To those who know me and my cosmic work, no explanation is necessary, to those who don’t, none will ever suffice! Dr. Turi.
Watch “ALIEN CONTACTEE” rate the movie pls
Read Amazon Prime UFO movie Dr. Turi rebuttals
In my latest video (if you watched it at 28 mn.46s) I mentioned: July 19/20 “be ready for the beginning or ending of important phases of life and thousands of people being forced to relocate because of natural disasters and earthquakes! Indeed there is no denying my UFO’s predictive legacy!
As always my SOS window induces quakes at or above 6.0
Today: 6.1 magnitude earthquake near Hihifo, Niuas, Tonga
Yesterday: 6.1 magnitude earthquake near Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India
Yesterday: 7.0 magnitude earthquake near Popondetta, Northern Province, Papua New Guinea
July 7 / 14 / — (Starting on the given date, will last all the way to the next window)
Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign
Russia / Famous Death / Dramatic News / Police news / Police brutality / FBI / CIA / Secret services / Secrets to light / Mob / Scandals / Terrorism / Cyber attacks / Abduction / Finances / IRS / Super wealth / Sex / Porn / Prostitution / Life and death / Serial Killers / Morbid News / Undiluted truth / Nature and Man-Made Wake up Call.
Florida man called his dad and said ‘help’ before he was killed alongside friends, Death News
Street vendors are on edge after a paletero was beaten unconscious and another killed Death News
49 people were shot, seven fatally, in Chicago this weekend Dramatic news?
Pairs skater Ekaterina Alexandrovskaya dies at 20 Famous death (suicide)
Like Naya Rivera Ekaterina was born in January and like all Capricorn, she was prone to suffer serious addictions due to depressions. Currently, the negative Dragon’s tail resides in her 12th house regulating the subconscious. The stress involving her famous career lead her to ingest antidepressants and finally Like Naya Rivera, she committed suicide! Note also her natal negative dragon’s tail is located in the sign of Aquarius (shocking) and she became an easy target of the reptilius who hijacked her body, mind, and soul! Be ready for an explosion of suicide with people from all walks of life!
Mary Trump’s book breaks record with mammoth sales Secrets to light?
US, UK and Canada allege Russian cyberattacks on Covid-19 research centers Russia?
FBI will investigate deadly police-involved shooting of California teen FBI?
Trump administration declassifies documents from FBI’s Russia investigation Russia/secrets to light?
Rev. Vickey Gibbs, beloved Houston pastor and activist, dies at 57 Famous death?
America mourns Rep. John Lewis -Two icons of the civil rights movement dead in one-day Famous death?
US government executes 3rd federal inmate this week Famous death?
Florida reports 132 coronavirus-related deaths in a single day Death news?
Teen dies of bubonic plague after eating infected marmot Death news?
Justin Trudeau’s latest ethics scandal could spell the end of his career Scandals?
Former Miss Kentucky sentenced to 2 years in prison for sending topless photos to a 15-year-old Sex?
Children must go back to school, but…. Sagittarius Dragon will not allow!
Women are being killed in Mexico at record rates, but the president says most emergency calls are ‘false’
CHP officer sought sex from women who needed his help …
Remember my prediction? ALL women are at serious risks of suicide, rape, and killing!
Because of the imposed “social distancing” many infected souls will aim for women and “infect” them through sex. But this “sexual/racist” plague is about to unleash hell upon the world and this includes more suicides from all walks of life!
Glee’ actress Naya Rivera presumed dead after disappearing at lake, Famous death?
“ gravity keeps pulling me under, but the urge to breathe helps me stay afloat. “
Posted by Naya Rivera on Monday, March 2, 2020
Was Naya subconsciously letting us know that she was fighting a mental reptilius infestation?
July 7 / 8 48 hrs centering the date – Universal SOS deadly window date, in Aquarius (Shocking / Surprises)
A bus driver in China deliberately crashed killing 21 on July 7Th
Twenty-one people died and 15 were injured on July 7 when the bus swerved across five lanes, smashed through a guard rail and partially sank, according to police in the city of Anshun, in Guizhou province.
There is no denying my well documented dated, published predictions! People from all walks of life are infected and totally oblivious of those entities’ control over their psyche… You don’t take chances, in a full moon, either in any of my Universal SOS deadly window dates especially under one of your 2020 personal negative biorhythm.
Chances are, Naya had legal/illegal drugs in her system or alcohol when she drowned…But under pressure (and secret financials deals) will the coroner spare the family and the young star’s reputation?
It happened countless times before, with other tragic famous suicidal ends… But forensic Astrology does not lie, it’s all written in the stars!
As a rule, all Capricorn souls, are Pisces (chemicals and WATER) within their 3rd house of thinking, communication, critical thinking, hypnotic, and/or religious…
Rush Limbaugh is a Capricorn born with a Pisces dragon’s head (addicted to smoking/cancer) and he hypnotizes the masses with his brilliant rational, practical, conservative, religious mind.
Rush Limbaugh’s undeniable health prediction
Neptunians born own an addictive personality… Pisces is the symbol, subconsciously chosen by the Christians, to represent Christianity. Capricorn (and Libra) are well known to suffer various addictions (shopping/drugs/alcohol/religions/gambling, hoarders, compulsive, etc. and all are prone to a psychical reptilius infestation (depressions/degeneration/suicidal.)
Note also, Benjamin Keoujh Elvis Presley’s grandson committed suicide July 12 was a Libra born on October 21, 1992. This does not mean all Libra and Capricorn are doomed or use drugs, it all depends on the natal or hidden Dragon location by sign and house.
The moon was just entering Pisces, on the day of her disappearance, at Lake Piru (CA), with four-year-old son Josey… Also, note the way she was driving and pulling up into the parking lot, on the security footage camera…
The way she parked and reversed enunciate clearly that she was already under the influence of legal or illegal drugs… Her moon in Gemini (speed) is also quite obvious as she was always walking ahead of her son…
Note also, that all Capricorn rule old age and Naya, once told People magazine, “I’ve done a lot of living” and that she said she was “a 79-year-old trapped in a 29-year-old’s body.”
This bathtub video was also just posted in March (PISCES), and THERE ARE NO SUCH THING AS ACCIDENTS!… Pisces rules water, rivers, oceans, boating, lakes, jails, drugs, deception, religions, and ALL Neptunians.
1 person is missing and 4 injured in a suspected electrocution incident at an Arizona marina
Only cosmic circumstances produce that news and all because of the moon. This fact is not yet perceived, by the majority of the masses, especially our infantile science.
Read her headline: “Gravity keeps pulling me under, but the urge to breathe, helps me stay afloat. “
Naya’s last quote post, only one week ago- No matter the year, circumstance, or strife’s – Every day you’re alive is a blessing. Make the most of today and every day you are given…Tomorrow is not promised.
Or could it have been that Naya fell and hit the side of her head, and the current took her…I doubt very much because she was born with an Aries dragons head and Aries rules the head while offering protection.
I’m also not sure as to why she couldn’t have held into the side rails, or the ladder making me believe more the possibility of her being drunk or high, in some sense… Suicide? One thing I am sure of is that; Capricorn rule mathematics, PLANNING, and even in death or under serious mental stress their talent to “organize” is still phenomenal…
Knowing her son wore a life vest how difficult was it for her to keep him afloat or use that vest to stay afloat longer using her feet?
Naya Rivera used the last of her strength to save her 4-year-old son before she died, Ventura County Sheriff Bill Ayub said Monday.
She never “saved” her son, he never was in any danger, he had his life vest! In fact, she could have drowned her own child trying to stay afloat being so impaired! If it was an “accident” the child could have floated for hours in the lake and be found later on in the widespread search. Secondly, it is simply impossible, even for a very strong man to lift anyone from the water into a pontoon boat. They are all well designed and stand very high on the water. Try lifting anyone while in the water! It’s simply impossible!
The only way for Naya to bring her son from the water into the boat to safety is by using the ladder, and she did! There are NO other ways possible! Then she went back into the water and purposely drowned because she was suicidal and high (or under the reptilius mental control!)
Coroners are the most corrupt people in the world of medicine and some are paid ” fortunes under the table” to lie in their reports to save billions of dollars to insurance companies. Knowing all Capricorn are currently receiving the tail of the dragon in the subconscious 12th house, depressions are a given and the use of legal or illegal drugs become a very high possibility in my book!
Where is the dragon in your chart in 2020? In what house will those cosmic winds curse or bless your life?
Imagine if the truth came out and the coroner found BOTH in her system? So saving her good famous name and the insurance companies’ costly legal disputes was a must. Furthermore, doing so the public would not judge Naya as a bad mother who did not care about her baby and money would come from good-hearted people for her son’s future!
Naya’s death was all planned because she was high, disturbed, depressed, and under the control of the reptilius who infected her mind but the world is not ready for forensic Astrology or the reality of those nasty entities cursing humanity!
“It is a miracle for curiosity to survives education…” ~ Einstein
In 1998 I was a close friend to some very powerful and wealthy people and I met with Danica Mae McKellar, then a young star, and did a reading for her in her home in La Jolla CA! Danica Mae McKellar is also a famous Capricorn, an American actress, mathematics writer, and “a rational” education advocate.
She played Kevin Arnold’s on-off girlfriend Winnie Cooper in the television series The Wonder Years. While I did my best to reach her then spiritually, her rationale mind could never then comprehend, accept, or benefit from the stars. She was a privileged select born into money and power and her “high” connections growing up lead her to own her place on top of the mountain.
They are millions of rich and famous Capricorn people from all walks of life, yet all are rational and cosmically unconscious souls…
The back-to-school debate
Will students return to school this year? If so, how? NO watch the upcoming video!
Astronomers say they’ve found something never seen before UFO’s Wake up call?
4 circular objects that appear bright along the edges were discovered when astronomers reviewed archival data from radio telescopes in Australia and India.
Police officer shot and killed near Seattle Police?
Two Texas police officers fatally shot while responding to a domestic disturbance Police?
At least 2 people dead and 2 injured in Washington shooting Police?
5 people were shot during a dispute at a Michigan apartment complex Police?
Canadian mobster killed in shooting, police say Mob?
Nelson Mandela’s daughter Zindzi dies in Johannesburg at the age of 59 Famous death?
Nicole Thea, 24-year-old YouTube star, dies along with unborn child Famous death
‘Mythbusters’ host Grant Imahara has died Famous death?
Teen surfer dies in suspected shark attack in Australia Death news?
Former USA Gymnastics coach is arrested and faces charges of lewdness with a minor Sex?
Scandal erupts at St Andrews University after students accuse several fraternity members of sexual assault
Watch Trump react to ruling on his taxes IRS?
Melania Trump statue was set on fire Wake up call?
Seoul’s mayor found dead after seven-hour search Famous death?
De Niro’s lawyer says actor experiencing financial hardships Finances?
Donald Trump destroyed her father and she ‘can’t let him destroy my country’ Secrets to light?
Dutch police discover secret torture site in shipping containers Secrets to light?
Police dog sniffs out over $2 billion in meth in country’s biggest bust ever Secrets to light?
Country singer reveals she was raped twice, recounts event in new emotional song Sex?
Retired two-star Army general pleads guilty to sexually abusing his daughter Sex?
Chinese theft from US among ‘largest transfers of wealth in human history,’ says FBI?
Mark Meadows: Trump is the only thing standing between Americans and the ‘mob?’
Florida jogger finds decomposing human head on side of the road Morbid News?
Boy, 15, survives 30 hours in Sierra wilderness after gunman killed his dad Death news?
3 dead, officer injured, in neighborhood dispute sparked by dangerous dog Death news?
Comedian Rickey Smiley’s 19-year-old daughter shot multiple times Dramatic death News?
Black California man found hanging from a tree died of suicide Dramatic death News?
Trump’s stunning embrace of slavery’s symbols will backfire Wake up call?
Lindsey Graham breaks with Trump on his NASCAR tweet Wake up call?
Gunman shoots 2 Texas cops, hits 3rd in holster: police?
Phoenix police shot and killed a man in a parked car, sparking renewed protests Police?
Remember my words in many of my previous videos “IT WILL NEVER STOP AND WILL GET MUCH WORSE with the police!
THE DO’S AND DONT’S – Read also the public version, please.
In the newsletter titled “SOS to the world deadly windows 06/30 – 7/14 – You have been warned by Dr. “Turi” please check all the collected dramatic news cursing the US and the world at large. While in the video above, I elaborate on all those nasty news, its a good idea to go back and read again.
Doing so will allow you to realize the accuracy of Nostradamus’ 16th century Divine Astrology methodology or my quatrain and the keywords used to prepare you for all those deadly news.
2020 a year of winds and fires
This picture was taken a few miles from Flagstaff and you can see the humongous smoke pollution ,coming from all the fires in the “Arid Zone!”
Saharan dust to again blanket parts of the US
How can anyone deny my vision of winds and fire looking at the current news?
My UFO’s predictive legacy and cosmic teachings should be heeded and shared widely!
Dear readers;
with Mercury, the planet of communications and transportation now retrograde, be very careful on the road, especially during any of my SOS to the world deadly windows! Become a VIP, be warned, be smart, be protected, and read the news well before they unfold!
Gee, I thought to stop driving for FedEx but as expected, they said – Reopening, all states too hastily could only bring back Corona virus with a vengeance!
Thus, I must keep servicing those who need me the most all over the country and lately, I carried more Hazmat products than usual! This means, lots of stuff is going to hospitals and clinics all over to fight the virus.
The good news is this job pays real good money and soon I’ll be able to invest in a new Lexus SUV and a more powerful boat.
Since there is not much we can enjoy from life currently working very hard and saving to enjoy a better future is the best one can do!
In the newsletter titled “SOS to the world deadly windows 06/30 – 7/14 – You have been warned by Dr. “Turi” please check all the collected dramatic news cursing the US and the world at large.
While in the video above I elaborate on all those nasty news, its a good idea to go back and read again.
Doing so will allow you to realize the accuracy of Nostradamus’ 16th century Divine Astrology methodology or my quatrain and the keywords used to prepare you for all those deadly news.
Those cosmic winds are still cursing the world for the next few days and I can only and strongly recommend you to be very cautious or what you do or say during those upcoming dangerous Plutonic windows and the next. July 7th window is all about SHOCKING news, UFO’s, explosions large earthquakes, cosmic news, bolts of lightning, etc.
The last Uranic window of June 25th produced this “sudden release of energy” and this type of extraordinary news… “Lightning strikes kill nearly 120 in India” and two very large earthquakes (read below!) But only if you are a VIP to the cosmic code or a Patreon supporter will you be able to read the news before the news happen and avoid being part of the statistics!
I will post the quatrain and keywords next week with the results of my visions in another newsletter.
Restrictions leave US travelers high and dry
Indeed your president’s wish to build an impenetrable wall is taking place and it is not only a “fantastic big physical wall” as the President said but it is also the US deadly “hidden enemy” number one, or COVID 19!
Humanity has not yet realized the magnificent creative gift offered by God to all his children and this humongous ignorance is about to cost greatly to us all…
When I tell you “our common future is nothing else than the reincarnation of our common thoughts” you MUST pay attention to my words and if the initial thought is maintained by millions of trusting voters who share the UCI, the same fear of foreigners as our president which is endlessly promoted by countless of “conspiracy talking heads” we will never stop the reptilius agenda!
This little video produced January 12, 2012, speaks a cosmic truth only a few spiritually advanced “Super-Humans” are able to assimilate and use productively!
The World’s Cosmic Consciousness Is Changing Fast!
The most powerful man on the planet has cursed the most powerful country in the world because of his karmic UCI and like 99.9% of the rest of the world, President Trump and all other world’s leaders are oblivious of their celestial loads!
America was born July 4th, 1776 with a Cancer (food/security/home families) Sun sign and a Dragon’s Head (luck/growth) in Leo (fame/power/authority.) God gave America those extremely powerful leonine influences because this great country is meant to RULE and protect the world. Trump is completely going against God’s cosmic order and the penalties to infringe universal laws will become unbearable soon!
But what are the chances for me to pass on such critical laws when I am sought as tinfoil UFO liar, a selfish egocentric lunatic promoting a pseudo-science? This is exactly how the immature, infected lost souls slaving for the reptilius sees me! This mean I have only you to pass on my messages because you won’t see me on CNN or FOX talking about UFO’s, God’s cosmic design and the cosmic code jurisdictions
Indeed the reptilius mad dance of evil cursing the police and all minorities will never stop and much worse including an unstoppable wave of suicide is on the way… I have yet to write the 2021 “Nostradamus Universal and personal predictions” and I am not sure how much I should divulge to the general public without producing panic! The reptilius mad dance of evil is on its way and the more you know about their agenda, the better prepared you will be!
You may classify me as a fear-monger, or even lump me with psychics or pay more attention to my warnings, all I can tell you is knowledge is power and your ignorance is evil! Regardless of how petrifying my visions for the future are the warnings are critical and real and you should know what to do instead of suffering the serious upcoming consequences of disbelief!
If you pay attention and truly investigate my past, there is no denying my “gift/curse?” and realize also you can beat the reptilius at their own game if you know how!
All that is going on today was fully predicted on November 20, 2016, a day after President Trump was elected and my visions are becoming more obvious each passing day! But if you just jumped in my life, you are al the right in the world to be skeptical, meantime all you have to do is to INVESTIGATE!
Memo from 2019 Nostradamus personal and universal Dragon forecast – Prediction #9: An explosion wave of racism will curse humanity further away from the realization that America is a country built upon slavery and abused foreigners. This dragon is aiming for all foreigners from all walks of life and many will be live in fear and “sacrificed” in the process. *George Floyd? Americans are also taking serious risks traveling on foreign grounds and I strongly recommend those who must travel or reside in foreign countries, to invest in their 2020 Personal Cosmic Biorhythms.
Because of the imposed “social distancing” many infected souls will aim for women and “infect” them through sex. Colombian soldiers confess to sexually abusing indigenous girl. But this “sexual/racist” plague is about to unleash upon the world and curse us all and this includes more suicides from all walks of life!
The Reptilius uses technology to addict the human spirit into entertainments, sexual debauchery, porn, politics, sports, atheism while nurturing hate, confusion, fears, chaos, discords, fights, suicides stealing your attention though science and religions altering your psychical awareness to stop your interaction against them!
I am not only worried about a full restructure of the police force but also about Russia, Iran, North Korea, China which will become the target of the reptilius. Those nasty entities will stimulate the MOB to become much more active, more aggressive, and deadly! Much more will come your way once I find the time to write 2021 The Reptilius Dance of Evil in my upcoming 2021 Nostradamus Personal and Universal Predictions for all Signs.
“God created the stars and heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a more productive life. Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom. ~ Paracelsus
Meantime this horrific upcoming Scorpius Dragon can also be used at your advantage if you know where, when, and how it will affect your life! Knowledge is power, ignorance is evil and works well for the reptilius!
- Will The Reptilius ET’s Destroy Humanity? | Dr. Turi M.D.U.S.
- Zika Virus Universal Reptilius Infestation | Dr. Turi M.D.U.S.
- Cyber Spies / reptilius Target Your Child Through A … – Dr. Turi MDUS
- Muhammad Ali and the reptilius | Dr. Turi M.D.U.S.
- Mother Teresa, Christians and the Reptilius | Dr. Turi M.D.U.S.
- Predictions for a reptilius infested planet | Dr. Turi M.D.U.S.
- UFC reptilius infected sports religious and scientific matrixes! | Dr. Turi …
- Prince – Cause of death Reptilius infestation! | Dr. Turi M.D.U.S.
- Is America Greater Without God? The reptilius at work! | Dr. Turi M.D.U.S.
- Shark gives ‘virgin birth’ The reptilius and Humanity! | Dr. Turi M.D.U.S.
“Dr. Turi I have learned more about what it means to be human in your week-long course in Sedona than the 7 years I spent in an accredited school to earn my Psychiatry degree.” From a Dr. in Psychiatry student.
Become a VIP or a Patreon supporter show your support to help us teach the children of the future pls.
Instead of judging me negatively because of your political choice and belief, why not trying to bypass the limitations of this dense physical world and investigate your President’s stars and fate? Learning to speak God’s cosmic language and “read the signs” is something all my readers can do if they decide to give it a try and cast aside fear.
Like all of us, Trump is under the jurisdictions of God’s cosmic design, yet religious and/or scientific indoctrination is also a curse and stops many God-fearing immature souls to explore!
Facebook drops Trump ads over Nazi symbol
Become a VIP or a Patreon supporter show your support to help us teach the children of the future pls.
My LinkedIn page from a skeptic: Well if your earthquake prediction doesn’t happen then- Then what you will disappear or just make another prediction. OH, what about the 7.4 and the 5 just now in Mexico?
HERE IS A VERY SMALL SAMPLE OF THE PRIVATE FORECAST FOR THOSE DAYS READERS! Only if you become a VIP to the Cosmic Code or one of my smart Patreon supporters will you read all the details and watch the news before anyone else!
June 2020, daily guidance and predictions… Posted by Dr. Turi on June 2, 2020, at 7:25 am in VIP universal – daily forecasts…
SAT., SUN., MON., TUE., WED. — May 23,24,25,26,27: RULERS — Mercury (information) and the Moon (new beginning):
Environment: The Moon’s waxing energy could induce stress on the faults so that many people will be forced to relocate soon following natural disasters. It’s time for her to stretch herself and restructure her inside. *earthquakes?
Events: Expect the military to make the news or perform deeds that will aid the general public and provide relief from disasters or war areas.
06/25/20 – 6.4 magnitude earthquake 279 km from Hotan, Xinjiang Uygur Zizhiqu, China
06/23/20 – 7.4 magnitude earthquake 11 km from Santa María Zapotitlán, Oaxaca, Mexico
Sharing emails with my readers is also an option to thanks my supporters and also reach and try one more time to “save” all those lost negative souls…
From Facebook – Dr. Turi your earthquake predictions came true today, California had a 5.6, you are making me a true believer! Jennifer
Thanks for your great support Jennifer, appreciated! DT
Vincent Don’t forget your tin hat – It’s sad, but there are people who want to believe in something so bad, they refuse to scrutinize even the possibility that what they’re presented with is complete b/s. Louis is just seeking attention, probably didn’t get enough being one of many children. He really reaches hard to connect random dots. Here’s a tip, if someone has to repeatedly say “You have to believe what I am telling you, what I am saying is real” over and over again, they’re usually not telling you the truth because they know what is coming out of their mouth is garbage.
Dr. Turi I watched it today because of a strange dream I had recently involving a reptilian and wanted to learn more about them. I love your work. The information helped me tremendously.
Watch “ALIEN CONTACTEE” rate the movie pls
In 116 customer ratings, this is absolutely wonderful and well above all my expectations, thank you so much for your incredible support and wonderful words, my friends. This movie will soon get on the Amazon Prime platform and receive much more attention from viewers from all over the world. I got even more absolutely marvelous endorsements from IMDB and once again thank you, thank you thank you all my supporters.
Only an extreme minority of envious infected negative lost souls gave me 1 star and sad enough none of them could assimilate the progressive essence of my cosmic teachings. Those people have degenerated much too deep mentally, they are both physically and spiritually unhealthy, alone, and repellent to others, yet it is well above their intellectual capacity to benefit from this movie. It feels like throwing a rope to someone who can not swim but the rope is not long enough…
There are TWO very important areas you may go to rate the movie.
Many of you went to to do so. Yet please do not hesitate to rate again and post your reviews to IMDb too!

Thus if you want to avoid or if you suffer any serious ailment (cancer) or anything else, you will be taught how to use the super-conscious, your hands, and feet to heal yourself and others.
But most importantly I will also teach you how to ERASE years from your face, turn back the clock and look years younger than your age.
The beauty and reality of my teachings are that; you will FEEL and notice the results on your face almost immediately and my teachings not only will change your appearance in time but help rebuild your facial atomic structure.
Young at heart, for 70!
All the expensive skin products you have and will invest in to look younger will not always work…Thus, I am a real solid example you can learn from!
Cosmic Gypsy : Dr. TuriYou are glowing with Light and look even more youthful! Love and Blessings to you and your wonderful wife.
Indeed unique homeopathic teaching only Dr. Turi can offer, thanks to solar Draco, leading my life to improve yours physically and spiritually!
As always I will also offer taped private consultations and can also perform the Astro-Tarot, in your cabin.
If you are interested in those absolutely incredible “youth” teachings and want to join us in this upcoming cruise, please let me know right away by emailing
When you purchase the 2020 version get the 2019 version FOR FREE! If you already purchased the 2020 version and want 2019 forecast you can have it for only $5.00… All you have to do after your order is to email and request your copy for 2019.
Yes, my vision of a worldwide Universal infection and my prediction of the Coronavirus did not start in August 2019 when I made it official and published it in “2019/2020 Nostradamus Forecast for all signs!” my friend.
This prediction of a full re-structure of “Black Lives Matter” and the police force was made on George Noory indicated radio show in October 2019
The negative tail of the Dragon is currently in the sign of Sagittarius, this sign rules pets and horses or the prediction made last October 2019 on Coast to Coast George Noory show!
- Nostradamus 2020 Universal and personal predictions for all signs.
Get your copy right away read what’s ahead of you! Enjoy this small sample of predictions
Prediction #12: New regulations imposed by the FAA and a lack of scared travelers will force the entire aeronautics industry to undergo a costly restructure and many airlines and cruise ships will not survive. 4/25/20 – Boeing terminates $4.2 billion deal with Embraer
Prediction #9: An explosion wave of racism will curse humanity further away from the realization that America is a country built upon slavery and abused foreigners. This dragon is aiming for all foreigners from all walks of life and many will be live in fear and “sacrificed” in the process. Americans are also taking serious risks traveling on foreign grounds and I strongly recommend those who must travel or reside on foreign countries, to invest in their 2020 Personal Cosmic Biorhythms.
Religious people from all parts of the world are also targeted by this “anti-religion, anti foreigners” dragon…
In the process, because of fires the wildlife (and our pets) will also suffer drastically and perish. Those dramatic news stories reflect the endless battles taking place between the nefarious and benevolent groups of ETs fighting each other from far away galaxies cursing all humans’ affairs.
From Coast to Coast website: 10/16/19 – Turi also made predictions for this year and the next based on his study of astrology, saying that for the rest of 2019, political events and relationships will “go downhill,” and that there will be a “full restructure”of many groups *Antifa? and institutions in 2020. *POLICE? He also said that he is expecting “a lot of fire” and “a lot of wildlife to disappear.” He also said that he is expecting “a lot of fire” and “a lot of wildlife to disappear.”
To all of those who read those negative comments and do not agree, please Report abuse to Amazon Prime and tell those unevolved spirits how they could learn to grow. But please respond intelligently and compassionately as others and I did with ERLYMORNINGRAIN comment,“Garbage”
Only spiritually advanced souls who vibrate at my own cosmic speed will realize how critical it is for the police administration to acknowledge the critical facts and in the process save countless precious lives and billions in legal disputes! Read police requiem if you are a cop or if you know a cop!
But I can not force anyone to access those mind-boggling information, only those who ask shall receive!
If you like psychology or Astrology Become a VIP and gain much more than what you could ever imagine as far as getting the golden keys to what it means to be human and all the secrets of the human mind outside of conventional, limited science!
In my 550 pages book “The Power of the Dragon” I gave all the tools needed for anyone who can read simple and plain English. All the famous and UN-famous people who made international news and history, like you, were born with a Dragon’s Head (positive/Draconis) and a Dragon’s Tail (negative/reptilius.)
Knowing your own Dragon’s position by house and signs will become a major contribution to the successes or failures in your lifetime.
When you decide to proceed with a live, Skype / Zoom Full Life Reading, there won’t be anything I will not talk about, discuss or teach you!
The following is what I discuss and will answer for you, there won’t be anything about your fate or your past lives I will not discuss or teach you to get all your wishes!
There is NO TIME LIMIT on your consultation with Dr. Turi, the minimum required is 60 mn. You are strongly recommended to record the session via Skype, Zoom, or use your cellphone.
- I will make you aware of your true soul’s purpose during this reincarnation.
- I will point out your best options to make money and stimulate your potential to become a multimillionaire.
- I will tell you the top gift God blessed you with at birth and how to assimilate it easily.
- I will tell you what type of energy is in your home and cleanse it for you and where you and your family can live and feel secure.
- I will explain your best shot at creativity and fame assuring success for your children.
- I will point out the type of man/woman and what type of love you will attract and if you are looking for love on how to build more magnetism to become more attractive to the opposite sex.
- I will make you aware of the type of ailments/diseases you are prone to endure and the correct natural healing methods to enjoy a healthier life.
- I will tell you what type of long-lasting partners you are fated to attract and when/where to go to find your soulmate.
- I will divulge your soul”s age and how much mystical power you were born with and if you are a white Witch and a medicine woman.
- I will tell you where is your best shot at higher education and what to expect with foreigners or in foreign lands. I will expose some of your past lives, where you were, what you were doing, and your inherited spiritual gifts.
- I will lead you to the best career God has set for you and the real possibility for you to become famous.
- I will point out the type of friends you will attract and those that will help you reach all your dreams.
- I will make you aware of your worse weaknesses, your hidden enemies, and clean off any form of possession by low entities. I will also tutor you on how to make the most of your super-conscious creative forces.
- Now to the utmost crucial information: The location of the black moon and acknowledgment of the current Dragon Head and Tail and how apathetically speaking it will force you to experience a total rebirth on some areas of your life. I will send you 4 years ahead so it’s important to record the session. There are no chances to escape the Dragon (and ET’s) power period. The question is; will you suffer ignorance and pay the price of ignorance or will you be prepared to make the most of those powerful cosmic winds?
- Then let’s get to the core of our meeting and do the Astro-Tarot and talk directly with Draco!
Knowing all my windows and follow my advice and warnings has much more to offer than you may realize just now reader! Becoming a VIP has much more to offer you that you can ever hope for or even imagine and all I can do is to offer you the endless, often incredible possibilities of working in harmony with the cosmic code jurisdictions!

If you liked the movie, you will LOVE this book because I share many more incredible stories of my youth you may have a problem to believe! It is impossible for me to give you all I can or know in a one-hour movie!
Change your thoughts, let me free your spirit from the reptilius from fear and cosmic ignorance
Watch your thoughts; they become your words
Watch your words; they become your actions
Watch your actions; they become your habits
Watch your habits; they become your character
Watch your character for it will become your destiny
“Your Future Is: The Reincarnation Of Your Thoughts”.
Dr. Turi’s Books and Products:
Cosmic Code VIP Membership – Pick your price and duration! Thank you.
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2019 Nostradamus Personal and Universal Predictions For All Signs
2020 Nostradamus Personal and Universal Predictions For All Signs
Astro-Carto-Graphy Relocation Reading $210 or $150 for VIP’s
2020 Positive Cosmic Biorhythms Personal Reports $100 for VIP’s
The Magical Power of Talismans $350 for VIP’s – (E-mail: for a SUPER DEAL!)
Astropsychology home course $1050 or ($525) for VIP’s
Dr. Turi TOP service – Personal live Skype consultation $700 or $300 for VIP’s
Taped full life reading $310 or $210 for VIP’s
Taped comparison chart $410 or $210 for VIP’s
Taped progressive reading $250 or $200 for VIP’s
Greg M. Dr. Louis Turi…your on drugs or delusional
No Greg, never did drugs for if I did I would look as old and ugly as you are at 70 lol