documentary…My husband never had a reading before and doesn’t have much knowledge of Astrology…
During his reading, he did listen to you very attentively describing what was going on in his actual twelve houses…He was flabbergasted by the information you provided to him (past/present/future), and the vital recommendation you offered him…
The tarot lecture we had at the end was just amazing…Some predictions were given to us for the future, treasurable guidance that is wonderful to be aware of…
All that I can say is that after having a reading with you, it’s impossible to not have your spirit boosted! Your physical & mental energy are contagious…
I believe in an approaching New Golden Age where peace can reside; “we are all here to evolve and grow to the highest possible frequency we can reach and together we can build a network of awareness about world peace around the globe” and that is why your real predictions and teaching are seriously worth being looked at …
Cosmic consciousness is necessary now more than ever and there are not out there soul teachers like you, humble, genuine, dedicated, and passionate about reintroducing this “lost/hidden teaching of the richer depths of Astrology that the very Ancients held” once…
We have so much evidence at all levels in front of us every minute that goes by, to continue to ignore for some, Jesus’ Cosmic Ministry and God’s Cosmic design as you mention so often…
I’m very honored and blessed to have been guided in knowing you for many years, for your incredible work, your newsletters that is time-consuming and full of valuable information, your teaching, and the sharing of your experiences without forgetting your revealing predictions making us aware of our surroundings…
There is so much Divine Power in your quote: “the Future is nothing else than the reincarnation of our thoughts” …
With gratitude always,
Dr, Turi;

Thank you so much for such an incredible, mind-blowing, insightful, one of a kind experience. Your knowledge & wisdom is something I’ve never experienced and it was an honor to learn from you. I appreciate you and all you do. Thank you for sharing your gifts with the world. I am really looking forward to listening to our session. I ordered your book and will be receiving Beyond The Secret today. I also joined the VIP Cosmic Codes. So grateful to be connected.

 Many blessings,
An excellent video and article on Putin Dr. Turi. Soon all the other so-called ASTROLOGERS on Coast to Coast am radio will steal your work as they always do. In the past few weeks, all the astrologers are suddenly talking about the danger the Supreme Court justices are in. Of course, you are the one who first predicted that. But they keep stealing your work and pretending they thought of it. How sad! Pete 


Remember you can get your OWN 2021/2022 Nostradamus’ Personal/Universal predictions for all signs FOR FREE by emailing teraniapromodir@gmail.com. Doing so will prove to you that I saw tomorrow very clearly years ago! 



About Dr. Turi

Dr. Turi is a proficient author and a captivating speaker, his profound Universal Wisdom astonishes everyone. He was recognized in the 2003 Marquis "Who's Who in America." Dr. Turi is the personal counselor of many celebrities, Ivana Trump, Peter Fonda, Gary Busey, Denis Haysbert, John Gray and many others. Dr. Turi is a favorite guest of George Noory on Coast-To-Coast AM radio and the BBC in London and appeared in numerous television programs worldwide.He speaks of the cosmic face and celestial tools of the creator and warn the world with undeniable well documented undeniable predictions. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BX3TzPUt08 Clinical Hypnotherapist - Astropsychologist focused on providing individual and couples counseling services. Specializing in public speaking, teaching, metaphysics, natural healing, stress management, women’ issues and family mediation services. Interested in speaking engagements, radio, television, events and media outlets, academic work, advising corporations, the police force, colleges, universities and general public on mental health issues and spirituality outside of conventional beliefs and accepted disciplines.